Kvass, benefits and harm to the human body. Home Bread Kvass - Benefits and Harm, Useful Properties and Contraindications

The old Russian drink - kvass, the benefits and the harm of which will be the subject of discussion in our article. There are many variety of kvass options: bread, apple, daily, mint, beet, oral, berry. The invigorating drink can be purchased ready in the store. And you can prepare yourself using natural products. It will be the most delicious and healthy drink.

Beneficial features

Since time immemorial, a delicious throat product was met in almost any house, and during lean days He was the basis of many dishes: Okroshki, Botviny. Why is this drink so much so far, is Kvas useful and what is the benefit of this benefit?

In the drink from the store of useful substances is very small. Most often, chemical additives are used when prepared food colorings and preservatives are subject to pasteurization product. After such procedures, Zakvaska loses all its healing qualities.

Therefore, we will only speak about the kvass "living fermented", made according to the correct technology from natural components. The benefits of such a product and for men, and for women is indisputable:

  • It has a tonic, invigorating effect.
  • Well removes thirst, especially in summer heat, as it contains milk and acetic acids.
  • It has the ability to normalize the operation of the gastrointestinal tract, improves digestion and absorption of heavy food.
  • It has a positive effect on the work of the heart muscle and the entire cardiovascular system. Developed due to fermentation yeast mushrooms help remove cholesterol plaques, which increases the elasticity and strength of blood vessels. Therefore, it is useful to drink alum at elevated pressure.
  • It has a bactericidal effect, so that harmful bacteria are destroyed in the intestine.
  • Facilitates a state with colds, throat and influenza diseases.
  • Strengthens appetite when decaying forces.
  • Improves the work of the pancreas due to yeast, which is part of the drink, enhances insulin production. Therefore, the drink of natural fermentation is useful for people suffering from diabetes.
  • Helps suffering alcohol addiction to reduce thrust to alcohol.
  • It is an energy-valuable low-calorie product due to the presence of quickly digestible amino acids and carbohydrates, which is valuable for people suffering from overweight.
  • Removes stress, fatigue, irritation, strengthens the muscles due to the content of large number of vitamins of B.
  • It helps to restore and enhance immunity due to the presence of a significant amount of ascorbic acid.
  • Strengthens dental enamel, reduces the risk to get the caries due to the presence of calcium.
  • Strengthens the men's "power" helps in the treatment of typical male diseases.
  • Reduces the risks of the formation of stones in bile ducts and bubble.
  • Promotes the restoration and strengthening of the body after surgical operations, heavy physical exertion, during exhaustion, as it has a high energy value.
  • Helps fight spring avitaminosis.
  • Promotes better falling asleep, assists in the fight against chronic fatigue, depression.
  • Cleans the skin and improves its appearance, removes inflammation and purulent acne.
  • Helps stabilize the condition of patients with kidney and liver diseases.
  • It has a positive effect in eye diseases - glaucoma, cataract, retinal detachment, myopia, optic nerve atrophy. Purifies the capillaries of the eye dance due to the presence of vitamins capable of this.
  • It is a preventive tool from harmful viruses and infections.

It is useful to have an invigorating drink on the table, if there are fat in the menu meat products. No wonder in the old days a delicious foaming product was familiar and everyday for Russian people.

But, with all the usefulness of kvass, you should not use it mindlessly or fanatically in significant volumes. There are restrictions on the use of such a useful drink.


Doctors did not reveal much harm from using natural kvass. There are only restrictions on its consumption.

  1. Kvass - product of living fermented, there is a minor portion ethyl alcohol. Therefore, it is safe to use children and pregnant women. Doctors recommend allowing children to drink delicious drink From three years. Separate specialists in child nuts They advise you to wait up to seven years. Decision to take parents.
  2. This feature must be taken into account with those who plan to drive themselves. They drove Kvaska - wait at least an hour to eat the pairs of alcohol, then only get drunk.
  3. Chronic gastritis, ulcer of the stomach, liver cirrhosis, urolithiasis put under the prohibition of the use of bread kvass.
  4. Natural bread kvass long is not stored. It is necessary to strictly observe the expiration date in order not to get the poisoning of a spoiled product.

Dietary properties

Kvass made of natural products The method of living fermentation is recognized by the doctors with excellent dietary drink. With reduced acidity, nutritionists advise to take half a glass of delicious drinks for 30-40 to meals.

Created quas diet for those who want to lose weight. Moreover, the benefits of such diets are much higher than the harm:

  • Kvass based diet shows a high result of weight loss.
  • They act favorably on the health of losing weight. Changes to the better appearance, condition of hair and skin, it is made elastic.
  • There is no constant feeling of hunger. Kvass contributes to the development of insulin, its level in the blood becomes higher, the sugar content decreases, a feeling of satiety occurs.
  • There is a natural bowel cleaning.
  • Restore metabolic processes in the body.
  • Lifting mood.


The calorie content of natural bread kvass - 27 kilocalories per 100 g of drink. Calorie can deviate in a large or smaller direction depending on the product, which was used in the manufacture of kvass:

  • Beetroot - 12 kcal
  • Apple - 26 kcal
  • Medovo - cranberry - 40 kcal
  • Ginger - 9 kcal

In a shopping drink produced by an industrial method, the calories are found at one and a half - two times more.


Although kvass is considered dietary product, not everyone can enjoy them.

  • Having increased acidity of gastric juice, gastritis, stomach ulcers, you can forget about this delicious drink or use it with caution. With increased acidity, the unpleasant consequence of the use of kvass becomes hearth.
  • Allergies for cereals can also be an obstacle to the reception of the rebound liquid.
  • Due to the content of alcohol in drink, children under 3 years old are unacceptable to give kvass, from 3 to 7 years old it is worth limiting its number of a small dose.

Is it possible to pregnant and nursing women

Pregnant women and nursing mothers drinking alums should not be due to a small amount of ethyl alcohol formed in it (from 0.6% to 2.6%). The kid who feeds mother's milk can arise colic, swelling the tummy because of the resulting gases.

The nutritional value

Natural kvass prepared in compliance with all rules serves as a storeroom of many vitamins, minerals and other substances necessary for health.

Energy value The invigorating beverage per 100 g is given in the table.

The product's name Calorie, Cylolaria Proteins, G. Fats, G. Carbohydrates, G.
Kvass Bread 27 0,2 0 5,3
Kvas from cranberry 41 0,21 0,02 11
Kvass from apples 36,0 0,2 0,08 9,0
Kvass from Reznaya 34,0 0,2 0,04 8,9
Kvass bread (from the finished concentrate) 4,3 0,05 0,007 1,2

A lot in the fermented drink and useful substances causeting it medical properties:

Micro and macroelements are present in the kvass, the number of them is different depending on the main component of the beverage. Compare two types of kvass - medical and cranberry and apple. In bread kvass, these elements are absent.

Micro - and macroelements Per 100 g of product, mg
Medovo - cranberry apple Day norm, mg Apple,% of the norm
Calcium 3,2 6 1000 0,7
Magnesium 0,9 1,7 400 0,5
Potassium 13,3 49,3 2500 2,1
Sodium 1,6 4,9 1300 0,5
Phosphorus 2,5 5 800 0,7
Zinc 0,0043 0,0360 12 0,35
Chlorine 0,02 0,3 2300 0,02
Manganese 0,015 0,04 2 2,2
Molybdenum 0.04 μg 1.05 μg 70 μg 1,4
Iron 0,2 0,45 18 2,4
Iodine 0.015 μg 0,45 150 0,4

Proper use

Kvass, manufactured by all the rules, you can and need to drink, especially in the summer heat. It quenches thirst due to the presence of lactic acid in it. The main thing is not to overdo it, know the measure.

Do not drink a wandering drink to the driver who gathered at the flight. Created recently sensitive alkometters will definitely show the minimum dose of alcohol in the blood, which is fraught with loss of rights and a fine.


Pouring ready-made kvass is better in portion bottles of plastic or glass having tightly screwed caps.

Hold bottles with a drink better in the refrigerator, putting on the side.

The shelf life of homemade kvass at a temperature of +5 degrees - 7 - 10 days.

Storage time of buying from the store are shown on the package. Preservatives and stabilizers are usually added to the finished kvass, so the shelf life of such a product in unborn packaging is much more. That's just the benefit of such a drink for health is very doubtful.

How to choose

Buying a ready-made drink, pay attention to the container in which it is spilled. It is better to take kvass in dark packaging. Sunlight negatively acts on the finished product, in the dark it is better and longer beneficial features.

The longer the storage period of the drink, the greater the number of chemical preservative additives contains. From the acquisition of such a drink it is better to refuse.

Ask the composition of the product - it must include bread yeast.

Spilling drink, pay attention to the foam - it should not be very or very little.

What to combine well

Based on kvass prepare all the favorite cold soups: the okroshka, turbine, bumping.

The drink is well combined with many products:

  1. With vegetables - potatoes, cucumbers, horseradish, carrots, radish;
  2. With greenery - celery, dill, parsley, onions, sorrel, nettle, mint, melissa;
  3. With groats - buckwheat, millet, wheat, born;
  4. With berries - strawberries, cranberry, sea buckthorn, cherry;
  5. With bread;
  6. With meat and meat products - sausage, ham;
  7. With dairy products - kefir, sour cream, cottage cheese, serum;
  8. With chicken egg;
  9. With vegetable oils.

Nicely combine kvass and spices (pepper), lemon, raisins, apple, pears. The combination depends on your gastronomic preferences.

Make kvass at home just there are on the Internet different recipesAnd in the store you will be offered a concentrate for kvass (or quas wig). Treat yourself to a delicious domestic drink, benefit and healing properties which are obvious.

Well in the summer heat of drinking cool kvass, he refreshes, burst and ... the question arises, and whether it is kvass? And is it useful for the product sold in barrels and bottles? What is so special in kvass, and is it true that it can not be drunk?.

Where did he come from?

Kvass - This is an original Slavic drink, he has already known thousands of years. The ancient chronicles mention the kvass, and its recipes are transmitted to generations. Each area or village has its own Kvass proprice. What do you think from what makes kvass? From bread, you will answer and you will not quite right - because kvass prepared almost from any available products.

The rowan and beet kvass ,, torus and raspberry, strawberry and barberry, distinguished. Apples and pears, lingonberry and currant, but it is not all walked into Kvass. May be thick kvass, with mint and cinnamon, kvass for okroshki Daily, ginger, white or red kvass, kvass from currant leaves and even from Icelandic moss!

One of the recipes of kvass is called "acid sch) And cooked from two malt varieties with the addition of buckwheat flour yeast, diluted in a special proportion to water. Unfortunately, in modern cities such drinks are unlikely to meet, the core kvass remained the main recipe - it is made industrial and houses, getting into banks and tanks.

Properties kvass

At the expense of its special composition, Kvass perfectly quenching thirst and even saturate in heat, increases activity and gives strength to work, activates the processes of digestion, resulting in an appetite, it also helps in digesting fatty and meat dishes, restores the balance of fluids and salts in the body.

Kvass contains enough microelements and vitamins, especially it is rich in vitamins of Group V. Due to the formation of organic acids in fermentation, kvass is able to stimulate the acidity of the stomach, and it is very useful to apply in atrophic gastritis with a decrease in gastric secretion. In Kvass, a lot of vitamin C and in ancient Russia used it as a medicine from zingi and general exhaustion.

Due to the formation in the process of fermentation of lactic acid and some other acids, kvass when entering the intestines, it has an action similar to kefir and prostroch, kills a harmful flora, supporting its useful. Thus, kvass is an excellent prevention of intestinal disorders and dysbacteriosis.

And there are also instructions in ancient manuscripts that kvass enhanced men's potency, special recipe Kvaas gave young men on the wedding day in order to give them healthy offspring. Alas, the recipe has not been preserved, but most likely any quality kvass is suitable, as it is rich in vitamins and nutrients, which is extremely important for passionate nights.

Earlier in Russia a sign of prosperity was considered sweet grade kvass with honey and raisins, It was a drink of rich, the poor saws a simple beet or bread kvass. Earlier, kvass drank year-round, changing recipes depending on the season and affordable products. And during the post, this drink was one of the ways to support immunity and strength, along with the bulb and the edge of black bread. Now such exquisite diets almost no one observe, although there were a lot of slender people among the Slavs.

Nowadays, Kvass traditionally consider summer drink, but today he has not lost its value - according to scientists, because of the high calcium content, it strengthens the dental enamel, it satisfies well and gives little calories, so it can be used in diets. The jews are part of the kvass help in the treatment of guns on the skin, acne and boils, with purulent bronchitis, atherosclerosis of large vessels.

In addition, Kvass, made of houses from natural products, can effectively apply for hair growth and strengthening their structure, kvass need to rinse the hair after washing.

To whom Kvas is contraindicated

Are there any minuses?

Despite all the positive sides of the kvass, he has some negative sides. Kvass due to active dairy and fruit acids do not use people with hyperacid gastritis and ulcerative disease Even in the remission stage - it can provoke exacerbation, cause heartburn and discomfort.

Important! Harm and the benefits of kvass / shutterstock.com

Also contraindicated kvass people with oncology and problems with the liver and bustling paths, stones in the bustling bubble. It must be taken carefully with kidney diseases and urolithiasis. Kvass causes fermentation in the intestine and can cause discomfort in the digestion of people with intestinal diseases, colitis or enteritis.

Kvass can not be allergic when reactions to yeast, cereals, especially oatmeal, with celiac disease and reactions to alcohol. Although alcohol in kvass contains very little, you should be neat in its consumption.

Also, you should not drink kvass driving - there may be trouble with the auto inspection, especially when consuming domestic drinks.

Kvass pregnant and children

During pregnancy, lactation and children under 3-5 years old, Kvass is not recommended to use, or its consumption must be drastically limited - you can drink no more than a glass of home kvass per day. Do not drink store bottled concentrates. This is explained by the fact that in some varieties of kvass dose of alcohol up to 1.5%, and two liters of such kvass will be equal to the bottle of light beer.

Of course, there are grades of kvass, obtained without alcohol fermentation, but they can cause a drowning in the stomach and chalk, that during pregnancy and in childhood Also is not a positive side. In addition, kvass can cause fluid delay in the body and swelling.

Kvass sold from barrels

Not all modern hostesses can put kvass themselves or do not have time. Then we buy kvass to spill from kegs or barrels on the streets. When buying such a kvass, you need to understand that this is a rather serious thing - the question of the "liveliness" of the product must be determined. If this is a concentrate - the taste and benefits will be dubious.

First of all, before buying, check the date of the filling and the presence of all certificates, ask how often the barrels are clean. The shelf life of the filled barrel is not more than three days, and the kvass when buying should be cold, otherwise it is not a lively product, but an ordinary quas lemonade from the diluted powder, or it is already overdue.

Kvass in bottles

Naturally, this kvass can be called only a conditional product. When buying it is worth paying attention to such things:

  • this kvass may be muddy and can give a precipitate at the bottom of the bottle,
  • this kvass is not stored for a long time, he has a short shelf life,
  • carefully examine the composition - there must be sugar, yeast, malt and water.
  • on the label, look for a mark that the product is obtained by fermentation.

You should alert that the drink with gases, or the indication that the drink was made of kvas concentrates. In the manufacture of live kvass, the concentrates are not used. The more in the label of the letters e, the farther from the usefulness of the drink there is this boom lemonade. The benefits of such a drink are generally doubtful.

Summer is the very time when it is difficult to abandon refreshing drinks, on the contrary, they want to consume them often in large quantities. In addition to mineral water And sweet lemonade, the kvass, the harm and benefits of this drink use in many to this day causes erroneous associations to this day.

To dispel all myths and find out the real truth about the legendary drink - we offer to read the detailed article in which the main secrets of an old drink, like on the palm.

How kvass happens: varieties of drink

We will not be too deepening in the history of this miraculous chimney medicine, since its historical roots leave deeply in the old days. Let's just say that the first official mention of the summer drink comes at the time of the reign of Prince Vladimir. For the first time, a great-valve prince ordered to distribute kvass to ordinary people during the baptism of Russia.

Since then, the drink has become very quickly conquering the love of all classes of the population. The invigorating drink with Khmel was so popular that in Russia there was even a new profession - a jetty. So called a man who personally prepared all sorts of kvass, and at that time (actually, like now) there were a lot.

Our ancestors believed in the unique beneficial properties of this product, and therefore it was often used to prevent and treat many diseases. True, earlier kvass was a drink rather strong, and not only in terms of its healing force, but also on the content of alcohol.

As for the types of chumps, they are all difficult to call them, because they prepare it from a wide variety of ingredients.

However, we can briefly familiarize yourself with the most popular varieties, we can right now:

  1. . Perhaps the most popular view of this drink. Prepare it, as a rule, from rye flour, yeast, malt (barley or rye), lactic acid bacteria, quas bread, water and sugar.
  2. Honey, in its foundation, as it is clear from the name, includes honey.
  3. Fruit. It is usually done by 2 ways: either prepare the camp kvass first as the basis, and then squeeze it with jam or fresh juice from fruits; Either immediately prepare from morse / fruit juice, without adding flour and bread.
    In turn, fruity is divided into another few subspecies:
  • cherry;
  • pear;
  • citric;
  • cranberry, etc.
  1. - Made from fresh birch juice.
  2. Tea - created based on tea mushroom.
  3. - prepares with the addition of beet.

In addition, kvass happens, and many other ingredients. However, despite all its diversity, the benefits and harm of the ancient crumpled drink can be reduced to several points.

Chemical composition of home kvass

It is impossible to determine what the usefulness of the drink, without learning the wealth of his chemical composition. Of course, we are talking about natural kvass prepared at home according to the right technology. Traditionally, the kvass is made by unfinished dairy and alcohol fermentation of the wort. It is also very important that the percentage of alcohol in it does not exceed 1.2%.

In the purchase of a drink, this percentage is often an order of magnitude higher, which allows it to equate it to non-alcoholic beerAnd this is already a completely different product, besides, harmful to the human body. It is not worth confused by natural kvass and with kvasny drinks - this is a kind of surrogate, replacements of the present healing product, there have never been in them and cannot be useful.

In the home kvass of beneficial properties, it is explained by a large content in it all kinds of useful elements. Most of all in the drink contains:

  • vitamins of the group B1, B2, B5, B6, B9, E, PR;
  • proteins;
  • trace elements (iron, selenium, zinc, fluorine, manganese, iodine, copper, etc.);
  • macroelements (potassium, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, etc.)

Are kvass useful for the body? Of course, yes, if it is cooked at home. In addition to the fact that he is perfectly quenched thirst, refreshes and gives cheerful, homemade kvass is still able to substantially rehabilitate the body.

This is confirmed by the functions that drink is unquestioned in the human body:

  1. fills the body with vitamins, and accordingly, strengthens immunity;
  2. stimulates the acidity of the stomach;
  3. restores the water-salt balance;
  4. strengthens dental enamel;
  5. normalizes the metabolism;
  6. strengthens the heart and blood vessels;
  7. beneficially affects the work of the intestine, performing the same function in it that Prostokvasha and Kefir;
  8. improves appetite;
  9. is an excellent means of preventing dysbacteriosis and intestinal disorders;
  10. successfully copes with mercury skin diseases;
  11. prevents the appearance of pathogens of microorganisms;
  12. kvass recommend taking when avitaminosis, queing, exhaustion of the body.

Of course, the possibilities of natural kvass are endless, it is simply impossible to describe them. The benefits of each individual type of thick beverage depends on the components that are included in it. It is in the composition of ingredients all the benefits and all the harm of this healing product.

Is kvass for health harmful

Whether it is useful to drink kvass - we have already found out. If he is natural, then its beneficial properties are very limitless and for health in the heat will be true impress. However, to say that there is no harm to the consumption of such a drink - it would be wrong.

Despite the content of natural components, a summer refreshing drink can harm health. But perhaps this is if you have certain contraindications to its use.

Such contraindications are most often:

  • liver disease and biliary tract;
  • cirrhosis of the liver;
  • celiac disease;
  • stones in the bustling bubble and kidneys;
  • increased acidity of the stomach;
  • ulcer, gastritis (it is impossible to use even in the remission);
  • oncology;
  • colitis, enteritis and other gastrointestinal diseases;
  • allergies for cereals, alcohol, yeast;
  • hypertension;
  • pregnancy and lactation period;
  • children up to 3-5 years old kvass is strictly prohibited.

How useful or harmful kvass is for you - also depends on the amount of consuming. If drinking a drink is a lot and every day, even for a healthy person it will be harmful. Do not forget that alcohol also contains alcohol in kvass, so after its use it is not recommended to sit behind the steering wheel.

Kvass harm for men

Strong half of humanity, perhaps, more often, women use a refreshing drink. Therefore, men can not interest the question: how does the drink on male strength affect?

In the case of natural kvass - extremely positively. Drink has a beneficial effect on the sexual sphere of a man and significantly increases the potency. This is also evidenced by the fact that in the old kvass gave a man on the wedding day to strengthen his men's abilities, and thereby affect the conception of healthy full-fledged descendants.

Can I get corrected from kvass

But what interests in the first place of women who are fond of kvoma is the question: do they correct from kvass? Many ladies, leaning out a universal panic, mistakenly believe that it is possible to straighten from drink from a drink because of several glasses.

It is worth noting that natural kvass is considered dietary, it contains few calories (approximately 27-35 kcal per 100 g of the product, depending on the species) and therefore it is often used in the fight against obesity.

Tolstay or not women who drink a drink in unlimited quantities, perhaps, can guess. But if you consume in moderate portions, it will be exceptionally benefit. Kvas well saturates the body, besides (as it was written above) improves the metabolism, so that the global threat to the figure is definitely not carries.

Perhaps everything you need to know about kvass (harm and benefits, testimony and contraindications to use, chemical composition and even short story) - you already know. Now, before using a new refreshing portion, you yourself will be able to answer yourself: is it harmful to drinking kvass or is it useful?

Do not take time on homemade cooking high-quality antique drink. Refuse empty waste of money for the purchase of a harmful product, and then all his therapeutic properties that our ancestors enjoyed, will be able to help in the fight against ailment and you.

What is kvass:

What is kvass, benefit and harm for the human body of kvass, and does he have any physicist properties? These issues often arise from those who take care of their health and is of interest in popular treatment methods, in particular to treatment with medicinal plants, fruits and vegetables. And this interest is clear. Maybe in this article, to some extent, you can get an answer to these questions.

Kvass was a famous and favorite drink still in gray antiquity. And with gray antiquity, did not doubt the benefits of kvass. Back in 3 millennia BC. e. The Egyptians boiled a drink, which, in fact, was the predecessor of kvass. Antiquity doctors described various recipes Its manufacturer, pointed to the benefit of kvass for health. To date, many types of kvass are very popular in Russia, Ukraine and Belarus.

Kvass is a drink obtained as a result of unfinished lactic acid and alcoholic fermentation. The content of alcohol in kvass can reach 1.2%, which is why individual researchers equate kvass to beer. Today, many varieties of kvass are known - bread, fruit, berry - depending on raw materials.

Now you can see the abundance of drinks in plastic bottles on the store shelves, called "Kvass". For most of them similarity with traditional kvass Only the title and limited. Doubtful and the benefits of kvass in these bottles.

Kvass we consume, above all, as a useful and delicious drink, but its use is much wider. Kvass can be used as an ingredient for cooking various dishes. It is suitable for the first and second dishes, various sauces, and even when baking pies. But, perhaps, the greatest popularity of all the dishes based on kvass won the okroshka. This cold dish reached today's days since the days of Doparyrovsk Russia, and is still popular. "Ancestor" modern recipes Okroshka was an ordinary vulgar, which was swollen in kvass - traditional food Volzhsky Burlakov. Gradually, the recipes of okroshka became much more diverse.

The benefits of kvass:

The benefits of kvass, as a drink is very large. He thirstfully quenches thirst, normalizes the metabolism, actively acts on the heart and blood vessels. The properties of kvass (carbon dioxide content) have favorably and at the work of the gastrointestinal tract. Kvass is a nutrient drink, the energy value of the kvass is large enough. Among the beneficial substances that determine the beneficial properties of this beverage should be noted free amino acids, vitamins, trace elements, sugars, enzymes. Kvass is a rich source of vitamins such as B1 and E. By influence on the human body, Kvass can be compared with kefir, acidophiline, serum.

And here's another undoubted benefit kvass. The level of acidity of the finished kvass causes its antibacterial properties, so it can be called without exaggeration therapeutic drink. It increases immunity, useful in dysbiosis, elevated pressure, is favorably reflected in the general condition of the body.

This healing drink Useful to drink:

  • cores, hypertensive;
  • people suffering from reduced acidity gastritis;
  • patients with a weakened nervous system;
  • people whose brain circulation is broken;
  • people with liver diseases;
  • people with kidney diseases;
  • men with problems related to potency;
  • people with problem skin;
  • people seeking to lose weight;
  • those who have problems with eyes.

And kvass strengthens the dental enamel, heals the ulcers and even decomposes and displays dead or sick cells from the body. This drink is successfully used for pain in the chest caused by inflammation of the pulmonary shell, it is true for this you need to not drink it, but to disappear on it the dough with adding apple vinegar, sunflower oil and wines. The resulting mixture is perfect for warming compress.

The healing properties of kvass increase significantly if with its manufacture use various medicinal herbs. It is proved that yeast with all its usefulness in its composition contain purin bases, which can lead to salt deposits in joints and vessels. Therefore, Academician B. Bolotov advises to add not only herbs to its kvass, but also sour cream or dairy serum. Then the lactic acid bacteria recycle always contained in plants in one or another number of adverse harmful substances and make them useful for our body.

Choosing certain types of plants, the action of kvass can be made directional. For example, kvass from crude beets perfectly helps with hypertension, and with diabetes it is more useful to drink a drink infused on Salfa. Moreover, vegetable, grass kvass can be used when preparing the first dishes.

Recognized therapeutic properties of kvass and such glorified surgeons like N. I. Pirogov and N. V. Sklifosovsky. Nikolai Ivanovich was confident that this drink speeds up the process of splicing bone fractures, strengthens the skin and cleans the kidneys. Sklifosovsky argued that kvass is an excellent preventive medium of the liver cirrhosis and ulcerative disease.

Kvass, harm:

Kvass is contraindicated at elevated acidity of the digestive system, with urolithiasis, cirrhosis of the liver. It is also not recommended for people suffering from gout, urolithiasis, hypertensive. Diseases of the digestive tract may have different nature, therefore it is impossible to say with confidence that in this case there will be more from the use of the drink harm or benefit. Such questions should be coordinated with the doctor. And for a healthy person, the benefits of kvass is undoubted.

The composition of kvass:

The chemical composition of kvass is not simple. It has many amino acids, vitamins, enzymes and minerals. For example, the vitamins of the RR group and B are present in the kvass, as well as vitamin H and E. And there are 8 irreplaceable amino acids in it: tryptophan, lysine, phenylalanine, valine, isoleucine, methioninereonin, leucine. Kvass contains fluorine, phosphorus, cobalt, copper, zinc, molybdenum and iron.

Per 100 grams. The product accounts for about 20 grams. Carbohydrates, and there are practically no proteins. Up to 2% of this drink make up alcohols. Energy value on average equals 30 kokalories per 100 grams. product (depending on the chemical composition of the specific grade of kvass).

Bread kvass:

Raw materials for this species of kvass serves rye flour, sugar, malt (rye or barley) yeast, bass bread and water. The range of kvass today is great: kvass for okroshka, kvass bread and other drinks obtained from bread raw materials. The kvass is stored for no more than 2 days at temperatures from 2 to 12 ° C.

The beneficial properties of kvass are due to its raw materials - kvass Suslovobtained from barley, wheat sprouted grain, rye and oats, bread crusts, yeast, raisins and other ingredients. When fermentation in Kvass, the mass of useful microorganisms, which beneficially affect the state of the gastrointestinal tract, will help with dysbacteriosis. And the vitamins of this drink strengthen the immune system, the organism improves and help to cope with vitaminosis and anemia.

It was reliably established that Kvass was known in the times of Kievan Rus. In the ancient chronicles that have come down to this day, it is said that during the adoption of Christianity, Prince Vladimir ordered to distribute products, honey and kvass to people. This drink was used almost everything, regardless of social affiliation, and over time he became truly popular. Residents of the villages and villages used it as a natural flavor for the body, having watered them a heater when washing in the Russian bath. The peasants, especially in the summer, were sure to take with them a jug with Kvaas, when they went to field work, since he was well quenched thirst and toned. There existed more than its varieties. The most popular of them were the following:

  • with the addition of mint leaves and raisins;
  • on a rzhan and barley chopped malt;
  • the so-called northern kvass cooked from the rye flour of coarse grinding, flour from Icelandic moss and leaf of black currant;
  • ukrainian, or Malorossiysky, kvass, the basis of which was an rye dried crushed malt, raisins, cinnamon and mint leaves.

There were also sweet, sour, cooked from apples and beets; intended only for okroshka, so-called kvass, daily, welded, etc.

The listed types of kvass were made exclusively on bread raw materials. Also when preparing the beverage, flour from buckwheat was added, such a kvass called Spring.

Sergey Kashin "Home Kvass"

Classic homemade bread kvass recipe:


4 liters of water, 600 g of rye superstars, 100 g of sugar, 20 g of raisin, 10 g of yeast, 5 g of mint.

Cooking method

Rye crackers shield in deep container, quiet boiling water, then tightly cover the lid and leave for 3-4 hours. Ready thoughts strain through gauze, then add the yeast pre-dissolved in warm water, sugar, mint leaves, cover with a napkin and insist 10-12 hours.

When a foam starts to form, it is time to stretch and pour out the bottle of ½ l by adding several pieces of the washed raisum into each one of them, and hold 4 hours room temperatureand then remove into the fridge or cellar. After 3 days, the young kvass will be ready.

Fruit kvass:

Classic (meant bread) kvass are sufficiently calorie drinks. People with overweight or those who wish to lose weight, they will not fit. But the fruit-berry kvass for such cases is better not invent! They will be useful for everyone - after all, there are many vitamins, minerals, organic acids and other substances that contain berries and fruits in abundance.

For fruit-berry kvass, any fresh or dried fruits are suitable: apples, pears, plums, apricots, peaches, strawberries, raspberries, cherry, currant, rowan, cranberries, etc. Such kvass can be prepared from fruit-berry juices.

There is nothing difficult in this. Solid fruits should be crushed and remove seeds, crushing the berries and remove the bones. Just do not use plastic or aluminum dishes for this! Malina, strawberries, strawberries just wash, not shredding. Dried fruits are first soaked for a day in warm water, and then used.

Fruits or berries are put into glass or enamelled capacity: sweet fruits - to the edges of the dishes, acidic - about half, poured with cool boiled water, placed in a cold place (refrigerator, basement) and leave to roam. After 2-3 days, Kvass will be ready. Also also add honey to it. He stored just like bread.

Kvass recipe from apples:


3 liters of water, 1 kg of apples, 400 g of sugar, 10 g yeast.

Cooking method

Apples cut into slices, put into deep containers, pour 2½ l of water and keep on weak heat until they decorate.

Then the decoction to strain and pour into clean glass dishes.

IN separate tank Stir yeast with 500 ml warm water And add to apple decoction, pour sugar and all this thoroughly stir the wooden spoon.

Remove in a cold place for 3 days, then pour over the bottle and tightly wait.

Vegetable kvass:

Vegetable kvass in antiquity was a drink of poor people. It is also very rich in vitamins and minerals - excellent help for our health. Vegetable kvass is prepared similarly to fruit or berry.

Kvass recipe from beet:


2 l of water, 1 kg beets, 100 g of sugar, 50 g of dry rye crust.

Cooking method

Beets to wash, clean and rub on a small grater, then you need to shift it into glass jar Capacity 3 l.

Pour into it warm boiled water, sugar sugar and rye crusts.

The jar is covered with a folded in several layers of gauze and remove to a warm place for a 3-day rush.

Ready kvass strain, pour over bottles, carefully seal and store in the refrigerator (cellar).

Folk Medicine calls him the first not medication to hypertension. Moreover, this drink can be used as an urgent help to help with a hypertensive crisis. Just one glass of beet kvass lowers pressure. It will take only 20 minutes from the moment the drink was drank and the pressure will come to normal. Moreover, the symptoms associated with the disease, it facilitates immediately. In order to normalize arterial pressure, you should undergo a course of treatment with beet kvass, but the effect can be kept for years.

Beetter kvass positively affects the whole organism as a whole. It contributes to the expansion of blood vessels and leads to normal a rhythmic reduction, eliminates their blockage, heals lymph.

Normalizes the metabolic processes contained in it pectins, destroy concrete bacteria. Organic acids and fiber enhance the intestinal peristalsis. It is used when depositing stones in the liver, kidneys. Used in atherosclerosis.

Due to its regular use, anemia is cured, overwork, dizziness.

Kvass in diet diet:

Kvass is a national low alcohol drinkwhich is perfectly quenched thirst and tones. It has a diuretic effect. Together with excess moisture from the body, harmful substances are derived. As a result, rapid fats cleavage occurs, the metabolism and overall human health improves. At the base of kvass there may be not only bread, and beets, honey, mint, and even cleanly.

What is useful for slimming bread kvass:

  • It has not many calories (35 kcal per 100 ml).
  • It improves food digestion and metabolism.
  • Promotes the recovery of metabolism.
  • During the diet period provides the body with vitamins and useful substances.
  • What is useful for slimming beet kvass:
  • Kvass from beet has a light diuretic effect, removes extra liquid from the body, which is good when weight loss and swelling.
  • Nutritionists recommend spending unloading Days On beet kvass, it helps to reduce weight faster.
  • Such kvass improves the condition of the skin after weight loss, as it has substances that improve the overall state. These substances contribute to the restoration of collagen fibers responsible for skin elasticity.
  • Increases the level of insulin in the blood, and this reduces sugar and enhances the illusion of satiety. Consequently, a feeling of hunger is dull.

Another excellent weight loss means is a mixture of bread and beet beverages. To do this drink, fill the beets in the jar of fresh homely bread kvass and insist during the day. You can also break the bread and beets together. Add a rusty ball with a sliced \u200b\u200bbeets and put a sewage container for 3-4 days.

Each woman who has a child can tell about how taste sensations change during pregnancy - someone all the time wants salted cucumbers, someone cannot pass by the confectionery department with cream cakes or a smoked fish adherent.

Against this background, a simple human desire to drink a glass of sour kvass seems sample of normality. What could be harmless and is it possible to pregnant kvass?

Doctors are indulgent: a home drink in small quantities will not harm if there are no serious contraindications (see :).

We will be guided by the opinion of experienced doctors, and not speculation and no confirmed statements. Medics in one voice say that in moderate quantities can not harm. On the contrary, thanks to the useful substances and vitamins, the drink from bread is much more useful than shopping gazes, besides, it is sour and perfectly quenched thirst.

The common argument of opponents of kvass on alcohol in the drink does not withstand critics - in the fresh kvass, the ethanol content is negligible and cannot harm the mother and affect the development of the fetus.

  • IN home kvass There are vitamins of group B needed for the nervous system. Future mothers often experience mood swings and helping the body will be very useful.
  • Vitamin C helps to cope with toxicosis.
  • Amino acids and bacteria contribute to digestion and positively affect the intestinal microflora.
  • Calcium and magnesium are useful for strengthening hair, nails and teeth, as well as to maintain cardiac activity.
  • Yeast stimulate appetite.
  • Home drink is recommended as a soft laxative and copes well with the prevention of constipation.

It is possible to talk about benefits only if you are confident in the quality and suitability of the product for the expiration date. In order not to doubt, cook the kvass at home.

If the kvass is prepared for all the rules, high-quality products and clean water were used in the recipe, categorical contraindications a little, but need to be taken into account.

When is Kvas contraindicated?

It is always necessary to monitor health and control the composition of food, but on the future mother lies double responsibility - it must take into account the interests of the future child. During pregnancy, it is desirable to abandon the gas production in favor of drinks, cooked personally.

In some cases, Kvass is contraindicated at all:

  • Meteorism - during pregnancy, this is a common phenomenon. So that this condition does not interfere with normal life, even homemade kvass will have to exclude.
  • Increased uterus tone and threat of pregnancy interrupt.
  • Gastritis and other problems with the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Edema.
  • Late toxicosis.
  • High blood pressure.

If the future mother "pulls" on the kvass?

The desires of a woman in anticipation of the child are insurmountable. If you really want to refresh yourself, drink a glass of kvass, but only on the condition that you are confident in his quality.

Prepare a drink yourself with the compliance with the technology, "" with the high content of yeast you are contraindicated - it can break the intestinal microflora, the same applies to the dwarrow.

But you can do bread drink with raisins, dried fruits, honey and other additives. It is also impossible not to mention about that pregnant women are recommended. only on home kvass.

Here are two very simple recipe Cooking with your own hands.

On yeast

Cut the cubes about half of the loaf rye bread And dry crackers in the oven. Pour the crackers with hot boiled water in three-liter bank, pour half a cup of sugar.

Divide 6 grams of dry yeast in a cup. When water in the bank cools up to 20-25 o C, add yeast. Two days later, in a warm place, Kvass will be ready, it will only remain strain. The refrigerator stores 5 days.

Without yeast

Sweep in the oven pieces of black bread (500 g). Pour crushers 5 liters hot water, Add a glass of sugar and cool up to 25 ° C. Pass the handful of raisins, mix, cover the gauze and leave it warm for 4 days - during this time, fermentation should be completed.

Profilit, break into the bottles, to each lower sugar on the tablespoon and several raisins. After 10-12 hours. Kvass will be ready. Shelf life - up to 4 days.

Which to choose?

In the absence of contraindications, you can drink up to two glasses of kvass per day, but important right choice Drink.


Perhaps the taste of kvass Do you associate with this product? Option absolutely excluded, Anyway, while you are waiting for a child.

On the composition of the beverage, the conditions of its manufacture, transportation and shelf life can only be guessing. Do not expose yourself and the future child.

Store drink in bottles and kegs

Most shopping brands imitate the taste and type of true drink, but consist of substitutes of taste, dyes and flavors. Even if the factory kvass is cooked according to traditional technology, it will certainly have preservatives in its composition, otherwise the shelf life of the product would be calculated a few days .

In stationary points they sell kvass from kegs. it the best way Purchased drink, if you know the merchant and confident in the good faith of his owners.

Homemade Bread Kvass

Products cooked with their own hands guarantee quality and freshness. Do not be lazy to master the stubborn science of the jungle, so as not to harm myself and the child.

Features of consumption

If you wanted kvass not for the first time in my life and know that drinking will not cause allergies and other unwanted reactions, you can not abandon drink and during pregnancy. However, you need to comply with some restrictions.

I trimester

This is a responsible period when the body adapts to a new state. Using fermentation products, you must be prepared for increased gas formation in the intestine. Do not drink more than one cup of kvass per day and watch your feelings - flatulence can provoke a tone of the uterus, and this is especially dangerous at the beginning of pregnancy.

If there is a threat of interrupting pregnancy, you need to refuse. The minimum alcohol content is another reason for caution, on 5-7 week the effect of ethyl alcohol on the fruit can be critical.

II trimester

During this period, women feel, as a rule, better - early toxicosis passes, the growing fruit still does not limit movements, and many children have already been formed. From 4 to 6 months you can drink kvass if you feel well, no edema and other contraindications.

The home drink will supply the body by microelements and vitamins, raise the mood and strengthen health. In the second trimester, you can drink two glasses of drink per day.

III trimester

The teen baby actively manifests itself, puts on the internal organs of the mother, the stomach increases. Restrictions already acquainted on the first trimester - the tone of the uterus, gas formation, swelling. All these "charms" of pregnancy kvass only enhances.

Useful property at this time - its soft laxative effect. If you want kvass in this period, limit one glass per day.