How to make your own kvass. How to make kvass at home

Ours for you with a brush, friends and combat girlfriends! Believe it or not, but bioimpedance is an extreme note from the series “Patient's Corner.” And today we will learn all about the method of analyzing the quality of physique, namely, we will talk about its principle of work, advantages and disadvantages, and also learn to understand the numbers with a specific example, obtained in the course of the BIM study.

So, take your seats in the auditorium, let's get started.

Bioimpedance: what, why and why?

Well, let's start, as usual, with the background, or rather the coverage of the work that was done earlier. Let it be known to you that with this article we are completing the cycle of sports and medical notes, because we have sorted out all the topics sounded earlier, and these include -], and. If you are still not in one eye, then we strongly recommend that you familiarize yourself with these writer's masterpieces :), but we go further and today we will analyze the procedural topic - bioimpedance.

It's no secret that people come to the gym first of all for a change in their physique. However, for many, an indicator in curvy questions is the usual scales and the deviation of the arrow on them in one direction or another. So, for example, young ladies immediately after 40 -minute group jumps, they run to the scales and, seeing there the creep of the arrow to the left, they think that they have lost weight (fat mass gone)... The male gender, on the contrary, noticing the deviations of the arrow of the scales to the right, states that a set of muscle mass has begun. Both the first and the second are wrong, because the arrow on the scales is not a direct indicator of changes in the quality of the physique. At the household level, it is more correct to pay attention to such parameters as:

  • anthropometry - body measurements taken on an ongoing basis 1 once in 2 weeks;
  • reflection in the mirror - visual-real changes in the figure;
  • clothing markers - began to “fit better” into their old things.

However, everyday life is a primitive level, and it does not give a complete picture to a person in terms of his internal-external changes and the state of health in general. Therefore, a potential fit or fitness girl who has decided to seriously tackle changing her figure should pay attention to more modern methods of analyzing body composition, for example, the bioimpedance method (BIA). We will talk about it in more detail later in the text.

For better assimilation of the material, all further narration will be divided into subchapters.

Bioimpedance is a diagnostic method that allows, based on the measured values ​​of electrical resistance and anthropometric data, to assess the absolute and relative values ​​of body composition parameters, as well as the capabilities of the body and the risks of developing certain diseases.

The main audience includes people who want to achieve the ideal (in their opinion) figure, for example, girls who want to lose weight properly without dehydration and damage to muscle mass, or who want to gain muscle mass with a minimum amount of fat.

The main capabilities of the BIA include measurements:

  • fat mass;
  • body mass index;
  • percentage of body fat;
  • the amount of muscle tissue;
  • percent of active cell mass;
  • the amount and distribution of fluid in the body;
  • basal metabolic rate;
  • waist-to-hip ratio;
  • biological age.

How is the procedure itself carried out and how does the method work?

The human body is a chain of resistances and capacitors. The BIA method is based on the assumption that fat is a conditionally insulator (does not conduct / weakly conducts current due to lipid composition) since it does not contain water (order values 5-10 %) , and the conductor is a fat-free mass. Due to the content in the muscles of a large amount of water (up to 75% ), they are a good conductor (the fat-free mass will have less resistance to electric current)... The faster the signal passes, the more muscles a person has.

Thus, the electrical signal quickly travels through the water, which is present in the hydrated muscle tissue, but meets resistance when it “hits” the adipose tissue. This resistance is called impedance.

The conductivity is influenced by the ratio of ions, the state of the bone tissue and other important processes in the body.


The ability of tissues to transmit electric current is associated with a high concentration of water in the body and electrolytes dissolved in it.

The bioimpedance procedure itself consists in placing electrodes on certain parts of the body (shins and forearms) and passing through them a small ( 50 kHz) AC. Sensitive sensors record the required indicators, and the computer produces a finished result.

Based on the impedance measurement data, the athlete will be able to navigate whether his current ligament from the training program and nutrition plan is working and in which direction he is moving in relation to his goals.

Pros and cons of BIA

If you are going to carry out this procedure, then know that it has both advantages and disadvantages. The first are:

  • accuracy of results (error up to 5% ) ;
  • speed of carrying out (average 10-15 minutes);
  • painlessness (the current is not felt);
  • accessibility - carried out in any fitness center of the "average hand";
  • relatively low cost of the procedure ( 700-1000 p) or free of charge if you have a membership in the club (annual subscription).

The disadvantages of the BIA include:

  • gender bias. Men and women store fat differently around the belly and thighs, so the results (a measure of total body fat percentage) may be less accurate;
  • the amount of fluid consumed before the procedure. Electricity passes more easily through water. A person who drank a lot of water prior to the procedure will have lower body fat percentages. Reducing the amount of water will increase the percentage of body fat. Therefore, for the accuracy of the results for 1,5-2 it is better not to eat / drink hours before the procedure;
  • the time of the procedure can also contribute to the final results, therefore it is better to carry out the analysis at the same time of day, namely, before breakfast, before training or after 1,5-2 hours after drinking / eating.

We have analyzed some theoretical points and now we will deal with ...

Bioimpedance: the practical side. Learn to read and understand data.

Let's assume that you went through the BIA procedure yourself and got your hands on the results. However, the printouts themselves do not mean anything yet, you need to be able to interpret them correctly in order to understand what “internal” changes are taking place with you. (how body composition changes)... And the following guide to parametric decryption will help us figure it out.

No.I. Descriptive models of human body composition

When describing body composition, the most commonly used 2 or 4 parametric models:

  • 2 -component: 1) fat, 2) fat-free mass;
  • 4 -component: 1) muscle mass / protein (protein), 2) total body water (TBW) = inside + extracellular fluid (Intracellular / Extracellular), 3) bone mineral mass (bone mineral), 4) fat mass (fat ).

Basic 2 the component model considers only fat mass and fat free mass. This model is widely used in hydrodensitometry and anthropometric measurements and has its limitations. Multivariate models, in addition to fat and fat-free masses, take into account other parameters. With the help of such models, it is possible to more “deeply” study the composition of the human body and give more complete / detailed recommendations for maintaining human health. (including body changes through exercise and diet).

No. II. The main parameters of the human body composition

Everyone who has undergone the bioimpedance procedure receives a printout with the analysis results. What does literally every line mean? We will talk about this further and start with ...

BMI = weight (kg) / H * H (m2) - an indicator for a rough estimate of the degree of obesity (compliance with body weight, human height).

There are the following normalized BMI values.

Key findings on BMI:

  1. BMI is directly affected by body type and bone thickness;
  2. same BMI value (depending on the presence / conditionally absence of muscle mass) can correspond to both a fairly voluminous / dense and fit sports figure;
  3. in ectomorphs, BMI is usually low (less 18,50 ) .

No. 2. Fat Mass (FM)

The mass of human adipose tissue, which is represented by two components: 1) basic / essential fat and 2) stored fat. Fat serves as an energy station for the body (supports human functionality), and is also responsible for reproductive functions and acts as a "winding of nerves" (myelin sheath).

Key findings on FM:

  1. depending on gender, age and race, the percentage of fat can be different (for women, it is on 10-12% more than men);
  2. with age (especially after 40 ) the percentage of visceral fat (around the organs) increases and muscle mass decreases;
  3. average-normal values ​​of fat mass for ordinary people are: for men - 18-20% , women - 25-27% ;
  4. non-professional / non-performing female athletes should not pursue low body fat ("Hard dry" / meanings 10-12% ) and, as a consequence, a high percentage of muscle mass, because this threatens a hormonal shift and disruption of the process of childbearing;
  5. by the percentage of adipose tissue, it is determined whether a person has health problems and is overweight (is there obesity);
  6. the left arrow on the scales while dieting does not mean a decrease in the percentage of adipose tissue, it is possible that a person has lost weight due to muscles.

No. 3. Fat-free mass ( Fat free mass) / lean mass

Net muscle mass (LBM) is the total amount of lean (lean) body part that is made up of water, protein, minerals, and ash. LBM is mainly represented by bones, muscles, proteins, tendons and tissues of all internal organs.

Key findings on FFM / LBM:

  1. changes (parameter increase) speaks of a set of lean muscle mass;
  2. peaks at age: for men 25-30 , for women 30-35. After passing these age lines, lean muscle mass decreases;
  3. it is most beneficial for the development of large muscles to start practicing already in adolescence ( 15-16 years) in order to subsequently reach their peak volumes in a relatively short time;
  4. muscle cells burn more calories ( 30 kcal / kg) versus fat ( 6 kcal / kg), therefore, by increasing lean muscle mass, you will reduce the percentage of adipose tissue;
  5. Normal percentage of lean muscle mass: for men 75-85% , for women 65-75% ;
  6. ectomorph / rectangle body types / figures do not need to have low lean mass values. It is determined by the mass of the bones (the person himself is thin, but has heavy bones);
  7. Lean weight is used by nutritionists to calculate the consumed energy component of the diet. The nutritional structure of people with different lean body mass indicators will be different.

No. 4. Active cell mass / Fraction of ACM

It includes the following structures: nerve cells, muscle and organ cells, intracellular fluid.

Key findings on AKM:

  1. in the process of losing weight, it is important for a person to lose fat mass and, at least, keep the AKM at the same level;
  2. normal values ​​of AKM% for men - over 53% , for women - over 50% ;
  3. as the athlete is trained (increasing its efficiency) the share of AKM is increasing.

No. 5. Muscle mass / musculoskeletal mass (SMM)

SMM is the portion of lean mass that is made up of muscle and is considered an important indicator of overall physical strength. Musculoskeletal mass consists of water (liquid / water up to 75% ) and non-aqueous (proteins actin / myosin) parts. It depends on the level of physical fitness and diet that the person adheres to.

It is customary to distinguish in the human body 3 type of muscle tissue: 1) skeletal (voluntary) - for the implementation of skeletal movements, 2) smooth muscles - are located in the walls of organs / structures (esophagus, stomach), 3) heart muscle.

Key takeaways from SMM:

  1. average values ​​for men / women are - 42/36% from body weight;
  2. during training, your body weight may increase, however, these can be qualitative changes - an increase in muscle (muscle is denser than fat) and a decrease in fat masses;
  3. the more SMM a person has, the greater the amount of work (muscle loading capacity) he can conduct / perform per workout.

No. 6. Basal metabolic rate / specific basal metabolic rate (GS / BOO)

Basal metabolism - the minimum energy expenditure (kcal) required to maintain the life of the body in a state of complete rest (across 12 hours after eating)... Specific RO determines the intensity (of metabolism) and is calculated as the ratio of basal metabolism to body surface area (which depends on height / weight).

Key findings from OO / OEO:

  1. the more AKM, the more energy is spent on metabolism (RO), blood circulation and other vital functions. AKM growth / metabolic acceleration (may be related to fitness development) can contribute to a person's weight loss;
  2. normal RO values ​​for men 1500-1800 kcal, for women 1300-1500 kcal;
  3. after 30 years, OO decreases every year, which means adjustments to your diet (reducing energy, cutting fats / carbohydrates).

No. 7. Total body water (TBW)

TBW is the total body water content. This parameter changes with age (a younger person has a higher percentage of TBW in the body than his older counterpart)... At an early age (adolescence), the content of total water in the body can reach up to 80-83% (in the elderly / after 60 years before 55-45% ) .

The formula TBW = ICW + ECW means that the total water in the body is intracellular and extracellular fluids combined.

No. 7.1. Extracellular water (ECW)

Fluid outside the cells of the body. It consists of:

  • blood plasma;
  • lymph;
  • intercellular fluid;
  • transcellular fluid (spinal, intraocular, abdominal, pleura, pericardium, bursae, synovial and gastrointestinal tract).

The amount of extracellular water is 40-45% from TBW.

No. 7.2. Intracellular water (ICW)

All fluids found inside the cells and tissues of the body. The amount of intracellular water is 20-25% from TBW.

Key findings on TBW:

  1. in tissues with a high water content, as a rule, a high intensity of metabolic processes is noted and vice versa; Therefore, to lose weight, you should be hydrated. (drink enough water per day);
  2. in men, the water content in the body is slightly higher than in women (on average 10% ) , therefore, men, in theory, manage to lose weight easier / faster;
  3. the more a person's weight (with the same field), the more water in his body and vice versa.

No. 8. Waist / Hip Circumference & Waist / Hip Ratio (Index WHR)

An indicator that contributes to the definition / physique of a person, based on anthropometric data (measurements). Changing the parameter in the direction of increasing or decreasing, allows you to judge the effectiveness / ineffectiveness of the combination training program + nutrition plan.

Key findings on anthropometry:

  1. normal values ​​of waist circumference for active women of normal build (up to 30 years) - 60-70 cm, for men (up to 30 years) - 70-85 cm;
  2. the ratio of waist and hips in women from 0,6 before 0,72 speaks of a perfectly folded figure;
  3. index values WHR 0,85 for women and for men they talk about abdominal-visceral obesity.

No. 9. Classification by percentage of fat mass

A scale of values ​​that shows which “fat category” a person belongs to. Values ​​from 20 before 30% are normative.

No. 10. Phase angle

It is considered as an indicator of the fitness and endurance of the body, as well as the degree of metabolic intensity. The phase angle is used to determine the biological age (correspondence of physical parameters to actual age).

Key findings on phase angle:

  1. the standardized values ​​are: below 4.4 - low, in the interval 4.4-5.4 - lowered, more 5.4 - normal, higher 7.8 - very high;
  2. indicators from 5.5 and above indicate a good condition of cell membranes, as well as a high percentage and activity of skeletal muscles and are most often recorded in athletic people with good health;
  3. with age, the phase angle values ​​decrease;
  4. the higher the phase angle, the lower the biological age of a person;
  5. in ectomorphs (thin body type) the phase angle can be low.

So, in theory we have analyzed the main parameters of the human body composition, now let's get down to ...

Bioimpedance: the practical side of the issue.

In this part of the article, we will run the theory in practice - we will analyze the real BIA values ​​obtained by our reader Victoria, in the process of working on the service

In the course of the program and nutritional activities, the athletes had questions regarding the assessment of the ongoing changes. For the most part, we carried out the latter by means of generating reports indicating height-weight characteristics and anthropometry. In general, bioimpedance allows one to give an adequate assessment of the “working capacity” of the “PT + nutrition plan” ligament.

The most complete picture of the qualitative change in body composition is provided by the bioimpedance procedure. And therefore, for those athletes who are / were tasked with improving the quality of their physique - increasing muscle mass, reducing adipose tissue, shaping deep relief, etc., we began to recommend (every month or two) conduct BIA analysis.

The results of this analysis (from the period September-October 2016) are below in front of you, we will analyze them.

Goals set by the athlete (the text is presented in the conditional original):

"A set of lean muscle mass (with 60 before 63 kg). Proportions. Emphasis on the bottom of the carcass. We urgently need to grow it ”.

For clarity, the analysis data are summarized in a table.

As you can see, the overall weight gain in Victoria was due to an increase in the proportion of musculoskeletal mass. (with 19 before 20,7 ) ... In addition, the volume of the buttocks increased ( +3 cm) with an almost unchanged waist (+ 1 cm) and an increase in total weight by 3 kg. And all this against the background of a decrease in the percentage of fatty tissue and taking into account the age qualification “40+” ... Thus, we can say that for 1 a month of following the proposed training and nutrition scheme, Victoria improved the quality of her physique and began to look more appetizing :).


In fairness, it should be noted that the work on "grinding / proportioning" is the most difficult due to the fact that the athlete already has a relatively serious training experience. (often at least 1,5-2 of the year) and have already tried various training strategies on myself, and his diet is quite verified. Therefore, each “ +1 ”Required muscle kilogram or increased volume (for our case, buttocks) given hard enough.

Actually, this is all that I would like to talk about, let's move on to ...


Well, now you know what bioimpedance is, and you can independently, after going through this procedure, draw quite unambiguous conclusions. As usual, thanks for the support to Dr. Grapov. And this was our extreme sports and medical note, for simplicity), I consider the cycle to be logically completed. And we can put an end to this for now.

We look forward to new meetings with you in New Year's Eve articles, until next time!

PS: Friends, how do you like the cycle of notes? Thing)?

PPS: did the project help? Then leave a link to it in the status of your social network- a plus 100 points to karma guaranteed :).

This article is approved by a sports doctor

One of the most common drinks during a truly Russian feast has always been kvass. The Slavs mastered the production of this drink, unique in its properties, more than a thousand years ago, even before the formation of Kievan Rus. It was considered the most honorable drink in Russia.

Currently, they prefer to cook it at home according to old recipes, and all thanks to its amazing properties: it is great to cope with thirst, relieve fatigue, it is recommended traditional medicine as a wonderful remedy for recuperation. Although in the old days they prepared fruit, honey and berry, but by right the bread was considered the most popular.

The importance of kvass is also in its low calorie content (only 25-27 Kcal), which helps in the fight against excess weight.

Bread kvass with yeast at home

It is impossible to make real kvass without a properly made sourdough. The main ingredients for making the sourdough are bread, water, sugar and yeast. Bread is better black (rye), yeast can be either pressed or dry. When using only rye bread it turns out dark, and with wheat - rye - light.

Prepare diced rusks from half a loaf of bread. It is better and faster to do this on a baking sheet in the oven, bringing them to a yellowish crust.

Put crackers in a liter glass jar and pour boiling water into it, not forgetting that when they get wet, they increase in volume. Usually you need to put a little more than half a pot. With experience, the right amount of placing them in the container will come.

Ultimately, you should get a bread gruel, similar in consistency to sour cream. Then add 60-70 g of sugar to this gruel and mix everything carefully until it is completely dissolved.

Cover the container with a gauze cloth and set to cool at a temperature of 20-27 ° C. The content should cool down to about 35 ° C. When the composition reaches the required temperature, add 20 g of dry or 30 g of regular yeast. After thorough mixing, cover the dish with a cloth and leave to ferment. After 50-70 hours, the starter is ready for use.

The process of making dark kvass itself begins, as the sourdough is ready. We fill a glass container of 3 liters with 3-4 handfuls of crackers fried to a blush (preferably in the oven).

We make syrup from sugar and add to a container with breadcrumbs. Fill with warm water about ¾ cans. Fill the rest with sourdough. Cover with a thick cloth and place in a cool, dark place. After an incident, we filter the contents for 3 days and the drink is ready. We put it to cool in the refrigerator, and the thick will come in handy as a sourdough for the next time.

Yeast-free kvass

Consider the recipe bread kvass without yeast at home. The production of such a drink is not much different from the traditional preparation. But he has one indisputable advantage - there is no specific yeast flavor.

As in the first recipe, a sourdough (wort) is prepared for kvass at the beginning.


  • rye or wheat-rye bread;
  • spring or bottled water;
  • sugar;
  • unwashed raisins.

We prepare rusks from half a loaf, as for the traditional one. The main thing is not to overcook, otherwise the kvass will give off bitterness. We put the ready-made crackers in the dishes permitted for this and fill in with 2 liters of boiling water.

Add prepared syrup from 75 g of sugar to them and mix everything thoroughly. Covering with a gauze cloth, let it cool to room temperature. Add 25 g of unwashed raisins to the cooled mixture. It is better to pour the contents into a glass container, cover with a cloth and put away in a dark, warm place.

The duration of fermentation, depending on the quality of bread, raisins and water, is different and can last from 8 hours to a day. The initial signs of fermentation will be foam, sour odor, and possibly hissing. 3 days after the start of fermentation, strain the contents through 5-7 layers of gauze.

If you want to get a carbonated drink, then it should be slightly sweet in taste. Now we bottle, leaving a little space, and let stand in a warm, dark place for another 5 hours. As soon as the bottles become "hard", put them in the refrigerator to stop fermentation and allow the taste to stabilize.

Grandma's recipe

In general, the "cooking" of any kind of kvass does not differ much from traditional recipe... Some differences in ingredients and small changes in the preparation process give already a special taste to this universal drink.

The “grandmother's” way is no exception. How to make homemade kvass from rye bread according to grandmother's method?

Required composition:

  • bread - 1 kg;
  • spring water - 10 l;
  • 200 g granulated sugar;
  • yeast - 25 g;
  • unwashed raisins - 50 g.

We also prepare crackers. We put them in an enameled bucket and fill it with boiling water. Withstand 4 hours. In the future, carefully filter, add sugar and yeast to them. Mix the resulting composition thoroughly. Cover the pan with a thick cloth and place in a warm, cool place to ferment for 5 hours.

As soon as the foam appears, you need to strain and pour into bottles with the addition of 3 raisins to them and close them more tightly. For three days we put in a cool place to ripen.

Recipe on Borodino bread

The name of this type of drink comes from the name of the bread used to make crackers.

Required composition:

  • 100 g of "Borodino" bread;
  • 3 liters of spring or bottled water;
  • 1 tsp flour;
  • 15 g yeast;
  • 50 g unwashed raisins.

How to make Borodinsky bread kvass at home? We cut the bread into pieces and dry (mind you, do not fry) in the oven. We put crackers in an enamel bowl, fill with boiling water and leave for three hours. Add yeast mixed with flour. We cover the container with a dense cloth and put it in a warm place for a day. After a day, filter through multilayer gauze and pour into bottles, adding two raisins to each. Let it brew for three hours and put the bottles in a cold place. In five hours everything is ready.

A delicious and natural drink is made only from quality ingredients.

  1. The bread should be natural, without any kind of additives. Natural dries up within two days.
  2. It is better to use spring, well or bottled water.
  3. Crackers for cooking are prepared without oil and spices.
  4. Raisins should not be washed, as yeast remains on the skin and fermentation.
  5. Sugar not only gives the taste, but also promotes the release of carbon dioxide, which gives the carbonated effect.
  6. The container for preparation and use should only be enameled, glass or plastic.

There are many varieties of bread kvass preparation. And each of these recipes becomes an excellent helper for our body, especially on hot summer days or after an illness.

This drink is in great demand in the summer, but this does not mean that it should not be drunk during the rest of the year. Today we will learn how to make kvass at home from rye bread.


  • Rusks (from dark bread) - 0.2 kg;
  • Sugar - 7-10 tbsp. spoons;
  • Yeast (dry) - 1 tbsp. spoon;
  • Drinking water - 3 liters.


  1. Take dry rye bread and break it into several pieces. If you have fresh bread, dry it in the oven.
  2. Boil water. Let it cool down a little (5 minutes).
  3. Take 3- liter jar and pour croutons and sugar into it.
  4. Fill the contents of the jar hot water almost to the top (leave 5-8 centimeters on top). Mix everything and leave the jar to cool at room temperature.
  5. Now add yeast and stir again.
  6. Now the jar needs to be tightly closed with a lid and sent to infuse. Wrap the kvass in an old blanket and let it ferment for 12 hours. Be careful, if there is not enough free space in the jar, the kvass can rip off the lid.
  7. After 12 hours, you can take out a jar of kvass. Now strain the drink through cheesecloth and you can already drink it. Homemade bread kvass is ready. Now you can enjoy it healthy drink which has no harmful substances at all.

Homemade bread kvass with yeast


  • Bread (rye) - 500 g;
  • Sugar - 0.25-0.3 kg;
  • Water - 5 l;
  • Yeast (dry) - 5 g (you can also use compressed yeast, only 20 g will be needed).


  1. Turn the oven to 200 degrees.
  2. Cut the bread into small cubes. Bread must be taken without additives (sesame, seeds, raisins, etc.), otherwise it will affect the taste of the drink, because extra elements are not needed here.
  3. Place the bread on a baking sheet. There is no need to lubricate it, otherwise our kvass will give out oil. Do not be afraid, the bread will not have time to burn in a short time.
  4. Send the dice pan to the preheated oven for 5 minutes. You can bake crackers for longer, then the kvass will be darker and the taste will become sharper.
  5. Pour 5 liters of drinking water into a large bowl and boil it.
  6. Wait for the water to cool down and at room temperature.
  7. Prepare two 3-liter jars. Pour the prepared water into the jars. Add the crackers to the jars (divide them in two and put them in the jars).
  8. Wrap the tops of the jars with gauze (because you cannot cover the kvass with a lid during fermentation) and send them to a dark place. Jars of kvass should be infused at room temperature for 48 hours.
  9. Dissolve the yeast in a small bowl (follow the instructions on the package).
  10. Strain all the kvass through cheesecloth. The crackers that remain in the gauze will need to be squeezed out well, then they can be thrown away, we will no longer need them.
  11. Pour the strained kvass back into the jars.
  12. Add the diluted yeast and sugar to the jars (at this stage, 0.1 kg per jar is sufficient). Mix everything very well with a long spoon.
  13. Now cover the jars, but do not close them. Carbon dioxide must be released calmly, otherwise the cans may burst.
  14. Kvass should ferment for 16 hours at a temperature of 18-25 degrees, while it should be in a dark place.
  15. Take out both jars and add sugar to them. Be guided by your taste preferences.
  16. Pour the finished kvass into bottles. Twist them up.
  17. Send the bottles to infuse one last time - send them to a dark place at room temperature for 4 hours.
  18. Now our kvass is ready! It must be refrigerated before use. As soon as you put the bottles with kvass in a cold place, the fermentation process will stop.

Be careful! Such kvass is stored for no more than 3 days.

Yeast-free - with raisins

This recipe is good because the drink will not have an unpleasant yeast aroma.


  • Rye bread - 0.3 kg;
  • Raisins - 0.025 kg;
  • Drinking water - 2 l;
  • Sugar - 0.1-0.2 kg.


  1. Cut the bread into small pieces (do not cut off the crust).
  2. Preheat oven to 180 degrees.
  3. Place bread in one layer on a baking sheet. The form must not be greased!
  4. Place the baking sheet in the oven for 3-4 minutes. The bread only needs to be dried, not fried, otherwise the finished drink will taste bitter.
  5. Boil 2 liters of water.
  6. Fold the croutons into a saucepan and pour boiling water over them. Pour about 50 grams of sugar into them, mix everything. Wait for the water to cool completely.
  7. V cold water add raisins. Now it is better to pour the drink into a jar. You cannot close the lid. Just cover the jar with gauze to keep insects out.
  8. Place the jar of kvass in a dark, dry place, but at room temperature.
  9. Leave the drink to infuse for three days. On the first day, foam forms on the kvass - this is an indicator that you did everything right, since the fermentation process began.
  10. After the specified time, the kvass must be filtered. To do this, take gauze and fold it in several layers, pass the entire drink through it, collecting all the pulp in gauze. Squeeze the pulp well and leave it in the cheesecloth. You can get kvass from it again several times (2-3).
  11. Now you can still add sugar to kvass. It is required, at least in small quantities. After all, then carbon dioxide will be released and the kvass will turn out to be carbonated.
  12. Pour the finished drink into bottles, but do not fill them completely, leave a few centimeters on top so that the bottle does not burst.
  13. Send the bottles to a dark place for 6-8 hours. The cap must be tightly tightened, so check the pressure constantly. Ideally, come every hour and unscrew the cap to release the gas.
  14. Kvass, which has already been saturated with carbon dioxide, can be put in the refrigerator. In a cold environment, the fermentation process will stop and the kvass will be ready for consumption.
  15. When the drink has cooled down well, you can drink it. Rye bread kvass is ready! Such a drink is stored for no more than 5 days.
  16. To get another portion of kvass from the pulp, you need to do the following:
  • Place the cake in a jar.
  • Boil 2 liters of water and add 100 g of sugar to them. Wait for the water to cool.
  • Pour boiled water over the pulp, mix everything.
  • Throw in a small piece of bread (fresh) with the drink.
  • Subsequent actions will be the same as in the main recipe.

It is believed that this kvass is tastier than the first. The cake from this kvass can still be used 1-2 times.

Be careful! The pulp must be reused within 24 hours.

Alcoholic bread kvass - a recipe at home


  • Bread rusks - 0.3 kg;
  • Dry yeast - 5 g;
  • Sugar - 0.5-1.5 kg;
  • Citric acid - 3 g;
  • Purified water - 5 liters.


  1. It's easier to work with breadcrumbs right away, but if you don't have them, then it's easy to make them. In order to get 300 g of crackers, you need to use 450-500 grams of bread. It must be cut into small pieces and placed on a baking sheet. It is worth putting the form immediately into an oven preheated to 190-200 degrees, for a few minutes. If you want a bitter taste in the kvass, then keep the bread in the oven a little longer.
  2. Boil 3 liters of water.
  3. Put the croutons on the bottom of the pan and pour boiling water over them. Let everything be insisted under closed lid at least 3 hours.
  4. Take a colander and place the cheesecloth that is stacked on top of it. Strain the brewed rusks through a colander. Do not throw away the cake.
  5. Boil the remaining 2 liters of water.
  6. Put the used crackers into a saucepan and fill them with boiled water. Leave everything to infuse for 1 hour.
  7. After the allotted time, strain the water, squeeze the cake thoroughly, now you can throw it away.
  8. Dissolve yeast with water. We use dry yeast in the recipe, and before adding it to kvass, we need to transfer it to an active state. detailed instructions will be on the package.
  9. Mix all the kvass in a large container. Add citric acid, presoaked yeast and sugar. It must be brought in carefully, because the strength of our drink depends on it. Therefore, we will add sugar to kvass in stages. At first, 0.5 kg will be enough.
  10. It is necessary to mix everything thoroughly, now send the kvass to infuse for 10 hours. It should be kept in a dry, dark place, but at room temperature. You cannot close the kvass with a lid, just cover it with gauze.
  11. After 2 hours, check the kvass, bubbles should form in it. If they appeared, you did everything right and you will succeed. delicious kvass.
  12. After the allotted time, take out the drink. Taste the kvass, if the strength is low, you still need to add sugar. At this stage, add 0.2-0.3 kg of sugar. Stir everything and send the kvass to infuse further.
  13. After 5 hours, take out the kvass and taste it again. If the alcohol is low, add sugar again. This time 200 grams will be enough. Stir everything again and hide.
  14. After 5 hours, taste kvass. You can also add sugar. The maximum is 1.5 kg of sugar, with this amount the strength will be 12 degrees, you will not get more.
  15. If the taste of kvass suits you completely, then close the container with a lid and send it to the refrigerator until it is completely cooled. If the strength is acceptable for you, but there is not enough sweetness, then just add sugar to the container and hide it in the refrigerator. The cold neutralizes the fermentation process, so the strength of the kvass in the refrigerator will not increase.
  16. This kvass can be stored for up to 7 days.

The summer did not have time to bestow its warmth on us, we are already reaching for different drinks... For me, there is nothing better than kvass, delicious and excellent thirst quencher, especially if it is a real homemade kvass. And if you are interested in the question - how to make kvass at home, then you are at the right time, in the right place.

I decided to offer you a selection interesting recipes of this delicious drink, choose the one that you liked.

This is not always fast process, but in any case, making homemade kvass is not difficult - there are a minimum of ingredients, labor costs are small. And then the kvass is made by itself, without our intervention, we just have to wait for the tasty result.

Kvass was made in ancient times and is still being made. And he won such popularity not only as a drink that quenches thirst, but also as a drink that is good for our body. In Russia, everyone drank kvass, both poor and rich people, believed that it adds strength and energy, and is useful for digestion.

But in order for it to be really useful, you need to know the intricacies of making kvass at home.

Secrets of making homemade kvass

  • If you are going to make bread kvass, it is important to know that bread must be natural (flour, yeast, water). New-fashioned additives that are put in, for example, to keep it longer, can ruin the fermentation process.
  • As a rule, crackers are made from bread, and kvass is made from them. The color of the resulting drink will depend on the degree of ruddy of the crackers. But in an effort to get a dark saturated color, remember that burnt crackers will give not only color, but also bitterness.
  • If you make kvass with yeast, then check them for freshness.
  • To ferment kvass, use glass or metal dishes (enameled without chips, made of stainless steel). Ready kvass can be poured into plastic bottles.
  • Raisins are also an important ingredient in the preparation of an invigorating drink; it enhances fermentation and makes it vigorous. The main thing is not to wash the raisins before laying, as you will wash off the so-called wild yeast that is on the surface of the berries.
  • The sugar in kvass gives off carbon dioxide and makes the drink carbonated. But here, too, do not overdo it. After all, one of the advantages of kvass is its low calorie content, sugar, respectively, increases this calorie content. Therefore, everything should be in moderation, if we want to benefit from the drink, and it is unlikely that it will be possible to quench our thirst with very sweet kvass.
  • If we want to get exactly kvass, and not mash, then the fermentation process must be stopped in time. Therefore, the fermentation period should not be more than 4 days, the leaven should be removed, and the strained kvass should be refrigerated.
  • It is recommended to store ready-made kvass in the refrigerator for no more than 7 days.
  • Although why keep it, that's not why we did it. Drink this wonderful homemade drink, it will not only quench your thirst, but also benefit your body. But first, you still need to do it.

Kvass without yeast at home

Kvass without yeast, it is also called double-fermented kvass, one of the most correct recipes, the one that was prepared by our grandmothers and great-grandmothers. In it, sour-milk fermentation prevails over alcohol, respectively, the balance of nutrients and vitamins is observed, which makes it useful for our body.


  • rye bread crumbs
  • sugar

How to make yeast-free kvass:

It is important to know that if you don’t like the first kvass, it doesn’t mean that the recipe is bad, this is normal. The real taste appears already during subsequent fermentation and the older the kvass, the tastier it is.

See another recipe for kvass without yeast in the video, it is made without sourdough and therefore the process is a little faster.

Bread kvass with yeast

This recipe is very popular in home cooking- yeast accelerates the ripening of the drink and the kvass turns out to be very tasty. If anyone is confused by the smell of yeast, then it will be felt only in young kvass. And we will use the yeast only once, then we will add the leaven and the yeast smell will go away.


  • crackers from different bread- 300 gr
  • sugar - 5 tbsp. l.
  • yeast - 10 g fresh or 1 tsp. dry
  • raisins - 1 tbsp l.

How you can make homemade kvass with yeast:

We leave half of the swollen crackers as a leaven and make the next kvass using it, yeast starter do not need to be done, but otherwise we cook in the same way.

Homemade kvass from wort

Kvass from store-bought kvass wort is an easier way to prepare a delicious summer drink. To make the kvass taste good, you need to buy a good concentrate, for example, prepared in accordance with GOST 28538-90. If there is no such marking, pay attention to the composition of the wort so that it is natural without unnecessary additives. It's good when the wort contains different types malt, for example barley and rye, then the kvass gets a richer taste.


  • water - 4 liters
  • kvass wort - 160 gr.
  • sugar - 235 gr.
  • dry yeast - 10 gr.
  • raisins - 10 gr.

How to make kvass from store wort yourself:

Flour kvass - a real Russian recipe

Flour kvass is a real Russian drink, it is also called a village drink. This recipe is also popular for its simplicity of preparation and also for the fact that this drink perfectly quenches thirst, perfectly suits as okroshche kvass, and outperforms all types of kvass in terms of usefulness.


  • rye flour (preferably coarsely ground);
  • Wheat flour;
  • water;
  • sugar;
  • dry yeast or raisins
  • mint (optional)

Method for making flour kvass:

  1. Here, sourdough is also needed, it is called thick - take 150 ml. warm water, add 1 tbsp. l. sugar, stir until it is completely dissolved and add rye flour until thick sour cream, put 5 - 6 raisins. The thick must stand at room temperature for a day. The presence of bubbles on the surface and a sour smell indicates the readiness of the leaven. Remove the raisins from the ready-made sourdough.
  2. Let's start making kvass. It can only be made from rye flour, but wheat flour makes the drink softer and tastier. For 5 liters of water, we need 0.5 kg of flour. Mix rye with wheat in a 2: 1 ratio, where two parts are rye, and one part is wheat.
  3. Pour flour into a container and gradually pour water (40 - 50 0), you should get a homogeneous mass without lumps, similar in consistency to sour cream. The remaining water must be brought to a boil and pour over the flour mixture, mix everything thoroughly, add sugar to taste and, if desired, a small bunch of mint.
  4. As soon as the base for flour kvass has cooled to 40 0, add the leaven and mix thoroughly. Cover the container, wrap it up with a blanket and leave it for 4 days. The appearance of foam, bubbles and the smell of freshly baked bread indicates that the kvass is ready. Strain it through 4 layers of gauze, bottle and refrigerate. Sugar to adjust the taste.

If you replace sugar with honey, then such kvass will be both healthier and tastier.

The thick that has settled to the bottom will serve as a leaven. But it needs to be revived. After decanting the kvass, add a little flour, sugar, warm water and leave for a couple of days. In the refrigerator, rye flour kvass thick retains its qualities for a long time.

These were recipes for bread kvass, but there are many other interesting recipes, for example. About him useful properties, as well as I have already told about the method of preparation, we really like this kvass.

If you have the opportunity to collect Birch juice, then you can prepare kvass based on it.

How to make birch kvass - video recipe

On this I, perhaps, will end the conversation about how to make kvass at home, choose the recipe you like and enjoy a tasty and healthy drink.

As it turned out, there are a lot of kvass recipes, they make such a drink from berries, from chicory, from ginger, rice, cleansing beet kvass, healthy kvass from celandine. So the topic is inexhaustible and maybe we'll come back to it with new experiments.

Elena Kasatova. See you by the fireplace.

Probably one of the most delicious, common and honorable drinks during a feast in Russia, kvass has always been considered. After all, the Slavs first mastered the production of this wonderful drink more than a thousand years ago, even before the formation of Kievan Rus itself.

Due to its special composition, prepared with your own hand, kvass very well quenches thirst, gives the body energy and therefore increases efficiency. This drink improves the digestion process and increases appetite. It also helps to better digest meat and fatty foods and restores the balance of fluid and salts in the body. Fermentation produces lactic acid and other equally important acids. And when it enters the intestines, it acts like yogurt or kefir, neutralizing all the harmful microflora and thus supporting the beneficial one.

How can you make delicious kvass from bread at home? And I'll tell you about this below, where all the most best recipes described in detail and illustrated with step-by-step photographs.


  • Rye bread 1/2 roll
  • sugar - 60 gr
  • vanilla sugar - 10 gr.

Cooking method:

To prepare delicious rye kvass we need to prepare everything necessary products... Then we cut the bread into slices, put it on a baking sheet and send it to a sufficiently preheated oven until all the pieces are browned.

Then we take them out of the oven, let them cool slightly and transfer them to a three liter jar.

Pour 60 grams of sugar there and pour boiling water up to half the jar. And we leave for 10-15 minutes, so that all the crackers are sufficiently soaked.

Now we take gauze, fold it into two or three layers, put it on the neck of the can and put an elastic band on it.

We leave for a day. Then, for convenience, pour the finished drink into bottles through cheesecloth and put it in the refrigerator.

Drink kvass and be healthy!

A simple recipe for kvass at home from dry kvass


Dry kvass - 5 heaped tablespoons

sugar - 5 tbsp. l

raw yeast - 5 grams

Cooking method:

We take a three liter jar, pour five tablespoons of dry kvass, the same amount of granulated sugar and half a teaspoon of raw yeast into it.

Now pour boiled, chilled water to the very top, mix. Put on over the gauze and leave at room temperature for two days.

Then, by filtering, pour into another jar or bottles, close the lids and put them in the refrigerator.

Our prepared drink is ready, we serve it chilled.

On the sourdough that remained in the jar, you can make another drink and for this you need to add the amount of ingredients that is indicated above: dry kvass, sugar, water. You do not need to put yeast. Where the kvass will be ready in a day.

Kvass from rye flour


  • Rye flour - 1 kg
  • water - 10 liters.

Cooking method:

In this recipe, we need to make batter on water, no salt added. Pour 1 kg of flour into one liter of water. And mix thoroughly until smooth.

We transfer the dough to a jar, cover with gauze, wrap it in several layers of dense fabric and put it in a warm place for two or three days.

Fill the risen, fermented dough with warm, boiled water and leave to ferment at room temperature.

After the kvass is ready, you need to pour it through cheesecloth, and then use it.

As the finished drink is consumed, add the required amount to the starter jar boiled water and add the appropriate amount of rye flour.

How to make kvass from dry kvass without yeast


  • Dry kvass - 1 glass
  • sugar - 2/3 cup
  • boiled water - 2 liters.

Cooking method:

To prepare a drink, we need a 3-liter jar, into which we pour a glass of dry kvass and fill it with hot boiled water, just pour it more carefully so that the jar does not burst.

Add sugar there, the amount is indicated above, mix a little, cover with a loose lid or napkin and leave for about two days in a warm place.

Strain the finished kvass into another dish, close it and put it in the refrigerator so that it cools.

Kvass from bread with yeast


  • White bread - 1/2 roll
  • sugar - 6 tbsp. l
  • dry yeast - 1 pinch
  • raisin.

Cooking method:

We cut the bread at random and dry it in the oven until golden brown. If it burns, then the kvass will have a bitter taste.

Now we are preparing the leaven. And for this we pour 1/3 of all crackers into the jar, two tablespoons of sugar and pour in half a liter of boiling water. We are waiting for all the contents to cool down and add a pinch of dry yeast.

In no case should yeast be added to the hot mixture, as it will simply simply die.

Stir, cover with gauze and leave in a warm place for two days.

The leaven is ready.

And now we shift three full handfuls of crackers into a three-liter jar and add four tablespoons of sugar, pour boiling water up to half of the jar, mix and leave to cool.

Put the prepared sourdough into the resulting mixture, add boiled water room temperature to the throat of the can. And we leave, covered with gauze for one or two days, depending on the room temperature.

Then we filter the kvass over the bottles prepared for earlier and put 3-5 raisins in each one, then we remove it to cool in the refrigerator.

And the strained starter culture can be used in the next portion of your favorite summer drink.

How to make kvass with kvass wort (video)

Bon Appetit!!!