How to clean the caviar from the films. Clean the calf from the film at home

The modern market for seafood retailers has long stepped ahead compared even with the past decade, and now in the usual supermarket to purchase a good pump or other fish of the noble breed, almost only caught, is not much difficult. It is especially nice when as a result of such "shopping fishing" you get a fish with caviar. However, the inexperienced "Fisherman" appears the question: how to clean the caviar from the film? How to prevent it at all for subsequent salting?

Choose fish in the store

First of all, you need to choose a good "sample for fishing." Here are 5 main signs of a suitable instance:

  1. Fish, of course, should have an obvious feature of the presence of caviar: noticeably fat "PUC".
  2. Pay attention to the eyes - good fish they will be transparent and in fresh, and frozen.
  3. Of course, the fish should not exude an unpleasant sharp smell, but it should smell, can be said by sea.
  4. If you take a fresh carcass, then when you press on its side, the dent must quickly eliminate. In other words, the fishing should be quite elastic.
  5. Another important sign of high-quality product is red loose gills.

Remove the caviar from the carcass

So, your humpback successfully proceeded from the store of the store to the kitchen. Where to begin?

  1. If you took frozen fish, then let it fully understand it, but do not overturn at room temperature. A carcass weighing a couple of kilograms will be deficienated with 3-5 hours at normal temperature - after that, even a slightly frostable fish can be started to cut.
  2. First you need to suck the belly humpback, ranging from the head and ending with the anal hole. Do not deepen the knife too much to damage the department with caviar and inside and not blur everything with blood.
  3. Then, with the help of the same knife, we slightly separate the cavik from the side walls, simply leaking the knife between the wall and the bag with caviar and slightly moving it away. Such a procedure must be done on both sides of the bag.
  4. Now it should be separated bags with caviar and inside from the fish carcass. The bag and insides are located quite tightly and are attached to the adhesive in two places: next to the anal hole and the head. Follow the place of attachment with your fingers and separate them either with a knife or neat finger movements. It turns out quite easily.

    The bag with caviar of the humpback is actually two independent bags, between which all the other internal fish are located.

  5. Gently separate the caviar from the insides. They are connected to each other without a slippery surface, especially in a fresh carcass, may somewhat make it difficult to compare the caviar. Be careful and do not rush.

Separate the caviar from the film: two ways

The first method involves the use of a special sieve with large cells:

  1. Separated bags with caviar must be carefully sucking with the help of fingers.
  2. Next, we are armed with a high glass, where we put the spelling bags with caviar.
  3. We insert into the glass wand for sushi and the circular movements quickly move it on cache with a film. The film will gradually coolas on the tip of the stick. For a better result, it is recommended to alternate the direction of movement of the stick.
  4. After we take a sieve with round holes, which in size will be slightly more eggs. We put the contents of the glass into the sieve and the palm wipe the eggs through the sieve, freeing them from the remnants of the film.
  5. The film that wounded on a wooden wand is also sent to the sieve and the remaining eggs left the rest of the palm with the same movements.

Do not be afraid in such a way to separate the caviar from the film: Ikrinka of any red fish - pink salmon, trouts or salmon - in fresh form quite elastic and easily pass through the sieve, without bursting.

If there is no special sieve, instead of it, some home-made amateurs advise to use a badminton racket.

  1. Separating bags with cheeks from fishery and indoors, you should add them to a sieve with fine holes - for example, in such a thing that flour is usually sieved - and boil the water.
  2. Sito put on a deep bowl and in small portions we run by caviar with a film with boiling water, then stirring it with a fork or a spoon. It is important to overlook hot water in those places where you saw the appearance of a rolled film. It is important to stir quickly and intensively: so cartons are not welded, do not burst and remain whole, and hot water will quickly come down through a sieve in a bowl.

For 3-4, you will be able to rip almost the entire film, which was on Icra, and remove it with a fork.

Soldering Ikra

That's all! As you can see, the wrills with caviar are not so much, and the work does not require the mass of time. In this sense, the Red Fish can be an excellent "bridgehead" to stinging his hands in the home billet of fishing caviar, so that then it was possible to move to more complex cases - for example, to a whiteway Icre.

Soldering is also a simple process. Usually, 200 grams of caviar use about 1-1.5 teaspoons of large grinding salts.

To make sure that the salt is not much and not enough, you can taste the caviar with salt right during the salting.

Saline product shift into the gauze, we collect it in the bag and hang over a small tray for about an hour to remove the excess moisture.

Bon Appetit!

Step 1: Choose a pinkish.

For cooking home caviar, we will use the hubby caviar. We always can always buy a non-folding hump, and often it comes across caviar. And if such a fish falls you, it turns out that the jar of caviar, at least you got for free. In the appearance of the humpback pretty easy to distinguish the female from the male. Most correctly determine the half of the humpback on the head. The female head is small, short, more rounded. The male looks more predatory, his head is a bit elongated. The size of the fish does not matter, comes across the female larger males, and the males are smaller females. From one humpback, approximately 75 grams of delicious caviar will be obtained. So, take the pump, my and hard on the cutting board. For this sharp knife Do not take a deep incision from ready before the rear fin fish. AND neatly get the inside knife, Do not touch the gallbladder, otherwise you just can spoil the fish and future caviar.

Step 2: Separate the caviar from the film.

The most difficult thing in the home cooking of red caviar - how to separate the caviar from the film. However, there is a way to use which you can handle it quickly. Ikrinka will turn out, as they say, one to one. We take gauze into two layers. I put the caviar to the calfPrepare two deep plates. In one pour hot boiled water into another cold water. The edges of the gauze are covering their hands and lowered in boiling water per minute, constantly interfering with gauze in water. After a minute, we lower in cold water. The film becomes boiled. One part of the caviar itself flew off from the film and remained in Marle. Well, and on the other hand it will have to tinker a little. We take a bag with caviar and carefully nailing the eggs (trying not to burst them). Hands from time to time rinse with water, as they become fat and make it difficult for the process. Finished eggs shift into a colander or sieve, rinse with cold water and we give water. You will see that some eggs are afraid, there is nothing terrible in this, after singing they will be all transparent.

Step 3: Solim Icra.

We take the finished caviar and put it out of a colander or sieves in a glass jar. We add the floor of a teaspoon of salt, a pinch of sugar and vegetable oil, gently mix with a tablespoon so as not to damage the ikrinka. Cover the jar cover and put it in the fridge for the night.

Step 4: Changing red homemade caviar.

In the morning you can enjoy a sandwich with caviar !!! Such caviar can be served as a snack. Moreover, it will be cool chilled caviar. To do this, it is put in a special container, which is called Iborn. In the metal part of the Iborn, the bold ice is placed, designed to cool the red caviar. True, it is only now the caviar is used as a cold, self-snack. In the past, it was served only with hot dishes, for example, with pancakes. Bon Appetit!

Choose a pink salmon just enough. The most valuable and expensive is the one that has large and transparent grains. Moreover, a bright red caviar (Icra of Narki) is valued lower than the caviar of pink salmon, which has an orange color.

In the Icrea of \u200b\u200bthe first grade, there should be eggs of only one kind of fish, without impurities and burst the cheekbones, and the caviar of the second grade, which is sued in barrels, may include cavins of different types of salmon, which, however, only gives it to taste the originality.

Buying caviar in a tin jar, look for a mark - caviar of which kind of salmon fish in front of you. It depends on which the caviar will be in appearance and taste.

Red caviar - delicacy, which has unsurpassed taste, fine and exquisite aroma, and is also a source of a huge amount of useful vitamins and trace elements, just necessary for human health. We are accustomed to see this delicacy at the time of celebrations. The finished saline red caviar is more familiar to acquire in the store, however, to prepare this nutritional, useful, and most importantly, tasty snack can be independently a very simple process. The result will delight you, and your household, because the home snack is much delicious than what is purchased in the store.

If you decide to cook caviar on your own, the first thing you need to know is how to clean the caviar from the film, or from the jassays. Jastks are thin transparent cells in which Ikrinka are located. The cleaning procedure is very important: if the films are not removed, the taste of snacks can acquire a hint of bitterness. Despite the fact that the cleaning of caviar seems to be a difficult process at first glance, the procedure is not so time-consuming: use one of the ways below.

Method number 1.

This method is perfect for those who have a lot of time. All you need is salt and water.

  1. Make a cool salty solution: one liter of cold water you need half a glass of salt.
  2. Put the caviar in the container with the salted solution, pre-breaking the yawns into several pieces. As a rule, five to eight pieces are quite enough. Try to act gently so as not to damage the eggs.
  3. Leave for two hours.
  4. After time, the jaws can be easily removed by hand.

This method is perfect for you, if you want to sleep the caviar - the process of salting occurs at a time with the cleaning of the cheek. In addition, this method is good if Ikra has slightly lost its freshness - salt water will be able to reanimate it.

Method number 2.

For those who want to know how to clean the caviar will be promptly, the method below is suitable. You will need a saucepan and a wooden spoon.

  1. Place the caviar in the pan and hide hot water. Remember: Water should be hot, but should not be boiling water - in this case, Ikrins can harden.
  2. From hot water, the wool films are filled and acquired a muddy gray color, they will become opaque and loose.
  3. Take a wooden spoon. Place it in the middle of the pan, and start rolling between the palms. The film will gather on a spoon, you will only stay periodically removing it.
  4. If the small pieces of the film remained, they are very easy to choose.

It is important to remember: do not keep the caviar under the hot water for a long time, because it can harden and spoil. Also, you can replace the saucepan with a sieve and hold the caviar for a few seconds under running hot water, and to remove the caviar with a fork, stirring a jaw.

Method number 3.

A simple method in which you will need only hot water and colander. Suitable for large mature icons, which are known for their fragility. The main thing is that you need to remember - the holes in the colander should be larger than the eggs. Place the wedge in the dishes and hide with cold water, after which the neat light movements begin to squeeze the eggs into the holes. All remnants of the film at the end of the procedure will be in colander, and the caviar is in a saucepan or a plate.

On December 6, the cosmonauts staying on board the ISS were sent a cargo board with products. Among them was not caviar, which before this was sent annually to the New Year. I personally decided to personally fix this injustice, and gathered for astronauts as a gift for black caviar. Next, the caviar will be sent to Roscosmos, from where it will be delivered to the ISS from [...]

Icra is not frequent, but a valuable guest on the table of any person. Nevertheless, selling in the bank is expensive and does not always respond to expectations, so recently the hostess has learned to plant their own independently. Before you cook the humpback caviar, it must be prepared.

The feasibility of the process

Nature does not come up with nothing like that, therefore, the film bag, naturally, for something you need a fish. In professional circles, he is called a jaw - such a thin membrane helps to hold all the eggs together, so that during the orcase they have a favorable liberty cavity.

Moreover, if you try to taste a film, then it does not have unique qualities, on the contrary, is although harmless, but very tasteless, since it spoils the final product, if not to remove it.

If you do not remove such a bag, then the humpback caviar will not get crumbly and will be pattering. It is necessary to remove the jaws correctly and high quality so as not to damage the eggs. At home, you can also find devices that can help in this.

It is worth remembering that even a small amount of film makes a bitter taste in caviar after the salmon. Sea fish has a fat film, so it can be simply winding onto the plug. The membrane is best removed with Icra ice cream - it will be necessary to simply quarrel the product and remove the jaw with your fingers. In this case, he will move away without much effort.

Preliminary preparation

Before removing the membrane on the calamity, the bag is cut from a wide end. Then the caviar is washingively washed at home, for this you can use flow water from under the tap and a colander, through the holes of which can be straining the eggs so that the film remains inside.

There are methods of cleaning from a jaw when re-rinse the caviar does not need. For example, when a hot hydrochloric solution and a whisk is used.

Be sure to suck the bag, it will be easier to separate the caviar. Sometimes it is enough to pour delicacy and simple cold water, let it stand fifteen minutes so that the cabries themselves separated from the jaw.

Advantages and disadvantages of modern methods of cleaning

Depending on the size of the cheek, the method will also differ with which it will be possible to separate the delicacy. If we talk specifically about the hunchback, then her caviar is less than most of the most common red fish offered, but it is more than pollock or pike. You can use simply with water and hands, the simplicity of this method made it in demand, but with a large amount of product, this occupation takes a lot of time and at the same time you can damage the eggs.

You can manage the mixer or use a simple kitchen whisk, then the dishes use a little and time will take the process less. But in order to do everything correctly, it is necessary to have a certain experience in order not to spoil the caviar.

You can use a sieve, gauze or ordinary colander, that's just after the dishes you have to wash well from a sharp fish aroma. A lot of devices are involved, all this takes a lot of time and more risk to damage the eggs, so it is necessary to resort to this method only if there are no other options.

How to separate the caviar from the film?

The process of training caviar has not undergone significant changes in the last century. The ovaries are removed from the sturgeon sedative female and passed through the sieve to remove the membrane. Freused eggs are washed from impurities.

Delicates requires special attention when processing, since quality guarantees compliance with the basic rules, thereby increasing the shelf life of the final product. Soldering implies some art, practically perfectly mastered by sailors. The advantage of homemade caviar was and remains the absence of preservatives, except salt. From here - pleasant taste, no bitterness.

There are several ways to make a film from the pink salmon caviar. As a rule, these questions are interested in those who decided to spend delicacy independently. In fact, it is not so easy to clean it in practice as it may look from the side. It is not always possible to remove the jaw, using only cold or hot water with a wedge. Sometimes to clean the delicacy, you have to spend a lot of strength, since even a small amount of residual membrane will result in an irreversible spider product.

If it happens right on fishing or where there are no remedies, you will have to adapt and remove the film with your hands. This method is good when caviar is not very much, and completely meaningless if you need to sleep a few barrels.

Since the humpback pink salmon is large, the method with a fork will not quite fit, because it is more often used with small-scale delicacy. A colander or a whisk here would be more useful.

It is always worth having a gauze at hand, because, as it turns out, it is quite useful in the economy. It will take a big piece for caviar, two tanks, it is desirable that these were small basins or bowls. The first pour hot water to another cold.

The fabric is placed in two layers, and the caviar is put in the bags. First, it is immersed in a hot liquid, and after a minute it is cold. Such a process makes it easy to separate the bag from the cheek, since it is welded and disconnected. Now you only need to pose it and remove it.

It does not always happen that the caviar is large, sometimes it does not reach the desired size. It can be cleaned with the help of a colander, but before that it will take every bag thoroughly under running water.

To get to the content, you need to do some bag a little and how to reveal. Now the sourding product is laid out on a metal surface and easy pressing you need to move back and forward so that the cabries fall into the container under colander. Act it is very careful because you can easily crush the delicacy. In this case, care is the key to success.

If there are concerns and no experience, then you need to search among the kitchen utensils a whisk and a saucepan, in which you will need to pour water and boil it. In the container, where hot water is poured, the maximum of two fire bags are placed, even if the size of the container is greater. Stir very neatly, after some time the film will begin to gather on the blade, which has already been welded and moved away.

It happens that there is no one next to anything from the kitchen utensils, then you can use your own hands, however, the water should be cooled slightly so as not to burn. In this case, only one bag with caviar is laid out in the container, waiting for a while, and then begin to interfere with water. A minute later, you can see how icers are disconnected, become free, the film softened, becomes militant, it can be pulled out with my fingers.

If there is a mixer, then you can use it - it allows not to pack your hands. Use for this special nozzles that got the name "Snakes". If it is easier to speak, they are often used for the dough.

It is necessary to work very carefully and slowly. In one hand take an awesome, slightly cut it and open it into another - a mixer. Holding the bag, turn on the equipment and remove the eggs into the container. The speed must be minimal if you do not want to hurt or damage the valuable product. Capacity is better to take wide, since individual eggs will bounce.

The easiest way to remove the membrane is to use salted water. Water must be hot if you want to save time. Boiling water will need to be made before they start cleaning bags with caviar. For one liter of fluid should go about one hundred grams of salt. Icra does not need to immerse hot water, it is worth pouring it. It is difficult to say whether there is a principal difference, but it is just that professionals are advised.

The most unusual way to process caviar, if there is no one at hand, any of the above, but there is a badminton racket, you can use it and any other lattice, for example, from the oven, grill and so on. In this case, the eggs are easily skipped, and the film remains on the rod.

Icra, according to many, is a sign of wealth and prosperity. Some consider it too salted, but it happens because they never tried a real freshly prepared.

First of all, it is necessary that she is preparing from the just catching humpback. Only such a caviar will have a unique taste and aroma. If after catching the fish does not plan to prepare it right away, then you should put a delicacy in the bags in a cool place, that is, the refrigerator. Only in such a form of eggs will remain inside with wet and fresh. But it is impossible to delay the process very much, because then the taste of the final product will not be.

Before you start, you need to make brine. Most professionals use 4 parts of water, 1 part of the salt. Salt should be real: stone or sea, not cook, since there is no longer one in it. The caviar made on the cook salt can greatly disappear.

The brine must be boiled until the salt is completely dissolved, and then cool it. In no case do not put bags with caviar in boiling water, as they just boil there. It will take a lot of time, so the brine is prepared in advance. When it is ready and cooled, it's time to separate Ikrinka from the film. Poured the bags with liquid and wait five minutes, then remove the film.

On an industrial scale, the caviar is sieved and "filtered" depending on the size, after carefully clean and rinsed. At home, it is not worth doing this, but it does not hurt it under running water to eliminate the likelihood of membrane.

It is best when the product is collected from adult females, whose caviar has achieved a certain stage of development. Such a delicacy is characterized by dimensions and saturation of taste, but there are no additional features in processing. In order not to damage the eggs, a person must have a certain experience, only so you can save the quality of the product.

No need to use metal dishes in the manufacture of caviar.Wooden spoons and glass bowls are best, as they do not oxidize delicacy. In addition, if possible, use filtered water for cleaning and processing humpback caviar. Ikrinka fish react to unfiltered water to the osmosis process, so even water quality can affect the taste of the final product.

If a colander is used or any other fixture with holes, before starting work it is worth checking whether ikrinka will pass through holes, and otherwise you can simply spoil part of the valuable product. It is not always necessary to boil the brine, you can simply pour hot water from under the tap, but through the filter. The temperatures of 60 degrees will be enough to separate the membrane from the cheek. Recent impurities are removed using tweezers.

In an industrial scale, both manual labor and special equipment are used. In this case, the percentage of loss of the integrity of the eggs is only 10%. You can call several reasons why the delicacy, prepared by myself at home, is much better:

  • salt concentration less;
  • fresh;
  • taste is better.

Malosol products are always high quality, it is characterized by a subtle aroma, a small amount of salt used. This method came up with fishermen primarily so that the product does not have time to spoil until they take it to the shore. You can not feel a special flavor of freshness, if you try and compare the product from the store and own production.

Specialists in this product say that there is little salt, and low-quality larger. In householdation, salt ranges from 3.5 to 5 percent in the portion of a high-quality low-headed product. This particular delicacy prefers real gourmets.

The basic principles of storage have changed over the years. Today, thanks to the refrigeration technology, it was possible to reduce the salt content in Icra, and a few more years ago it had to plant very cool, so as not to deteriorate, but this, of course, significantly worsened the quality of the product.

Already after the fish caviar will be cleaned from the film, it will be necessary to re-rinse. After that, the delicacy is drained into the container with gauze, tighten the bag, folded in several layers, and hang the glass liquid, and the caviar can dry for further saline. If everything is done correctly, the finished product will have an amazing texture. You can feel every egg in the language, but at the same time they remain quite hard to burst and produce juice when chewing. Caviar is an extremely perishable product, so it should be stored in the refrigerator before eating.

This gorgeous and expensive snack simply must be sunflower. It is considered a premium class when it does not have a bromine and other preservatives.

If you follow the advice of professionals and delve into the topic in more detail, you can make an amazing humpback caviar at home. The main thing is not to reduce and do not suppress the eggs, so the novice culinary will advise to use their own hands and salt solid.

About how to clean the caviar of the humpback from the film, you will learn in the next video.

Sokolova Svetlana

Reading time: 4 minutes


How to escape the humpback caviar at home tasty and fast? Quite simple. It will take to find out the overall salting technology, several tricks and important points that I will tell in the article.

Caviar Gorbushi is a popular delicacy of light orange shade and a great decoration of the festive table. The product is obtained from the fish family of salmon. Caviar is rich in useful substances and minerals, the grain of round shape and medium size.

The homemade caviar of the humpback is obtained nutritious, useful and tasty. Excellent alternative to an expensive analogue from the store. The product will become an excellent addition to various snacks, sandwiches, profitles, tartlets, decoration of salads (with salmon and butter, seafood layer, olivier with chicken fillet and shrimps), filling for pancakes.

Before revealing the secrets of the salmon at home, let's talk about the nutritional of fish delicacy, the useful properties for the human body, tap the topic of cleaning the red caviar from the jaw (film).


The product is rich in animal protein (31 g. Per 100 g) and useful fish oil (about 12 g. Per 100 g). The caloric content indicator of the present grainy humpback is 230 kcal / 100 For comparison: artificial caviar is less nutritious. Caloric content of 100 g of simulation product is 64 kcal. Squirrel only 1


In the product obtained from salmon fish, a huge amount of useful substances, including:

  • magnesium;
  • fluorine;
  • phosphorus;
  • iron;
  • calcium;
  • zinc;
  • sodium and others.

Pinkish caviar rich with retinol and unsaturated fatty acid Omega-3, it contains the vitamins of the B, D and E. vitamin A - the vital element for healthy hair and skin, the correct flow of metabolic processes in the body and the sustainability of immunity. Omega-3 is the protector of the heart and blood vessels, strengthens the bone tissue and joints, contributes to the correct operation of the nervous system.

How to Clean the Chang Humpback from the film at home

The jaws are thin, but a durable shell, inside which are icre. Caviar, cleaned from the bag-shell before salting, is considered the highest quality, aristocratic looks, tasty and not patched.

There are the following ways to get rid of the firing grains:

With brine

I take 1 liter of pure filtered water, overflow in a saucepan and add 30 g of salt. I bring to a boil. Leave cooling to 40-50 ° C. Irrify the humpback in a jaws in a saucepan. Gently and slowly stirring the wedge for knocking. As the film rotates, the film is screwed into the whisk. Remove if necessary. After the branch of the eggs from the jaw to drag the brine over the colander. The remaining pieces of the film cleaner manually.

Fast manual way

A jaw split into several parts (not more than 6). Each piece is leisurely and gently knead. I do not make great efforts to accidentally not crush the grain. With the correct kneading Ikrinka, the films are separated without problems.

The cleaning method is effective for ripened anchor. Film in this case moves simple and quickly. If the product is not matured, the method is inffective.

Using sieves and forks

In a saucepan with hot water (50-60 ° C), lowers a sieve with crude eggs. Within 5-10 seconds, I actively mix, gently picing the fork. The film is screwed onto the cutlery, and on the bottom of the sieve there are marriage.

Do not overturn the hubby caviar in hot water! This will lead to hardening eggs.

Using salt water and boiling water

Pour eggs with salt water (1 liter I take 3 tablespoons of salt). Leave for 2 hours. Shoot in a colander. I hide hot water. The film will instantly rolled. Gently remove the awesome and get peeled seeds.

Thanks to the colander

Separating a jaw to several parts. Shooting into a colander with medium-sized holes. Pour a small amount of boiling water. I give water to drain. Quickly shake a colander so that the peeled pink salmon caresses fell through the holes. The film will remain in the kitchen utensil.

With the help of a mixer

Effective method for cleaning a large number of caviar in a short time. There is one important note: be careful not to damage the eggs.

I post in a basic caviar. I add water, rinse thoroughly. I take a mixer (nozzle - whisk). I turn on the middle power and lower in a large tank. With careful stirring, part of the jaw separated, the other - screws on the nozzle. Turn off the mixer. Removable film removal manually. Ikrinka carefully remove from the pelvis.

Video advice

What to do if the integrity of the jaw is broken

If you came across a fish caviar with a damaged film, you must perform the following steps:

  1. Prepare a special solution (on 1 liter of water to take a tablespoon of salt with a slide).
  2. Rinse with salted water.
  3. Gently remove the burst grains, not assigate. When contacting mortar, damaged eggs acquire a pronounced white color.
  4. Sprinkle to remove a solid grain, skipping through a colander or grille.

Classic Soldering Soldering Calf Sickness

Standard salting technology includes the preparation of a simple brine based on 3 components: water, salt and sugar.


Portions: 10.

  • water 1 L.
  • caviar 400 g
  • salt stone 2 tbsp. l.
  • sugar 1 tsp.

For a portion

Calories: 230 kcal

Proteins: 31.2 g

Fats: 11.7 G.

Carbohydrates: 0 g

55 min.Video Recipe Print

    I take a deep saucepan. I pour water, smelling sugar, add salt.

    I put the container on the stove. I bring the brine to a boil, gently stirring. Remove from the burner. Leave cooling to a temperature of 40-50 ° C.

    Shooting pre-purified eggs in a saucepan. I plant 15 minutes to get a low-headed product. If you prefer a more pronounced salty taste, hold for another 30 minutes.

    Gently merge brine.

The easiest and fastest recipe

Ichorka made by express recipe will be ready after 5 hours. Shelf life - 2 days. Drink on health!


  • Ikra - 500 g;
  • Sugar - 1 small spoon;
  • Salt - 2 teaspoons.


  1. Carefully clean the caviar of pink salmon from the film. I lay out in a large plate.
  2. I put salt and sugar. Very carefully and slowly mix, without violating the integrity of the grain.
  3. I close a plate, pressing extra weight from above. I use a mug with water.
  4. After the 5-hour ID, ICC is ready to use.

Slashing with vegetable oil for sandwiches


  • Red humpback caviar - 100 g;
  • Sugar - 5 g;
  • Salt - 5 g;
  • Vegetable oil is half a teaspoon.


  1. From the pink salmon I remove the caviar. After the successful procedure of separation of the film shifting into a sieve. I wash under the minimal pressure of cold water. Due to rinse, part of the iconic will be brightened. Do not worry, at the end of the preparation of the grain will acquire the initial shade.
  2. Wash and peeled grain shifting into a jar.
  3. I add sugar sand, salt and half a small spoon of vegetable oil. I close the bank with a lid and send to the refrigerator for 8-10 hours.
  4. In the morning I use a home product for spreading on the bread and producing delicious and nutrient cream oil sandwiches.

How to salute cavaria with cream and onions


  • Ikra - 200 g;
  • Onions - 1 small head;
  • Fresh cream (medium fat, 20%) - 25 g;
  • Salt of large grinding - 1 teaspoon;
  • Ground pepper - to taste.


  1. I wash the caviar thoroughly and remove the film. I shift into deep dishes.
  2. Finely cut the bulb. Send to the grains.
  3. Sprinkle salt and ground pepper. Carefully rub spices in the humpback caviar.
  4. Slowly and evenly watering on top of cream. I mix the spoon, without damaging the grains.
  5. At the end I add salt.
  6. Cover the dishes with a lid. Leave per hour. I lay out in a jar.

Kushanye will become an excellent addition to sandwiches. Square a snack with a fish delicacy with a small amount of sunflower oil and vinegar.

How to sleep the caviar pumps for long-term storage


  • Water - 3 l;
  • Ikra - 1 kg;
  • Salt - 1 kg;
  • Vegetable oil - 3 tablespoons.


  1. I am preparing brine. I take a big saucepan. I pour water and put on the stove. Before boiling, add salt.
  2. The ratio is 3 to 1. I bring to a boil. I take off the plate and leave cool.
  3. I spread the caviar to the brine. Depending on the degree of saline, I leave for 10-25 minutes.
  4. I drag the water using plastic sieve. It's not shaking hard to damage. We wait until the water is stroke.
  5. Shooting caviar on paper towels. Leave for several hours to dry.
  6. Lubricate the salted cabin with vegetable oil. Send to banks. From above, cover with wipe paper (special culinary or made from the standard pure sheet A4). I close covers.

Delicious home ICC for long-term storage in the refrigerator is ready!

Express salting with lemon juice and greens


  • Ikra - 500 g;
  • Salt - 1 tablespoon;
  • Vegetable oil - 100 g;
  • Lemon - 1 thing;
  • Ground white pepper - half of the teaspoon;
  • Greens - to taste.


  1. I spread the purified caviar into a large plate.
  2. Sweep salt, pepper. I pour oil and freshly squeezed lemon juice.
  3. I cover on top of the lid and send to the fridge for 2 hours.
  4. I serve a delicious delicacy on the table, sprinkled on top of fresh chopped greenery.

White pepper in contrast to black has a delicate taste and a thin fragrance. It is found in solid form (peas) and powdered (hammer). In the absence of white pepper or desire to experiment, replace the usual black.

How to salute caviar trout home

Folding caviar salts and pink salts are almost identical. You can use a standard saline solution or a dry method. Ikrinka will pre-clean from the film.

I offer a pickup recipe based on artificial tuzluk (salt solution) with sea salt.


  • Water - 1 l;
  • Sea salt - 50 g;
  • Sugar - 100 g;
  • Ikra Trouta - 400 g


  1. I am preparing brine from water, sugar and sea salt. I bring to a boil and leave cool.
  2. Loaded and purified trout Icrings shifting in the saline temperature of the room temperature.
  3. I hold in water for 15 minutes.
  4. I drag the brine using the sitechko. I shift in the dishes and send to the refrigerator for 3 hours, closing tightly with the lid.

Video cooking

Storage secrets

Gorbushi home caviar - a useful and tasty product. To save taste and useful properties, follow storage rules.

  • Icra is better stacked in glass jars. Do not keep the home product in metal dishes or plastic containers. The taste will deteriorate.
  • Do not freeze. In the process of frosting, the caviar of pumps will lose the taste and most of the beneficial substances.
  • The optimal storage temperature of the fish delicacy is from -2 ° C to -6 ° C.
  • Storage time with standard salting - no more than 2 days.

Prepare humpback caviar at home, using one of the recipes you like. The product will be useful and more natural in contrast to the shop analogues. In addition, the cost of the exquisite Kushan, salted by the skillful mistress, will be lower.