Whole small apples compote for the winter. We close the apple compote for the winter in three-liter and one-liter jars

Apple compote is summer canned in jars. Ripe, sweet, with honey and cinnamon flavor. On a wet autumn or winter day, an apple drink will delight you with warm memories of a fragrant and sunny summer.

Fruit compotes come from those distant times when in Russia from fruit and berry mixes they cooked uzvars or vzvars, as they were called then. They were sugar-free and very rich and thick. This drink was prepared only for the holidays and was especially revered on Christmas Eve. Therefore, it was often brewed from dried fruits available at that time of the year.

Today, cooking apple and fruit compotes for the winter has become an integral tradition of many families. When compotes are boiled in the kitchen, sweet-spicy aromas of apples, plums or pears soar in the house. This is mom "rolls up vitamins." With love, he puts them in jars and pours them with delicious syrup. Therefore, even now, when store shelves attract with a colorful variety fruit drinks, recipes of mother's and grandmother's natural, useful compotes keep home cookbooks safe.

A selection of the best of these recipes is presented as a selection of selected apple compotes. The apple flavor goes well with fruit and berry additions. And, of course, apples love spicy additions, especially cinnamon, cloves and honey.

10 apple compote recipes

Recipe 1. Simple and quick apple compote for the winter

Ingredients for a 3-liter jar: half a kilo of apples, two liters of water, two hundred grams of sugar.

Boil the syrup from a mixture of sugar and water, let it boil for about 10 minutes. At this time, wash the apples thoroughly under running water and cut: small into two parts, large - into four. Remove tails and seed pod. You should not peel the fruit. It is in it that a storehouse of useful substances is stored. Prepare acidic water from 1 liter of water and 3 g of citric acid. Lower the prepared apples for a few minutes so that they do not darken. Put the slices in clean, sterilized jars and pour boiling syrup over the "shoulders". Send the workpiece to pasteurize at a temperature of 85 ° C for 25-30 minutes. Screw on the lids and, after cooling, put in a cool place.
For a richer aroma, you can put a sprig of mint or cinnamon in the compote.

Recipe 2. Apple compote without sterilization

Ingredients for a 3-liter jar: half a kilogram of apples, two liters of water, 1.5 two-hundred-gram glasses of sugar with a slide.

Cut clean apples into two or four parts, cut out the core and put in prepared sterilized jars. Pour boiling water over, cover and leave for 10-15 minutes. Drain the water into a saucepan with sugar and add the pre-digested water there so that the amount of the finished syrup is slightly more than the recipe. Put a jar of steamed apples in a deep bowl and pour over boiling syrup. Compote is prepared without sterilization, so it is necessary to comply with a prerequisite: it is necessary to fill the jar with syrup "with a slide" so that it overflows a little. Cover, roll up. Wipe the jar, turn over the neck and wrap well. Store in a cool and dark place.

Recipe 3. Plum and apple compote

Ingredients for a 3-liter jar: half a kilo of summer varieties of apples, 0.4 kg of dark plums, a liter of water, one and a half two hundred grams of sugar.

Put water on the stove. While it is boiling, wash and peel the fruit. Cut ripe dense apples in half (large into 4 parts), remove the stem and the middle with grains. Plums can be left pitted for extra flavor. Place prepared fruits in clean jars. The 3 liter jar should be about half full. Pour apples and plums with boiling water, cover and let cool for 10-15 minutes. Pour water into a saucepan, add granulated sugar. Bring to a boil and pour the syrup over the fruit again. Remember that when rolling compote without sterilizing the syrup, the jar should be "with a slide". Turn the rolled fruit compote upside down, wrap it tightly and leave it alone until it cools. Apple drink take out to a dark, cool place.

Recipe 4. Apple and pear compote

Ingredients for a 3-liter jar: half a kilogram of summer pear varieties and half a kilogram of apples, a two-hundred-gram glass of sugar, a liter of water, a gram of citric acid, cinnamon, cloves, star anise - to taste.

Wash apples and pears thoroughly, remove tails and seeds. Cut the fruit into 2-4 pieces and place in jars. Pour boiling water over and forget about them for 15 minutes. Pour the water into a saucepan, add granulated sugar and add spices, acid. Bring the marinade to a boil. Cook for 3-4 minutes. Pour fruit jars again, cover with lids. Sterilize or pasteurize the apple and pear compote in a bowl of water. The boiling time depends on the selected processing method and the volume of the jar - from 10 to 30 minutes. Roll up the finished drink with lids, turn it over the neck and wrap it in warm "clothes" for 12-14 hours. The storage place is cool.

Recipe 5. Compote of grapes and apples

Ingredients for a 2-liter jar: 2-3 ripe apples, 2-3 bunches of Isabella grapes or the like, a two-hundred-gram glass of sugar with a slide, one and a half to two liters of water.

Put whole washed apples and bunches of grapes in sterile jars. The fruit should fill the jar 2/3 full. Boil the water, and pour the fruit while still boiling. Cover with sterile lids and stand for 10-15 minutes. Pour the cooled water into a saucepan, add sugar and boil the syrup for no more than 7 minutes. Pour the fruits with hot syrup to the very neck, roll up. Leave the grape apple compote at night under a warm blanket. Place the cooled drink in a cool-dark room.

Recipe 6. Apple compote and chokeberry

Ingredients for a 3-liter jar: half a kilogram of apples, 300-400 g of chokeberry, a two-hundred-gram glass of sugar, 1.5-2 liters of water.

Wash the sweet and sour variety of fresh apples, remove the core with cereal capsules and cut into pieces. Sort out the chokeberry, remove the damaged berries, rinse and dry in a colander. Pour boiling water over. Place apple slices at the bottom of a clean jar and cover with mountain ash. Pour boiling water over, cover and steam for 10-15 minutes. Put sugar in a saucepan and pour over cooled water from jars. Boil the syrup and cook until the sugar grains disappear completely. Pour the boiling syrup into the center of the jar with fruit and berry filling, and send it under the lid to sterilize for 10-15 minutes. After the allotted time, roll up the cans with metal lids, turn them upside down and send them to rest under a warm blanket lasting about 12 hours. Store the apple-mountain ash drink at a temperature slightly below room temperature.

Recipe 7. Apple compote with wine

Ingredients for a 3-liter jar: half a kilogram of apples, two liters of water, a two-hundred-gram glass of sugar with a slide, half a glass of dry white wine, five cloves, a cinnamon stick, half a lemon peel.

Bring the sugar syrup to a boil. Into the boiling sweet water put the washed, peeled and cut apples. Cook for no more than 7 minutes and pour apples into jars. Strain the syrup through a fine sieve, put on fire and add cinnamon, lemon peel and cloves. After boiling, add wine and hold it on the stove for a little more. Spicy marinade pour the apples and send them for sterilization within a period of time, which is comparable to the volume of the selected jar.

Recipe 8. Apple and currant juice compote

Ingredients for a 3-liter jar: half a kilogram of apples, 400 g of black currants, one and a half two hundred grams of sugar, one and a half to two liters of water.

Remove the seed center and tail from the washed apples. Cut the fruits into large slices. The currants, washed and peeled from the stalks (you can leave the "forelocks"), pass through a juicer. Pour the prepared apples into a clean, sterilized jar. Pour the contents over with boiling water, and leave to infuse under the lids for about 15 minutes. Return the cooled water back to the container where it was cooked, add sugar and pour in the juice. Sugar-currant water needs to boil for 5 minutes. Pour the fruits into the jars so that the syrup spills slightly through the neck. Tighten with lids, wrap in a warm blanket and leave to warm for 12-14 hours. Store in a cool closet.

Recipe 9. Apple, cherry and lemon compote

Ingredients for a 3-liter can: half a kilo of apples, half a kilogram fresh cherries, one and a half two hundred gram glasses of sugar, half a lemon, one and a half liters of water.

Cut pure apples into four slices, cut out the seed box. Sort the cherries so that there are no berries with wormholes. Cover with water for half an hour. Pits can be removed from cherries. Rinse the lemon and cut the half into thin slices.

Put all the ingredients in a saucepan with water, including sugar. Simmer at high temperature until it boils. After bubbling bubbles appear, temper the heat and boil the fruit and berry mix for another 10 minutes. Roll up the compote with sterilized lids, turn it over the neck and place it under a thick blanket so that the drink keeps the temperature for as long as possible. After 12 hours, the compote of cherries, apples and lemon can be drunk or transferred to a storage location.

Recipe 10. Apple and Rosehip Compote

Ingredients for a 3-liter jar: half a kilo of apples, 10-15 dry rose hips, a two-hundred-gram glass of sugar, one and a half to two liters of water.

Winter apples hard varieties wash, divide into 4-6 slices each, remove the core and bones. Blanch the chopped fruits for five minutes and gently transfer to a bowl with water and ice cubes. When cool, lay out and drain off excess liquid. Soak the selected rosehip for 5-10 minutes in water at room temperature. Blanch and cool in the same way as apples. Put apple slices and rose hips in layers in a sterilized jar. Pour in hot sugar syrup, cover and place in a pot of water to sterilize for 10 minutes. After - tightly close the compote or roll up the lid. Cool the drink gradually, wrapped up. Store the ideal vitamin complex at temperatures below 20 degrees, in a dark place.

Summer assorted compotes, like all self-respecting culinary creations, have cooking secrets. By adhering to them, you can avoid many mistakes, and the cooking process will become easy and enjoyable.

  1. The most suitable for compotes are sweet and sour apples (one can - one variety). Slightly unripe fruits are used, otherwise they will boil and lose their shape.
  2. Based on personal preferences and tastes, you can prepare any assorted compote. The amount of sugar determines the degree of acidity in fruits and berries. The more acidic the fruit, the more granulated sugar it needs to balance.
  3. Before harvesting, peeled apples can be blanched for 5-7 minutes. This will preserve the shape and color of the fruit. But upon completion of blanching, the apples are immediately cooled in an ice bowl of water. And the water in which the apples were processed is suitable for making syrup.
  4. Compote is traditionally prepared: without sterilization, by sterilization or pasteurization. Without sterilization - the fruit is poured twice: the first time with boiling water, the second with syrup, and immediately rolled up. Sterilization takes place at a temperature of 100 ° C: liter cans - 5 minutes, 2-liter - 8 minutes, 3-liter - 12 minutes. Pasteurization - at a temperature of 85 ° C, 15, 25 and 30 minutes, respectively.
  5. If the recipe provides for the sterilization of the compote, then it is enough to treat the jars with soda, wash and dry. No sterilization - lids and jars must be rinsed with steam.
  6. Sugar in compotes plays the role of an additional preservative. Therefore, rolling the drink in the "no sterilization" way, the amount of granulated sugar in the recipe increases by 20%.
  7. If apple compote is prepared with the addition of stone berries, then it should be remembered that such drinks cannot be stored for more than a year. The bones contain hydrocyanic acid, which, over time, in high concentration will turn into a drink.
  8. According to the proposed recipe, the syrup in cans is quite saturated. Therefore, if the drink turns out to be too cloying, you can dilute it with boiled water.
  9. With proper heat treatment, apples from compote will retain their firmness and shape. In this form, they will become perfect filling for baking.

Compliance with these simple rules when preparing compotes guarantees the safety of all useful vitamins and trace elements before winter. And the combination fragrant apples with a variety of fruits and berries will add color and taste to the compote.

Recipes for such original drinks are inherited and become favorites not only of the whole family, but also of guests, who, of course, will be interested in the secrets of cooking. And, as you know, the best praise and recognition of the hostess's culinary talents is the phrase: "Could you tell me the recipe for this wonderful apple compote ?!"

Delicious and aromatic drink from fruits - the business card of summer and autumn. If you prepare apple compote for the winter, you can enjoy the dessert during the cold season. There are many cooking recipes that are not always clear to a novice cook. In order for the conservation process to proceed without complications, it is important to stock up on quality products and find the optimal technology that suits your needs.

Features of the dish

Until the 18th century, the traditional drink of the Eastern European peoples was called uzvar. The drink was prepared from dried fruits and served as a dessert. The word "compote" came to the Russian language from France. At home, it was made in the form of a sweet puree and sold on the streets of cities. Having migrated to the tables of ancestors, he quickly fell in love with ordinary people and became the central element of the meal.

The popularity of the dish lay in its versatility. It was cooked with or without sugar. During the harvesting period, they took not only seasonal berries and fruits, but also vegetables, and cereals were added to increase the nutritional value.

V aromatic cocktail are better preserved beneficial features components. Due to the fact that fruits are less exposed heat treatment, trace elements and vitamins are not destroyed, have a positive effect on the physical condition of a person. Correctly selected composition will improve mood, strengthen the immune system and protect against seasonal illnesses.

Canned compote is best prepared with fresh fruit. Apples are different delicate taste and contain a huge number of useful components:

  • vitamins (A, group B, C);
  • potassium;
  • iron;
  • sodium;
  • magnesium.

In order to preserve all the elements in the drink, you need to choose the right products. Summer varieties are looser and boil down quickly when cooked. In order not to get porridge in the jar, it is worth adjusting the time of exposure to heat. Late species keep their shape perfectly, so they can be easily combined with other ingredients. In addition to fresh fruit, it is allowed to use dry and frozen.

For compotes, only high-quality fruits are taken without rot and disease. Even a small speck on the skin can destroy the labor of several hours. Before putting in jars, the products are sorted out, washed thoroughly. Large specimens are cut into eight parts, and small ones (wild, ranetki) can be cooked whole. In order for the drink to stand for a long time, the cans and lids must be sterilized, and the liquid is poured over the "shoulders".

Classic recipe

It is better to start the preparation of your favorite dessert with simple option... If there are no extra additives, then the process itself is fast. To prevent the pieces from falling apart during cooking, they prefer sour hard types and slightly unripe ones. Green fruits do not have a specific aroma, so the final result will not please the culinary specialist. It is also not worth taking over those that have stood, otherwise there is a risk of fermentation.

The size and type of apple slices does not matter in the recipe. This plays more an aesthetic role than a practical one. To prevent the peel from bursting on whole fruits, it is worth piercing them in several places with a wooden toothpick. The workpieces are dipped in boiling water for five minutes, after which they are immersed in cold liquid. This trick will stop the internal cooking and help maintain an attractive shape.

They are laid out in jars, after which they are poured with syrup made on the basis of blanching moisture. To make the drink tasty, you need the ingredients:

  • apples - 800 gr;
  • sugar - 260 gr;
  • water - 3 l.

After the sweet base has boiled, it is gently poured into containers with the product. It is worth remembering that if the glass comes into contact with boiling water, the walls will burst. To prevent this, the dishes must not cool down. The procedure is repeated twice, after which it is covered with a lid, sterilized for 15 minutes and rolled up. The jars are turned upside down, wrapped in a towel and left untouched for 6 hours.

If it is difficult to engage in blanching, then you can preserve the drink after boiling. In a saucepan, bring the syrup to a boil, then add the prepared raw materials. Soft specimens are cooked for 5 minutes, and for winter varieties it will take at least a quarter of an hour. During the process, do not lift the lid and do not look into the pan, otherwise vitamins and aroma will evaporate. The liquid is dispensed over the dishes with a ladle and rolled up.

Supplement options

Apples are considered a versatile base that is easy to experiment with. There are many modifications of the popular drink that transform the familiar taste beyond recognition. It is important to choose the right components and sterilization time. If you do not keep the required interval, then the product will lose its visual appeal.

Rosehip and spice cocktail

A simple recipe for conservation, which is understandable even for a novice cook. For one kilogram of fruit, you will need a glass of fresh red berries and one and a half - sugar. Cinnamon (no more than sticks) is ideally combined with popular fruits, although it is allowed to add cloves, vanilla or ginger. The main thing is not to overdo it with flavors, otherwise the original smell will not be felt.

1.5 liters of water are heated in a saucepan, after which rose hips and spices are added. The cocktail is boiled for fifteen minutes and filtered. The hot liquid is mixed with sweet sand and brought to a boil. Pre-peeled and cut fruits are laid out in jars, after which they are poured with syrup, covered with lids and sterilized for at least a quarter of an hour.

Sorts with a dense structure are suitable as fruits. Mature Antonovka and Jonathan quickly convey a delicate aroma, without taking away anything superfluous. Instances with white and yellow skin in combination with a bright liquid look original and do not require other additives.

Lemon drink

Citrus is ideal component, capable of making even the most unsuccessful preparations tasty. The amount of base depends on the desired concentration. If you need a "strong" compote, then more than half of the dishes are taken. Small game is allowed not to be cut, but to be used entirely. To preserve the original look, a couple of holes are made with a fork in each copy.

Syrup is boiled from 1.5 liters of water and 200 grams of sugar. Boil in boiling liquid for 3 minutes lemon wedges and apples. Food is poured into a three-liter jar, poured with hot moisture, sterilized and rolled up. For canning, oranges and tangerines are allowed, although they are not as fragrant as regular yellow citrus. So that the drink does not taste bitter, the bones and skin must be removed before the procedure.

Mix with pears and cherries

For lovers of concentrated recipes, we recommend trying great option for the winter. The dessert has a rich red color and a sweet aroma that is hard to forget. For one kilogram of apple base, take 300 grams of additives. Crumpled fruits are placed on the bottom of the container, covered with sand and poured with boiling water.

A liter jar is sterilized for 10 minutes, then rolled up and hidden under a blanket. A mixture of several components does not require any additional ingredients. Cherries give a tart, sour aftertaste, while pear and apple give a concentrated "summer" smell.

With sea buckthorn

If you need an unusual version of the drink, then it is better to pay attention to the addition of golden berries. Useful plant rarely used in combination with other fruits, although the combination is very original. All vitamins and microelements are stored under the lid, which is indispensable in cold seasons. For 400 grams of apples, there are 200 sea buckthorn (fresh or frozen) and half a kilogram of sugar.

Spices in the cocktail are optional, but they are allowed to be added to lovers of rich aromas. For a three-liter jar, a couple of cloves or mint heads are enough.

The berries are sorted out, the fruits are cut into slices. Pour into the bottom of the container, pour boiling sand syrup, 2.5 liters of water and spices on top. The dishes are covered with clean lids, sterilized for 15 minutes, turned over and wrapped in a blanket.

Apple compote for the winter is a popular preservation, which is a pleasant dessert on a person's table. If you understand the basis of the technology, then the rolling procedure will not become a burden. Time-tested and modernized recipes will appeal to the most demanding gourmets.

Nowadays, it is much easier to purchase a ready-made drink in the store without knowing what products were used to prepare it. However, it is much better to stockpile yourself for the winter using proven recipes. Present to your attention best recipes apple compote for the winter.

If a large harvest of apples has ripened in the country, the best solution would be to make compote from it. Observing all the rules and subtleties, you can get a drink that will retain all the benefits of fresh fruit.

How to cook apple compote for the winter

Right choice apples are the key to getting a delicious dessert drink. The fruits should be large, ripe enough, without dents and wormholes.

If apples of several varieties are available, then they must be rolled into different banks... This will keep the taste of the drink clean.

In order to avoid the fermentation processes of the finished drink in the future, apples must be washed well before cooking.

  • Apple compote is cooked from whole or cut fruits.
  • If you wish, you can peel off and remove the pith core.
  • The fruit pieces should be the same size so they cook evenly when cooked.

    So that the cut apples do not darken, they are soaked for a while in acidified water. Thanks to this procedure, they will retain their color and taste.

  • Before putting apples in jars, it is advisable to blanch them in boiling water for 7 minutes, and then place in cold water. After this procedure, they will no longer darken.

For canning, it is better to use sweet and sour apples with firm pulp, slightly unripe. Overripe fruits in compote will boil and lose their shape. Then the drink will be too cloudy. Unripe apples will not saturate the drink with taste and aroma.

Basically, when canning apple compotes, they use two proven methods:

  • with sterilization- a jar of fruit is filled with hot sugar syrup, sterilized and sealed with lids.
  • without sterilization- Fruits are poured with boiling water, allowed to brew for 10-15 minutes, then water is poured and sugar syrup is prepared on its basis. Pour the resulting syrup into the fruit in a jar, and then immediately cork it.

If the drink has become cloudy or moldy, then it should not be consumed. You can try making vinegar or homemade wine from it.

Usually this situation occurs when poor water or poorly sterilized jars and lids were used during cooking. To prevent spoilage of the finished drink, you need to use only high-quality water and clean dishes.

Jars with compote are stored in a dark, dry, cool place, with an air humidity of no more than 80%.

What varieties of apples are best suited for compote

Many apple varieties are suitable for long-term storage. As a rule, these are varieties that ripen in late autumn. It is these apples that have the most dense pulp, which will not boil down during heat treatment.

Fruits of sweet and sour varieties are best suited for fresh apple compote. Among them:

  • White filling,
  • Jonathan,
  • Bessemyanka,
  • Mac,
  • Antonovka,
  • Pepin Saffron,
  • Rennet.

The most beautiful drinks come from red and pink apples.

What can you combine apples in compote

Apple compote for the winter is a favorite preparation. Apples, without exaggeration, can be called the most popular fruit. They go well with many berries, fruits, spices and vegetables.

If apple taste and aroma alone are not enough, then you can put a sprig of mint or lemon balm, a cinnamon stick, a little clove, star anise, cardamom, anise, nutmeg, vanilla in the drink.

You need to add spices only at the end of cooking, otherwise they may lose their taste and aroma during the boiling process.

To add spice to the drink, the usual sea ​​salt- a small pinch will add softness and fully reveal the apple notes. Apple compote for the winter can be prepared with the addition of red or white dry wine. With its help, the drink acquires a berry flavor and a delicate pinkish tint.

  • To make the apple compote more saturated, any fruits and berries are added to it: pears, apricots, plums, cherries, strawberries, orange, lemon, grapes.
  • You can prepare a vitamin drink with sea buckthorn, rose hips, cranberries, rhubarb.
  • An excellent combination is given by any dried fruits: prunes, dried apricots, raisins.
  • White and brown sugar, as well as any type of honey can be used as a sweetener.

Before drinking, the drink is cooled and filtered. Sugary compote is diluted with water and served with a pie or biscuit. Fruit from the drink can be used as a filling or decoration homemade baked goods and also as an addition to ice cream.

Apple compote can be used as a base for many alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks.

The benefits, harm and calorie content of apple compote

Homemade apple compote is the most popular type of preservation. It not only tastes great, but also brings great benefit the body. The drink contains a large amount of iron, potassium, magnesium, calcium, folic acid, as well as vitamins of group B, C, PP.

Apple compote is recommended for use in diseases of the kidneys, liver, bladder, anemia. Pectin contained in fruits normalizes bowel function. An apple is a hypoallergenic product, so a drink made from this fruit is very useful for children. It can be offered to a child from six months, cooked with the pulp and without added sugar.

The calorie content of homemade apple compote depends on the amount of added sugar. On average, it is 85 kcal per 100 grams of product.

It is worth limiting the use of compote with exacerbation of gastritis, peptic ulcer, pancreatitis.

A simple recipe for cooking

All ingredients in the recipes below are for 3L cans.

To prepare a simple apple compote for the winter, you need:

  • apples - 1 kilogram
  • granulated sugar - 500 grams
  • citric acid - 1 pinch
  • purified water - 2 liters

First, we prepare the apples: rinse well, cut into slices and remove the core with seeds. If the apples show signs of decay or dents from falling, they must be cut off immediately.

We sterilize the jars thoroughly or rinse them with water and soda. After the raw materials are prepared, we begin to deal directly with the preparation of compote.

We pierce each apple slice with a toothpick so that they give juice better. Then put the apples in the jar. The more fruits there are in the jar, the tastier and richer the drink will turn out. Next, fill the apples hot water and insist for 16-18 minutes.

After that, pour the broth into a saucepan, add sugar. Bring the resulting syrup to a boil and add citric acid. Fill apples with ready-made syrup and immediately roll them up with boiled lids.

Variations in the preparation of apple compote

With black currant

For the recipe you need:

  • apples - 750 grams
  • black currant - 450 grams
  • granulated sugar - 320 grams
  • purified water - 2 liters

With plum

The following ingredients are required:

  • medium sized apples - 4 pieces
  • plums - 20 pieces
  • granulated sugar - 270 grams
  • purified water - 2 liters

The chopped fruits are tamped tightly into jars. The seeds are removed from the plum.

With pear

  • apples - 1 kilogram
  • pears - 210 grams
  • granulated sugar - 340 grams
  • purified water - 1.5-2 liters

The fruit pieces are blanched in boiling water for 20 minutes.

With orange

Required Ingredients:

  • medium-sized apples - 10 pieces
  • half an orange
  • granulated sugar - 340 grams
  • purified water - 2 liters

Cut the orange into slices.

Other citrus fruits are suitable for the recipe: tangerines, lemons, lime, grapefruit.

With cherry

  • apples - 1 kilogram
  • cherry - 310 grams
  • granulated sugar - 410 grams
  • purified water - 1.5-2 liters

When using this recipe, the pits from the cherries must be removed.

With grapes

Ingredients for cooking:

  • large apples - 3 pieces
  • grapes - 2-3 branches
  • granulated sugar - 230 grams
  • purified water - 2 liters

First, apples are laid out on the bottom of the jar, and bunches of grapes are placed on top.

With lingonberry

For cooking you will need:

  • apples - 1 kilogram
  • lingonberry - 470 grams
  • granulated sugar - 490 grams
  • purified water - 1.5-2 liters

Sour apples are better for the recipe.

Before you start preparing the drink, you need to carefully sort out the lingonberry berries. If at least one rotten or unripe berry gets into the compote, it can ruin the workpiece.

From whole apples

To prepare a compote from whole apples for the winter, you will need:

  • apples of the Antonovka variety - 7-9 pieces
  • granulated sugar - 310 grams
  • purified water - 2 liters

With the help of a special device, the core can be removed from the fruit.

The size of the apples should be smaller than the neck of the jar. Fruits fed with syrup will increase in size, and it will be problematic to get them.

With wine

Ingredients for the recipe:

  • apples - 1 kilogram
  • dry white wine - 90 grams
  • granulated sugar - 250 grams
  • one cinnamon stick
  • zest of half a lemon
  • carnation - 3 buds
  • purified water - 1.5-2 liters

The apples are pre-cooked in sugar syrup no more than 5 minutes. Then lemon zest, cloves, cinnamon are added to the strained syrup. Wine is added after boiling the spice syrup.

With rose hips

Required Ingredients:

  • apples - 740 grams
  • rose hips - 240 grams
  • granulated sugar - 490 grams
  • purified water - 2 liters

Rosehip berries must be cut in half, remove all seeds, internal hairs, then rinse thoroughly.

With rowan

The recipe will require:

  • apples - 1 kilogram
  • mountain ash - 220 grams
  • granulated sugar - 340 grams
  • purified water - 1.5-2 liters

Rowan is blanched for 5 minutes, apples - 5-10 minutes.

Before blanching, the apples are pricked in several places with a toothpick or fork.

With pumpkin

For cooking you will need:

  • large apples - 4-5 pieces
  • pumpkin - 410 grams
  • granulated sugar - 210 grams
  • citric acid - ½ teaspoon
  • purified water - 2 liters

For compote, it is better to use medium-sized dessert pumpkins - they taste sweeter.

Apples and pumpkin are best cut into small cubes.

With apricots

Without sterilization

Required Ingredients:

  • apples - 1 kilogram
  • granulated sugar - 275 grams
  • purified water - 2-2.5 liters

Apple compote for the winter is a special drink that occupies the main place among homemade preparations. Cooking delicious and healthy drink does not take much time and effort. Compote is prepared according to family recipes passed down from mom or grandmother. If you want to add a little variety to the drink, you can try cooking homemade compote using other original and classic recipes.

I close apple compotes for the winter without sterilization for a very simple and easy recipes... They keep remarkably well even with room temperature, and in winter it is very pleasant to eat juicy apples, washed down with aromatic syrup. Especially delicious compote obtained from autumn fruits of the Antonovka variety but other varieties are fine too. Today I will share simple recipes apple compote for the winter.

Whole apple compote "White filling" for the winter

To make compote, you will need next kitchenware: bowl, large saucepan, cup, large mug or ladle, cans (3 L), canning lids and a seaming wrench.

If whole apples are used in the compote recipe, then it is important to choose fresh and ripe fruits, with an even smooth skin without damage, stains and holes from insects, otherwise the preservation will not be stored. Take away medium-sized fruits, which freely pass into the neck of the container and note that after standing, the apples will be saturated with syrup and increase in volume, and it will be problematic to get too large fruits.

When canning whole apples, they must be washed thoroughly, especially in the area of ​​the stalk. There are no such requirements for fruits that are closed cut, on the contrary, broken and rotten or spoiled places can be cut out, and the rest can be used. You do not need to peel off the peel from apples, otherwise they will not keep their shape.

Step by step cooking

  1. Sterilize containers and lids. Sort the apples, set aside the broken and spoiled ones, wash the rest well (especially in the area of ​​the tails) and let them dry a little.
  2. Fill the container with whole fruits to the very top.
  3. Place two mint leaves in each jar.
  4. Pour boiling water all the way to the top and cover with lids.
  5. Cover the jars with a towel and let them cool for 15-20 minutes.
  6. After cooling down, drain the water into a saucepan through a special plastic cover with holes.
  7. Add sugar to the drained water at the rate of 250 g per can of 3 liters.
  8. Stir the sugar and put the saucepan over the fire to simmer the syrup.
  9. In a jar of apples, put citric acid on the tip of a knife and pour boiling syrup to the very top.

  10. Flip the jar upside down and cover with something warm (an old coat or blanket). Leave to cool completely.

Store canning lids upside down in a basement or cool place.

Video with a recipe for apple compote for the winter

If you want to enjoy the summer taste of "White filling" apples in winter - then watch the video and preserve whole fruits, which are juicy, tasty and aromatic.

How to make chopped apple compote for winter y, you will learn from the following recipe.

Compote in the winter from the apple variety "Antonovka"

Cooking time- 1.5-2 hours
To prepare it, you will need: large saucepan, board and knife, strainer, ladle, glass, cans and lids, seamer.


Step by step cooking

Recipe video

If you still have any questions about cooking, then after watching the video, everything will become clear. And you can easily close the compote for the winter.

In order for the blanks for the winter to stand and not "explode", it is necessary to properly prepare the container for conservation. Take cans only with a whole neck and sterilize in any way convenient for you: microwave, oven or steam. The lids must also be filled with boiling water.

Very often, berries of raspberry, currant or black chokeberry are added to apple compote for the winter to improve taste and color. Apples go well with these berries, and the compote turns out to be more saturated... Healthy and tasty is a great alternative store juices... And if you like pears more, then you can close it for the winter.

Apples are on our table all year round, and if for some reason you did not have time to close the compote for the winter during the season, then you can cook it from fresh fruits.

How to cook apple compote

  • Pour cold drinking water into a saucepan and bring to a boil.
  • Wash the apples and, after removing the seeds, cut into 4-6-8 slices (depending on the size of the apple).
  • Place prepared wedges in boiling water and reduce heat slightly.
  • After 5 minutes, add sugar to taste.

How much to cook apple compote

You need to cook apple compote no more than 20 minutes... If you want to get whole and not boiled apples, then cook them for about 10 minutes.

After that, remove the compote from the heat and let it brew. In winter, a great alternative fresh apples are dried: very useful.

Apple compotes for the winter are most often closed at 3 liter cans, so that there is enough for the whole family, and the fruits are quite large.

Apple compote is a fragrant and refreshing homemade preparation, which on a cold winter day will give you only pleasant emotions with a reminder of summer.

From time immemorial in Russia they knew how to cook compote from apples, preservation, however, appeared much later, and our ancestors were content with dried apples.

And whatever the variety on store shelves, you can't think of anything better than homemade apple compote in a jar for the winter.

For making apple compote, sweet and sour fruits are best suited, which are almost fully ripe, but not overripe.

Unripe fruits will remain firm, without the desired aroma, while overripe fruits will boil and lose their shape.

Select large apples without visible damage and arrange them by variety so that there are only one variety of apples in each jar.

A simple recipe for apple compote for 3 liters


  • 1 kg of apples
  • 200 g sugar

How to close apple compote in a 3 liter jar for the winter:

1. Wash the apples, cut the large ones into 4 parts, the small ones into two, cut out the seed pods, do not remove the skin.

2. Dip the prepared apples into acidified citric acid water (for 1 liter of water you need to add 3 g of lemon) for half an hour.

You cannot keep it longer, otherwise vitamins and other useful substances will go into the water.

3. In sterilized three-liter cans place the apples, filling the containers 1 / 2-1 / 3 full.

Order an energy saver and forget about the previous huge light costs

4. Add boiling water to the very neck, cover with a boiled metal lid and hold for 1-1.5 hours.

After that, the apples are not only disinfected, but also do not darken and lose volume.

5. Drain the water from each jar into a saucepan, add granulated sugar, bring to a boil and boil for 5 minutes.

6. Pour the prepared syrup over the apples and roll up the lids.

7. Turn the blanks of apple compote in jars onto the lids, wrap and let cool.

For flavor, you can add mint leaves or cinnamon, ground in sticks, to the curls - one of the most successful combinations with apples.

Roll up the concentrated apple compote

Such compote can be diluted in winter. cold water in any proportion. It is prepared with sugar syrup.


  • apples
  • sugar - 250-300 g per liter of water

How to prepare fresh apple compote:

1. Blanch the apples in boiling water for 6-7 minutes, and then dip them in ice water. Do not drain the broth.

2. Fill the jars with apples up to the shoulders. Pour the broth to measure out the required amount of water for rolling the compote.

3. Prepare a syrup from this liquid and sugar, boil it for 3-5 minutes.

4. Pour the boiling syrup over the fruits, cover and put on pasteurization: 3-liter jars - 30-35 minutes.

Sterilization can be dispensed with.

Pour the hot syrup over the apples in the jars, let stand for 5-10 minutes, drain the syrup, boil it and pour over the apples again.

Repeat this procedure one more time and roll up the jars with boiled lids.

What to cook with compote apples? They can be used as a pie filling or open apple pie, very tasty!