Requirements for the quality of alcoholic beverages. Quality requirements, defects of low alcohol and non-alcoholic beverages

According to GOST 5363 - 93, the organoleptic assessment is made in the following order.

The drink is poured into a tasting glass about 1/3 volume (40 - 50 cm 3). The glass raise the leg, tilt and visually evaluate the transparency and color in the passing light. Different deviations from color and transparency can be revealed by comparing the analyzed vodka with distilled water, placing them into the same tube of 10 cm 3.

Then the smell and aroma are evaluated, the bottom of the glass in the horizontal plane is heated, which contributes to the best evaporation of aromatic substances.

After fragrance determine the taste. A small portion of the beverage is gained in the mouth and retain in its front. Then, slightly deviating the head back, rinse the entire oral cavity, revealing deviations in taste.

The taste and fragrance should be harmonious, pleasant, without burning taste and smell of alcohol, extraneous taste and smell, such as the smell of rubber, kerosene, a metal taste of tanks with a damaged coating, an extraneous taste and smell as a result of the production of vodka on poorly processed equipment.

At the same time it is allowed to taste no more than five samples of vodka, while first analyzed samples better qualityBetween estimates of each sample take a break.

When bottling "by level", the limit deviations for a separate bottle (in cm 3) from the nominal capacity at a temperature of 20 + 0.5 C should not exceed the permissible deviations from the full capacity of bottles according to GOST 10117 or other regulatory documentation approved in the prescribed manner.

Wech the bottles with caps or traffic jams different species Materials allowed by the Ministry of Health of Russia, bottles of vodka for the Ministry of Defense - according to GOST 15846, decanters - cortical, polyethylene, glass, porcelain plugs. The capping should be dense and not to give leaks when turning the bottle, decanter.

Production marking is made on labels and caps, as well as on drawers from corrugated cardboard.

The following information should be specified on the labels: the name of the organization, which includes a manufacturing enterprise; Name of vodka; fortress,%; bottle capacity, dm 3;

Designation of the standard for products.

On the back of the label, it is allowed to indicate the index of the manufacturer instead of the name of the organization, which includes data from the company. They also indicate the brigade number and the date of bottling. Information for the consumer must comply with the requirements of GOST 51074-97. Tara marking is made according to GOST 14192.

The establishment of indicators of the quality of alcohol products according to standard indicators solves the purpose of identifying the quality of one or another sample of the beverage with the requirements of the current standards. One of the basic principles of quality formation alcoholic beverages is their safety. Another priority principle - provision food value Product, according to its purpose in human nutrition. An important role is given to appearance, organoleptic, physicochemical indicators, packaging, information for the consumer on the quality and direction of the use of the product.

Organoleptic indicators - Indicators defined using the senses and characterizing organoleptic properties. Organoleptic indicators are widely used with all types of quality assessment: merchantly, expert, certification, consumer, as well as when quality control.

When assessing the quality of alcohol products, organoleptic studies determine the color, taste, aroma (or bouquet), transparency, lack of mud and precipitate. Organoleptic indicators of alcoholic beverages must comply with the requirements provided for by recipes for a specific type of drink. Alcoholic beverages with outsided odor and taste, muddy, with precipitate are not allowed to implement alcoholic beverages.

Organoleptic indicators of food products are closely related to physico-chemicals, which are also governed by standards and technical Conditions (TU).

Physico-chemical - indicators of physical and chemical properties defined by measuring methods.

Physico-chemical methods in alcohol products determine the content of sugar alcohol, volatile acids, sulfuric acid, heavy metals, titrated acidity, take into account the completeness of the pouring, etc. The physico-chemical parameters of each beverage name must correspond to the values \u200b\u200bprovided by the recipe for each type of drink.

Safety of products - a condition in which there is no invalid risk associated with the causing harm to the life and health of citizens environment.

Safety indicators are regulated by SanPine and applied to the number of mandatory requirements established by technical regulations. In alcoholic beverages, the level of toxic elements in mg / kg is not more admitted: lead - 0.3; arsenic - 0.2; Cadmium - 0.03; mercury-- 0.005; Methanol - 0.05. Radionuclides: Cesium - 137 - 70 BP / DM; strontium - 90 - 100 BP / DM; N-nitrosomin - 0.003 mg / kg.

Bottling, packaging, marking and storage

Pouring, packaging and labeling are carried out according to GOST 4827-70, GOST 27906-88 is introduced for exported products.

Liquor-breeding products are stored in dry, well-ventilated rooms at a temperature of 10-20 C. Painted products should be stored in dark rooms, since under the influence of light, coloring substances can be destroyed.

Under these conditions, liquor products have warranty storage time, counting from the date of release: strong liqueurs, creams - 8 months; Liquors dessert, emphasis and punch - 6 months; Sweet and semi-sweet tinctures - 3 months; Tinctures are bitter and balms - 6 months, dessert drinks - 2 months. Products in which, after the specified deadlines, there are no obstacles and precipitate, suitable for further storage and implementation.

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Introduction 3.

1. Requirements for safety of alcoholic beverages. four

1.1. Safety requirements for alcoholic beverages. four

1.2. Ensuring the safety of alcoholic beverages in the process of its production and circulation ................................................ ............ .... 6

2. Ensuring the safety of alcoholic beverages. 13

2.1. Methods for controlling the safety of alcoholic beverages. 12

2.2. Promotions and means falsifying alcoholic beverages. 17.

Conclusion. 22.

Literature. 23.


Taste products- Group food products, the main components of which are tasteings that have a specific impact on the digestive and nervous system. Tasted substances include ethanol, Organic acids, alkaloids, essential oils, mineral and organic salts.

The term "alcohol" has arabic origin and means literally "thin powder".

The relevance of the problem is due to the increase in consumption in Russia of alcoholic beverages, a significant level of mortality due to poor-quality alcohol, the growth of crimes committed by persons in a state of alcohol intoxication.

The alcohol industry is currently being upgraded, especially in the question of improving the quality of raw materials. Ethyl alcohol extra-suite varieties, extra, volumes increase, and the quality of produced fruit wines increases, and technologies of alcoholic beverages of preventive medical appointment are created, which are based on high-quality environmentally friendly vegetable raw materials. The search for scientists and practitioners is also aimed at developing methods for increasing the resistance of alcoholic beverage products and wines during transportation and long-term storage.

Course work It consists of administration, two chapters, broken into paragraphs, conclusion and literature. There is a statistical material in work - three tables.

Requirements for safety of alcoholic beverages.

Alcoholic beverage products, which is made using ethyl alcohol or without using ethyl alcohol produced from food raw materials, and (or) alcohol-containing food products, with a volume fraction of ethyl alcohol more than 0.5 percent, with the exception of food products in accordance with the list established in Appendix 5 of the Technical Regulations of the Customs Union "On Safety of Alcohol Products". Alcohol products are divided into such species like ethyl alcohol from food raw materials, alcoholic beverages, low alcohol drinks, wine products, distillates, brewing products, alcohol-containing food products, medical products (honey).

Safety requirements for alcoholic beverages.

The established requirements for indicators of quality and safety of alcoholic beverages solve the problem of confirming the conformity of a particular sample beverage with the requirements of the current standards. One of the basic principles of the formation of the quality of alcoholic beverages is their safety. Another priority principle is to ensure the nutritional value of the product, according to its purpose in human nutrition. An important role is given to appearance, organoleptic, physicochemical indicators, packaging, information for the consumer on the quality and direction of the use of the product.

Organoleptic indicators are indicators determined using the senses and characterizing organoleptic properties. Organoleptic indicators are widely used with all types of quality assessment: merchantly, expert, certification, consumer, as well as when quality control.

When assessing the quality of alcohol products, organoleptic studies determine the color, taste, aroma (or bouquet), transparency, lack of mud and precipitate. Organoleptic indicators of alcoholic beverages must comply with the requirements provided for by recipes for a specific type of drink. Alcoholic beverages with outsided odor and taste, muddy, with precipitate are not allowed to implement alcoholic beverages.

Organoleptic indicators of food products are closely related to physicochemical, which are also governed by standards and specifications (TU).

Physico-chemical - indicators of physical and chemical properties defined by measuring methods.

Physico-chemical methods in alcoholic beverages are determined by the content of alcohol, sugar, volatile acids, sulfuric acid, salts of heavy metals, tettered acidity, take into account the completeness of the pouring, etc. The physico-chemical parameters of each beverage name must correspond to the values \u200b\u200bprovided by the recipe for each type of drink.

Safety of products - a condition in which there is no invalid risk associated with the causing harm to the life and health of citizens environment.

For alcohol products are characterized by three types of safety: chemical, radiation and biological. Of these, the first two species are represented by physico-chemical indicators. Biological safety is characterized by microbiological and parasitological indicators.