Natural products. Natural products that can harm health

When God created a man, he gave him fresh air so that he could breathe; Fresh, natural food so that he can threaten the go-Lod; He gave a man a body capable of cleaning himself.

The man filled the air with harmful impurities. Man decided that the food should be cooked. It destroys its valuable components, across the battles, refills and preserves food using synthetic chemicals. And a person calls all this "progress", being his main victim.

But the human body is truly amazing. It is withstanding all the bullying we subjected it, and it has the same effective system for processing and eliminating waste that we do not even notice what damage we apply to him. Essentially, almost everything we do, harms the body. We really never seriously think about how affects the body of modern city life.

Harmful impurities in air and water, drugs, food con-guys, synthetic supplements and sugar substitutes, dyes, es-synutias and hydrates - all this assault takes our body - and along with processing and refining food products not only whether a vital - There are no nutrients, but also re-loads the body to toxins and slags, harmful products of metabol-lizma.

Attitude to diet

The word "diet" is usually associated with a removal program. We are armed with a list of products that we can eat and which are prohibited. The latter always seem most co-bliss. In the end, it is poured into a clash between our desires and the power of will. This is not the path that should be elected.

Nutrition, maintaining health and beauty, does not mean that you should deprive themselves and suffer from hunger. It also does not mean that you need to strictly stick the diet that you do not like. Rather, this is the development of a positive attitude towards re-examining their habits in food and change them, based on the considerations of rationality and benefit.

When you will notice that your favorites you are bodied to you cheerfulness and beauty, you will find that with joy andreadiness accepts them as an integral part of their rations. In fact, most of us in habit of eats what he was taught from childhood and what is generally accepted in the surrounding society.

But when you make the desired changes, it is very soon feeling in many ways that it is rewarded: the cleaner skin, brilliant hair, getting rid of excess weight, tide of energy and optimism. And then you truly love your new diet and with pleasure to extend it for a long time so that it extends you life.

How to start changing

Any changes in the usual power supply must be gradual to give time to adapt to them the body and taste receptors. Step by step comes from that food that clogs the body, to the one that cleans it and relieves toxins.

The daily diet should also supply the body with the necessary co-course of nutrients. Such valuable components such as vitamins, minerals, microelements and bioflavonoids (phenols participating in the exchange of amino acids) not only provide good health and full functions of all organ-bottom systems, but also have a therapeutic effect. Try Oce-thread some products not from the point of view of the calorie content, then maybe then you will begin to look at vitamins as something more than the Standard Council of the doctor.

Think about Tom , what you eat

Currently, the diet of most people, especially consumable citizens, mainly contains refined and developed products, such as sugar and flour. Too many products causing oxidative processes are also consumed, which disrupts the natural acid-alkaline blood balance and causes the accumulation of toxins.

We also "kill" food for long culinary processing and strong support, we use too much salt, oscillating seasonings and food fats. When cooking, valuable vitamins and minerals are destroyed. Some particularly sensitive vitamins for boiling instantly lose more than half of their useful properties.

Human gifts

Given the harmfulness of our diet and the results of the latest research in the field of proper nutrition, we will receive a clear advantage towards natural products. By itself, this idea is not Nova. The ancient Muzres of India highly appreciated the benefit of raw natural pshti. Moreover, the cleansing of the body with raw food and fresh fruit and vegetable juices was considered as the first stage of treating diseases. Expensive Ev-Rope Wellness Centers now also support these glances to food.

For example, Papaya and Pineapple contain valuable enzymes that protect the digestive system and prevent the accumulation of slags.

The pulp and citrus core contains bioflavonoids, leaway to culinary processing. They are extremely important for the immune system, protecting the body from diseases, observing the degenerative reincarnation of tissues and premature aging.

What is natural food

Natural products we call those that can eat raw, which have natural origins, and have not passed factory processing, preservation and refining.

Value of natural products

  • They contribute to the withdrawal of toxins from the body, accelerating the periods and the destruction of slags.
  • They bring cheerfulness and well-being.
  • They supply the organism with the necessary nutritional things.
  • They enhance salivation, improve the digestion and absorption of nutrients, as they need to be carefully resized.
  • They contribute to maintaining a normal acid and alkaline and potassium-sodium balance in the body.

Products that should be included in the daytime

One of the products of each subgroup presented below should be sure to enter a daily diet.

Whole grain products

Bread and products from whole grain flour (rye and wheat), unprocessed rice, millet, oats, crowded wheat grains.

Milk products

Removed milk, prokobvash, yogurt, pointer, homemade not extending cheese.


They need to eat raw and if possible together with the skin.


Better eat as much as possible raw vegetables In the form of salads and raids (salad of vegetables with prostrochy). Be sure to include green leafy vegetables. Vegetables do not need to cook long.

Spring grain

Nut, wheat, mung.


Soybeans, peas, beans.

Nuts (salted) and dried fruits


Pumpkin, siny, cucumber, sunflower (they can be molded and added to food).


Fresh fruit I. vegetable juices, Lassi (in India is something medium between the polar and spoken), herbal decoctions.

Reduce the use of salt

Natural products contain a sufficient amount of salt. The daily demand for salt is 200 mg. We are constantly exceeding the rate of salt consumption, which aggravates the accumulation of toxins and slags in the body.


Put a cooked food; There is food with an increased co-holding salt (weathered and melted cheese, marinades, male and other chips fried in oil) and salty snacks.

Synthetic additives

If your diet consists of semi-finished products, it means that you absorb those artificial preservatives, dyes, essences, synthetic emulsifiers and stabilizers. There is increasingly scientific data indicating that they all harm health and can cause food allergies.

Avoid caffeine

Coffee, tea, "Cola" -Napitka, cocoa contain caffeine. Caffeine - STI-Mule, acting on the central nervous system. It vysue heartbeat, increases fatigue, violates the normal pH of blood, "flushes" calcium and, as it turned out, contributes to the lowland of toxins. It can accelerate age degenerative changes of fabrics, not to mention such external signs, like fading skin, hair loss, nail fragility. Replace caffez-holding drinks with fresh juices, lassi, herbal teas.


Honey has countless useful properties. First of all, it is a natural source of sweetness. When the bees turn into honey floral nectar, a monosahara is formed, which are easily and quickly absorbed and entered into blood. Therefore, honey is not a pro-hundred high-speed energy supplier, but also useful for all pro-duct: young, old, recovering and for those who suffer from digestion disorders.

Honey is valuable and as a source of other nutrients. It contains a lot of vitamins and mineral components, such as vitamins B and C, calcium, iron, potassium, sodium, as well as AMI-Nokslots and enzymes. We can replenish their stock, as they are partially destroyed with culinary processing.

Healing properties of honey

  • Honey with ginger softens the inflamed throat, helps with pro-stude and cough.
  • If you cannot fall asleep for a long time, drink a warm Mo-Loca with honey for a long time. Honey has a soft sleeping pills and does not dispose of relaxation.
  • Honey helps with nervousness and internal tension.
  • Honey with lemon juice on an empty stomach helps with constipation and dispose of a digestive system. Take every day a tablespoon of honey with a glass of water as a general taming tone with anemia and avitaminosis. In Honey, there is less Kalo-Riy than in Sahara, but in large quantities he leads to weight gain.

Prostokvasha (yogurt)

Prostokvash - a very popular product in India, affordable almost to all. Perhaps not everyone knows how much of her useful properties. Prostokvash is obtained from milk naturally. Lactose (milk sugar) turns into lactic acid. Under the influence of enzymes of lactic acid bacteria, milk becomes spoken.

Prostokwash is rich in vitamins A and C and mineral substances - calcium, iron, potassium, phosphorus. She satisfies our needs in animal proteins. It is beautiful

naya food for older people who are not recommended to require proteins contained in meat products. Prostov-yours is a natural antibiotic. It destroys some harm bacteria that may be present in the digestive tract. Prostokvash is the perfect product for recovering, as it is easily re-cooked and gives bodily strength.

It is also nutritious as milk, but it is easier to digest.

Prostokowa can easily be shattered with any diet. In the form of Lassi, it serves as a refreshing cool drink. In India, it is often served along with another meal. You can eat it together with sliced \u200b\u200bvegetables and fruits, and if you add sachairs or honey, it turns out a delicious dessert. It is much better than the exquisite confectionery essay, which delays the language, but take away health.

Wheat germ

Live wheat grains - one of the richest sources of Vi-Tama E. Now we know that vitamin E is a prevention tool against many diseases, such as diabetes, atherosclerosis, loss of muscular tone, etc. He protects from the decline of forces, and from him The elasticity of the skin depends.

Vitamin E is easily accessible and at the same time so far from us. Co-temporal methods of processing of food destroy the embryo in wheat beans. We eat too many products from the flour of higher sorrows - boots, cakes, cupcakes, cookies. They quench their hunger, but they are placed without valuable nutrients.

Envelopes of wheat are also rich in vitamins of group B, Vi-Tamin A and minerals - iron, calcium, sodium, potassium and others. They also contain many amino acids. Objective-nostrous products made of wheat grains - suppliers of a cata tack, necessary to remove undigested food residues.

The valuable components of wheat germ are remarkable about the skin, stimulating the process of updating the Clear. Some of them are natural therapeutic agents for rub-custody of the skin scars and eliminating skin defects; They also contribute to the elasticity of the skin and warn the appearance of wrinkles.

Eat whole wheat grains, such as Dalia and solid grain pellets. Add multiple spoons of raw grains to milk, orange juice or to a Capati test (fresh pellets).

Fresh juices

"Fresh juices provide a solution to a variety of problems associated with nutrition," writes John Last, publisher of the journal "at-native path".

Nutrition specialists agree that the body is best assisted with nutrients coming from fresh co-cuts. In this case, they quickly and freely fall into the plumbing bed. Fresh juices of fruits and vegetables are the rich source of vitamins and minerals, as well as trace elements. This is a way to get the entire set of the most valuable components of food without loading the digestive system.

Fresh raw juices Different vegetables and fruits contain all the components of food - carbohydrates, proteins, fats, mi-neral, vitamins, bioflavonoids and fiber. All of them need to health, strengthen the immune system and protect the body from diseases and degenerative rebirth of tissues. Fresh juices contribute to the emergence of new full cells, renew blood supply, rejuvenating effects on organs and glands. They also calm the nerves and, thus, it is a useful effect on both the body and the mind.

Fresh juices purify the body and accelerate the removal of toxins and slags. They update blood and contribute to more efficient operation of the digestive system, liver and kidneys.

Useful properties of fresh juices

  • The mixture of carrot and cabbage juice has an alkaline reaction and therefore compensates for the action of food causing oxidative processes.
  • Carrot juice - richest source of vitamin A.
  • Cucumber juice has a diuretic effect.
  • Citrus juices are rich in vitamin C.
  • Lemon juice can be added to all other juices to improve taste.

Tomatoes, trouser, carrots, cabbage, spinach, oranges, lemon, apples, pineapple, beets, cucumber, grapefruit - Here are some vegetables and fruits from which juices can be squeezed.

What you need to remember:

  • Juice needs to be used immediately after it is squeezed.
  • It is better to use an electric juicer.
  • Having squeezing manually, use perfectly clean fabric.
  • The juicer should not have rust details. Juice should not come into contact with aluminum.
  • Juices need to be slightly diluted with water.
  • Fruits and vegetables must be fresh and strong.
  • Start drinking juices with small quantities, gradually increases portions.

How much do we need to eat?

It is necessary to take into account the age, the features of metabolism and the degree of physical activity. For example, a person who has sedentary work and very little physical activity requires a smaller calorie than a working. In nursing ma-terry, on the contrary, the needs in calorie more. In cases of obesiya or internal diseases, special recommendations should give a doctor.

Next question: What food do we need? Here we are discussing the nutritional value of food. Some calories, without important nutrition components, do not represent any benefit for healthy and external appeal.

A balanced diet should consist of a variety of pro-duks so that the body gets all the necessary nutritional substances.

Food components

Our body should receive with food proteins, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins, minerals, fiber and water. Information about nutrients and their sources will help choose the product-you constituting a balanced diet.


Proteins are necessary for cell formation and reproduction. Pro-chains consist of amino acids, without which the lifetime of the Clear. The proteins include 20 amino acids in various combinations. All of them are vital to our body.

Amino acids

Some amino acids are contained only in the proteins of animal origin. Therefore, vegetarians can draw them from MO Loca and dairy products.

Sources of proteins of non-residential origin - lentils, soy and other legumes, nuts, seeds and seedlings of grains.

Soybeans - Beautiful Food

Soybeans are very helpful for both health and beauty. They are rich in valuable nutrients - proteins, vita minami, iron and phosphorus. The content of carbohydrates in them is brought, and fatty acids are useful and easily absorbed. Soybean also adds blood hemoglobin levels, which contributes to improving the color of the face and the overall condition of hair and skin. You can make your diet more nutritious if you add soy flour to pchanichny flour or peas.


The body needs carbohydrates as in the source of energy and for the normally functioning of all organs and systems. Carbohydrates are de-lying on polysaccharides (starch, fiber) and simple sugar.

Part of carbohydrates exceeding the current energy needs of the body, turns into fats, forming an energy supply. Carbohydrates in the form of different sugars and polysaccharides are contained in cereals and seeds, fruits, roots, milk, sugar coes, beets, fruits, honey and other products.

Fructose contained in fruit - the most useful sugars.

Grass, potatoes, bananas are rich in carbohydrates. Confectionery I. flour products Also contain many carbohydrates, but there are fewer nutrients and fiber in them.


Fat has a greater supply of energy than in proteins and coals-waters. Fats can be divided into two groups - saturated (containing residues of saturated fatty acids) and polyunsaturated.

Fats in dairy products - butter, cream, estimate is not other, - saturated fats, and fats of plant originality belong to polyunsaturated fat.

The need for the body is small in fats. If there is a lot of fats in the diet, it leads not only to obesity, but contributes to the development of many diseases. However, fats can not be completely excluded from the diet, as they take part in some important metabolic processes.

Before you sit on a diet, completely eliminating the password of one of the main food components, consult your doctor.


Vitamins are necessary for good health, normal ro-hundred and most important metabolic processes in the body. A continuity deficit of vitamins causes avitaminosis, a disease, characterized by special symptoms.

Vitamins are divided into two groups - water-soluble (vitamin C and group B) and fat-soluble (A, D, E and K). In the body there may be some margin of only fat-soluble vitamins.

The group of vitamins in includes 12 vitamins. Being waters-Romem, in natural state they are in the juice of fruits. They are sensitive to heating and destroyed with a culinary scale. Daily drain the required amount of vitamins B and with fresh fruit and vegetable juices.


These are inorganic substances coming with food and water. They participate in many metabolic processes, in particular, are of great importance for maintaining the composition and normal functions of body fluids. Our body needs about 20 minerals. Some of them, such as calcium, sodium and potassium, are required in fairly large quantities. The lack of minerals can lead to illness. For example, an iron shortage causes Ane-Miu. Iron is part of the hemoglobin of red blood cells (erythrocytes). Some of the minerals are needed in very small co-numbers. They are called trace elements.

Fiber or coarse fibers

Ballast, non-digestible fibers form outflowing masses that are removed from the body. Therefore, the lack of rustic-nascular food can lead to constipation.

Popps and accumulation of poisonous slags are very badly affected by the skin condition. It acquires a hyperemia and other stagnant phenomena, inflammatory phenomena can appear.

Most of the plant consists of a fiber, which is forging a coarse mass in the intestines. Therefore, in the diet should be a sufficient amount of raw fruit, raw and weakly-boiled vegetables and whole grain products. Products made of raffic flour of fine grinding are not only poor nutrients, but also do not contain fiber.


70% of the human body consists of water. Water is absolutely needful for life, it plays a very important role in the processes of approximations, such as the delivery of nutrients, oxygen, biochemical compounds to body and waste disposal. Water is the main component of body fluids (blood, etc.).

The body every day loses water in the form of urine, sweat, etc. Therefore, it is necessary to fill this loss and drink a sufficient amount of water. Water promotes body cleansing, washing toxins and slags.

Component of food




Vitamin A

Vitamin B1 (thiamine)

Vitamin B2 (Riboflavin)

Vitamin RR (niacin)

Vitamin B6 (Pyridoxin) Vitamin B12 (Cyanocobalamin)

Folic acid

Vitamin C

Vitamin E.










Natural source

Milk, homemade cheese (cottage cheese), fermented milk products, lentils, soy and other legumes, nuts, seeds, seedlings grains

Wheat, Rice, Corn, Oats, Barley, Potatoes, Bananas, Sugar Cane, Honey

Creamy butter, cream, sour cream, weathered cheese, nuts, vegetable oils, fried food

Milk, carrots, green leafy vegetables (spinach)

Whole grain products, peas, beans, nuts

Green vegetables, wholegrain bread, nuts

Wholegrain bread, peanuts

Wholegrain bread, beans, potatoes, carrots, green leafy vegetables, tomatoes, bananas milk and dairy products

Spinach, milk, dairy products, dates, whole grains

Oranges, Lemons, Grapefruits, Tomatoes, Papaya, Cabbage, Cauliflower

Polyunsaturated fats (vegetable oils), whole grains, green vegetables, almonds milk and dairy products cereals, spinach

Whole grain bread, beans, milk, green vegetables milk and dairy products iodized salt, sea cabbage Present in different quantities in all products Citrus, bananas, tomatoes, apricots wholegrain bread, garlic, fruits and vegetables, seeds mushrooms, greens, wholegrain products

Normally, we need to drink 6-8 glasses of water per day. When water loss is more, especially in the heat, we drink more water.

What you need to remember:

  • Make a balanced diet.
  • Consider your age and degree of exercise.
  • Part of the diet should consist of raw products.
  • Exclude fried food.
  • Avoid refined and past factory processing - ku food.

Vital nutrients work together. They are interdependent in the process of exchanging, normal suction and assimilation of the body. Therefore, it is so important that the products are presented in the diet from all nutrient groups.

Ancient proverb: "Healthy body - fee" never loses its relevance and especially now, reinforced with scientific arguments. How do nutrients affect our appearance?

Vitamin C is needed to maintain the integrity of collagen fibers, the supporting and connecting tissue of the skin. It plays an important role in the synthesis of connective tissue. Therefore, density and elasticity of the skin depends on it. Ascorbic acid slows down the conservation of wrinkles and folds. She also strengthens immunity and prevents the depletion and aging of tissues.

Vitamin C is contained in citrus (oranges, lemons, grapefruits), andalso in AMLE (Indian gooseberry). No synthetic vitamins will replace all the beneficial properties of fresh fruit.

Vitamin A plays an important role in preserving the youth of the skin, as it contributes to the regeneration of cells. It supports the skin soft and smooth.

Vitamin A is contained in milk, carrots, cabbage, papaya.

A good condition of hair and skin depends also on the presence of vita mines of the group B, as well as minerals - iron, iodine and copper. They are-installed hair health, give them shine and even delay the appearance of seeds. In other words, a sufficient amount of Vi Taminov and mineral substances slows down the aging processes.

Specialists in healthy nutrition recognize that a diet, god-molding group B, contributes to the elimination of problems associated with hair, dandruff, fragility, hair loss, and also increases their growth.

Rich natural sources of group vitamins - all-grain products, soybeans, a variety of fresh fruits and vegetables, fermented dairy products and beer yeast.

Recently, interest in the role of zinc and copper microelements as factors affecting the skin has increased. Selenny act and fill in modern life, as it is involved in the withdrawal from the body of heavy metals, such as lead and cadmium present in the Atmfer cities. These harmful impurities accelerate the process of degenerate-rational rebirth of tissues and cause premature stagnation of the skin. Selenium found in whole beans, cabbage, mushrooms, onions and sea kale.

Zinc has a wellness effect on the skin and is necessary for normal operation of enzymes. It strengthens collagen woes, keeping the skin healthy, elastic and smooth. Zinc contains-Xia in whole grains, legumes and seeds. The lack of zinc worsen is the condition of the hair and causes their loss.

Your protection against aging

The formation of cross-links between molecules, or damage caused by free radicals (oxidation), is considered an os-new factor causing the degeneration and wear of the tissues, that is, the aging of the body. This process occurs at the cellular level, which leads to the weakening of cellular functions, including their ability to update.

Scientific studies have shown that this process of senile degeneracy can be slowed down if the body can be provided with substances capable of resolving the effect of free radicals, i.e. Oxidative reactions. These substances that ranked An-Tioxidants are an important line of defense against aging.

Antioxidants are found in food that we eat. They not only oppose the formation of transverse relations, but also an act

imitate immunity system. Therefore, they simultaneously reserved age-related changes and protect the body from exhausting the body.

Famous antioxidants are vitamins A, C and E, some vitamins of the complex B, bioflavonoids, some amino acids, as well as microelements of zinc and selenium. Many of them are not at all racks and completely or partially destroyed when cooking and heating. All antioxidants are interrelated, and the biochemistry processes are fully only if they are all present in the cell. If only one or two of them arrive in the body, this is not enough. Balance is required between all nutrients.

So, all glasses in favor of natural food containing a sufficiently accurate amount of raw foods - vegetables, fruits and their juices. The daily diet should also include wholegrain products, seedlings, nuts, seeds, milk and dairy products.

Nature provided us with an arsenal of protection from prematurely aging and diseases. Trying to improve nature, we purify, we proceed, preserve and cook food for a long time, the time-threatening components are so necessary for us. We need to take care that the body gets full on-bor from vital nutrients in their natural co-standing. This will delay those changes in the body that not only take beauty, but also attract diseases. The diet rich in natural products, has a rejuvenating effect, and may reverse the process of age-related tissue.

As the magazine of the American Medical Society writes, Nature has no intention to make us shallow and sick. We can dying in old age, but "young" and healthy.

Overweight can be very adversely affected by external. Even the most beautiful features of the face are blurred from a thick thing, and it is very difficult to find clothes to look elegant. In addition, the thickness leads to so much problems in health, which is hardly possible to ignore.

If you have overweight, you may have to resort to a special diet. Before sitting on a diet, significantly distinguished from your usual diet, be sure to consult a doctor.

In most cases, overweight is caused by the fact that you die are more than a body. The lack of exercise aggravates the case. If you risk sitting on a diet for weight loss, remember next.

It makes no sense to go to the extremes and choose a grunting diet that will deprive you of vital substances. Some diets recommend only one type of product, and the body needs, smiling in their balanced quantity. At the beginning you may be, and slow down, but then quickly make a "missed", the main thing is because the diet is very different from your at-chop diet. All the fact that the decline will come, you will feel lethargy and drowsiness. The appearance is also able to suffer: the face will become gray, the hair is dull, nails will be lazy to get lazy, etc.

If you give health in exchange for beauty, you can deprive and both.

It is difficult to stick. It makes no sense to goin Extremes a scant diet at which you You want to be continuously. You deprive yourself of the necessary nutrients and vitamins. But the appetite can temptationsthread you on food even when you are not a go-log. Appetite is stimulated by the Vi-House, smell and taste of food. In the power mode a large role of Ig-Raet and habit. We eat what we were taught from childhood, and therefore with difficulty refusing to the usual diet.

If you do not have organic diseases, the only way to reset weight is gradually changing the power mode. But if you adhere to a balanced diet with a small amount of fats, sugar and salt, but rich in whole grain products, fruits and vegetables, you will not have problems with weight.

The transition to new habits in food requires knowledge of whether the components of the ration caused weight gain. You helize calorie counting. If you want to lose weight, their quantity "at the entrance" should be less than the cost of energy costs.

If you want to fill the weight, it is easier to do it, knowing which products need to be included in the diet, and which completely eliminate or cut.

Exclude the following products:

Creamy (including foam) oil, sour cream, cream, fatty sauces, gravy, seasonings for salads, Caloric desserts, Condi-Tereg products, cream, ice cream, canned fruits and juices, melted and weathered cheese, white bread, chips, fried In oil products from dough, carbonated drinks.

Limit use:

Culinary fats and oils, rice, macaroni, whole milk and dairy products from it, pisel, etc. From white flour, male fabric, beets, peas, bananas.

You can eat the following food:

Removed milk and fermented milk products, foods made of milk, pachat, homemade cheese (from skimmed milk), porridge from pound wheat grains, leafy vegetables, leek-batun, radishes, in mydories, cucumbers, citrus, apples, pears, plums, Seeders Ze-Ren, fresh fruit and vegetable juices.

Overweight can have different reasons, among which is nervous disorder, stress, childlessness, alcoholism, menopause, thyroid dysfunction, diabetes. In these cases, you need a doctor's power. Psychological assistance can be very effective in some cases. Sometimes it is possible to cope with the problem of new interests and new goals.

Useful tips for weight loss

  • Gradually reduce the number of products that should be limited.
  • Eat more food with high tissue content. It needs to chew longer, and this reduces appetite.
  • High content rough fibers Faster gives a feeling of "filling the stomach".
  • Place a small portion of food, never put "with top", especially visiting, and do not take supplements.

Avoid fatty seasonings to salads. Use lemon juice, spicy herbs (mint, massal (spice mix), mustard, etc.) to give taste and sharpness with raw vegetables.

Arguments in favor of organic marketing, compared with inorganic.

Despite the modern methods of fast preparation especially in the era of ease of access and comfort in providing many of the food products, we need to instill the public to the importance of natural agriculture, and assistance in the development of natural business management methods.
Here you will find a number of advantages that you can get from the transition to natural food.

10. They preserve a variety

Marketing strategy for creating natural nutrition, it is not only the preservation of the planet, but also additional support for the huge variety of plants and varieties.
Also, it is one of the factors of protecting the planet from the modern development of monocultures. You can detect and grow seeds. They are patiently and conscientiously developing zoned types of seeds. This is actually the cause of natural marketing to improve the maintenance and growth of diversity. So that our children and grandchildren can always see and learn those varieties that grown their ancestors.

9. Best animal care

Inorganic marketing, a decrease in the right and human attitude towards animals is often recorded, in the production of meat products. Thus, with natural cultivation, they get healthy food, and enough space, for life compared to the main mass of animals, which are grown in closed conditions. The time of intense animal husbandry has come, but animals should also have a favorable environment where they have the ability to grow normally and develop.

8. They give vital energy

Since there are no substances that make the necessary organisms of vitamins and minerals, they provide the best energy in which the body needs.
This is the reverse side of any or all packaged or unhealthy food, as this lack of vitality continues to grow thanks to commercial digestion and preparation.

7. They make the soil of healthy

Keep the soil due to the natural methods they use. It is enough not enough to get a good base and ensure the right strategic management on Earth to get abundant yields and useful cultures. Sometimes it takes as much as 3 years to prepare healthy soil for the natural harvest.

6. It saves the environment

You not only protect the natural components that carry cultures, animals, however, you also encourage the environmental and environmental safety market due to natural methods of natural agriculture.

5. No chemicals

Since most organic products came from the farm, they are free from any harmful spraying and dangerous fertilizers. Compared to inorganic products from large supermarkets that have high levels of additives that are not useful for the well-being of people. In fact, they are a threat for children growing fruits, pregnant women, and their obmes grow and grow. These products are more fresh, and animals grown on organic farms do not know antibiotics and growth hormones.

4. They are safe for babies and children

Food babies and children will always be a very effective prerogative of the use of traditional and safe natural agriculture and agriculture. Products produced naturally offer a sufficient amount of vitamins and nutrients that are needed for their development along with your body, the needs of which cannot be satisfied if a person Buys industrial goods.
Really exclude any poisonous substances that can be dangerous when adding the mass of babies in the initial phase.

3. It reduces health risks

Many of industrial products do not guarantee people, receiving useful elements in an accurate percentage ratio. In addition, there are other connected health problems, because there are several additional additives, along with the main elements that are added to extend the storage time. Whereas, natural elements grown naturally allows a person to adequately consume the necessary nutritional elements that are in equivalent quantity, and never decrease in any case.

2. It's tasty

The natural taste and aroma, it turns out, is significantly better and actually maintained by 100%, since the natural method does not include any substances for extermination of insects, as well as risks for healthy progression of cultures. In addition, cafes and shops that use organic products always receive more customers.

1. More nutrients

The preservation of nutrient elements is maintained by as much as 50% compared with inorganic products in which you can only get one-quarter from 50% of the calculation of nutrient elements. The main health advantages in which people need is antioxidants, but in connection with the anomalous system of maintenance and industrial programs, we obtain the development of cancer and cardiovascular diseases. You just need to qualitatively evaluate the amount of nutrient elements that you can get from organic and non-limited products.

What are organic products? How to choose an environmentally friendly product? What is written on labels? We will reply to these and other questions about natural products in our article!

It is important to know how to choose high-quality, natural and environmentally friendly food. This article explains how it is more efficient to make hiking in grocery stores, how to properly read labels and choose natural products. It is not difficult, but some knowledge will be extremely useful.

First, let's see several general recommendations and advice, how to read product labels:

  • Important both ingredients and their the nutritional value- one without another does not reflect the full picture;
  • In the list of ingredients are listed as descending. This means that the first ingredient is most this productand the latter contains the smallest number;
  • Watch that sugar and salt would at the end of the list of ingredients;
  • If you need fatty foods, remember that the fat content is indicated in grams. The percentage that is specified next to the fats is the percentage of daily consumption, and not the percentage of calories obtained from fats in this product. Look at the top of the label, where the "calories from fats" is written, and to figure out the percentage, divide this number for the total calorie amount. That is, calories from fat are about half of the total calorie number, then in the product about 50% calories fall on fats.
  • If you need carbohydrates, choose natural products that contain less treated carbohydrates.
  • On labels from bread, the first words such as "solid" and "milling grinding" should be present in the list of ingredients. Often you can see "not bleached, enriched wheat flour", but it does not suit you - such bread treated, and solid grains are added for color. The first ingredient must be solid grains.
  • High-quality carbohydrates must contain fiber and sugar. Try to avoid carbohydrates without fiber. At the same time, carbohydrates in which there is nothing but the fiber, do not provide the necessary nutrients. Try that in the product 1/6 of the total amount of carbohydrates accounted for fiber. That is, in 20 grams of carbohydrates there should be about 3-4 grams of fiber.
  • Whether to consume strongly processed products or not - your choice. But it is better to give preference to solid, natural nutrition foods. If there are too many Latin words on the label - for example, ingredients that you can not read or do not know them, it is better to postpone it away.
  • Canned food, frozen lunches and other semi-finished products usually contain a lot of sodium. Instead, buy solid, individual ingredients, and then prepare dishes yourself. You can freeze them and store in containers.

Secrets of natural products

Mixed ingredients

Often products are grouped according to the list of ingredients, in order to provide elements in a certain order. Sometimes it happens on legal grounds, and sometimes it can be deceived. Most people understand that the ingredients must be listed in the order of quantitative decrease - in other words, the ingredient, which is most in this product, should be first. Thus, if you are looking for a protein bar, then the happiness for you will be purchased on the label of which it will be written:

double nice protein mixture (hydrolyzed proteins from cow hoofs, serum), maltodextrin

The label is also lack of sugar.

Of course, a lot of things come here. Special protein mix - what is it really? Let's just say, there are 10 g of serum, 11 g of protein from cow cooles 12 g Maltodextrin. The ingredients must go in descending order, that is, "maltodextrin, hydrolyzed cow's hoofs, serum."

Anyone who is familiar with sugars knows that although Maltodextrin does not affect the amount of sugar, he has a very high, and therefore it is not desirable that he stands first in the list of ingredients (if it is not a post-out cocktail). So, looking at such a label, the average consumer will say to himself: "High sugar content, tons of poor-quality protein and very little serum."

So what to do? Everything is simple. The company combined the protein from cow's hoofs and serum. This is "double nivestly protein mixture". Since the sum of the ingredients is 10 + 11 \u003d 21, this new "mixture" can stand in the list in front of maltodextrin, while all the ingredients are specified in descending order.

Now nothing suspect consumers seems to be in fact there are more serum in the product than maltodextrin (sugar). But we know that it is less! The serum comes out in the first place due to what is part of the mixture. Therefore, reading labels on natural products, you will know how such a grouping works.

Special offers

Sometimes special offers are indicated on organic products labels. You must understand exactly what it means.

When the label reads: "is not significant source Calories from fat ", then the product must contain less than 0.5 g of fat for a portion. Be careful with meat delicacies. They can be sliced \u200b\u200bso subtly that one piece will contain less than 2 grams of fat, but still provide a significant percentage of fat calories.

"It is not a significant sugar source" means that the amount of sugar on the label is less than one gram. Do not take this statement for a clean coin. Some ingredients, such as maltodextrin, are not technically considered sugar, but has the same effect. That is why it is so important to take into account both the list of ingredients and food value.

The table indicates the definitions of other special proposals:

Safety products (Nofat or FatFree)

With reduced fat content

Contains less fat and calories into an initial or similar product


Contains less than 3 grams of fat for a portion.

Light (Lite)

Contains 1/3 of calories or 1/2 fat for a portion in an original or similar product.


Contains 1/3 calories in an initial or similar product.



Contains less than 5 calories for a portion

Contains less than 0.5 g of sugar per serving

No preservatives (nopreservatives)

Does not contain preservatives (chemical and natural)

No additional preservatives (nopreservativesadded)

Does not contain chemicals that add to the conservation of the product. Some of them may have natural preservatives.

With reduced salt content (Lowsodium)

Contains less than 140 mg. Salt on the portion


Contains less than 5 mg of salts for a portion

Baked, not fried (bakednotfried)

Used mainly for potato chips, crackers or corn chips. Such an inscription means that some oil is usually sprayed on the product, and then it is baked, and not just fried in oil.

Alarm characters

Studying the list of ingredients, pay attention to the danger signs. This is not the entire list, however, it will help you buy only high-quality, natural and environmentally friendly food. Always look, such ingredients are at the beginning (main), in the middle and at the end of the list.

  • Sugar is admissible at the end. The presence of sugar in the middle of the list is possible, with a sufficient amount of fiber in the product. Of course, these rules may change if we are talking about after training cocktail.
  • Salt is permissible at the end of the list. Salt is important, but only in moderate quantities.
  • Any ingredient that you cannot pronounce or understand. Again, not necessarily such substances should be bad, but if you cannot answer, what benefit they will bring you, it is better not to risk.
  • Excess vitamins and minerals. It is much more useful to get them from whole products and high-quality polyvitamins than in the form of a spray or additive to food.
  • If the product is enriched with something. It should be the biggest joke in food Industry. "Enriched" means that the product was deprived of vital nutrients, and instead they added those substances that were initially less.
  • "Vitaminated" natural product. Control the consumption of vitamins and minerals at the expense of special additives and solid products, and not due to their addition to conventional products, where you do not know not their quality, not quantity.
  • Any product, one serving of which contains more than 20 grams of carbohydrates, and less than 2 grams
  • in which half and most of the total calorie falls on fats (if, of course, you do not look at ethics from the bottle of olive oil)
  • The presence of partially hydrogenated fats anywhere in the list of ingredients (also known as trans-fatty acids). If hydrogenated fats are at the end of the list, you can not worry. In addition, if the product indicates the absence of trans fatty acids, it can be safely used, even if there are hydrogenated fats in the list of ingredients.

How to recognize the presence of sugar in natural products

It is impossible to unambiguously say that sugar in organic products is harmful, however, it is important to be able to determine its quantity. Below you will see some common sugar names. Be careful with those products where they stand at the top of the list of ingredients, as they may contain too much sugar and provoke unwanted sugar bursts in the blood:

  • Sugar cane juice
  • Custard concentrate
  • Falernum (sweet liqueur)
  • Fructose
  • Glucose
  • Jaggery
  • Sugar cane juice
  • Lactose
  • Levuliza
  • Malt
  • Maltodextrin
  • Maltose
  • Marshmallow
  • MISI (Sugar in crystals)
  • Melassia (Black Patok)
  • ORSHAM (drink)
  • Panocha (cheese sugar candies, milk and oil)
  • Sorghum (Bread Zlak)
  • Sakhares
  • Sugar
  • Syrup
  • Turbobelovo (partially refined raw sugar)

Milk and its derivatives in natural products

If you avoid dairy products, the following elements in the list of ingredients are dairy products or their derivatives:

cream, Cheese, Oil, Yogurt, Kumy, Kefir, Box, Panir, Lactose, Casein, Serum, Rennet (Rennet), Reennin

There are no flavors in environmentally friendly products!

There are many disputes about natural and artificial flavors. It seems that many manufacturers are proud that "natural flavors" in the list of ingredients are indicated on the organic products, while consumers are ready to abandon everything that somehow resembles "artificial products". In reality, everything is not the way you think! So, what is the difference between natural and artificial flavors?

Natural and artificial flavors are determined by the CodeOffederalRegulations Code. This means that specific laws regulate which terms can be used in the lists of ingredients.

natural flavoring contains essential oil oil and protein hydrolyzate, distillate or any fry product, heat treatment or enzymatic decomposition, which contains flavor components obtained from spices, fruits or fruit juices, vegetables or vegetable juices, edible yeast, herbs, bark, kidneys , root, leaves or similar vegetable material, meat, seafood, birds, eggs, dairy products, or fermentation products obtained from them, whose function is more aimed at giving food to the food, and not a nutritional value

All that does not correspond to this definition is considered artificial. Pretty volumetric, isn't it? Is it possible to allow the existence of flavors in natural products?

Chemicals can be either natural origin, or obtained artificially. There is not the same difference as between the wool and the Kapron, which are used for the manufacture of clothes, however, these materials are different.

At the molecular level, natural and artificial flavors seem the same. By the way, there is an opinion that artificial flavors are safer, because they are produced in a pure form. For natural flavors, the original product (for example, an apple) should be decomposed on the elements and is filtered by chemicals to obtain substances for the flavoring agent. Therefore, there may be more impurities in such flavors.

In this case, it is fair to note that in natural and artificial flavors there are chemical additives used to improve taste. If on the etiquette it is indicated that there is a natural flavor in the product, this does not mean that the manufacturer added crushed apples - this means that some of them are highlighted or a certain set of chemicals is highlighted and an artificially added to the product.

If you are not particularly interested in flavors, then pay less than those artificial or natural, and look at the order of the list of ingredients.

If you need natural foods, those you could cook yourself, do not buy those in which other flavors, in addition to natural spices.

And finally, use the Council called "Purchases on the Periphery".

If you notice, most often in stores processed products in packages are located in the center of the square. Fresh natural foods, eggs, dairy and meat products are more often located around the perimeter of the store. Therefore, keep the walls, and then you increase the chances of purchasing environmentally friendly and healthy foods Nutrition.

Take up yourself with respect to the choice of food. It will help you buy a beautiful. As with all the rest, strive for moderation. For example, if your weakness fried corn chips, then you can have them in moderate quantities without going beyond daily calories. If the thrust is too strong, then look for compromises, choose a baked option.

Section " Natural products and means"Contains information about natural products: fruits, vegetables, berries, herbs, bee products, and recommendations for their use to preserve the health, prevention and treatment of diseases.

Yellow Vegetables and Fruits

American scientists argue that if there are yellow or orange vegetables and fruits regularly, it is possible to significantly reduce the risk of inflammation of the joints and arthritis. Bright coloring of these gifts of nature give the carotenoids substances that are capable of rendering the so-called antioxidant effect on the body.

Due to this property, natural remedies can prevent the damaging effect of free oxygen radicals on cells and tissues of our body, including on cells that form joints and ligaments. In addition, these products are rich in vitamin A, very useful for the eyes, and they also raise the mood. No wonder after all, doctors are flower-temperatures are treated with yellow and orange depression and nervous disorders.


Antioxidants-means that protect us from free radicals that destroy healthy cells of the body.

It is important that in the body of them as much as possible. After all, free radicals are formed constantly. Antioxidants include vitamins A, C, E And such a trace element like selenium.

Vitamin A is needed to those who often sick, as well as those who have problems with vision, dry skin, is the risk of developing tumors. Main sources of vitamin A-fish fat, cream, egg yolk, as well as yellow-orange and dark green vegetables and fruits.

Vitamin C (ascorbic acid) - protects against cancer, prevents the destruction of enzymes with free radicals. The largest content of vitamin C in citrus.

Vitamin E is protected by oxidation of fats, which are included in cell membranes, stopping the chain oxidation reaction and extending their lives. The assistant here is selenium, destructive substances containing free radicals.

It is necessary to take into account the fact that antioxidant protection does not always work. It is possible, for example, how much to take vitamin A, but it will still not be assimilated if a person has a bad liver and kidney, if a sufficient amount of protein and fats do not come into the body, as well as such a necessary element as zinc.

What can be done to strengthen antioxidant protection? We must take a blueberry and garlic. These funds are champions on the content of antioxidants. Garlic is also rich in selenium. In the mornings, an empty stomach will not exist a little grain grain. At night - 5-7 walnuts, they contain a whole group of vitamins B, as well as vitamins A, E and C.

Sprouted grain

It is consumed when the boring is only 2-4 mm. Why are there anything? Because the "heavy" nutrients of grain have already turned into an easily disgraced complexes of amino acids, sugars, vitamins and minerals. And the sprouting of the plant has not yet become useless for us from the point of view of the nutrient value ballast-cellulose, or vegetable fiber. The embryo of each plant has its own set of substances beneficial to us. Rye and wheat other than proteins and carbohydrates are rich in phosphorus, potassium, calcium, magnesium, zinc, iron, manganese, selenium, copper, vanadium. They contain almost all known vitamins of group B, biotin, vitamins E and F. Therefore, they have a hematopoietic, antisclerotic, anticillary action, normalize the state of vessels, skin and hair, slow down the aging process.

How to germinate:
One-piece grain is crossed, damaged and unripe grains are thrown out. Then the grain is washed several times in running water, after which they are laid out with a laid (no more than 2 cm) layer in not too small ceramic vessel. You can pre-lay on the bottom of the layer of natural dark tissue. But this is optional. Now the plants need to pour-pour water so that the top layer of the grains does not sneak in the water, but only touched it. Cover the marley wheat and put there, where it will be light and warm. After 24-30, the grains should show white seedlings. When they germinate up to 2-4 mm, wheat need to rinse thoroughly. Medicine is ready. It is recommended to use it 1 tablespoon 3-4 times a day, in such a form or pre-alternate meat grinder. Store the seedlings in the refrigerator, but not more than 2-3 days - then healing properties Roshkov are lost.

Strengthening immunity

Elewerococcus and Echinacea are reliable immunite defenders. Eleutherococcus - a tool that not only increases immunity, but also saves from stress, has a liner effect. But he has prematurely, it cannot be taken to someone who suffers from hypertension, heart rate impairment and acute infectious diseases.

Echinacea also helps with rheumatoid arthritis, hepatitis, herpes, prostatitis, psoriasis, ulcers, frowning wounds.

Useful also I. folk remedies Immunity strengthening.
1. Grind garlic head, pour with a glass of sour milk at night. To drink the next day in several techniques.

2. Speed \u200b\u200bon the grater average bulb, pour a glass of boiled milk, cool and drink throughout the day for two receptions.

3. Mixtures of dried fruits and nuts. We take equal shares, the raisins, the crisp, prunes, walnut, lemon with the peel (we remove bones) and we skip it all through the meat grinder. Add honey and store in the refrigerator. We accept once a day: adults 1 tbsp., Children - for 1 tsp.

4. Three on the grater is a medium apple, add chopped prunes and dried, 1 tbsp. Crumpled nuts and honey, broken oatflakes (1 tbsp. Flakes pour on 30-40 min 4 cups of ghardy water), half of the lemon. This is a portion per adult. It must be eaten for two receptions for breakfast and dinner between the 19th and 20th hours.

Collection of medicinal herbs

To collect medicinal herbs you need to know, be able to distinguish from similar, not having medical applicationknow where they grow. They need to collect them away from roads, beyond the features of the city, best in the forest.

If you are not an expert of grass-collect better common plants-flowers linden, forest strawberries, blueberries, mint, hunter, chamomile, plantain, dandelion roots.

During the collection of herbs, it is necessary to remember that the resources of the planet are not limitless. It is necessary to leave a sufficient number of plants of each type for their resumption next year.

As well as the creation for the existing need of the best functional structure of production

Due to the diversity of components and products of natural gas, there is no discrepancies in determining the amount of gas production. In some sources, the volume of gas produced in the fishery, in others - "dry", that is, the volume from which ethane and other gases are selected or, on the contrary, gas with "gas liquids", in the third condensate, are combined with oil and t. D. This causes discrepancies in statistical data.

It should be borne in mind that, in contrast to oil, which is an indispensable or highly efficient type of raw materials for the production of a wide variety of products, natural gas is currently used in the near future and will be used mainly as energy fuel. As such, natural gas belongs to the number of interchangeable fuels. With the economic evaluation of gas resources, it cannot be ignored. Therefore, it is necessary under the economic assessment of gas resources to compare the costs of searching, production, transport and the use of natural gas and other types of fuel.

Love for nature leads to an increase in popularity of travel in residential vans, hiking, water walks and fishing. Business answered this by the release of tourist equipment, tents and other accessories for lovers of relaxing in nature. The organizers of the trips offer more and more routes in places that have not touched human activity. Food manufacturers have faced the expansion of natural product markets, such as natural products from bread cereals, natural ice cream, food for therapeutic nutrition. Food advertising is given on a natural natural background for them.

Materials and details-products that are fully used in the manufacturer's product. They can be divided into two groups of raw materials and semi-finished products and details. Raw materials includes agricultural products (wheat, cotton, fruit, vegetables, etc.) and natural products (fish, forest, raw oil, iron ore, etc.). Marketing of agricultural products is somewhat different from the marketing of natural products. Agricultural products are supplied by many small manufacturers to marketing intermediaries that collect them, sort, organize storage, transportation and sales. The proposal of agricultural products can increase to a certain extent, but only in long-term plan, and not in a short time. Agriculture products -

The proposal of natural products is extremely limited. As a rule, they are volumetric, the average price of the commodity unit is low, and their transportation from the manufacturer to the consumer is quite complex. Only a small part of large manufacturers seeks to sell them directly to industrial consumers. Because consumers depend on their presence of these materials, deliveries are usually carried out on the basis of long-term contacts. The similarity of natural products among themselves limits the scope of activities to stimulate their sales. The main factors affecting the choice of the supplier are its reliability and price of goods.

The most notable success in overcoming this obstacle, in the establishment of state sovereignty over their mineral resource potential, a number of countries - exporters of hydrocarbon raw materials (oil, gas condensate, natural gas) and some products of its processing were achieved. In this part, the author sets itself the task of first to analyze the economic content of sovereignty over natural resources in relation to the oil and gas industry of developing countries, international production relations in the hydrocarbon market, especially the transformation that they have undergone in the 70s and their current state. .

Exploring the process of forming a differential rent, K. Marx consistently proceeded from the parcel that the differential rent was determined ... the cost of the product produced on the worst land or on the worst mine. At the same time, it was implied that the involvement of the worst natural resources into the economic turnover is, as a rule, with a physical deficit of the best natural factors of production. Consequently, the economic need to begin production at less favorable conditions is dictated by exhaustion of opportunities to increase it with more favorable natural prerequisites and at the same time the presence of a fairly wide dissatisfied solvent demand for the relevant goods.

To restrain the development of marked processes in order to maintain the role of a major source of export revenues longer, the role of a large source of export income, a number of OPEC members, including Algeria and Libya, are developing and are already beginning to carry out programs for saving the most deficient types of hydrocarbon raw materials and transition to alternative Energy. Libya is building a nuclear power plant with the assistance of the USSR, Algeria intends to master solar energy. It is still difficult to judge how successful these events will be. For example, the Andr implies to slow down the decline in the export quota in the total production of primary energy carriers from 8.5% in 1970-1979. (when it decreased from the initial level 93.5 to 85%) to 5.2% during 1979-1990, so that by the end of the predicted period to reserve 79.8% of annual products for deliveries abroad and expand the physical volume of the latter More than LA 78 million tons per year in terms of oil equivalent (calculated by software). Decisive importance for the implementation of these plans should be further growth in the export of natural gas. It would make it possible to compensate for the absolute and relative decrease in the foreign trade potential of the oil industry, which, by the beginning of the 1990s, it is unlikely to significantly exceed half of the limited capacity for the extraction of liquid hydrocarbon raw materials (see Ap., Table 4).

It is characterized by an increase in the release of light products and medium distillates. Heavy boiler fuel in the energy sector (its main consumer) has become encountered on increasingly rigid competition from natural gas and other fuels.

In addition, the influence of the HTR manifested itself in the reduction of oil refining (the use of new technological processes). In the energy sector, they learned to effectively use natural gas on power plants (vapor-gas installations), which increased the competition between natural gas and fuel oil learned to effectively purify coal combustion products (adsorption of sulfur gases with limestone) on TPPs, which made coal to an ecologically less harmful fuel type and increases it Competitive opportunities in comparison with fuel oil.

ECD convincingly testify this for one calendar year in the world when the fields, construction and other work moves more than 4,000 cu. km. Soil and soil is removed from the subsoil of the Earth 120 billion tons of ore, combustible fossil building materials, 800 million tons of various metals are smelted. At the same time, a finite product contains no more than 5-7% of the amount of raw materials, and 93-95% is in waste, polluting the atmosphere and natural reservoirs. The total area of \u200b\u200bdestroyed and degraded soils in the entire history of mankind is approximately 20 million square meters. km. that more cumulative area used today in the world in agricultural purposes.

This type of rent is qualitatively different from differential rent. First, the recipient of this type of rent are the owners of all three classes of deposits (worst, medium and best). Secondly, if the differential rent does not participate in the creation of a public price of the production of goods, but, on the contrary, assumes it, then this type of rent participates directly. ... Only due to the monopoly of land ownership, K. Marx notes, the excess value of agricultural products above their production price can be the moment that determines their common market price. From this it follows, finally, that in this case, the product is not the cause of the product, and the rent is the cause of the dressing of the product (emphasized by me. - A. Ya.) 11. Thirdly, if the reason for the appearance of two forms of differential rent is to distinguish the natural conditions that work in different fields (or successive applications of labor to the same - the same - the factory) are not the same in terms of performance, then the reason for the appearance of this type of monopoly of private property to land.

As a result of chemical refining of oil and natural gas, both inorganic products are obtained - hydrogen, sulfur and sulfuric acid. Hydrogen serves as an initial substance for obtaining ammonia. Ammonia, in turn, receive carbonate ammonium, ammonium sulfate, nitric acid, ammonium nitrate and a number of other products widely used as fertilizers. Ammonia serves fine raw materials For the production of urea, which contains more nitrogen in its composition than ammonia agriculture and ammonium sulfate, and therefore is widely used as fertilizer, supplements in the feed of a cattle. Now the bulk of ammonia is obtained on the basis of hydrogen of natural hydrocarbon gas.

Currently, thousands of various products used in all industries, agriculture, in transport, etc. are obtained from oil and natural gases, and so on. The main groups of these products include liquid fuel gas fuel solid fuel (oil coke) lubricating and special paraffin oils and ceresina bitumen aromatic hydrocarbons of soot acetylene ethylene oil acids and their salts of higher alcohols, etc.

The most use of oil and natural gas processing products are currently found in the fuel and energy industry. High-octane gasoline fuel, kerosene, diesel, reactive liquid fuel, fuel, gaseous and solid fuel, fuel, oil fuel, oil, and consistant lubricants, antifreeze, insulation, etc., are widely used.

However, in recent years, oil and natural gas processing products are increasingly used as raw materials for the chemical industry. Of these, there are, in particular, various types of oils and lubricants Motor oils (autolas) for internal combustion engines - automotive, tractor, aviation, etc. Industrial oils (spindle, machine, cylinder) for lubrication of various machines and mechanisms working at relatively low Temperature Special oils, - turbine, transformer, compressor oils for lubrication of steam machines (located in direct contact with overheated ferry) greases - antifriction (reducing wear of parts of mechanisms), frictional (increasing friction in order to prevent transmissions and other transmissions) White oils - Medical, perfume, etc.

Currently, about 8% of oil and gas produced are consumed as valuable raw materials for modern chemistry. By chemical processing of oil and natural gases, a number of substances are obtained, the use of which is not limited to the limits of one or two industries. For example, ethanol It is used in approximately 150 industries. Benzole is used for the production of motor fuel, as well as solvent in the paint industry, is used as the initial raw material for obtaining dyes, drugs (aspirin, pyramidone, etc.), fragrant substances, pesticides (DDT, etc.), etc. Phenol (carbolic Acid) is used for disinfection, producing dyes, drugs, plastics, synthetic fiber (Capron) and many other products.

The most important position of the theory of natural resource rent A. Smith is that the rent is part of the product price in a different way than wages and profits. High or low wages and capital profits are the cause of a high or low product price greater or smaller amount of rent is the result of the latter (highlighted by me. - Yu. T.) (ibid, p. 121). It is possible to express it mathematically as follows.

Even in everyday life accompanies a large range of negative factors. These include air contaminated by natural gas combustion products, electric power plant emissions, industrial enterprises, vehicles and garbage devices. Water with excessive content of harmful impurities. Non-free food. Noise, infrase vibration Electromagnetic fields from household appliances, televisions, displays, LEPs, radio relay devices ionizing radiation ( Natural background, medical examinations, background from building materials, radiation of devices, household items) medicines with excess and improper consumption of alcohol tobacco smoke bacteria, allergens, etc.

The gas before feeding to the main gas pipeline must be cleaned, as it has in its composition various foreign impurities in the form of liquid and dust. The liquid can consist of gas condensate, water, methanol, solar and compressor oil dust - may contain sand, sulfur compounds of iron, corrosion products of the inner surface of steel pipes and other substances. In addition, natural gases that do not contain hydrogen sulfide, as well as most individual hydrocarbon gases almost do not smell. For timely detection of looser in gas communications and the resulting leaks in gas before serving it, a strongly smelling substance is added, called a poster. All of these works on the main gas pipelines are performed by cleaning and overalling gas.

The type of enterprise and its divisions largely depends on the type of raw materials. For example, when using in petrochemical production, one monomer is predominantly formed as a raw material of ethane or natural gas. Consequently, the number of united productions cannot be large and the enterprise will be specialized. Other position when the raw materials are passing gases, gasoline direct races and similar products, and the heading process - pyrolysis. In this case, many monomers and by-products are formed, the type of enterprise is a manufacturing association.

The study of this problem in the proposed reader is carried out mainly in three interrelated areas. The first subject of study was the objective economic conditions, within the framework of which the energyary policy of oil-exporting states is also being implemented or, in other words, within which the activities of this subjective factor are unfolding, the conditions that make up the tools of this policy and the determining limits of its effectiveness. Operation of oil and gas resources, as well as other means of production, which are not labor, and natural processes and simultaneously perceived by monopolization, in the market economy associated with rental production relations. Therefore, it is quite natural that the modern features of Rental formation and distribution of rental income are more or less in detail in most studies specifically dedicated to raw materials or affecting them. However, in the Soviet special literature, there was no single point of view to the political and economic nature of oil rent at various stages of the development of this industry of the extractive industry. Some researchers, in particular V. V. Biryulin and M. M. Golovan, are inclined to believe that it is practically entirely of differential mining income. Most of other authors - R. N. Andreasyan, A. I. BELCHUK, R. O. KANZHIKYAN, S. M. Nikitin, V. G. Pavlov, I. L. Piotrovskaya, A. E. Primakov and others - in modern The value structure of the proceeds from the export of hydrocarbon raw materials is also distinguished by other types of non-differedcial type rent. However, there is a significant variety of both in the determination of the predominant variety (monopoly, absolute, state absolute, interproducts (the government) and in interpretation of the essence of the revenue income of the last type.

Oil and gas production, as well as the overwhelming majority of all types of raw materials, is based on the use of socially limited means of production. According to the definition of Ko Marx, this is a natural factor of production, or the natural force that can be monopolized, since this natural condition is found in nature only in places, and where it is not, it is impossible to create it with the help of a certain capital costs. It is not connected with the products created by labor ... and with certain natural conditions of a certain part of the Earth. This objectively determines the rental principles of the formation of value proportions and prices in the oil and gas industry, for which the main limited means of production remain the stocks of terrestrial subsoil. But as the shelf and other maritime offices are developed

A distinctive feature of the third type of rent is a monopoly - is the value base located entirely outside the rental-forming industries. It is completely based on redistributed surplus value. However, concrete participation