Pipe Butter (or GCI oil)

The product obtained from high-quality butter by heat treatment, established itself in Eastern medicine as a miraculous means.

Ayurveda calls the GCHE oil (GHEE) - "liquid gold", capable of enriching the person with the finest energy of the sun.

GHCH (or GI) is a word on Sanskrit, which denotes the purified busty cow oil. The older it is, the more valuable, and the meant of its properties. Qualitatively cooked melted butter It can stand in the warm room of dozens of years. It will not cover mold and will not work. In the ancient India, a weathered oil of the GCH was considered a jewel. Many families transferred vessels from the GCH from generation to generation as the greatest gift - a miraculous elixir.

From the point of view of traditional medicine, the coating butter is no less valuable, since in the processing process it acquires the optimal composition.

The composition of the oil GHCH

In its molecular structure, the GCH oil is different from other fats of animal origin.

When flipping from the initial product, harmful impurities are removed, dairy proteins, sugar and water, but remain:

  • Vitamin E is the strongest antioxidant.
  • Vitamin A is not contained in any edible oils except GHC.
  • Indispensable fatty acid (Linolic acid content 4 - 5%)

It should be noted three features of the composition of the GCH oil:

  • the product does not contain lactose, therefore people can use the intolerance to this carbohydrate;
  • fatty acids in the composition of the shaken oil have a short chemical chain, therefore it is better absorbed by the body;
  • protein casein in the process of flipping the oil is removed, because GHC is harmless to people with elevated cholesterol.

One of the main advantages of the shaken oil is that it does not burn when frying. In contrast to plant and butter oils, which when combustion becomes carcinogenic, the coating butter consists mainly of saturated fatty acids with a short chemical chain that do not oxidize room temperaturenor with frying. Therefore, the GCH is considered to be the most useful for cooking, contributing to the assimilation and removal of decomposition products from the body.

The benefits and use of GCH oil

The healing properties of GCH oil allow you to use it for:

  • enhance immunity;
  • slowdowns of free radicals;
  • improvement of digestion; GHCs are useful at elevated stomach acidity. (Before and after eating you need to eat one teaspoon of the GCI)
  • normalization of metabolic processes;
  • removal of toxins and slags;
  • enrichment by the body with vitamins A, E, fatty acids;
  • stimulating mental activity.

In the treatment of angina, colds, cough and cold. It is necessary to take warm milk with a teaspoon of GCH oil and ginger (turmeric, nutmeg) for the night.

For people with weakened immunity, the use of GCH oil in the mornings in combination with spices (fennel, cardamomon, saffron), dried fruits, nuts, honey, rippled, is useful. At the same time, breakfast should not include other products.

During the flu epidemic and ORVI, it is useful to lubricate the nasal mucosa oil.

GCH oil in cosmetology

The GHI has excellent warming properties, therefore it is often used as a basis for massage oil.

In addition, the product is able to remove toxins, making the skin velvety.

From the GHI you can cook face masks and the most simple recipes:

  • Potato mashed potatoes (2 spoons), turmeric (half spoons) and GCH oil (half spoons) to connect. Kashitsa in warm formal form on face, hold 15 minutes.
  • Applesauce (2 spoons), honey and ghi (on the floor spoon) mix, warm, apply on the face. Exposure time - 15 min.

Vedas narrate that the GHI is the most powerful warming agent of all existing in nature. Therefore, in the cold season, it is recommended to drink a heated milk with fused oil for the night. You can also take it after awakening, drinking warm water.

In addition to the warming effect, this oil helps to clean the intestine, and evening reception It helps to get rid of insomnia.

In Ayurveda, the GCH oil is used both internal and outdoor use (in particular, for), is one of the best means for oiling the body, rejuvenation and improving the body, because it helps to relax organs and tissues, to bring toxins from them. Therefore, this miracle oil is used in many methods of treatment.

In addition, the GCHI itself has a therapeutic effect, and if the GHI is used as a base for spices and herbs, it is not only enhanced by the toning effect of these spices and herbs, but also improves their transportation to the authorities.

It is good to use GCI oil as a basis for the preparation of various ointments and creams.

This is what the Doctor of Ayurvedic Medicine David Froji and Vasant Lad:

"The GHA increases ODUAS - the subtle essence of all tissues. It enhances all types of Agni, increases the energy of digestive processes and the effect of enzymes in the body. Its action applies, in particular, on Jatharagni (the digestive fire of the small intestine) and bhutagny (fiery liver power, controlling the transformation of food). It does not clog the liver, like other oils and fats, and on the contrary, gives it power. The GCH oil feeds Maja-Thahat (bone marrow and nervous tissue), as well as a brain. Imaging ODeas, it is favorable effect on all thin body tissues, including Shukra-Dhant (reproductive fabric). Through OJASAS, it gives food to Tedjas - the light of the mind - and thus enhances the medhagni - the fire of intellect and perception. "

This is a unique product: the only one of all oils that suits all three doshams. But most of all the GCH oil is suitable for cotton wool and pitta.

In India, this product is used to refuel oil lamps and in the ceremonies of sacrifices. It is widely used in South Asia: in cooking, everyday life, religious rituals, medicine. GHCH oil. Regarding recently they became interested in many countries. It is eaten, used in folk medicine. This purified foam oil cooked special recipeIt has a lot of useful properties.

Medical properties

Denote medical properties Product:

  • Vitamin E is a powerful antioxidant. It helps the cells of the body to be updated, warns the negative impact of free radicals. The GCH oil slows down the aging processes, is a prophylactic tool from oncological diseases.
  • The product increases appetite and tone. It struggles with fatment, improves performance.
  • The GCA oil has an immunostimulating effect. Recommended for the night wipe palms, ear sinks, navel and feet.
  • The liquid is an additional source of vitamin K. This substance is famous for its hemostatic properties, prevents blood seeping through the walls of the vessels. And also helps the body absorb calcium.
  • The GCA oil normalizes the activity of the small intestine. It is well absorbed, not burdened liver.
  • The product helps with frequent constipation. But its excessive use will lead to the opposite state - diarrhea.
  • Migraine attack will retreat if a small amount of oil is massaged whiskey.
  • The product is beneficial to the nervous system. He calms down when irritating. It is used as an additional therapeutic agent for neurosis, depression, helps to remove stress.
  • Useful oil for head and bone marrow health. It stimulates brain activity, increasing the sharpness of the mind.
  • If the ears began to root and shoot, you can drip into each one drop of warm product. Additionally, to massate the zone around the oak-sinks by the oil.
  • GCH oil is the perfect massage tool. Absupping without a residue in the deep layers of the skin, pushes the slags and toxins on the surface. Plus has a warming effect.
  • It has an anesthetic effect. You can confuse the bruise, massage the sore place during osteochondrosis or radiculitis.
  • With oil, the GHCU is better absorbed and assisted useful substances of ointments, drugs. The product increases their therapeutic effects.
  • In the fall and in winter, when the numerous infections are "walking", we can handle the nasal passages. The mucosa will not rehabilitate, the body resistance to colds increases.
  • Indian maslice applies in cosmetology. It updates the skin cells at all levels, smoothes small wrinkles, relieves traces of fatigue and endlessness.

Most often, the GCH oil is used to prepare various dishes or as an outdoor (for processing the nasal sinuses, ears, bruises on the skin). When heated, it does not smoke, does not become toxic. It can be kept for a long time.


A large number of saturated fats in the composition and cholesterol increases the risk of obesity and serious complications of heart pathologies.

There are no other harmful qualities. With severe heating during frying, it does not highlight carcinogenic substances. Therefore, for cooking suitable ideal.


Like all the oils, the oil of the GCH is a high-calorie product. Almost completely it consists of fats. In one hundred grams - 902.43 kcal.


  • In a teaspoon about four grams of cholesterol. People with cardiovascular diseases to get involved in oil GHCH is not worth it.
  • High caloric content of the product limits its use when obesity. It is not dietary, as it is a natural fat. In addition, the GHI strengthens appetite. Therefore, those who suffer from completeness, butter will not benefit.
  • Indian liquid is contraindicated to people with serious chronic gastric pathologies. Nexual disorders of the gastrointestinal tract it will fix. But the constant consumption of GCH will lead to the exacerbation of chronic disease. Additional "joy" - diarrhea, heartburn.
  • The abuse of a foam product can lead to the development of atherosclerosis, negatively affect the metabolic processes in the body.

The nutritional value

GHCH oil is a fused butter. It is transparent or muddy, golden yellow. For the manufacture of oil GCA in a special way melts creamy fat. It is removed from it over liquid, milk protein and sugar.

There is no lactose in the brain. Therefore, people who do not perceive this substance can use GCH oil. GHC is the only oil containing vitamin A.

Nutrient composition:

Nutrients Number per 100 g, grams % of the recommended daily rate
Proteins 0.04
Fats. Of them
  • saturated fats;
  • monounsaturated fats;
  • polyunsaturated fats;
  • trans-firms
99.5 153%
Carbohydrates 0
Omega-3 fatty acids 1447 mg 100%
Omega-6 fatty acids 2247 mg 56%

Vitamins and Minerals


Minerals oil GCH does not contain. The product has cholesterol - 256 mg in 100 g.

Thus, Indian GCI oil has a high healing potential. It can act as a basis for healing and cosmetics, and can be used as an independent health product. Which rejuvenates, tones, warms, increases immunity. But it is impossible to abuse this product.

    It is important to remember: Fats are needed!

    Brain, hormones, immunity, skin will suffer if strictly reduce fat in the diet. Therefore, we no longer make harmful mistakes in nutrition. In particular, it is never losing weight, cutting fat less than 40 grams per day for women and 60 grams for men.

    In addition to the brazed cream, we suggest learn about two vegetable oils that are most profitable for the body.

    1. : why superfood and how to choose the best

    Now they will be added to the analysis of flights along the GCI. An unusual name intriguity: you will not pass by! However, the product itself is not so exotic.

    Do you want to know something specific?

    Check out the table of contents below. Where to buy and how we do with fats - P.№7. How to prepare the novelty itself - P.№8.

    Fast Navigation on Article:

    GCH oil and foam oil - what is the difference

    Literally transfer from Sanskrit "GHCH" just means foiled oil. The preparation of it and the Slavic counterpart is practically identical - with the exception of one important secret. ()

    To understand what is the oil of the GCI, let's imagine yourself in the kitchen.

  • So we put the butter in a wide container and melted it on a small fire. Water evaporated, and solid dairy proteins partially assailed at the bottom of the saucepan. With a raging surface, we quickly removed the foam and filtered fluid through a small cell. Ready! It turned out a classic shaken pattern.
  • And what will happen if we give boiling contents of the saucepan very slowly? Milk proteins will acquire a golden brown shade and give a mixture with nut-caramel flavor. Filter - And here it is, oil GHCH!

Step-by-step recipe at home, see the end of the review. And now about the composition, benefits and harm.

Composition and calorie

The product is characterized by high calorie: 900 calories per 100 grams. ()

99.5% of the mass make up a variety of fatty acids (hereinafter referred to as LCD). Of them:

  • 61-65% - saturated
  • 25-29% - mononaturated
  • 4-5% - polyunsaturated

Particularly interesting rare medium-chain LCD (Middle Chain Triglycerides). To recycle them, the liver is not overloaded. They are quickly converted into energy. Foreign experts are meto called their "carbohydrates without an insulin response." ()

Fine and coconut oil contain these rare triglycerides. It is them advantageous to use everyone who wants to reduce dependence on the sweet - without breaking, dizziness and harsh weakness.

There are in Indian sample and valuable polyunsaturated LCD:

  • Oil, which suppresses the development of conditionally pathogenic microflora in the intestine;
  • Linoleic, which is present in all human cell membranes.

From the whole manifold, the GCH oil contains such:

  • A - about 60% of the daily norm per 100 g of the product;
  • E - approximately 15% of the day.

GCI oil and transdury

Transjira - a special kind of unsaturated fellow, which provokes the development of cardiovascular diseases according to the reviews of scientists and doctors. It is believed that after 4 grams of transhirov, a dangerous health zone begins a day.

According to the data, which we found, there are transgins in milk (up to 0.1% of the mass), and in conventional butter (from 2 to 7% weight).

  • It turns out that the novelty discussed is no more harmful than the usual butter or foam oil.
  • But much safer than refined vegetable oils. They are in different data to 25% of the transgins plus potentially harmful impurities. And in the GCH, repeat, only 4% of the transcriptions.

But here there is a very important nuance.

  • Need to distinguish what the Hindus call "ASLI GHCH" (English, "ASLI GHEE") From "Vanaspati GHI" (English "Vanaspati Ghee"). The first product is what is needed for a healthy menu. It is completely based on creamy oil. But the second is partially and even completely prepared on vegetable oils (first of all palm). The low price of Vanaspati GHCH has its own out: the transfers are up to 50% of the mass of such analogue. ()

Important facts for health and beauty

This is an indispensable fat for many specific diets. And that's why.

  • Indian shaken sample practically does not contain casein and serum protein. It can be eaten even with allergies to milk components. A fully acceptable option on the sample with the BGBK nutrition, which is often useful for children with autism and other diseases of the nervous system.
  • This is a natural choice of anyone who uses a ketogenic or paleo diet. ()

In India, sign equality between the review hero and skin benefits. It is used in cosmetology in different ways.

  • All types of massage for men and women
  • In the home treatment of small burns in children
  • Against small inflammation

Indian women often apply this fat on the scalp to fight the dandruff.

Unfortunately, scientific studies of the useful properties of the novelty are rare.

  1. According to one of the programs, the use of oil instead of the usual helps to avoid cardiovascular pathology. ()
  2. Another study showed that the transition from butter to the GCI reduces cholesterol concentration in the blood. ()

In all cases, scientists recognize that additional tests are required to confirm the hypotheses.

What Ayurveda says

Ayurveda is a traditional Indian medicine system - considers the following.

  • The product contributes to digestion and helps to fight with ulceal diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Helps clarity of mind and rejuvenates the skin from the inside.
  • Strengthens vitality and supports immunity.

Today, all these statements are not verified by evidentia medicine.

Potential harm

Huge caloric content is an important reason why the GCHA should not be abused. No matter how much approved adherents of advanced weight loss systems about "errors of calorie theory", it is enough to read forums and reviews. You are easy to make sure that even satisfied fans of ketosis (high-repayable power plants) converge in the opinion that in the theory of caloric content "still something is there."

  • In particular, if you need to lose weight to ideal weight according to modern overestimated standards for harmony. Or overcome the plateau. Or hold a special sport form.
  • For all these purposes, it is effectively looked around for calorie food.

Do not forget: science changed the vector!

More recently, the consumption of products with a high content of saturated fats - such as butter - associated with the development of atherosclerosis.

Nowadays, it is increasingly proven that in moderate quantities, saturated fats not only do not harm their health, but also benefit to work different systems of the body.

Personal experience: what fats eat and how we cook

Our personal conclusion is closer to a healthy balance without looping.

  1. Remove the surplus Omega-6 PPGK - rejection of the usual sunflower in favor of olive and coconut oils.
  2. Add Omega-3 PPGK - daily from the additive, without illusions about red fish. That is, drinking high-quality fish oil 1 teaspoon per day long.

If you fry, we stopped at Coconut Extra Virgin. Barely the catchy fragrance of coconut does not bother us from the word at all. Want to understand how will you - just try. Most likely, and you are in the happy majority of those who easily make friends with new useful fat.

You can fry on the GCH!

He also has a high polarity point. About the smell in this case does not mention no one. Many sick-bloggers put the Indian heated analogue on the most useful frying oils.

But even better for health stew - with the addition of water. The heating temperature with this method varies only to 100 degrees. It happens in our menu and quick fried vegetables to Al Dente. Here any foiled oil is likewise.

Favorite fats in the current menu of our family

Sometimes we appeal to such a fat, plays pancakes and other simple baking. But the GHCH is spent long.

Recipe for cooking at home

We need:

  • High-quality creamy oil
  • Coffee Filter - Paper
  • Or gauze in several layers

How to cook.

We take a saucepan with a thick bottom and calm the oil on a slow fire. I bring to a boil - on a very slow fire. It will take up to 20-25 minutes. A foam will appear in the process, it is better to remove it, but you can leave.

We will observe how the mass is divided into two fractions. These are fats and proteins. We need to wait when transparent lumens appear. This is a trample result. Proteins We will see like dense "whiten clouds" against the background of a "transparent yellow sky." Here they need to filter, removing the oil from heating.

The filter of gauze in several layers is a harsh option. BUT best preparation - Through a paper filter for coffee. So we remove the maximum of milk protein. As a result, we get perfect option For people with allergies to casein. So, we have prepared a classic - fused butter.

To make the true ghi, how to prepare it in India, you need to gain patience.

Mix the oil on a very weak heating at least 2 hours. Protein clouds for the most part will fall on the bottom and replace the color yellow, and then brownish. The transparent oily part will also change the color and acquire a special fragrance. It is important not to miss the moment here. When the protein is already brown, but not yet burns - remove from the fire, let me cool a little and filter, as described above.

We made a novelty for only a few times - out of curiosity. Everything, indeed, simply, funny, but long. Therefore, our choice is to buy a proven position on Aiherb. Moreover, we do not spend delicaci actively.

Was a review interesting for you? We described in detail everything that was studied and tried. What is the GCH oil, what is his difference from the fan, the recipe for cooking, benefit and harm, reviews of scientists and doctors. We will be glad if you have no questions left. And if you have something to add, doubly curious. Comments are open, share thoughts. Thanks in advance and see you in new articles!

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Health 0

Greetings, friends and guests of my blog! For almost two years already passed, since I first decided on the manufacture of GCH at home. The need for this healing product arose at the moment when it was necessary to save a child from food allergies without the use of drugs.

In the treatment of allergies, it is impossible to use ordinary vegetable oils to food. Today's post will tell you about what the use of GCH oil.

What makes the golden elixir prepare?

When buying ready-made Ayurvedic fat, pay attention whether it has been made from organic. It has important, in what conditions the cows contained, whether they graze on pastures.

Keep in mind that animals grown on hormones and antibiotics do not give high-quality milk, therefore, the manufactured product will not be a healing elixir.

For the manufacture of GHI, high-quality home or farm, unpasteurized cream, which are then beaten in oil. The resulting raw material on slow fire or on a water bath is cleaned of protein, lactose and water. Previously, this process was done in an ordinary furnace.

Healing food fat is not prepared in large volumes, because in this case it is almost impossible to produce full-fledged cleaning. Out of 1 kg of cream oil can leave 1 to 2 hours.

Incorrectly merged product can be spoiled at room temperature, and as you know, the GCH cannot be stored in the refrigerator if you are going to use it as a medicine.

If it is possible to purchase ready-made high-quality butter oil, you can prepare from it the healing fat is much faster, as you do not have to engage in a whipping cream.

The finished elixir has a transparent amber color, there are no impurities in it. If you put for a few seconds on fire, it will crack. At room temperature may remain in a liquid form, only transparency is slightly lubricated. If in the room is cool, then the purified oil will completely lose transparency and become more dense.

Golden elixir is stored in clean, tight closed banks In a dark, cool place. Such a product does not deteriorate, but on the contrary, the longer it costs, the more valuable becomes.

What is the GHI?

This baked oil is almost 100 percent consists of pure fat. It has a thin, sweet, nuttry taste and pleasant aroma. It is enriched with completely new properties, which distinguish it from the ordinary cream.

Advantages of fused over cream:

  • GHI can be easily heated. It is used for frying, extinguishing, baking and can also be in pure form. Often it is used for work sandwiches or studies, as it does not deteriorate unlike the creamy.
  • If you cook on creamy oil, then the water in it, when heated, contributes to the formation of splashes, the protein begins to burn. Until 190 degrees, fatty acids are stable, they are not oxidized and do not form free radicals, therefore, oxidative processes do not occur in the body.
  • The foil oil is still stored even in a non-liberated form, but the creamy will like quickly. In the GCH, the water content is reduced to zero, it means there will not arise a microbial load.
  • The Golden Elixir can use people with lactose intolerance, and this is a huge plus, as passing to vegetable oils, there are more diseases to vegetable oils, thereby drove the disease even deeper. Nevertheless, such people can use an ordinary creamy, only very sensitive falls from him to refuse.
  • In addition to 60 percent of saturated fats, the healing product contains 30 percent of mono-saturated fatty acids and only 5 percent of polyunsaturated. This means that the oil does not contribute to the occurrence of chronic inflammation in contrast to vegetable rich in pro-inflammatory acids.

Are saturated fatty acids?

Animal fats in the eyes of most people are villains. Studies show that people who are on a low-carbohydrate diet high in saturated fats, have better cholesterol levels than those who ate a lot of carbohydrates and low in saturated fat.

What does Ayurveda say?

  • The GCI is assumed by the body easier than other oils.
  • It is an anti-inflammatory product.
  • Used B. cosmetic purposes against scars and for wound healing. Suitable for care for irritated and blusted skin.
  • It is also a healing elixir of beauty, helps to keep the skin young for many years.
  • Improves digestion.
  • Strengthens the protective forces of the body.
  • Cleans blood.
  • It is applied to the sole stop for a night for a strong and calm sleep.
  • Harmonizes the hormonal balance.
  • And promotes intelligence.
  • It is used to treat stomach ulcers and inflammatory bowel diseases.
  • Yoga use it to moisten the connective tissue so that the body is more flexible.

In folk medicine

  • Use against dry eye. To do this, it is heated to 33 degrees, the thermometer determine the temperature. Then you need to redeem each eye in the oil. Such a bath increases the fat content in the tear fluid, and it does not quickly evaporate. Then the eyes are thoroughly cleaned, the procedure is done twice a week.
  • Against psoriasis, it is necessary to take 60 ml of GHCI every day.
  • Food fat is also used for in the treatment of cancer. It is able to restrain the development of cancer education.

My personal feedback

The GCH is included in the treatment program. I want to say that it really has the properties that they are attributed. Only, like any other product with healing properties, it acts very slowly.

You should not expect a result in the next week or a month. We have the first positive changes after 6 months of healing nutrition, someone may have before, someone later.

Well, it is worth noting that I have not met good fat yet. Dishes prepared on it hundreds of times more good than if they were prepared for sunflower oil or any other. It is the perfect medium for cooking.

Many hostesses like to add all sorts of spices in finished dishes or in the cooking process. Do you know how you really need to reveal the taste of spices? They need a short time to fry in the GCH, then you can completely feel all their taste and aroma.

On myself I experience a Ayurvedic product as a care for the oral cavity and teeth. It is useful to rinse your mouth on an empty stomach every morning, approximately 20 minutes. This morning procedure helps to maintain teeth and gums healthy many years. After rinsing, the oil needs to be spawned, as it collects toxins.

The GCH is a fused butter, which is widely used in India. Most of the Ayurvedic dishes are prepared based on it. Moreover, the GCH is considered to be medicinal, it is not for nothing called "Gold Ayurveda". Such oil soothes and balances three dough: Kapha, Wat and Pitt. Many of therapeutic (natural) drugs are prepared using oil. Read about his benefit at the end of the article.

Unlike conventional cream oil, the GCH is very useful: it does not contain lactose and casein, does not affect the liver negatively, when exposed to high temperatures, it does not become toxic, and still stimulates immunity and digestion. Also does not score vessels and artery: Modern medicine says that the GCH does not have negative influence On the content of cholesterol in the blood, which makes this product much more useful - creamy.

In addition, the GCH oil smells very pleasant, and their delicate nut, caramel fragrance gives all dishes in which it is added. Are you interested in how to cook the oil of the GCI at home?


  • Creamy oil - 600 g

How to cook the GCH houses in Ayurveda:

In fact, make the oil of the GCI at home is very easy. The main thing is to initially choose high-quality butter with high fatty, because the higher the fat content milk ProductThe more will be in the end of the fused oil. The dishes are chosen with a thick bottom - for example, cauldron or stainless steel. No way aluminum!

So, proceed.

I cut the oil with small cubes (approximately see on cm), laid out in a saucepan.

Put on a small fire (choose the most minimal, which only can be your stove, a hurry in this matter is an worst enemy), the oil gradually began to hang out. It does not need to be interfered, it itself copes well.

Then the oil gradually begins to drop - a white foam on its surface appears on a slightly slightly.

Then she covers the entire surface.

Everything, left to boil so much, not leaving a second from the plate - from how much oil you took depends on how soon it is pursuant; I have 600 g boiled on quiet fire about 12 minutes.

In the process:

After a few more minutes:

Now the most important thing: how to determine when the water has already been evaporated, and the casein (milk protein) fell into the sediment? In fact, it is not difficult: in one moment the oil ceases to be muddy (becomes transparent), the foam turns up in flakes (as in the photo), sediment is visible. And still the smell: as soon as the smell is not melted butterAnd the characteristic, soft and pleasant nut aroma appeared - take off the fire.

You can spend a couple more minutes to view the video to accurately understand how oil will look like and at what point it needs to be removed from the stove:

How to store oil gc

I always cook 2 jars oil GHCH - one just with fused oil, the second must with greens. I just cut the greens (most of all I love dill).

And pour oil.

Fragrant beauty:

Two kinds:

By the way, I sterilize jars in the microwave so that no troubles have happened during storage. Although it is not necessary to do this, since all sources, as well as many years of experience of Indians shows that the GCI is stored for years and does not deteriorate at all. Who knows, can be fused oil stored longer, that's just so popular in cooking and medicine (Ayurveda), which is rapidly spent. Put a jar on the shelf or remove into the closet (in the shadow or dark place), you do not need to store in the refrigerator.

That's all, useful oil GHI at home is ready! This is how it looks immediately - transparent, beautiful.

And then, after installing the clock 6 at room temperature, freezes.

What is useful than GHI

Ayurveda tells us that the GCI oil is one of the most useful products For our body. It is believed that the oil has a property to moisturize, "garbage" internal organs, vessels, arteries, which contributes to the rejuvenation of cells, and also provokes the growth of tissues, their resuscitation. It is especially relevant for the elderly, as well as young children.

With oil, the GCI makes the baths (compresses) for the eyes, which removes fatigue, tension, removes the headache and restores vision.

In addition, oil helps our digestion, without loading it at all. From a scientific point of view, the fused product has a different boiling point (unlike the untreated oil or vegetable), which does not allow you to burn food, butter does not occupy and do not smoke when frying. And if you boil the oil correctly, then in the final product there will be no lactose, which is ideal for a diet for those who suffer from the intolerance to the milk and its derivatives. In addition, the GHI does not increase cholesterol in the body.

Oil can be done massage, it helps especially well with migraine, as well as strong fatigue, both physical and emotional. Effectively treats pain in the joints, in the lower back, colds.

Add GCI oil into your favorite dishes and be healthy!