The persimmon is ripening. Persimmon for weight loss: benefits and harms, diet, fasting days

Persimmon contains a rich list of nutrients and vitamins. Despite its specific taste, the number of fans of this fruit is quite large. Sale season " wild plum»Starts in mid-autumn and continues until the New Year holidays.

Choosing the right persimmon

  1. The ripening time of the fruit begins at the end of September and lasts until the first frost. After being harvested, persimmons are just beginning to acquire their sweet taste and rich color.
  2. If you buy persimmons in a public place, choose ripe fruits... Evaluate the skin, it should be glossy, even with brown stripes or dark blotches. The pulp of this type will be jelly-like.
  3. There is a kind of persimmon - kinglet. Its difference from other varieties lies in the fact that when fully ripe, it remains firm, and the flesh is chocolatey. Fruits with damaged skin and black spots will not last long.

How to get rid of the astringent effect

  1. Freezing. Exposure in freezer takes from 10 to 18 hours. After performing the manipulations, defrost at room temperature, the fruit takes on juiciness and sweet taste. There is only one drawback of this kind of procedure - the persimmon becomes too soft.
  2. Soak. This storage option is carried out using warm water. Take a container convenient for you, pierce the persimmon in several places, place it in a liquid with a temperature of about 38 degrees. The exposure time is 10-12 hours. Maintain the water temperature throughout the entire process if possible.
  3. Ripening with lemon. Place the persimmon with fresh lemon in a bowl. Add prunes if desired. The ripening period is about 3 days.
  4. Maturation in a paper bag. Place 3 persimmons, a banana, 2 ripe tomatoes in one paper bag. Close the bag tightly. Such a course promotes the release of ethylene, with its help, after a few days, the persimmon fully ripens. Red apples are an alternative to tomatoes.

Features of storing fresh persimmons

  1. Before storing persimmons, do not try to remove the sepals. Don't wash the fruit. Find a room with a temperature between 0 and +1 degrees. Air humidity should be at least 87% with good air circulation.
  2. When storing persimmons for a long time, do not keep them together with other fruits or vegetables. Pick up a wooden open box, lay down parchment paper.
  3. Place fruits on the stalks with sufficient distance from each other. Such a move will avoid spoilage and decay of persimmons. When storing fruits, give preference to dark, ventilated places without access to sunlight.

  1. This method is significantly different from freezing. Pick up hard grade(not quite ripe), if possible, pitted. Rinse the fruit well, place it on cotton towels, and let it dry.
  2. Remove the peel from the persimmon, chop into wedges and place in the oven for 40 minutes, bake at 50 degrees. Pay attention to the condition of the pieces, they should remain light. The presence of a white coating indicates a high sugar content in the fruit. This operation allows you to keep persimmons for up to 90 days.
  3. A method of drying the whole fruit is possible. To do this, it is necessary to remove the shell without removing the sepals. In the future, persimmon must be hung by a dry twig so that the fruits do not touch each other. Try to find a dark, ventilated area. With gauze, you can protect the persimmon from insects.
  4. After 6 days, the dried fruit can be removed and put into the pantry. Place the persimmons in a clear space from each other, keeping in an open cardboard box.

Freezing persimmons

  1. Collect intact whole fruits. Wash them, let dry. Place in plastic bags, send to freezer. Bring the persimmon to the maximum hardness, in this form it will last up to six months. The taste remains practically unchanged, nutrients are not destroyed to a greater extent.
  2. You can also freeze the persimmon in chunks. Before that, wash the fruit, dry it and remove the stalks. Chop the fruits into slices, pack them in plastic bags and send them to the freezer. Place the bag in a deep container with cold water before use.
  3. The option of freezing persimmons in sweet syrup is possible. With this method, all useful and taste qualities are preserved. This manipulation differs in that small fruits are required when freezing. Also rinse and dry the persimmons as described in the previous methods. Cook syrup from sugar and water in a 1: 2 ratio, this amount of composition is per 1 kg. fruit.
  4. Divide the fruits into small sterilized jars, then cover with not very hot syrup. Close the container with lids, send it to the freezer. Thawing takes place at room temperature.

Soufflé with chocolate and persimmon

  • icing sugar - 5 gr.
  • persimmon (kinglet) - 200 gr.
  • whole milk - 120 ml.
  • premium flour - 55 gr.
  • chicken egg - 2 pcs.
  • granulated sugar - 15 gr.
  • bitter chocolate -110 gr.
  1. Cut the persimmon into 4 equal parts, remove the seeds. Heat the milk in a saucepan, then add the broken chocolate to it. Do not bring the mixture to a boil; stir constantly over low heat.
  2. Separate yolks from eggs, add to chocolate, mix with flour. Whisk the whites until bubbles form, adding baking powder and sugar. After that, mix both masses, bring to a homogeneous state.
  3. Divide the persimmons into baking tins, then add the egg mixture. Put in the oven for a quarter of an hour, setting the temperature to about 190 degrees. After the time has passed, sprinkle with sugar flour.

An important feature is right choice fruit. To preserve persimmons for a long time, you have to resort to little tricks. Consider drying, freezing, and soaking the fruit.

Video: how to choose a ripe persimmon

    It is necessary to place persimmons next to (you can put it in one common bag) with a product that emits ethylene. Ethylene promotes the ripening of some vegetables and fruits, however, you need to understand that it is released most strongly from mature foods. So, say, a green banana will be useless.

    Here are the fruits and vegetables that give off this gas:

    Winter is a time of year when persimmons are especially in demand in our stores, but they are often sold unripe, since it is extremely problematic to store and sell overripe persimmons.

    If you have purchased an unripe persimmon, do not be discouraged for the persimmon to reach the desired condition, it is enough to hold it in an open place in the sun for several days. But there is a way not to wait that long, you can put the persimmon in the freezer for a couple of hours. After defrosting, it will be soft and sweet.

    On her balcony or in the freezer, under the influence of a strongly negative temperature, then in warm water and there is (information from vendors-manufacturers of this product), the method is tested

    practically, maybe there are others.

    If you can't eat persimmons, then you can brick it up in a plastic bag, send it to the refrigerator-freezer, and invent other gambels on your head. But the point of these fussy gestures with fruits is to keep yourself busy while the persimmon ripens, because if you just leave the fruits in a vase at room temperature, then over time they will reach the desired condition. Any defrosting and ripening the better for the product and its eater, the slower they occur. The idea of ​​putting persimmon together with bananas and apples is good not even with the released ethylene, but with the fact that, once again approaching the persimmon and finding it invariably fashionable, as if made of plastic, you can eat grief with other healthy fruits.

    In order for the persimmons to ripen, they must be put in a plastic bag along with apples or tomatoes. It is these products that emit ethylene gas, which will help the persimmon ripening (or put several glasses in a bag of persimmon apple cider vinegar days for 4-5). You can also try to pierce this fruit in several places with a needle well dipped in ethyl alcohol, it will also help ripening. Well, to stop knitting, then yes, it is recommended to freeze it for several hours or hold it in warm water for 10-12 hours, then the tannins that give this fruit viscosity will go away.

    It is unlikely to mature. But so that it becomes soft and not viscous. Put it in the freezer. Not less than a day. Beforehand, I advise you to thoroughly wash and dry. You can get it in a day. It is necessary to freeze it naturally, without using any microwaves.

    My persimmon ripens in a fruit bowl. Since it is usually of different ripeness, it is very convenient. And the taste of ripe persimmons is better than after the freezer. You probably know that persimmon is not the most harmless fruit. For example, it is very harmful to eat it on an empty stomach (unlike apples), it can cause very unpleasant constipation, and finally it contains a lot of sugar.

    Persimmons are available to Russians at a time of the year when, of the truly ripe and ethylene-producing fruits, only apples are available, and everything else is imported and unripe. But apples are enough to accelerate the ripening of persimmons. I personally use two of the most simple options- I put both fruits together in a vase and wait for ripening at room temperature, or I put both fruits in a plastic bag and then in the refrigerator. It is clearly becoming more ripe, but it is unlikely to fully ripen - this is possible only in places of growth without detaching the stalk.

    If you want to remove the astringent taste, then just a freezer for a few days is enough, but this will not save you from the strengthening effect on the intestines.

    We often buy persimmons, because we love it very much, both ripe, so that we can eat it right away, as soon as you come home, and not wait for it to ripen, and still hard, not ripe, to lie down. But for some reason, it does not have time to lie down for a particularly long time, it is eaten just as quickly, and after lying down for just one or a couple of days, it becomes quite edible. I heard that you can put persimmons in the freezer and then defrost them. But we did not get to this point, or rather did not have time.

  • Of course there are many ways to make persimmon more mature. For example.

    1. you can simply freeze it in the freezer and at the same time, as they say, the persimmon becomes more tasty and ceases to have an astringent effect.
    2. You can dry it and the effect will be the same.
    3. You just need to inject a couple of milliliters of vodka into the fruit itself with a syringe, and then this fruit also stops knitting, and even immediately you get a drink and a snack.
    4. Well, you can use fresh fragrant apples... When stored together with persimmon, the latter really ripens, since ethylene accumulates in the cellophane bag where you will store these fruits, which accelerates the ripening of the fruits. But I do not advise imported fruits, since they themselves come to us unripe.

The Latin name for persimmons is diospyros and literally translates as food of the gods. There are more than 500 varieties of this fruit in the world. But in our stores mainly domestic and European persimmons are sold. Persimmon grows like an apple tree and its trees bear fruit very richly. In our country, the fruit grows on the Black Sea coast in the Sochi region. Persimmons are easy to grow. For example, in the south of France, a savage persimmon grows in gardens and is feasted on after the first frost.
The biggest misconception about persimmons is that they have a tart, astringent taste. In fact, fully ripe persimmons, with the exception of some varieties, do not knit and are very sweet. Ripeness is determined by outward signs: the fruit becomes soft and the skin is thin, almost transparent.

How to make a persimmon delicious with your own hands

It is not always possible to wait for the ripening of the store persimmon, the fruit may begin to deteriorate before ripening, or ripening will represent a jelly mass in a thin transparent shell. But the people noticed that if there are apples or bananas next to the fruits, then persimmon accelerates ripening. For a guaranteed result, we put the fruits of persimmons and apples in one plastic bag with our own hands, oddly enough, after three days the fruits of persimmon will ripen.

The beneficial properties of this fruit have been known to mankind for many hundreds of years. Its beneficial effect on liver and kidney function has led to the long-term use of such fruits as medicinal product with a number of diseases. At the same time, this fruit has a number of disadvantages - in particular, it spoils very quickly if the storage conditions are not followed. Accordingly, to ensure the maximum shelf life of these fruits for food, you need to know how to properly store persimmons at home.

How to store persimmons

It should be noted that storage requirements vary somewhat depending on the degree of ripeness of the fruit. In particular, the requirements for how to store unripe persimmons will differ significantly from the conditions for keeping ripe fruits.

When buying ripe fruits, it is necessary to store persimmons at home in such a way as to prevent spoilage due to decay.

The choice of where to do this will depend on the desired shelf life of the fruit, as well as personal wishes regarding their condition after storage.

For example, you can store persimmons at home in the refrigerator at temperatures between 0 and -1 degrees. In this case, the fruit's shelf life will last for about 3-4 months. The main condition for storing persimmons at home in winter in such conditions is to maintain the humidity level in the range from 80% to 90%. If the moisture level drops below the specified level, the fruits will begin to dry out and shrivel. At higher humidity, they can begin to get covered with mold.

It is also correct to store persimmons in the freezer. When using the quick freezing mode, the original aroma of these fruits can be preserved, and if the temperature is kept sufficiently low during the storage period, the shelf life of the fruits can be up to six months. The only drawback of this option is the mushy state of the fruit pulp after thawing.

Considering the moment of ripening of these fruits, it is not worth storing persimmons outside the refrigerator in winter, since unstable temperature and humidity levels will not ensure long-term preservation of stocks.

How to store persimmon so that it ripens

If you cut off a green persimmon, then the requirements for how to store it will be slightly different. In particular, it is necessary to store persimmon so that it ripens without the use of freezing, so that a certain metabolism is preserved in the fruits. Of the options where to store persimmons to ripen, you can only name the common refrigerator chamber. The temperature should be kept at 0 degrees or slightly higher, without allowing the fruit to freeze.

  • Put the fruits in the same package with other fruits that emit ethylene (the latter include apples and bananas).
  • Place the persimmon in warm water (temperature about 40 degrees). And maintain this temperature throughout the day.
  • It is also recommended to keep unripe persimmons in a 10% solution of lime for several days.

Eating persimmon, many notice that this delicious and healthy fruit leaves an unpleasant astringent feeling in the mouth. Trying to figure out why persimmon knits, first of all, you need to pay attention to the degree of ripeness of the fruit.

The main reason for the viscosity is the incomplete ripeness of the fruit. Unripe berries contain a large amount of tannin. This substance is also called tannic acid in another way. As soon as the tannins come into contact with the mucous membranes oral cavity, the process of protein coagulation occurs. This gives a feeling of unpleasant viscosity after consuming such berries. Plus, tannins cause a decrease in the secretion of the salivary glands and a narrowing of blood vessels and blood capillaries, as a result of which a feeling of numbness arises.

In the process of ripening, these substances disintegrate and no longer have a harmful effect on the body.

Tannins are widely used in pharmacology and have strong anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. They prevent the development of oncological diseases, tone all body systems, and promote the elimination of toxic substances. But in this case, they can even bring harm. The tongue grows numb and does not move well, the work of the glands slows down, the intestinal peristalsis weakens.

How to ripen fruits at home

To enjoy delicious and sweet fruits, you need to help them ripen.

Natural ripening

The easiest way is to leave the unripe fruit alone for 7-10 days. During this time, it will acquire maturity and lose its astringent properties. The tannins will partially collapse, and partially pass into other forms.

Heat treatment and freezing

One of quick ways- freezing for 12 hours and subsequent defrosting. During this time, the persimmon will lose its viscosity, but, unfortunately, it will become soft, not so appetizing and will lose most of the nutrients.

You can simply pierce the fruit in several places with a knife and put it for 12 hours in hot water periodically warming it up. This procedure drastically reduces the amount of tannins, but does not affect the taste and texture. In some cases, it is sufficient to simply immerse the fruit in hot water for a short time.

One of the most original ways is banana. Unripe persimmons should be placed in one bag with ripe bananas, while the ratio of fruits should be even. The bag must be tied tightly and left for 24 hours. During this time, the persimmon will reach normal maturity, since the substances that are released from ripe fruits contribute to the rapid decomposition of tannin. Ripe apples can be used instead of bananas.

What to do if persimmon knits even after freezing

If the fruit knits after freezing, then in this case it is already difficult to do anything, since the pulp becomes very soft. You can try to cook jam from such raw materials or use it as a filling for pies. It turns out very tasty cottage cheese casserole with persimmon pulp. it healthy dish Even children eat well.

Persimmon goes well with many products, so it can be added to sweet cereals, sauces, pancakes and meat. They even make soup from it, adding pumpkin as a second ingredient. This soup turns out to be very bright, aromatic and healthy.

Persimmon is also prepared delicious drinks, supplementing them with turmeric, ginger, cinnamon and other spices. You can't call them refreshing, but a cup of such a drink on a cold winter day will not only remind you of sunny days, but will also give you a lot of energy and strength.

How to get rid of the astringent sensation in your mouth

If the astringent feeling in your mouth is very annoying, you can get rid of it by rinsing. To do this, you need to prepare a weak solution of soda and rinse your mouth. Leftovers can be gently scooped up with a spoon. You cannot brush your teeth right away, as the acids contained in the pulp soften the tooth enamel, and it becomes too sensitive to intense brush movements and can be easily scratched by the bristles.

Persimmon varieties that don't knit your mouth

The persimmon variety plays an important role. There are sweet varieties that don't knit at all. But you need to keep in mind that sometimes there can be sweet and tart fruits on the same tree. The berries, which are obtained as a result of pollination by insects, do not knit at all, and tart fruits often develop from non-pollinated flowers.

Israeli breeders crossed the Korolek persimmon with an apple.

The new variety got the name "Sharon" and acquired new properties:

  • berries have a thin skin;
  • the amount of tannins is minimal;
  • there are no bones;
  • no viscosity and astringency.

Caucasian and Oriental varieties can be tart if the fruits are not ripe enough. The tart berries should not be eaten by people with digestive problems or those who have had stomach surgery.

How to choose a sweet and ripe persimmon

Unripe fruit often looks very attractive. They are dense, have an elastic consistency and good marketable condition, easy to transport, but the taste turns out to be slightly edible.

Ripe fruits have a rich dark orange or chocolate color, while the brown flesh should be soft, sweet and juicy.

In appearance, they are unattractive, they may seem crumpled and spoiled. Their peduncle is dark and dry. They do not tolerate transportation well, they are very demanding on the conditions of detention, therefore, unripe persimmons can often be found on the shelves. But it doesn't matter. Such fruits will easily reach condition in a warm room. But if you come across ripe berries, do not be afraid that they will be overripe. Overripe persimmons are much tastier and healthier than unripe fruits.

Persimmon - useful product... Therefore, during the season, you must at least from time to time allow yourself to feast on these delicious fruits. Their use is a good prevention of cancer, diseases of the nervous and cardiovascular systems. In addition, persimmon appears on store shelves in late autumn and winter, when the body is experiencing an acute shortage of nutrients. Therefore, there is no better way to improve health.