The technological process of cooking fish with fusey entirely. Cooking and storage technology

The number of products for one portion weighing 200 g: Sudak - 178 g, or sturgeon - 141 g, or salmon - 157 g, or pike - 175 g, or som - 175 g, or Sazan or carp - 202 g, lemon - 1/15 pcs., Parsley - 2 g, Carrots - 6 g, ready-made jelly - 125 g.

In the deep bastard poured with a jelly layer of 0.5 cm and, when it freezes, put the portion slices boiled fish At a distance of 3-4 cm from each other and from the sides of the opposition. Each piece of fish is decorated with lemon slices, potted carrots, cucumbers, green salad, parsley greenery, onions, make a drawing. Then the decorations are poured by half-demarious jelly and give it to frozen, after which the jelly layer is 0.3-0.5 cm above the product and cooled. The frozen pieces of fish are cut off with a knife, so that all sides are a layer of a jelly of at least 3-5 mm, and the edges of the jelly make corrugated. Lemon can not pour along with fish, but put it on fish upon vacation.

The filling fish is released without a side dish or with a garnish. On vacation with a side dish, a piece of fish in jelly is put on a dish, near the bouquets of a side dish, consisting of 3-4 species of vegetables. Separately serve horseback sauce with vinegar or mayonnaise. If the fish is poured into the portion forms, the drawing of vegetables is superimposed on a layer of frozen jelly, then the pieces of fish are laying on the decorations, poured jelly to the edges of the shape and cooled. Before the release of shape with the filler, lowered by 3-5 s in hot waterThen turn over, holding a little obliquely, shake slightly and put the fuel on the dish, the side dish is bouquets. Just like fish, fill the crabs, shrimp meat, squid, sea scallop.

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Organization of catering enterprises
Public catering enterprises are divided into two main types: harvesting and changing. Principal enterprises are mechanized enterprises, processing

Technopochic process
By the nature of the organization of production, enterprises with a full and incomplete technological cycle are divided. In public catering, there are three forms of production organization: production of products from

Organization of current work
The basis of the work of the chef - the menu. By 13-16 hours of the current day, the head of the production should be a plan-menu on the next day. The composition of the menu of the head discusses the workshops or chefs with brigadiers

Clamping norms products
The norms of the attachment of raw materials, the yield of semi-finished products and ready-made culinary products and dishes, as well as the rates of waste during primary processing of raw materials and losses with heat treatment of products are set by collections

Technological maps
Technological maps are compiled for each dish based on the collection of recipes and the rules for the preparation of a dish or a culinary product. Technological cards izgoto

Processing potatoes
The primary processing of potatoes can be mechanically chemically and thermally. Mechanical driven by sorting, washing, cleaning and pussy

The chemical method of cleaning is the processing of potatoes with an alkaline solution heated to 85 ° C. Alcohol softens the skin of the tuber, which, upon subsequent flushing, is removed from the eye

Cabbage and Green Processing
Cabbage. All kinds of cabbage are rich in vitamins, proteins, sugars and microelements. Belococcian, Savoy and red cabbage Remove the upper contaminated leaves. Kozhroda is removed after p

Handling mushrooms
The value of mushrooms in flavoring and aromatic substances, which determines their widespread use in the manufacture of various second dishes, sauces and soups. Most often used white mushrooms, champets

Wicker quality and their storage rules
Vegetable semi-finished products are immediately exposed to thermal recycling, because storage reduces their quality. To prevent potato from darmentation, sulfitations are subjected: immerse

Meat CEX.
In the meat shop there is primary processing of meat, i.e., the production of semi-finished products from beef, pork, lamb, birds and game. In enterprises with a large production for the meat shop you

Preparation of semi-finished products
Preparation of semi-finished products includes cutting, chopping, cutting tendons, breading, tie, marination. Slicing. Meat cut across the fibers under direct

Portion semi-finished products
Beyphstexn caring at a right angle from a thickened piece of clippings on one piece on a portion of a thickness of 2-3 cm, beat off. Beefstex C is not ready from the top and

Portion semi-finished products
The patties naturalize lamb and pork are cut out of half the Korean adjacent to the renal part, from the 13th to the 6th rib. For cutting, cores are put on the table ribs up and cut

Bottal masses and semi-finished products from it
For the production of cutlets, beef (pulp of neck, lump and trimming), pork (trimming, which are obtained when cutting out carcasses) and lamb (neck pulp, trimming). It is better to use meat

Before starting work, the truck of the universal drive must be stalled with screws. When the meat damp, workers should use safety oscillations. Handles of all knives should be thorough

Processing offal products
Sub-products include edible internal organs, heads, legs, tails. The most valuable is the language, liver, brains, kidneys. They contain a large amount of protein (up to 18%), rich in vitamins,

Poultry and game processing features
For the processing of birds, game and golia at large enterprises highlight a special room with a layal mining, in small enterprises, special jobs are dismisted. Poultry meat

Poultry refueling
Carcasses of poultry refuel "in pockets", in one thread, in two threads. Refueling "in pockets" is the easiest and most common way

Semi-finished babies
Semi-finished products from the bird are represented as a whole carcass, portion, small slices, cutlet and peeling mass. Whole carcasses of the bird and game are refueling one of those listed above with

Using bird waste
From bird waste, heads, cervical, scallops, wings, legs, heart, stomach, skin and trimming, remaining after cooking semi-finished products. Only cervicals are used from game waste.

Quality of Popbricks and Rules for Storage
Bird, game and semi-finished products are stored at 5 ° C. Carcasters are laid on the babysitters in one row and store no more than 36 hours. Natural cutlets, panted and burned products

Fish CEX.
In the fish shop, primary processing of fish and the manufacture of fish semi-finished products are carried out. As mentioned earlier, in small enterprises, the fish shop can be combined with meat, but processing

Pre-processing of different fish breeds
According to the processing method, fish are divided into three groups: scaly, blueless and sturgeon. Small-haired fish (Navaaga, Nalima) is processed in the same way as Beschless. In the workshop there must be a cook

Preparation of fish semi-finished products
Fish semi-finished products are divided into large (whole fish), portion and small-sided (for fish in dough, saltwood and other dishes). Depending on the use, semi-finished products differ

Semi-finished fishing machines
Semi-finished products made of fish cutlets are presented in the form of a boiler, blacks, meatballs, meatballs, zaras, tore, roll. Cutlery with a car that

Dolly seafood
The most valuable of them are crustaceans, mollusks and algae contain: large amounts of proteins (up to 22%), minerals (sodium, potassium, iron, iodine, copper, sulfur, phosphorus up to 7%), vitamins B,

Device hot CEEXA.
In the hot shop, thermal processing of various products is carried out, the semi-finished products are performed until prepared, the first, second and sweet dishes are prepared, cold dishes, baked

The workplace of the cook should be desktop scales, a set of knives of a cook triple, cutting boards. For cutting, shred, rubbing vegetables use universal drive with special fur

The main techniques of thermal processing
The main techniques of thermal processing are cooking and root. Varkerizes: with full immersion of the product in liquid, with partial immersion (allowance), couple

Convection oven
It is frying on: root on heated surfaces with fat (main method) or without fat, in fat, closed volume, on the root in infrared rays and on open fire. J.

Auxiliary and combined techniques
The auxiliary receptions include parserization, scalding and silence. PASSERENCE is the heating of the product with fat or without it. For example, to refuel sauces and with

Processes occurring in products during thermal processing
At a temperature of 35-40 ° C, denaturation of proteins occurs, and at temperatures above 70 ° C - coagulation, or coagulation. As a result of these processes

Cooking Passerovka
In the dishes melts fat (butter, margarine or animal fat) - 10-15% of the mass of products, then vegetables layer 3-4 cm and pass at 110-120 ° C, periodically stirring.

Preparation of vegetables for cooking soup
Salted cucumbers are treated, cut and allowed. Crops are moved, washed several times, changing water. Parl Crap After washing, lay in boiling water, boils to half-preparation, decoction

Meat team Salunka
The onions are bubble and passed, add tomato-mashed potato and passenger all together. Salted cucumbers are cleaned of skin and seeds, cut into slices and put into boiling broth, bring it to a boil, added

Vegetable soup recipe
Number of products for one portion Weight gross: white cabbage - 50 g, potatoes - 133 g, carrots - 25 g, parsley - 13 g, onions - 12 g, leek - 13 g, green cans

Soups with croups, pasta and bean
For their preparation, rice, millet, pearl, semolina, oatmeal; For legumes - beans, peas, lentils. Cereals are prepared, oatmeal is awesome several times so that the soup is carried

Broth lightening
The leaky broth is heated to 50-60 ° C, they are introduced "delay", well stirred, put a slightly shedding root and onions, bring to a boil. Then from the surface remove the foam, fat, reduce heating

Soup purees
Soups puree are widely used in children's, dietary and healing nutrition. They are prepared from vegetables, croup, legumes, birds, liver, fish. A distinctive feature of soup purees is that for their pri

Merkovy soup-puree recipe
The number of products for one portion weighing gross: meat bones - 125 g, carrots - 200 g, parsley - 7 g, onions - 12 g, wheat flour - 10 g, rice - 10 g, butter - 10 g, milk

Cold soups
To cold soups include the okroshka, the borsch cold, the beetter, the gear of green. They are prepared by bread kvass, beetrail, brazing from vegetables. Prepare these soups in the cold shop, and

Recipe meat okroshka
The number of products for one portion weighing gross: bread kvass - 300 g, beef - 109 g, green Luc - 38 g, fresh cucumbers - 75 g, sour cream - 20 g, egg - 1/2 pcs., Sugar - 5 g, Ready Mountain

Sweet soups
The liquid base of sweet soups are fruit beams. To prepare these soups, use fresh, canned and dried berries and fruits, as well as fruit-berry juices, puree, syrups and ecto

Flour Passerovka
Depending on the preparation method, the flour passer is divided into dry and fat, and in color - on red and white. Passerovka, which is prepared without heating, is called a cold passer. For S.

Red sauces
The flour red passer is bred by brown broth. Flour, packed with fat, you can breed hot broth, dry passer - only cooled to 40-50 ° C broth. In the boiler sup

Recipe White Main Sauce
Meat broth - 1100 g, table margarine or butter - 100 g, wheat flour - 50 g, onion - 36 g, parsley (root) or celery - 29 g, citric acid - 1 g. King and

Milk sauces
Milk sauces refer to a group of hot sauces cooked with flour. They are prepared on the basis of white fatty passerics and milk with the addition of water. Solid milk or diluted with water d

Vegetable oil - 750 g, eggs (yolks) - 6 pcs., Table mustard - 25 g, sugar - 20 g, 3% vinegar - 150 g. Yolks raw Yaitz separated from proteins. Plant refined cooler oil

Sauce Quality Requirements
Hot coats with flour must have a consistency of liquid sour cream, be velvety, homogeneous, without lumps of insoluble flour and particles of rubbed vegetables. The sauce must slightly envelop a spoon, st

Meat dishes
Meat is the main source of proteins and essential amino acids. In addition to them, it contains extractive substances and fats. Proteins serve to build and restore body tissues, and fat is source

Boiled meat
In boiled form for the second dishes, beef, lamb, pork, smoked foods, offal and sub-products are prepared sausages. Cooking subjected those parts of meat that contain significant

Boiled meat
Prepared for cooking meat (beef, lamb, pork or veal) weighing up to 2.5 kg, it is placed in hot water quickly bring to a boil, remove foam and boil without boiling (at a temperature of 90 ° C) d

Grilled meat
In cooking, the following ways are used: the main way, in deep fryer, above coals or in electricrile. The meat is fried by large, portion, small pieces and on a chopped form.

Roast beef
Beef (tenderloin, thick and thin edge) large kosk Weighing 1-2.5 kg cleaned, sprinkled with salt and pepper, put on a preheated baking sheet, lubricated with fat. Distance between pieces of at least 5 cm.

Roast piglet
Small piglets are frustrated entirely, and large (4-6 kg) is destroyed along the vertebral bone along with their heads, sprinkle with salt from the inside and put on the tray of the skin up (whole piglets of the back

Canned stewed meat
For extinguishing, meat is used by large, portion and small pieces. Before extinguishing, the meat sprinkle with salt, pepper, roasted before the formation of a roasted crust. Then placed in deep dishes, when

Canned stewed meat
The number of products for one portion yield 75/75, where meat is 75 g and sauce 75 g: beef - 169 g, or lamb - 165 g, or pork - 129 g, carrot - 10 g, onions - 7 g, parsley - 8 G.

Oversea meat
The number of products for one portion, where meat is 75 g and a side dish 250 g: beef - 169 g, or lamb - 165 g, or pork - 129 g, fat - 12 g, potatoes - 193 g, carrots - 25 g, turnip - 20 G, P.

Kidney in Russian
The treated kidneys are soaked, poured with cold water, bring to a boil, the decoction is drained, the kidneys are washed, poured with cold water and boiled 1-1.5 hours with weak boiling. Finished kidneys are washed

Chickens fried
The filled, salted carcasses of chickens and chickens lay the backward down to the bawed baking sheet and fry before formation ruddy crust. At the same time, the carcass rotate from the back to one side, then onto

Fish and seafood
Fish dishes are rich in proteins, which are absorbed easier than meat proteins. Fish fabrics are softer and tender, as they are much less connective tissue than in the meat of animals. Fat which is contained in

Boiled fish
For cooking, portion slices use fillets with skin and bones, fillet with skin and slicing-killy. Prepared fish are placed in deep babes or fish boilers in one row of leather up and pouring

Pushed fish
Putting the sterlet, pike perch, pike (including stuffed), sea perch, kefal, cod, eel, ciga, cambal, halibu, namilima. Prepared fish are placed in the dishes. Links and kiss r

Fried fish
For roasting, all kinds of fish use, but this type of thermal processing gives special taste of such a fish, like carp, bream, Sazan, Vobla, herring, Salaka, Navaga, Koryushka, mackerel, silver

Fish Fish
The number of products for one portion weighing 255 g with oil or 280 g with sauce: fish - 148-238 g (according to the norms of the recipe collection), wheat flour - 6 g, vegetable oil or vegetable fat -

Fryer Fish
The number of products for one portion weighing 330 g with a sauce or 305 g with mayonnaise: Sudak - 192 g, or som - 198 g, or sea \u200b\u200bbass - 192 g, or Navaga - 111 g, or mackerel - 107 g, wheat

Fish fried in dough
Number of products for one portion Weight 225 g: Sudak - 140 g, citric acid - 0.2 g, Vegetable oil - 4 g, Petrushka - 2 g, Wheat flour - 30 g, Egg - 3/4 pcs., Milk - 30 , fat -

Fish baked with potatoes in Russian
The number of products for one portion weighing 350 g: Sudak - 227 g, or COM - 234 g, or Merlusa - 248 g, garnish - 150 g, sauce - 125 g, cheese - 5.4 g or crackers - 4 g, butter - 11 g.

Fish Salonka in the Frying
Fish is treated on fillet without skin and bones and cut by pieces weighing 25-30 g (3-4 per serving). Cucumbers are cleaned with skin and seeds, cut with thin slices, onion - straw. Cooked

Vegetable Bppud and Garnish
Vegetables in human nutrition play an important role as sources of carbohydrates, vitamins, fiber and trace elements. Vegetables and fruits are almost the only source of vitamin C, significantly cover

Boiled vegetables
For the preparation of hot dishes and garnish, vegetables are boiled or in water. Potatoes and carrots are boiled cleaned, beets - in leather, corn - cobs, without removing leaves, bean pods - sliced

Mashed potatoes
For the preparation of potato mashed potatoes, it is better to use potato varieties with high starch content. Purified potatoes, homogeneous largest, boil until readiness, decoction drain, potatoes

Boiled green peas
To prepare this dish use green pea, Fresh, dried, fresh-frozen and canned. Fresh green peas is purified from pods, lay in boiling salted water and boiled in

Fried vegetables
For roasting use vegetables raw and boiled. In the raw form, vegetables containing unstable protopectin and a sufficient amount of moisture are roasted. Such vegetables include potatoes, zucchini, pumpkin, tomato

Fryer fried potatoes
Potatoes are cut by pars, straw, slices, cubes, balls, chips, washed and dry well. In heated to 180-190 ° C, the fat is placed by the prepared potatoes and fry before formation

Stewed cabbage
The number of products for one portion weighing 250 g: fresh cabbage - 325 g or sauer - 321 g, fat - 10 g or spicker - 12.6 g, carrot - 12 g, onions - 18 g, parsley - 7 g, tomato-mashed potato

Stew from vegetables
The number of products for one portion weighing 250 g: potatoes - 67 g, fresh cabbage - 38 g, carrot - 50 g, turnip - 53 g, parsley - 13 g, canned peas - 31 g, pumpkin or zucchini - 4

Pepper stuffed
The first way. Carrots and onions, chopped straw, passenger, add fresh tomatoes or tomato and pass together. Then connect with boiled rice, put salt, pepper, pepper

Requirements for the quality of vegetable and mushroom dishes and garnings
Boiled vegetables Must keep the shape, potato tubers can be slightly welded. The color of potatoes from white to yellowish, redness or darkening of tubers is not allowed. The rest of the rest

Dishes from semi-finished products
Catering enterprises acquire vegetable semi-finished products and culinary products From vegetables. Semi-finished "Fried potatoes" is a potato shelter,

Porridge, dishes from croup, legumes and pasta
Cereals and beans contain a large amount of starch (up to 72%), proteins, especially in legumes (up to 20%), rich in vitamins of the BP BP2, PP. Crupes in front of thermal processing

Liquid porridge
Liquid is considered such porridge, the yield of which is 5-6 kg of 1 kg of cereals. Covered porridge on whole milk, mixtures of milk with water and water. Prepare them as well as viscous porridge, but they take liquids

Pasta dishes
Pasta is boiled in two ways. The first method is dran. In the dishes with boiling salted water (5-6 l per 1 kg pasta products and 50 g salts) fall asleep prepared products

Dishes from legumes
Beans are distinguished by the increased content of fiber and protein, in addition, the grains of legumes are covered with a thick shell, so they are poorly welded. Some varieties of color beans contain YADO

Beans in Tomate
Prepared beans poured with cold water and boiled until prepared so that it completely absorbed all the water then the beans are connected to the finished tomato sauce, warm 5 minutes, fill with salt,

Dishes from Yaitz
Eggs, melange and egg powder are used to prepare dishes from eggs. Them the nutritional value It is determined primarily by the content of proteins, fat, vitamins A, D, BP2, large

Scrambled eggs
Eggs are boiling in boiling water 2.5-3 minutes from the moment of water boiling. Salt during cooking is not added. Finished eggs Take out shimmer and washed with cold water. Eggs sick have a semi-liquid protein and liquid

Eggs-glazing natural
They prepare the scrambled eggs on the portion of iron or aluminum frying pancakes. You can use large frying pan, nitens or special frying pan with a yolk deepening. On good time

Stuffed Olelets
Such omelets with meat or vegetable side dishes or sweets are prepared. The mistlette mass is poured into a frying pan heated with an oil and fry until the mass thickening. On the middle put prepared f

Requirements for the quality of dishes from eggs
Boiled eggs sick should have liquid yolk and semi-liquid protein. Eggs "in the bag": yolk - semi-liquid, protein - thickened on top, and in the center half aim. Purified from the shell egg slightly deform

Cold Cold Cexa
The appointment of a cold shop is to prepare cold dishes and snacks from meat, fish, vegetables and other products, as well as sweet dishes and sandwiches. When placing a cold workshop should be provided

Cabbage Salad
Number of products for the preparation of one portion Weight 150 g: Fresh cabbage - 90 g, Cranberries - 15 g, green onions - 15 g or carrot - 15 g, 3% vinegar - 15 g, sugar - 7 g, vegetable ma

Requirements for the quality of cold dishes
Sandwiches. Products must be laid with a smooth piece of bread, have a smooth surface, taste and smell characterized by the products used. Salads.

Dishes from cottage cheese
Cottage cheese in itself is a product that does not require mandatory thermal treatment, so dishes from cottage cheese are prepared in a cold or confectionery shop. Hot dishes from cottage cheese (casserole, pu

Cool dishes from cottage cheese with milk, cream, sour cream or sugar
For feeding in natural form, bold or bold unpopted cottage cheese is used. It is put on a plate or a small slid in a salad bowl, poured with milk or cream, pre-cooled.

Dumplings with cottage cheese
Number of products for one portion weighing 225 g: for test: wheat flour - 60 g, water - 20 g, sugar - 2 g, egg - 1/10 pcs.; for minced meat: cottage cheese - 86 g, sugar - 10 g,

Number of products for one portion Weight 175 g: Cottage cheese - 140 g, Wheat flour - 18 g, Egg - 1/3 pcs., Sugar - 15 g, butter - 5 g, jam - 25 g or sour cream - 15 g, sugar - 10 g.

Pancakes with curd
The technological process of the preparation of pancakes consists of a preparation of liquid without yeast dough, baking pancakes, cooking minced meat, stuffing and roasting pancakes. In Molo.

Pudding from cottage cheese
The number of products for one portion weighing 200 g (pudding weight): Cottage cheese - 152 g, semolina- 15 g, sugar - 15 g, egg - 1/4 pcs., Raisins - 20 g, Nuts - 10 g, butter - 5 g, Vanillin - 0

Sweet dishes
Sweet dishes are served at the end of the lunch for dessert, so they are also called dessert, or third dishes. They can be used during breakfast, dinner, punching. For cooking sweet

Compote from fresh fruits, fruits, berries
The number of products for cooking 1 l of compote: Apples - 340 g, or pears - 335 g, or quince - 340 g, or peaches - 334 g, or apricots - 350 g, or plums - 334 g, or prunes - 315 g,

Sambuk from apricot
Gelatin is soaked. The apricots are rotated, washed, cut and remove the bones, placed in the dishes, add some hot water (per 1 kg of apricots 200 g) and boil 5-10 minutes. Softened by A.

Pudding rice
The number of products for one portion weighing 250 g: Fig - 48 g, milk - 75 g, water - 80 g, sugar - 15 g, egg - 1/2 pcs., Butter - 10 g, raisins - 10 g, Sugari - 5 g, sour cream - 5 g, vanilla

Purpose and confectionery
In enterprises where mass release is produced confectioneryThe workshop by their production works separately and regardless of the rest of the workshops. If produced products with oil or white

Dough products
The main range of products of the confectionery shop - products from the test. Their nutritional value depends on the content of carbohydrates in them (starch), as well as plant proteins, fats and vitamins of the group B and

Yeast dough
Raw materials for cooking yeast dough - flour, water, salt and yeast. Yeast fungi and falling bacteria with them in the dough dough cause fermentation: the first - alcohol, the second - Molo

Unsupported dough
Products per 1 kg of flour: sugar - 62 g, margarine - 25 g, salt - 15 g, yeast - 25 g, water - 450. The dough from flour with good gluten and

Dough Dough Preparation Method
The proportion of products is the same as for uncooked dough. In a religious method, opara is first prepared - liquid dough, including flour 40%, 60% water, 100% yeast. Cooking

Preparation of products for baking
The finished dough is laying out on the sprinkled flour or lubricated vegetable oil (for roasted products) Table and separated. The dough is divided into pieces of the required mass manually or on a ductivative machine

Fried pies
The dough for fried pies is prepared by an unemployed way of weak consistency. The prepared dough is cooled before cutting up to 10 ° C so that it does not reset during the cutting. Ready Dough Staying

Subened is a Russian national honey-based drink. Prepare it in two ways: with yeast and without yeast. Natural bee honey dissolve in hot water (1: 4), sugar is added

Distribution and washing kitchenware
Washing kitchenware is located, as a rule, near the hot shop. The used dishes coming from the workshops are put on the subtip, next to which the container is placed for food residues. For M

Storage facilities
One of the responsible moments, which largely determine the profitability and clear work of the enterprise, as well as the quality and sanitary safety of finished products, is correctly organized

Rules for vacation products from a warehouse
The basis for the production of products for production is the requirement (application) of the workshop. This requirement should be approved by the director of the enterprise. Overgoing remnants of products

Reception of products and material values
Taking products, check their quantity and quality, as well as the state of the container, determine the number of places, recalculate piece goods, outweigh weight products. When accepting sauerkraut

Order and methods of control of quality control
If you follow the standard definition and consideration of the specifics of public catering products, under the quality of public catering products, it is necessary to understand the combination of product properties, about

Sampling order
Sampling of raw materials, semi-finished products and finished productswhich developed technical documentation, produce, revealing a certain number of packaging units, specified in the specified

Resolution of the Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation of November 14, 2001 No. 36
"On the introduction of sanitary rules" (as amended on May 31, 2002) on the basis of the Federal Law of March 30, 1999 No. 52-FZ "On Sanitary-epidemiology

Entered from July 1, 2002
I. Scope 1.1. Sanitary and epidemiological rules and regulations "Hygienic requirements for safety and nutritional value food products"(Hereinafter - Sanitary

Sturder fish is boiled with skin with skin and cartilage. They twist on the links, scald off, remove bugs and cleaned. Wash, tied up, put the skin down on the grille of the fish boiler, poured with cold water, add vegetables, root, salt and boiled 30-45 minutes when boiling 85-90C, a pepper and bay leaf are added to the end of the cooking.

Finished fish removed, cut into portions.

The fish with a oblique skeleton is separated on fillet and rib bones, cut by portion slices. On the surface of the skin of each piece are made by 2-3 knives, so that the pieces of fish are not deformed during cooking. Then they are placed in one row in the dishes of the skin up, poured with hot water, the level that should be 3-5 cm above the fish surface, add onion, carrots, parsley, bay leaf, black peas pepper, salt. When the liquid boils, remove the foam and boils the fish until the boiling is ready at a temperature of 85-90C for 5-7min, counting from the moment of water boiling. Store boiled fish in hot broth no more than 30-40min.

Bouillon is boiling with the addition of root. In the finished hot pasty broth, the gelatin is pre-swollen in cold boiled water and stirred it until its complete dissolution. Then add salt, bay leaf, vinegar and half the norms of egg proteins, thoroughly mixed with a fivefold amount of cold broth (delay). All this is stirred, adjusted to boil, add the rest of the proteins and again bring to a boil. Ready jelly filter.

In the sour cream add grated horseradish and fill with salt and sugar.

On a thin layer of poured into a baking sheet and frozen jelly, the portion pieces of boiled or cooled fish are laid so that small gaps remain between the fish pieces. Each portion of fish is decorated with greens of parsley, lemon slices and boiled carbous carrots. Then the decorations are fixed by cooled jelly and give to cool. After that, the fish is poured by the remaining jelly, so that the layer of him above the piece of fish was 0.5-0.8 cm. When vacation, the filler fish is cut into portions, leaving a layer of jelly around each piece. Served with horseradish sauce, with vegetable side dish or without them.

Quality requirements: Transparent jelly, light yellow. The taste and smell corresponding to this type of fish. Jelly - slightly sour. Fish soft. Fish consistency dense, soft, but not cuddy. Beautifully decorated. Proper feed.

Product name Gross on 1 p. Net for 1 p.
or the Serry
or som
or Keta
Lemon 5,5
Petrushka (greens) 1,5
Jelly №832. Gross on 1 p. Net for 1 p.
Food Fish Waste
Carrot 3,1 2,5
Bulb onions 2,5
Parsley root 1,6 1,5
or celery (root) 1,8 1,5
Vinegar 9% 6,25 6,25
Eggs (proteins)
Bay leaf 0,03 0,03
Garnish number 744. Gross on 1 p. Net for 1 p.
Cabbage salad -
Fresh cucumbers (crude) 26,5
or Tomatoes St. 29,5
Sauce number 826. Gross on 1 p. Net for 1 p.
Horseradish (root) 13,7 8,8
Sour cream 16,3 16,3
Sugar 0,4 0,4
Salt 0,4 0,4
Output -

Jelly Fish number 142.

Prepared Food waste is poured with cold water (1-1.5 per 1 kg of waste) and boiled 1.5 hours. 30-20 minutes before the end of the cooking add vegetables and at the end of the cooking - spices.

Cooked waste is separated from bones. Stripping sturgeon is punishing separately. Everyone is crushed and connected with the leaky broth, it is boosted even 10min, then a pre-clumsy gelatin is added, they give it to boil once again, the crushed garlic is added, cooled, bottled and put it on a cold for frost. The jelly is released by portions to 200-150-100g. It can be served with a garnish - fresh, salted, pickled cucumbers, tomatoes, sauerkraut salad, etc. 75-50 g per serving.

Quality requirements

Fish Jelly №143

The fish are separated on fillet with skin without bones, washed, poured with cold water (in a ratio of 1: 1.5) and boil over 30-40in with weak boiling. Before the end of the cooking put spices. After cooking, the broth is filled with, connected with the crushed flesh, the fish is climbing even 10min, then added, pre-closed gelatin, give it once again to boil. After the end of cooking into the jelly, chopped garlic is added, cooled, bottled and put on a cold for frozen.

They release 150-100-75 g for a portion. On vacation, horseradish sauce is served separately by 30 - 15g for a portion.

Quality requirements: Appearance: well frozen jelly with pieces of frozen fish. Color: from light to dark gray. The taste and smell of fish, with the aroma of garlic and spices. Conceptivity of jelly dense, elastic, fish products - soft.

Laboratory work number 6

Topic: Preparation of the preparation of light cold snacks, meat dishes using various cooking technologies, safely using manufacturing equipment and technological equipment.

Purpose of work:

Repeat and consolidate theoretical information

Technical and Technological Card No. Fish Flashing with Garnish


This technical routing Developed in accordance with GOST 31987-2012 and spreads to the dish Fish Flashing with a side dish produced by the catering facility.

  1. Requirements for raw materials

Food raw materials, food and semi-finished products used for cooking must comply with the requirements of existing regulatory documents, have accompanying documents confirming their safety and quality (certificate of conformity, sanitary and epidemiological conclusion, certificate of security and quality, etc.)

3. Reception

Name of raw materials and semi-finished products \\ gross \\ net

I and II III
Sturgeon160 96 107 64
Or the Serry150 96 100 64
Or som192 96 128 64
or Keta157 91 105 61
Mass of boiled fish - 75 - 50
Lemon5,5 5 5,5 5
Petrushka (greens)2 1,5 2 1,5
Carrot 6 5 6 5
Jelly No. 605.- 125 - 100
- 200 - 150
Mass of filler fish
Garnish- 50 - 50
Sauce- 25 - 15
Output- 275 - 215

4. Technological process

Sturder fish is boiled with skin with skin and cartilage. The fish with a bone skeleton is divided into fillets with skin without rib bones and prepare, as indicated in the TTK, boiled fish.

On a thin layer of poured in the baking sheet and frozen jelly, the portion pieces of boiled or sweened chilled fish are laid so that small gaps remain between pieces of fish.

Each portion of fish is decorated with greenery of parsley, lemon slices and boiled carbbed carrots. Then the decorations are fixed by cooled jelly cooked on fish broth, and give to frozen. After that, the fish is poured by the remaining jelly, so that it is 0.5-0.8 cm in a piece of fish.

When you leave, the filar fish is cut into portions, leaving a layer of jelly around each piece. Feed the filler fish with or without a vegetable side dish, and can also be without a sauce and side dish.

  1. Requirements for registration, implementation and storage

Feed: The dish is prepared by order of the consumer, used according to the primary dish formulation. Storage and implementation period according to SanPiN2.3.2.1324-03, SanPine2.3.6.1079-01 Note: The technological card is compiled on the basis of an act of study.

  1. Quality and safety indicators

6.1 Organoleptic quality indicators:

Appearance - characteristic of this dish.

Color - characteristic of products included in the composition.

Taste and smell - characteristic of products that are part of the product, without extraneous tastes and smells.

6.2 Microbiological and physico-chemical indicators:

On microbiological and physicochemical indicators, this dish meets the requirements of the technical regulation of the Customs Union "On Food Safety" (Tr Ts 021/2011)

for 1 kg of ice cream fish - 1 carrot, 0.5 heads on Luka, 0.5 root parsley, 2-3 tablespoons of 3% vinegar, 8 teaspoons (40 g) gelatin, 1 lemon or 2 welded boiled eggs, 10-12 twigs of parsley greenery, bay leaf, fragrant peas, salt, salt .

For the filler, the fish is powder, without small intermushny bones, with a white flesh.
Cunning, sea volley, macrolar, saber fish, heck, cod, sea bass, not flow, can be used.
Major fish specimens are separated on fillet without bones, a small fish and having a narrow body (like a fish-saber) - on a carcass or on pieces.
On slices of fish with dense skin make cuts to avoid tightening the skin and deformation of pieces.
Food waste of fish - bones, head without gills, skin and fins - pour cold water (2-2.5 l) and cook with weak boiling 20-30 minutes, then add sliced \u200b\u200bvegetables (carrots, parsley root, onions), spices and Continue cooking for another 10-15 minutes. Then heating to zoom into boiling broth putting pieces of fish, bring to a boil, heating to reduce and bring the fish to a weak boil to readiness for about 15-20 minutes.
5-7 minutes before the end of the cooking of the fish broth salted.
It is impossible to digest fish, as pieces can deform, the quality of the fish will decrease. Finished fish, take out the shovel and decompose in a deep dish or enamelled leather up the skin up (pre-remove from the bone fish).

Dishes design:
On each piece of fish, put on a mug of carrots, a sprig of parsley, a slication of lemon (without skin) or eggs and fasten them, watering a small layer of jelly and giving him to frost. Pour fish half-demarious jelly.
The top layer of jelly should be at least 1-1.5 cm.

If the fading is prepared in the molds, then make it different.
To do this, it is necessary to pour into the bottom of the molds (with a layer of 0.5 cm), give it to frozen and then put a parsley, carrot, lemon or egg on it and fish down and pour the half-sided jelly. Putting the fish to withstand in the refrigerator until the jelly froze.
For the preparation of jelly broth strain, add gelatin, pre-operated in cold water (1: 8), vinegar and bring to a boil when stirring (but not boiling).

When used for filling saber fish The specified gelatin rate must be reduced twice, since this fish gives the same-leaving broth. To get more transparent fish jelly (Lanspig), it must be lit.
In broth after dissolving gelatin, introduce egg proteins (from 3-4 eggs), thoroughly mixed with a 4-5-fold amount of cold broth (1-1.5 glasses). After the introduction of a mixture of broth stir, bring to a boil (but not boiling), after which the pan with a broth is removed from the plate, cover with a lid and give a bouillon for 15-20 minutes, then strain through several layers of gauze. Flashing fish cooked in a tray or dish, cut into a knife so that around pieces was a small layer of jelly.
Molds with fuel fish lowered for a few seconds in hot water and, turning them, lay out contents on the dish.

Garnish to the filler fish:
To the filler fish to serve in a sauce of horseradish or sauce horseradish red.
On a dish with filar fish, you can put a side dish - salt or pickled cucumbers, fresh or salted tomatoes, a salad of red cabbage, bell pepper or leco and others.
Garnish give a homogeneous or complicated - out of several types of vegetables, picking them in color.
For decoration, you can use mayonnaise sauce with jelly.

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"Kislovodsky State Multidisciplinary Technical School"


Topic: "Development of an assortment and technology of cooking cold fuel dishes"

by discipline: "Organization of the cooking process and the preparation of complex cold culinary products"

Performed student

Kubanova Alina Umaralievna


Fedorova Angelina Grigorievna

Kislovodsk 2016.


1. Theoretical Basics of Technology

1.1 General information on the topic being developed. Meaning in nutrition

1.2 Classification of dishes. Assortment of products

1.3 merchant characteristics of raw materials and products

2. Technological processes of cooking culinary products

2.1 Organization of the workplace when preparing dishes

2.2 Mechanical culinary processing of raw materials

2.3 Features of cooking dishes on the topic being developed

3. Implementation of finished products

3.1 Organization of vacation dishes for the topic being developed

3.2 Storage conditions ready dishes

4. Drawing up regulatory and technological documentation

4.1 Technological card number 1 "Fish Bay"

4.1.1 Technical and Technology Map

4.1.2 Technological process

4.1.3 Registration, Feed, Implementation and Storage

4.1.4 Quality and safety indicators

4.2 Technological card number 2 "Veal of the Bureau"

4.2.1 Technical and Technology Card №1

4.2.2 Technological process

4.2.3 Registration, Feed, Sales and Storage

4.2.4 Quality and safety indicators




Public food is a sector of the national economy, a totality of enterprises engaged in the production, implementation and organization of consumption. The basic meaning of public catering enterprises is that they satisfy the primary need of a person - the need for food - and have the opportunity to influence rational food intake, on the structure of full nutrition.

Cold dishes and snacks are usually served at the beginning of meals. In the menu of breakfasts and dinners, they can be the main dish.

The topic of this course was chosen due to its relevance, since in our time the cold fuel dishes are becoming more widely used in nutrition. They occupy a large place in the menu of catering enterprises.

The goal of the course: develop an assortment, compile documentation and examine the technology of cooking cold fuel dishes.

Course Objectives: learn physical, chemical and organoleptic raw materials used for the preparation of cold fuel dishes, for this: the value in the nutrition of the culinary products of cold fuel dishes; Features of their design and vacation; Classification of culinary products; conditions and storage terms; Development of production technology.

Earlier to develop this type of product, the raw material served as a fishing family of sturgeon and large small-spirited particle. In recent years, many types of marine and ocean fish are used for the production of filthy (sea bass, cod, pike, stavride, etc.), as well as seafood (meat of fine Antarctic shrimp, protein paste "Ocean", etc.).

1. Theoretical Basics of Technology

1.1 General information on the topic being developed. Meaning in nutrition

Flower - cold table dish, snack. Before the beginning of the 19th century Fallen as special dishes did not exist.

In Russia, various students were made - meat, and fish, using crosnin in them.

Sobota for the material and taste, these dishes did not possess an attractive parade species, remained in common dishes for a long time.

The French chefs who worked in Russia used the idea of \u200b\u200bthe fuses by treating the jelly so that they turned them into a new dish.

They first abandoned the crospenin, on the contrary, they began to choose the best, most delicious, beautifully sliced \u200b\u200bpieces of fish.

Then the French chefs introduced broth clarification.

By supplying these broths with fish glue brought to a durable and transparent state in combination with a gentle consistency.

Initially, the filth were only fish, then the French spread this principle on meat, game and bird.

The benefits and harm of the filthy.Since the main component of the fuses is gelatin, it is usually nutritionists and reason about it.

Gelatin is a mixture of peptides, a derivative of collagen.

Collagen itself is practically not absorbed. In the human stomach there is a gelatinis enzyme, which splits gelatin, but in different people it works in different ways, therefore, not everyone can fully take advantage of the values \u200b\u200bof the jelly.

Perhaps its main advantage is the high content of glycine amino acid, which is beneficial on the nervous system, helps calm down and focus.

In addition, glycine binds toxic substances, including neutralized acetaldehyde, which is formed during the decomposition of ethanol and causes a hangover.

So fuse to eat well.

In gelatin there are two more rare amino acids, oxyprolin and oxilyzine, there is a lot of iron and calcium in it.

However, you should not abuse jelly dishes. They are calories, but not nutritious, as they do not contain all the necessary amino acids.

Gelatin increases blood clotting. Others it is only for the benefit, and someone else's extra kilograms and blood clots.

In addition, gelatin contains oxalates and can provoke the formation of stones in the kidneys and a bustling bubble.

So there is a lot of fuel. He is not designed for this.

Fallen - not food, but a snack designed to excite the appetite. Ate a piece, and enough.

With what products are combined with the bay. Typically, the filler is served with a horseradish or mustard, carved by kvass. But, as we just found out, it is a wonderful snack and to stronger drinks, so that the salty cucumber will also be by the way.

1. 2 Classification of dishes. Assortment of products

assortment Cooking Semi-finished

For filling dishes, slices of boiled fish sturgeon, slices salmon fish or fish with a bone skeleton (cod, pike, pike perch).

For filling dishes pre-prepare fish broth-jelly. It is prepared from food fish waste with subsequent clarification.

To do this, they use chilled, slightly whipped, salted egg protein: add 8-10% of well-stirred egg proteins, diluted with water, stirred and heated to boiling.

Before lightening into broth, vinegar is sometimes introduced, which improves the taste of jelly and contributes to its lightening.

The clarified broth is filled.

For the normal flavoring of fish broth-jelly per 1 kg of broth, 30-35 g gelatin is used, which is pre-washed using sieve, and then soaked by 30 minutes - 1.5 hours.

Gelatin is added to the lesion and clarified broth at the end of the cooking.

Bay dishes are prepared from boiled meat products, sliced \u200b\u200bby portion or small pieces.

Use the tongue of boiled, boiled veal, boiled beef.

Jelly prepare on concentrated meat broths. The clumsy gelatin is dissolved in hot broth.

Lighten the broth with a delay from egg whites. If the jelly is designed to prepare dishes from game, then chopped dice are added to the delay.

When lightening the broth add spices (bay leaf, pepper, fragrant, carnation) and vinegar.

The range of products is very diverse:

film and non-breaking dishes;

bay meat; Eggs

bay; Mushrooms and fuel vegetables;

dummy languages;

bay birds;

game bay, etc.

Technological card number 1 "Fish Bay"

Gross mass, g

Sturder fish is boiled with skin with skin and cartilage. On a thin layer of poured in the baking sheet and frozen jelly, the portion pieces of boiled or sweened chilled fish are laid so that small gaps remain between pieces of fish. Each portion of fish is decorated with greenery of parsley, lemon slices and boiled carbbed carrots. Then the decorations are fixed, cooled jelly cooked on the fish broth and give it to frozen. After that, the fish poured the remaining jelly to the layer of it over a piece of fish was 0.5-0.8 cm. When you leave, the filthy fish is cut into portions, leaving a layer of jelly around each piece. Feed the fading fish with horseradish sauce, with a vegetable side dish and without it, and can also be without a sauce and side dish.

Mass of boiled fish

Petrushka (greens)


Technological card number 2"Veal of the Bulk"

Name of raw materials, food

Gross mass, g

Net or semi-finished mass, g

Technological process of manufacturing, design and feeding dishes (products)


Roasted veal cut 1-2 pieces for a portion. The tray is poured a thin layer of jelly and give it to frozen. Then the prepared pieces of veal are put on it, it is decorated with carrots with carrots, poured with a thin layer of jelly and cooled. When the jelly freezes, the products are again poured with jelly so that it is the layer of it over 0.5 cm products. Sauce is served separately. The dish can be released without sauce and side dish.

Mass of fried veal

Petrushka (greens)


Technological card number 3. "Bay from the bird"

Name of raw materials, food

Gross mass, g

Net or semi-finished mass, g

The finished pulp of the bird is cut by thin slices. The shape is poured and cooled. When it freezes at the walls of the layer layer 1 cm. An unpleasant piece of jelly is merged into two or three receptions, fill the shape of thinly sliced \u200b\u200bbird slices, as well as figurine sliced \u200b\u200bvegetables. Each layer of products is poured jelly and cooled.

The filler is prepared in portion forms. Before serving, the shape is lowered for a few seconds in hot water and lay the filling on the dish. The fuel can be prepared without sauce and side dish.

Mass of boiled birds


Cabbage color marinated


Technological card number 4. "The Serevuli Flashing"

Name of raw materials, food

Gross mass, g

Net or semi-finished mass, g

Technological process of manufacturing, design and feeding dishes (products)

Fish with a bone skeleton is divided into fillets with skin without rib bones and cook. On a thin layer of poured into a baking sheet and frozen jelly, the portion slices of boiled or sweened chilled fish are laid so that between pieces of fish remained gaps. Each portion of fish is decorated with greens of parsley, lemon slices and boiled carrots. The decorations are fixed, cooled jelly cooked on fish broth and give to frozen. After that, the fish poured the remaining jelly to the layer of it over a piece of fish was 0.5-0.8 cm. When you leave, the filthy fish is cut into portions, leaving a layer of jelly around each piece. Feed the fading fish with horseradish sauce, with a vegetable side dish and without it, and can also be without a sauce and side dish.

Mass of boiled fish

Petrushka (greens)


Technological card number 5. "Filed from meat products"

Name of raw materials, food

Gross mass, g

Net or semi-finished mass, g

Technological process of manufacturing, design and feeding dishes (products)

Meat products are preparing. The shape is poured and cooled. When it freezes at the walls of the shape of a layer of 1 cm. An unrestanding part of jelly is poured into two or three receptions, fill the shape of thinly sliced \u200b\u200bslices of the meat assortment, as well as figurine sliced \u200b\u200bvegetables. Each layer of products is poured jelly and cooled. The filler is prepared in portion forms. Before serving, the shape is lowered for a few seconds in hot water and lay the filling on the dish. The fuel can be prepared without sauce and side dish.

Tongue beef

Mass of boiled tongue

Mass of finished products

Meat jelly



Technological card number 6. "Shrimp filling"

Name of raw materials, food

Gross mass, g

Net or semi-finished mass, g

Technological process of manufacturing, design and feeding dishes (products)

Cleaned from the peel carrots are boiled. Then boil shrimps and fold on the colander. The shape is poured and cooled. When it freezes at the walls of the shape of a layer of 1 cm. An unpleasant piece of jelly is poured into two or three receptions, fill the shape of shrimps, as well as figurine sliced \u200b\u200bvegetables. Each layer of products is poured jelly and cooled. The filler is prepared in portion forms. Before serving, the shape is lowered for a few seconds in hot water and lay the filling on the dish. The fuel can be prepared without sauce and side dish.

Petrushka (greens)

Canned green peas

chicken broth


1 . 3 Merchant characteristics of raw materials and products used for cookingdishes

Chemical composition

The nutritional value


Quality requirements

Terms and Storage Terms

Vitamin A, RAE: 280 μg

Vitamin D, ME: 642 IU

Vitamin K: 0.1 μg

Vitamin E, Alpha Tokoporol: 0.5 μg

Vitamin B, Tiamine: 0.09 mg

Vitamin B12, Kobalamin: 2.9 μg

Vitamin RR, Niacin: 11.1 mg

Vitamin B4, Holin: 87.3 mg

16.4g - proteins

10.99 - fats

71.4g - water

1.3g - Zola.

The pop sturgeon fish goes frozen. A sturgeon refers to the fish 1st grade, i.e. Must be rehung, the surface of the fish is clean, natural color, without external damage, the cutting is correct, the consistency is dense, the smell of fresh fish.

The temperature in the thickness of ice cream fish should be at least -8 ° C. Prepared for cutting portions of semi-finished products or use in general the form of a carcass and fishes of fish sturgeon after cooling are stored at a temperature of 2--6 ° C not more than 24 hours. Portion, semi-finished products should not be stored, they should not be selected for heat treatment. Products from the cutlet mass, mince stored at the same temperature not more than 12 hours. The fish of a special cutting is unparalleled at temperatures from -2 to + 2 ° C for 24 hours; Cutlets, stuff frozen at ~ 4 + -6 ° C - 72 hours.

Vitamin A, RE: 2 μg

beta carotene: 0.01 mg

Vitamin B1, Tiamine: 0.04 mg

Vitamin C, ascorbic: 40 mg

Vitamin RR: 0.2 mg

Potassium: 163 mg

Calcium: 40 mg

Magnesium: 12 mg

Sodium: 11 mg

Sere: 10 mg

0.7g - proteins

3.3g - vigorlevod

The fruit of the plant from the kind of cytrus (Citrus) Citrea Codes (Citreae) Rutovy Family (Rutacea)

Lemons are fruits having an oval or ovoid shape. Solifics of lemons pulp should grow tightly among themselves and with the skin. According to taste quality, the polynical varieties of lemons are divided into the following groups: ordinary (acid) - contain 5-8% acids; Sweet - contain 7-9% sugar.

Lemons are stored in boxes. Store fruits at catering catering to 3 days in the same container at 4 ° C and relative air humidity 85%.

Petrushka (greens)

Vitamin A: 950 μg

beta carotene: 5.7 mg

Vitamin B1: 0.05 mg

Vitamin C: 150 mg

Vitamin E: 1.8 mg

Vitamin RR: 1.6 mg

Potassium: 800 mg

Calcium: 245 mg

Iron: 1.9 mg

3.7 g - proteins

0.4 g - fats

7.6 g - carbohydrates

Petrushka is included in the umbrella family of paradise.

Parsley greens should have a peculiar taste and aroma. Externally, parsley should be clean, fresh, without yellow spots, and mechanical damage.

Parsley can be stored for about a week at a temperature of + 10 degrees and relative air humidity 95-100%. The shelf life of the parsley in the refrigerator a few weeks, from about 2 to 3, in the lower separation of the refrigerator. The shelf life of the parsley in the freezer can reach several months. The shelf life of the parsley dried enough long, minimum of 2 years. She must be in separate tank From porcelain or glass. It should be stored in a dark place where the rays of the sun do not fall.

Vitamin A: 2000 μg

beta carotene: 12 mg

Vitamin B1: 0.06 mg

Vitamin C: 5 mg

Vitamin E: 0.4 mg

Vitamin RR: 1.1 mg

Niacin: 1 mg

Potassium: 200 mg

Calcium: 27 mg

Aluminum: 323 μg

Iron: 0.7 m

1.3 g - proteins

0.1 g - fats

6.9 g - carbohydrates

88 g - water

Type of carrots (Daucus Carota L.) includes three subspecies: Maximus, West (European) and Eastern (Asian).

East subspecies shared into two groups of varieties:

Group of varieties Cultural carrot - Convar. afganicus.

A group of varieties of wild carrots - convar. Orientalis.

Kornemplod should be fresh, clean, unspent, unpretched, not cracked, without traces of diseases and damage to pests.

Carrots can be stored in box pallets, drawers, bags or bulk. The recommended embankment height is 2-3 m. When storing carrots in bags, the maximum height of the stack - 3 m.

The storage temperature should be maintained from 0 to 5 ° C. The optimal storage temperature is from 0 to 1 ° C.

In refrigeration chambers in which the temperature is maintained from 0 to 1 ° C, the relative humidity of the air should be maintained in the range from 95 to 98%; In the chambers with a forced ventilation system (without artificial cooling), in which the temperature varies from 1 to 5 ° C, the relative humidity of the air should be maintained in the range from 90 to 95%.

The average lasting period of storage - 4-6 months.


Vitamin B1: 0.14 mg

Vitamin B4: 105 mg

Vitamin E: 0.2 mg

Vitamin RR: 9.9 mg

Niacin: 5.8 mg

Potassium: 345 mg

Calcium: 12 mg

Magnesium: 24 mg

Sodium: 108 mg

Sere: 213 mg

Phosphorus: 206 mg

Iron: 2.9 mg

Iodine: 2.7 μg

19.7 g - proteins

2 g - fats

77.3 g - water

1 g - ash

Veal is divided into two categories:

Vealina I. categories from the calves of milkmen have satisfactoryly developed pinkish satellites. Fat accumulations are located in the field of kidneys and the pelvic cavity, on the ribs and places on the hips, the ostic pieces of the dorsal and lumbar vertebrae do not protrude.

Veal Category II from calves that received feeding has muscles developed less well, pink color, minor fat quantities are in the field of kidneys and pelvis. Sophistic parts of the dorsal and lumbar vertebrae perform a little.

According to organolylectic indicators, meat should be:

Consistency elastic, dense, on top of a drying crust.

Color peculiar veal. The smell is peculiar fresh meat. The condition of fat is not darkened, partially painted with blood in red, not sticky. The broth must be transparent and fragrant.

For a long time to store veal is not recommended in any way. Even, exposing it to frost meat, you need to use it in food as soon as possible. Due to the high jucision, it quickly loses its taste properties and becomes hard, therefore, the longer the veal is stored, the cardinal will change its structure. On average, the shelf life of this variety of meat in the freezer is a maximum of 10 months.

Fat animal fused food (beef)

Vitamin A: 27 μg

Retinol: 0.02 mg

beta carotene: 0.04 mg

Vitamin E: 1.3 mg

Potassium: 6 mg

Sodium: 10 mg

Phosphorus: 7 mg

Chlorine: 18 mg

99.6 g - fats

0.3 g - water

0.1 g - ash

Main types of animal grapes: beef, barbell, pork, horse, bone, bird, national team.

Taste and smell indicators should be characteristic of this type of fat. For fat grades, extraneous smell and taste are not allowed. For fats, I varieties allowed a pleasant siny smell and taste. Precious fats may have smell and taste tools, as well as broth and shkvara. Conissivity is determined by pressing a metal spatula on fat at a temperature of 15--20 ° C.

According to the degree of freshness, fats are divided into fresh, not subject to storage; dubious freshness and spoiled.

Fats The animals are bent stored at temperatures from -5 to -8 ° C to 6 months. In the commerce, fats are stored with relative humidity of 80% and temperatures from 0 to 6 ° C. up to 1 month.

Vitamin A: 72 μg

Retinol: 0.07 mg

beta carotene: 0.01 mg

Vitamin B1: 0.07 mg

Vitamin B2: 0.15 mg

Vitamin C: 1.8 mg

Vitamin E: 0.5 mg

Vitamin RR: 12.5 mg

Potassium: 194 mg

Calcium: 16 mg

Sere: 186 mg

Iron: 1.3 mg

18.2 g - proteins

18.4 g - fats

62.6 g - water

0.8 g - ash

Chicken classify:

according to the processing method (semi-shown, chosen, grooved with a set of dots)

by age (adult bird carcass and young birds)

in terms of thermal state (cooled, chilled, frozen)

Freshly a bird is divided into fresh and dubious freshness. Fresh bird has a glossy beak, the eyes are convexed, the skin is dry white-yellowish, the color of the muscles at the chicken - pink. Fat white with a yellowish tint, not sticky. Broth transparent, fragrant. The smell is peculiar to fresh bird.

The temperature in the thickness of the muscles is ranging from 0 to +4 ° C. At temperatures from -1 to +4 ° C and relative humidity 85% storage is allowed 7 - 12 days. Sub-products are the most perishable. The time of their storage at a temperature -1 to +4 ° C and a relative humidity of 85% does not exceed 3 days.

Vitamin A: 10 μg

beta carotene: 0.06 mg

Vitamin B1: 0.03 mg

Vitamin C: 10 mg

Vitamin E: 0.1 mg

Vitamin K: 16.4 μg

Vitamin RR: 0.3 mg

Potassium: 141 mg

Aluminum: 425 μg

0.8 g - proteins

0.1 g - fats

2.5 g - Carbohydrates

95 g - water

0.5 g - ash

Cucumbers classified by:

1. Ripening time

2. Selection of culture

3. Type of pollination

4. Type of blossom

5. The magnitude of the fruit

6. The nature of the surface.

Cucumbers should be clean, fresh, whole, healthy, and painting, and have a pleasant taste and smell.

On catering, cucumbers come in 30 kg boxes. Store them up to 3 days at a temperature of 4 degrees, and relative air humidity 85-90%


Vitamin A: 133 μg

beta carotene: 0.8 mg

Vitamin B1: 0.06 mg

Vitamin C: 25 mg

Vitamin E: 0.7 mg

Vitamin RR: 0.7 mg

Potassium: 290 mg

Magnesium: 20 mg

1.1 g - proteins

0.2 g - fats

3.8 g - carbohydrates

92 g - water

0.7 g - ash

Tomatoes differ in color: red, pink, yellow, black.

Form: flat, rounded, elongated, plums.

On maintenance: smooth, ribbed.

By weight: from 60 g to 100 g or more.

In appearance, fruits should be fresh, whole, clean, healthy, dense, typical for a botanical form of shape, with or without fruit, not damaged by agricultural pests, imperfect, without mechanical damage and sunburn. Fruits are allowed with minor defects of form and color, with light clamps from containers, insignificant reference and curved cracks for the first class not more than 1%, the second - no more than 3%

Depending on ripeness, they are stored different times. Ripe (red) fruits are preserved 1-1.5 months. In the glacier or refrigerator at a temperature of 1-2 ° C and relative humidity of 85-90%. Pink and brown at a temperature of 4..5 ° C - up to 2 months. Storage of pink tomatoes at temperatures below 4 ° C leads to discoloration of fruits, loss of hardness and reduces the shelf life. Dairy and green tomatoes are filled with ethylene chambers.

The optimal temperature for storing green tomatoes 12 ... 21 ° C, for solid pink and red 8 ... 10 ° C.

Green canned peas

Vitamin A: 76 μg

alpha Carotine: 15 μg

beta carotene: 0.91 mg

Vitamin B9: 24 mg

Vitamin E: 0.02 mg

Potassium: 106 mg

Iron: 1.29 mg

3,01 g - proteins

0.48 g - fats

10.6 g - Carbohydrates

85.13 g - water

Canned peas is produced in 3 main versions: the highest grade, first grade and table.

The highest grade contains no more than 6% of broken grains, the first is no more than 8%, and in a table - no more than 20%. Product color-- from green to olive-green color, consistency

Green peas are faucet: in glass jars according to GOST 5717 with a capacity of no more than 1 dm with silence with metal lacquered lids; In metal varnished banks according to GOST 5981 with a capacity of not more than 1 dm. The shelf life of canned food is 2 years from the date of manufacture.

Cabbage color marinated

Vitamin A: 20 μg

Vitamin B1: 0.1 mg

Vitamin C: 70 mg

Vitamin RR: 1.015 μg

Potassium: 210 mg

Phosphorus: 51 mg

2.5 g - proteins

0.3 g - fats

4.2 g - Carbohydrates

90 g - water

Vegetables used for marination must be fresh, imperfect, clean, with dense pulp, not damaged diseases and pests, without mechanical damage, unmodest, unauthorized and inspistent.

Vitamin A: 40 μg

Retinol: 0.04 mg

Vitamin B1: 0.04 mg

Vitamin C: 1.2 mg

Vitamin RR: 5.6 mg

Potassium: 335 mg

Phosphorus: 220 mg

16.9 g - proteins

10.3 g - fats

71.6 g - water

1.2 g - ash

The genus of freshwater, semi-pass and passing fish from the sturgeon family.

In the Pop of Sevryuga enters the frozen form. Severgue refers to the fish 1st grade, i.e. Must be rehung, the surface of the fish is clean, natural painting, without external damage, the cut is correct, the consistency is dense, the smell of fresh fish.

Fish should freeze right after catching outdoors.

The storage temperature of frozen fish should not rise above -18 degrees Celsius. Terms of storage of serums (from 3 to 6 months). After defrosting the fish will be able to hold out about a couple of days in the refrigerator.

Hammer-boiled ham (with skin and bones)

Vitamin A: 1 μg

Vitamin D: 0.1 μg

Vitamin E: 0.12 mg

Vitamin C: 0.3 mg

Vitamin RR: 4.73 mg

Potassium: 319 mg

Phosphorus: 195 mg

18.22 g - proteins

14.79 g - fats

65.99 g - water


1) Raw smoked ham

2) boar-smoked ham

3) boiled ham

Appearance: Surface clean, dry, without caressing meat and spicker, without fringe and bristle residues, edges are smoothly cropped.

Consistency: Elastic.

Separation view: Uniformly colored muscular fabric of pink-red color, without gray spots, fat color white or with a pinkish tone, without yellow.

The shelf life and sale of chips at a temperature of from 0 to 8 s and relative humidity (75 ± 5)% is no more than 5 days from the end of the technological process, including the shelf life at the manufacturer - no more than 24 hours.

Tongue beef

Vitamin B1: 0.12 mg

Vitamin B5: 1.98 mg

Vitamin E: 0.4 mg

Vitamin RR: 7.7 mg

Potassium: 255 mg

Calcium: 8 mg

Sodium: 100 mg

16 g - proteins

12.1 g - fats

2.2 g - carbohydrates

68.8 g - water

0.9 g - ash

The sub-product must be pure, uniform painting (better in high), without defects (cuts, cuts).

The shelf life of the sub-products is very small, because They contain a lot of moisture and there are many microorganisms. Without a refrigerator, they will not be able to survive in fresh form more than half a day. The refrigeration chamber can hold within two or three days.

Vitamin A: 149 μg

beta carotene: 0.011 mg

Vitamin B1: 0.066 mg

Vitamin D: 2.2 μg

Potassium: 023 mg

Sodium: 124 mg

Magnesium: 10 mg

12.52 g - proteins

10.61 g - fats

1.12 g - Carbohydrates

74.62 g - water

Most often eating chicken, duck and goose eggs. But they also eat turkey, quail ostrich eggs and eggs of other birds.

When immersed in water, the fresh egg is lowered down. In the fresh eggs yolk durable, keeps in the center of the egg. The protein must be durable, light, transparent, without extraneous inclusions. The shell must be clean, without traces of litter and other damage.

Package eggs in cardboard packs with cells. Packaging is calculated from 6 to 12 pcs, and for 30 pcs. Eggs are stored at temperatures from 0 to 20 degrees.

Shrimp peeled frozen

A (in the form of beta carotene and retinol),

In (B2, B9, B12),

C (ascorbic acid),

Pp (nicotinic acid)

E (tocopherol).

Mineral macro and trace elements: iodine, sulfur, phosphorus, potassium, calcium, iron, fluorine

14 g - proteins

1 g - fats

Depending on the production method: 1) fresh frozen, preserving the largest amount of nutrients;

2) Board ice cream that do not require heat treatment after defrosting.

According to the method of separating: 1) unrequited

2) without head - broken

3) without head and shell - purified.

The prawns's tail must necessarily be bent, and the more dense it flies towards the stew, the fresh product. Bent peeled shrimps were frozen on time. The color of fresh frozen shrimps should be evenly pink.

IN freezer Shrimps can be stored for several months. It is recommended to use them in food after 3-4 months from the day of freezing. This is primarily due to the special property of seafood, remaining fresh on the appearance, lose its taste characteristics. Shrimps become tasteless and losing their structure after 6 months of storage in frozen form.

Vitamin RR: 14,4752 μg

Potassium: 1 mg

Calcium: 700 mg

Magnesium: 80 mg

Phosphorus: 300 mg

Iron: 2 mg

87.2 g - proteins

0.4 g - fats

0.7 g - Carbohydrates

10 g - water

Types of gelatin:




4.Pish-packed by 15, 25 grams / pack.


Organoleptic Indicators: Food gelatin externally should be in the form of granules or grains, or plates, or powder, from light yellow to yellowflowet, fresh taste, odorless.

Physico-chemical indicators: Duration of dissolution 25 minutes, humidity 16% The presence of strangers, tastes, impurities are unacceptable.

Gelatin food GOST-11293-89 - 1 year from the date of manufacture.

Gelatin food TU at 24.6-00418030-002-2007 - 2 years from the date of manufacture.

Gelatin is packaged in packs of 0.5 kg, in the form of a powder of 20, 50 g, laid in boxes of 20 kg. Shelf life of 12 months.

Fluoride: 100 μg

Manganese: 0.0016 mg

Copper: 0.6 mg

Sulfur: 1 mg

Chlorine: 1.4 mg

Calcium: 4.5 mg

0 g - proteins

0 g - fats

0 g - Carbohydrates

Consumer types:

1. Drinking dining water

2. Mineral drinking dining water

3. Mineral drinking healing and dining water 4. Mineral drinking healing water.

Water for drinking and cooking should be transparent, without extraneous tastes and smells, with a temperature of 8-12 degrees.

Water in the bottle is stored from 6 to 12 months. After opening the bottle, water can be stored up to 4 days.

Ground black pepper

Calorie 255 kcal

Proteins 11 g

Carbohydrates 38.3 g

Food fibers 26.5 g

Water 10.51 g

Ash 4.33 g


Vitamin A, RE 15 μg

Beta carotene 0.156 mg

Beta kryptoksanthin 48 μg

Licopene 6 μg

Lutein + Zeaxanthin 205 μg

Iron 28.86 mg

Manganese 5.625 mg

Copper 1127 μg

Selenium 3.1 μg

Fluoro 34.2 μg

Zinc 1.42 mg

Calories 255 kcal

Proteins 11 g

Carbohydrates 38.3 g

Food fibers 26.5 g

Water 10.51 g

Black pepper is a spice derived from the dried non-fermented fruits of the tree liana (Piper Nigrum), the plants of the family of peppers.

Appearance: powdered. Color: Dark gray, various shades. Aroma and taste: Aroma, characteristic of black peppers. Taste Ostroggy. Unauthorized taste and smell are not allowed.

Pepper black ground packaged net weight up to 100 g inclusive in: Packages (single) from paper-based heat-based materials and combined heat-changing film materials based on aluminum foil; Packages (double), consisting of an outdoor paper package and internal from pergamine or podpex (except Badaina, vanilla, cinnamon in chopsticks, nutmeg and saffron) according to GOST 28750. Black ground pepper is stored in dry, clean, well ventilated warehouses, not Infected with pests at a temperature not higher than 20 ° C and relative humidity - no more than 75%. In this case, it is necessary to strict adherence to the freight neighborhood.

2 . Technological processes of cooking culinary products

2.1 Organization of the workplace when cooking dishes

Cold cores are designed to prepare, portioning and designing cold dishes and snacks. The range of cold dishes depends on the type of enterprise, its class. Thus, at a restaurant of the 1st grade, at least 10 dishes, the highest class - 15 dishes should be included in the range of cold dishes. The range of cold shop products includes cold snacks, gastronomic products (meat, fish), cold dishes (boiled, fried, stuffed, fusey, etc.), lactic acid products, as well as cold sweet dishes (jelly, mousse, sambuchs, kisins, compotes et al.), Cold drinks, cold soups.

The cold shop is located, as a rule, in one of the brightened premises with windows overlooking the north or north-west. When planning a workshop, it is necessary to provide for convenient connection with the hot workshop, where the heat treatment of products needed to prepare cold dishes, as well as with distribution and washing tableware.

When organizing a cold workshop, it is necessary to take into account its features: the production of the workshop after manufacture and portioning is not subjected to secondary heat treatment, so it is necessary to strictly observe the sanitary rules in organizing the production process, and chefs are the rules of personal hygiene; Cold dishes should be made in such a quantity that can be implemented in a short time. Salads and vinigrets in an inaccurate form are stored in refrigerated cabinets at a temperature of 2-6 ° C not more than 6 hours. Filling salads and winegarts should be immediately before the leave, are not allowed to implement the product remaining from the previous day: salads, winegreets, jelly, fuel dishes And other specially perishable cold dishes, as well as compotes and drinks of our own production.

Cold dishes are released after cooling in refrigeration cabinets and must have a temperature of 10-14 ° C, so a sufficient amount of refrigeration equipment is provided in the workshop.

If the plot dishes are included in the range of cold dishes, it is recommended to organize a specialized workplace for their preparation. Cut boiled and meat products on the production tables of the SP-1050, SP-1470, equipped with the weights of the National Assembly of the VET-2 for weighing portions of products, knives of the cook triple, cutting boards with MB marking, "RV", trays for laying suspended products. Before designing the fuel dishes, products prepare and decorate them, using the following inventory: knives for carb and curly cutting of vegetables, recesses of various shapes, etc. The serving of meat or fish is laid in prepared trays (30-50 serving capacity), dishes, forms; decorate the products in the hill; Lanced by Lanspig, using a pouring spoon, and placed in a refrigerator or used for this table with a cooled cabinet SESM-2 or SOSM-3. If the dummy dishes are prepared in the trays, then on vacation they are cut into portions and shifted into the table dishes (trays, snack bar) with the help of special blades.

2. 2 Mechanical culinary processing of raw materials

Culinary processing includes a number of food processing processes, preparation of semi-finished products, heat treatment of food products and sales of finished dishes and culinary products.

Culinary processing has sanitary and hygienic, physiological and anti-epidemic importance, since in the process of processing products are exempt from contamination and inedible parts, and heat treatment increases the digestibility and food value of the products and ensures their epidemiological impeccability. With culinary processing, a decrease in biological value and deterioration of organoleptic properties of products, as well as infection of raw materials, semi-finished products and finished products are not allowed. With culinary processing of products, the streaming of the technological process must strictly observe.

Cold (primary) Product Processing : Cold processing of products is the processes of sorting, defrosting, washing, cleaning, grinding, molding, etc. Ice cream meat is defosed (defrostation) in special refrigeration chambers (defrosts) at temperatures from about 6 ° C with a gradual increase in temperature in the thickness of meat. It is forbidden to defross meat carcasses in water or near heat equipment. The process of defrostation lasts 1--3 of the day depending on the magnitude of the carcass and the temperature inside the meat. In the absence of a defroster, defrosting on the tables of the meat shop at a temperature not higher than 18 ° C for 18--30 h. At the end of the defrostation, a toilet carcass is carried out - cleaning from visible pollution and washing warm water. It is recommended to use a brush-shower for this purpose. Next is carried out in the carcass (separation of meakoti from bones) and hilovka (removal of tendons, films).

The sub-products are deflated at 15--18 ° C, laid out in the trays in one row. The defrosting is considered complete when the temperature reaches the temperature in the thicker 2--3 ° C. Then the sub-products are cleaned from vascular beams, films, wash, some subproducts are pre-subjected to opalca (legs, ears, muffins), the kidneys are cut along and soaked in cold water for 2 --3 h.

Birds are defrosting in boxes or trays, shed, clean and wash.

Small and middle fish is deflated in cold water in the baths for 2--4 h. To reduce the losses of mineral substances dissolving in water, it is recommended to add salt to water (7--8 g / l). Large fish is defrosting on the tables at 15--18 ° C. The defrosting of the fish is considered complete when the temperature in the thicker reaches --1 ° C. Then the fish is purified from inedible parts and washed.

Further cold processing of semi-finished products should be carried out on pure equipment to avoid infection. Special attention requires the manufacture of meat and fish minceda and semi-finished products from it, as puffers represent a favorable environment for the development of microorganisms. The mince is manufactured as needed and stored in refrigerators at 0--2 ° C.

Solonin is subjected to soaking pieces of up to 1.5 kg in cold water with water change 3--6 times for 20--24 hours. Waters should be 2 times more than the mass of Solonina. In the warm season, the duration of the soaking is reduced to 6 hours with a more frequent change of cold water.

The soaking of salt fish is produced in cold running water (12 ° C) for 5--6 hours. Poveless salt fish is not subject to storage and transportation, it should be immediately subjected to thermal processing.

Vegetables, greens, mushrooms, fruit after bulkhead clean, wash in cold water. Mushrooms and greens are washed in boilers or baths by repeated immersion in water for better sand and land removal. Especially carefully needed vegetables and greens used in the food in the cheese. Roots after processing in potato reader are manually joined. Purified potatoes (to prevent darkening due to the formation of a pigment melanin) is stored by tubers in cold water (12 ° C) not more than 3 hours. Purified root roots (beets, carrots) are stored with a coveted wet cloth for drying protection not more than 2--3 h.

Sliced \u200b\u200bpotatoes stored in water is not permitted due to significant losses of mineral salts, starch and vitamin C.

If necessary, in order to avoid darkening, purified potatoes are immediately subjected to sulfitations by immersion by 5 minutes in 1% sodium bisulfite solution with subsequent rinsing in clean water. Residual amounts of sodium bisulfite in potatoes should not exceed 0.002%. Sulfted potatoes without reducing its food value can be stored at 4--8 ° C to 48 hours, at 15--17 ° C - up to 24 hours. Sulfied potatoes are caught in polyethylene bags or flasks.

Products that have undergone cold processing must be subjected to thermal processing in minimum time, or if required, used in raw form (Table 17).

Under the action of high temperature in products, a number of processes occur (due to swelling and changes in the structure of proteins, the cleavage of protopectin, swelling and bracing starch), under which the color, smell, the taste of products changes, softened the consistency. Products acquire the ability to better digestion present in raw products And semi-finished microorganisms are destroyed.

The violation of the thermal treatment regime may cause undesirable changes in products: the appearance of unpleasant odor and taste, which is unusual to this product, a decrease in biological value due to excessive destruction of vitamins and protein and other foodstuffs. In case of insufficient heat treatment, a high microorganism is preserved.

Two main types of thermal processing are used - cooking and frying (fry). The combined types of thermal processing have widespread - quenching, baking, roasting or baking boiled products, blanching, etc.

Cooking is the most common type of thermal processing and the most reliable in epidemiological terms. When cooking, a deep heating of the product is ensured to 95--100 ° C. However, during cooking there are significant losses of water-soluble food substances passing into decoction (mineral salts, vitamin C, amino acids, extractive substances). To prevent the loss of food substances, a number of techniques are used: the use of stepped heating modes - high temperatures for rapid boiling and cooking with weak boiling, laying products to boiling water, using vegetable beams to prepare first courses and sauces, etc.

When cooking meat for the second dishes, the ability of proteins to coagulation (coagulation) is taken into account, so the meat is recommended to lay in boiling water - a layer of coagulated proteins on the meat surface detains the transition of food substances into the broth. Boiled meat in this case has the best organoleptic properties compared to meat laid for cooking in cold water. And cooking for the first dishes The meat laying is made in cold water, the broth is maximally saturated with extractive substances. Meat cooking time varied depending on the magnitude of pieces, species and varieties of meat. With full culinary preparedness of meat juice, flowing down when the cook fork, it will be colorless, the temperature in the thickness of the piece is not lower than 80 ° C, the absence in the thickness of the pink areas.

Fish for cooking can be lined both in cold and hot water. Readiness is determined by the achievement of soft consistency, which is set by the puncturer bilch.

Cooking the jelly is carried out according to the technological scheme. The mass of the jelly when grinding meat on cutting boards or meat grinders is highly exposed to microorganisms. To destroy microorganisms, the mass is boiled for 10 minutes and bottled in the clean (scratched or calcined in the frying cabinet) marked trays. After cooling, the jelly is subject to storage in refrigeration plants at 0--2 ° C. If one of these requirements is not fulfilled, the preparation of the jelly must be prohibited.

Preparation of patenta is made from fried up to the full culinary readiness of hot liver by grinding it on a meat grinder intended for boiled meat (marking - "VM"). Then the mass is molded. Pahattes are prepared baked and without baking.

A good nutrient medium for microorganisms are fuel dishes, selenium oil, Pancakes with meat. In this regard, the preparation of a jelly, PSAHTET, pancakes with meat, puzzling dishes from meat and fish in the warm season (May - September) can only be carried out by resolving sanitary and epidemiological service.

An important measure in the prevention of food poisoning is the secondary thermal processing portion Casks Meat, tongue, birds for first and second dishes. Secondary thermal treatment is carried out by boiling them in water or broth for 5--10 minutes.

The main raw materials for the release of the fuel is ice cream Fish, relatively large and low-fat, which is previously defined in flow or periodically changeable water with a temperature not higher than 15 ° C with the ratio of fish and water 1: 2-3 or irrigation of the blocks of fish with water carried out in the devices for defrosting.

Fish, frozen to a temperature not higher than minus 1 ° C in the thickness of the meat, separated on a carcass or fillet with a removal of heads, fins, internals, scales, with a trimming cavity of blood clots and a black film.

The separated fish is washed, carcasses and fillets of large fish are punished with pieces and withstand a short time in a saline solution with a density of 1.13-1.20 g / cm3 for a taste. The duration of the ambulance depends on the type of fish and its size, on the temperature of the tuzluk and other factors.

After that, pieces of fish are placed in liner grids and boil in blanching or electric digestive boilers in a 7-8% saline solution (in the latter case, the preliminary ambassador is not subjected to). The cooking of fish is produced at a temperature of 90-95 ° C for 20-30 minutes.

Sometimes cooking is subjected to a whole fillet and carcasses of fish, which are then carefully taken out, so as not to break their integrity, cooled, free from large bones and only after that they are portioning with pieces. In this case, cooking is carried out at a temperature of 85-90 ° C for 15-25 minutes.

At the end of the cooking and flow, the excess moisture is cooled to a temperature not higher than 40 ° C in special coolers devices, and then boiled pieces of fish remove large bones. The prepared fish meat is sent to fasing in special molds or boxes.

For filling, the fish use a gelling solution or Lanspig,which is prepared on the basis of broth obtained during the cooking of waste from the separation of fish (heads, ridge bones, fins), with the addition of vegetables, spices, gelatin and other components.

The preparation of Lanced is as follows:the digestive boiler load food waste from the separation of fish, salt, cooking and purified fresh vegetables (Parsley, carrots, onions) and boil all this with weak boiling for 1.5-2 hours to the formation of clading substances. 10 minutes before the end of the cooking in the broth laid spices. At the end of the cooking, the broth is separated from fish waste and filtered or immediately after cooking it is pumped into the tank for defending, where it is released from suspended particles of fish and other components. To obtain a transparent LANSPIGA after cooking broth and separating from it a dense part, it is treated egg protein For clarification, and then filtered for separating the suspension. The consumption of egg protein is 1.2 kg per 100 kg of Lanspig. After that, the gelatin and acetic acid in water and acetic acid are added to the broth and everything is heated with stirring to boil. For soaking gelatin, water is used by a temperature of 15-20 ° C. The ratio of gelatin and water 1: 3. The duration of soaking is 1-2 hours.

To decorate the fish filler and giving them a spicy taste when the prepared boiled fish in a small consumer container, it garnish by pieces of boiled or pickled carrots, salt cucumber, slices of welded boiled eggs, lemon, pickled grapes, onions, horseradish, cranberry or lingonberry, fresh parsley greens or celery.

Vegetables used as garnings for fuel fish, first deteriorate, freed from surface leaves, thin roots, cleaned with skin, then re-washed and sent to further processing.

Cooked marinated vegetables are beautifully cut by slices, slices, pieces and in this form are used in fake.

Fake fake and garnish in foil molds or cardboard boxes with polymer coating are manually produced. The containers filled with these components in the conveyor enters the fill with Lanspig.

Lanced Pouring is made so that it completely covers the surface of the fish and the side dish.

On modern mechanized lines for the production of fishery in container (boxes), the full norm of Lanspig is immediately poured, then the boxes are shaking, welding the cover to them, and transmit to the weight apparatus, producing weighing and sticker on the label boxes with the price, and from there - in air Freezer installation where the sling of Lanspig occurs.

On other lines, fish and side dishes, packaged in the mold, are first poured with a small amount of Lanspig (10-15% of the norm) and are cooled to fix the components in the package, and then Lancer fill up to normal and the product is cooled at 2-5 ° C in The flow of 2-3 hours. During the cooling process, Lanspig gels.

Store the filler fish at a temperature of 0-8 ° C not more than 12 hours from the end of the technological process.

Abroad produces fish filthy not only from boiled fish, but also from fried and smoked fish and others. Raw materials for the preparation of filler, for example, in GDR are herring, mackerel, born, carp, barbed shark, eel, shrimp.

The cooking fish for the filling is carried out in a solution containing 4-6% salt and 0.5-4% vinegar. The duration of cooking at a temperature of 80-85 ° C is 10-15 minutes.

In recent years, there has been an expansion of the domestic assortment of the fuel. It has been proposed to produce filling with salted fatty herring and Far Eastern salmon, mackerel spicy ambulanceMeat in small Antarctic shrimp.

When used to prepare the filler saline fish, the content of the cook salt in the fish meat should not exceed 6%. If the salinity is higher, the fish is chuck in a weak tuzluk (2-3% NaCl). After that, the fish are separated on a scheduling fillet and ported slices. Slices laid in container are beautifully garnished with pre-prepared vegetables, fruits and other additives and poured Lanspega.

After filling Lanspig, the boxes with the filler fish are cooled at a temperature of 0-5 ° C for Lanspig flavoring. The regimes of storage and sales of products are the same as for the fuses from boiled fish.

When assessing the quality of the filling fish, the appearance of the product is determined, its taste and smell of organoleptically. Check the ratio of fish and jelly together with vegetables, which should be within 67-55: 33-45%. The chemical method determine the content of the cook salt in the product, which should be within 1.5-2%.

2. 3 Features of cooking dishes on the topic being developed

Bay dishes are cooked from fish, meat and vegetables. For fish filthy, pike perch, sturgeon, beluga, sterling, as well as bream fillets, carp, perch is especially recommended. Meat fuses are prepared from a piggy, tongue, veal, rods, ham, poultry and game (chickens, turkey, ducks, rippers, partridges, etc.).

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