Seedless tangerines grade. How to choose the most delicious and juicy tangerines? Sweet varieties of tangerines

New Year is not only a tree, holiday lights, snow and gifts. Tangerines are one of the main attributes of the favorite holiday. Where are they brought to us and what are the fruits from different countries differ from each other? And most importantly, which ones are the tastiest?


Mandarins in Abkhazia ripen in late November - early December. However, they begin to harvest in advance in order to have time to realize most of it by the New Year. Abkhaz fruits are easy to recognize on store shelves - they are small, have a very thick yellow rind, which, however, is easily separated from the juicy pulp. This variety, by the way, was brought to Abkhazia from Japan. It is considered the most frost-resistant and easily transfers transportation to Russia, which is the number 1 market for the republic's producers.


Unlike oranges, which are harvested in Turkey all year round, tangerines ripen closer to mid-autumn. The first harvest is usually celebrated in October. The most fertile regions are Bodrum, Alanya, Antalya and Mersin. Turkish mandarins have a yellow-orange color, quite regular, round shape. The rind is quite thin, but peeling the fruit is not always easy. The taste is sweet and sour, but often quite bland. And there are too many seeds in the fruit.


Moroccan tangerines are easy to distinguish from all the rest - they are small, bright orange and slightly flattened at the top and bottom. There are almost no seeds in such fruits, but they taste sweet and unusually juicy. The harvest in Morocco is harvested once a year. The earliest fruits hit the markets at the end of November. Often in Russia, under the guise of Moroccan tangerines, they sell clementines - citrus hybrids. They differ from their fellows in their larger size and extremely bright color.


Argentine mandarins are the earliest and therefore the most expensive. They can be found on Russian counters starting in September. The fruit is quite large, bright orange in color. The taste is sweet and sour, there are a lot of seeds. Peeling Argentine mandarins takes a lot of effort. Their peel is thin and constantly torn, and the secreted juice stings the fingers.


The country is considered the leader in terms of the volume of grown citrus fruits, including tangerines. Fruit picking begins in late September - early October. Plantations are found mainly in Guangxi, Jiangxi, Hunan, Zhejiang and Hebei provinces. Chinese mandarins are small, light orange. The rind is slightly bumpy. The fruit is often sold on twigs with leaves. When choosing tangerines from the Middle Kingdom, rub a leaf - a light, herbaceous aroma should come from it. If it is not there or the smell is too strong, - fruit trees most likely generously fertilized.


Mandarins in the Promised Land ripen in the middle of winter. And they reach Russia in best case by the end of January. Fruits are medium, pale yellow in color. The skin is thin, shiny, but it is difficult to clean. Israeli tangerines do not differ in their juiciness, they are rather dry, but this does not particularly affect the sweetness of the fruit.

Along with orange, mandarin is one of the most ancient citrus crops grown by mankind. Its history goes back to the times of Ancient China, where tangerine trees remain the most popular representatives of the Rute family of the citrus genus today. In addition to the Indochina countries, tangerines are successfully cultivated in Japan and Korea, throughout the Mediterranean, in the southern United States (Florida), in Argentina and Brazil. The northernmost regions for the cultivation of this crop are considered Abkhazia and the Black Sea coast of Russia (region of Sochi).

What kind of fruit is a tangerine?

Evergreen tangerine trees usually do not exceed 4 meters in height, are covered with lanceolate leathery leaves, bloom very beautifully with large and fragrant snow-white flowers, form fruits of the same name.

This fruit is usually significantly smaller in size than its other citrus cousins: orange, lemon, or pomegranate. Its weight, as a rule, does not exceed 80 g, the shape can be either spherical, sometimes flattened at the poles, or pear-shaped or elongated. Tangerines stand out for their bright, very characteristic aroma and the presence of a pleasant refreshing acidity in the palate. Their bright orange, sometimes with light greens the peel is thinner and can be easily removed from the pulp. The fruit has 8-12 lobules filled with many juice sacs, and these lobules are always easy to separate.

All existing varieties of mandarins can be divided into three large groups: noble, tangerines and satsum.

  • Noble tangerines stand out with large leaves and an impressive size of fruits with a lighter shade of bumpy rind.
  • Tangerines, which are often called Italian tangerines, are distinguished by increased requirements for the thermal regime of cultivation. They form fruits of medium size and oval shape. Tangerines are covered with a plump, bright orange or reddish skin with a pungent and not always pleasant smell that lags behind the pulp. Trees have smaller foliage compared to noble varieties.
  • Satsuma often referred to as unshiu by the name of the most common variety in this group, obtained as a result of centuries of selection by Japanese gardeners. They differ from the first two groups in increased winter hardiness, large leaf plates and modest fruit sizes. These tangerines have a very thin skin of a light orange hue, sometimes with pronounced green spots. In addition, satsum contains virtually no seeds, which is why they are often referred to as seedless tangerines. Their ability to tolerate frosts down to -7 ° C without loss made it possible to adapt the culture for cultivation in the northernmost regions of the subtropical belt: on the Russian part of the Black Sea coast and in Abkhazia. The compact size of trees (up to 1.5 m in a pot culture), their high decorative effect and bright aroma during flowering and fruiting make satsum desirable plants for home floriculture.

Depending on the color of the fruit, all tangerines are usually divided into red, yellow and green. These include both varieties and hybrid varieties.

The most common red tangerines

Popular hybrids in this group include Tangor, Minneola, Clementine and Ellendale, as well as Robinson, Fallglo, Sunburst and Temple varieties.

Recipe for the occasion::

Tangor Is a successful fusion of mandarin and sweet oranges. Usually ripens in the winter months, but there are earlier or later varieties. The size of the slightly flattened fruit is somewhat inferior to that of an orange, but their flesh is very juicy and sweet. The thick and bumpy orange peel with a scarlet blush and large pores is easy to clean.

Clementine- a delicious hybrid of mandarin and orange, obtained in North Africa. It is distinguished by its medium to small size, high juiciness fruits with a very pleasant sweet taste, emphasized by a slight acidity. The glossy, deep orange peel can be easily removed from the pulp. The ripening period of the crop is from December to March. The most famous variety of Clementines is Algerian, and polyspermous varieties stand out in a separate subgroup - Montreal.

Minneola- This hybrid of tangerine and grapefruit ripens in the middle (December-February). Its red-orange fruits are elongated with a characteristic neck at the top, have very few seeds and vary greatly in size, from very impressive to very small. The pulp has a very original sweet and sour taste with tart notes and a traditional tangerine aroma.

Ellendale- a hybrid descended from three ancestors at once: mandarin, orange and tangerine. Its large seedless fruits, covered with an intense orange-coral color, have an excellent taste with a very sweet pulp and a bright, refined aroma.

Fallglo- This sweet and sour variety of red tangerines stands out primarily for their size. Very large fruits are covered with an elegant bright orange skin.

Sunburst- a variety that cannot boast of too impressive fruit size, but has a remarkably delicate and not too sweet pulp taste, as well as a beautiful glossy skin, which is traditionally bright for all red varieties. In addition, Sunburst tangerines have a wonderful unobtrusive aroma.

Robinson- an excellent variety, appreciated not only for the high taste of sweet reddish-orange fruits, but also for the elegant appearance of a smooth rind.

Temple- a variety that tastes like tangerine and orange at the same time. Fruits, ripening from January to March, are juicy, excellent sweet taste and plenty of seeds.

The best yellow-fruited varieties

A distinctive feature of the tangerines of this group is the light orange or yellow color of the fruit. It includes varieties obtained in Morocco, China, Israel and Turkey. In addition, this group includes such varieties as Honey, Batangas and Dancy.

Moroccan tangerines... They have an easily recognizable golden skin that is easy to clean. The very sweet and juicy pulp contains practically no seeds.

Turkish varieties... They are distinguished by a thin skin of a light orange or amber hue. Difficult to clean, but enjoyable to taste due to their refreshing sweet and sour taste. A feature of Turkish mandarins is a large number of seeds.

Chinese varieties... They have a pleasant sweet taste with a slight sourness. Their skin is easily separated from the pulp and stands out with a calm yellow tint.

Israeli tangerines... They contain very few seeds and delight with an excellent taste of sweet and juicy pulp. The peel is medium-bodied and has a traditional orange color.

Honey... A variety of miniature tangerines with excellent honey flavor juicy pulp. The fruit has a slightly flattened shape and is covered with a thin amber skin that is difficult to separate. The ripening of the variety falls on the interval from February to April.

Dancy... Tangerines with a dark honey shade of thin skin, which ripen by the beginning of January. They are distinguished by a bright spicy aroma and a dark orange color of juicy pulp. The fruits cannot boast of large sizes. Their appearance, too, can not be called smart because of the uneven surface and unattractive shade of the peel. But the harvest is on the table by the New Year holidays. In addition, the variety is well adapted to dry and hot climates.

Batangas... The variety pleases with an excellent taste of tender and juicy pulp, covered with a bright golden skin, which is very easy to peel.

Green tangerines are the tastiest

Despite the unattractive appearance of the bumpy peel of a muddy-boggy shade, the green varieties, often called Filipino, surprise with an excellent taste of a very beautiful and juicy bright orange pulp.

Native Abkhaz tangerines

Compatriots who grew up in the USSR remember well the taste of the Abkhaz tangerines that adorned each New Year's table in our country for several decades. In our country, these varieties, obtained on the basis of Japanese satsum, are still the most widespread. They are distinguished by early ripening, frost resistance and high yields. Already in November, the fruits decorate the trees with small yellow suns with a matte skin covering the juicy and sweet pulp with an invigorating sour taste and many grains. The varieties of the satsum group include several varieties at once grown on the Black Sea coast, with similar characteristics: Owari, Pioner-80, Michurinets Sukhumsky, Sochinsky-23.

Container crop varieties

For home cultivation, it is best to choose from Japanese dwarf varieties. They have less vigor, form more compact plants and have better adaptability.

The emperor- the variety pleases not only with an abundant harvest, but also with an excellent taste of small fruits with a dense and plump skin, which is very easily separated from the pulp. The fruiting period is in December.

Unshiu- a high-yielding variety that forms sprawling, but undersized trees with flexible branches and decorative wavy leaves. With proper care, the plant grows very actively and blooms profusely, forming seedless pear-shaped fruits.

Imperial- the variety differs from most indoor tangerines in its impressive fruit size with a very juicy and sweet pulp, containing a small amount of seeds. This very fragrant citrus ripens in November.

Kovane-wasse- a fairly tall variety by domestic standards, forming strong and not particularly branched trees with dense, coarse foliage. The plant is very beautiful and blooms profusely, filling the apartment with a pleasant and healing aroma. Then, medium-sized fruits are formed and ripen, covered with a skin of a light orange hue.

Shiva mikan- early ripe, profusely blooming tangerine with average yield... It is distinguished by its neat tree size and tasty fruits weighing up to 50 g.

Calamondin- a very decorative hybrid of mandarin and kumquat, which is perfect for growing in an apartment, if you are not waiting for an edible harvest. This miniature tree produces small and very sour fruits. However, there are a large number of them and bright color, as well as almost continuous flowering and fruiting, will make Calamondin a real decoration of your home.

Product Matrix: 🥄

On the eve of the New Year holidays, all people rush to buy tangerines - an integral symbol and companion of the holiday. Haubeisell will help you to make right choice... When buying these fruits, you should be aware of the main taste qualities of fruits from different countries. These gifts from Pomona should not be confused with clementines, mineoles. They are also delicious and aromatic in their own way. Someone may like these kinds of fruits. You should know the rules and shelf life of citrus fruits.

When buying tangerines, you should opt for heavy, weighty fruits, they have the best taste characteristics. Howbuysell advises that tangerines should be free of blackheads, spots, dents, areas of rot or mold. Better to buy firm, but not soft fruits with the correct round shape. You can not choose hard fruits with dried skin. The uniform color of the fruit with yellow, yellow-orange or orange color indicates that the gifts of Pomona are fresh. Usually fruits with a yellow or green-yellow color are more sour than fruits with golden-orange and orange colors.

Sweet fruit

The trading network offers a variety of citrus fruits. The haubisell site will introduce you to juicy fruits such as clementines and mineoles.


Clementines are similar to tangerines in their appearance and juiciness of the product. Clementines are a hybrid fruit developed by crossing an orange with a tangerine in the early years of the 20th century. Usually clementines are juicy and sweet, their peel is thin and smooth, shimmering with gloss. There are very few bones in them. Such a product is an order of magnitude more expensive than ordinary classic tangerines.


Mineola is not so common in the trading network. They are the product of crossing a tangerine tangerine with a grapefruit from the Duncan series. Mineola has a peculiar shape, reminiscent of a "pot-bellied" pear. Their size is larger than that of mandarins. The taste qualities of mineola are more directed towards sourness with obvious manifestations of sweetness. The thin skin of the mineola with an orange or orange-reddish color is easy to peel. The product has a pleasant smell and a lot of seeds.

Tangerines, like our apples, have a lot different varieties with different taste characteristics. In each country, the variety is grown that is most suitable for growing and fruiting in the climatic conditions of a given area. The taste characteristics of these fruits of different varieties differ from each other. Therefore, when choosing tangerines, the Hubaisell website recommends paying attention to the country of origin.

Abkhazian fruits

Mandarins from Abkhazia are small in size and yellow or greenish-yellow in color. The peel separates well from the fruit. Juicy Abkhaz citrus has a sweet and sour taste, with a bias towards "sourness". The smell is excellent, reminiscent of "fruit from childhood." This citrus product contains a small amount of seeds. Abkhazian tangerines are inexpensive and, on the advice of haubaisell, are an economical purchase option.

Spanish citrus

Mandarins from Spain are distinguished by their size, thick peel that easily separates from the fruit, rich taste with a sweet and sour taste directed towards sweetness. Spanish bright orange citrus fruits are extremely juicy, with few seeds. Their price is high.

Manufacturer Turkey

Turkish mandarins are distinguished by their small fruits and a large number of seeds. Their color can be orange or yellow with the best tasting characteristics of orange fruits. Surprisingly, the thin skin of these fruits does not lag well behind the fruit. Turkish fruits, as the how buy sell notes, are the most inexpensive citrus fruits.

Citrus fruits from Morocco

Moroccan tangerines are most often referred to as inexpensive varieties. Their size is very small with a flattened shape. But the color, which contains bright, golden-orange colors, pleases. Fruit with juicy pulp and excellent sweet and slightly sour taste, pitted, with easily peeling peel, according to hоwbuysell, is the most the best way combining excellent taste characteristics with affordable prices.

Other manufacturers

We sell tangerines from China very rarely, we can say that they do not occur at all. They are endowed with a pleasant and juicy sweet and sour taste and have yellow... Israeli citrus fruits are a rare guest of our supermarkets. But they are also endowed with excellent taste characteristics: sweetness, juiciness, medium size. Citrus fruits from Israel have very few seeds. The peel is yellow-orange in color and is difficult to separate from the pulp.

There are cases that for 2-3 days of storage in a closed plastic bag, tangerines are completely covered with mold. Therefore, you should be aware that, while providing citrus fruits with the best storage conditions, they should not be kept for more than a week. The best conditions hоwbuysell storage considers refrigerator vegetable container. The laid fruits are shifted with paper, placing a parchment sheet on top. Storage for 2-3 days and no more is permissible in an ajar plastic bag in a refrigerator with a temperature of 4-8 degrees Celsius.

- cult exotic. Everyone ate fresh Abkhaz fruits with pleasure. The New Year holidays were unthinkable without the scent of pine needles and tangerines. The question of how to choose tangerines is still relevant today at this time. Fruits are brought from all over the world. Simple rules will help not to get into a mess, not to risk your health.

Rules for choosing ripe and quality tangerines

If the seller in the market did not give a slice of fruit to taste or exotics are bought in the supermarket, you can still choose good ripe specimens.

Citrus selection criteria

We evaluate the peel of the fruit by its appearance:

  • Must be solid, without tears.
  • Good ripe fruits have moderately shiny skin, fresh, structured. Not withered or shriveled, but not softened.
  • The color is orange, yellow or reddish (depending on the variety), but always rich, dense. There are green varieties.
  • The color is uniform, without streaks, mottling, especially green, dark or moldy.

Checking other characteristics of the fruit:

  • Ripe fruit, when slightly squeezed, is slightly springy, but returns to its place. In immature exotics, a dent does not form, in overripe exotics, it does not disappear.
  • If, when palpating the fruit, soft segments are found or juice flows out, this is a sign of the beginning of rotting.
  • Soft or crumpled barrels of fruit signal: the batch is frozen during transportation or storage, or has begun to rot.
  • The color of the pulp and peel of quality citrus is the same.

It is better to buy tangerines with a fresh citrus aroma, without any rot or mustiness.

Stop Factors When Buying Exotics

Do not take citrus peels like this:

Citrus fruits with traces of mold on the skin are also dangerous. Do not trust a salesperson who convinces that it is only "from the top". The peeled pulp will give off mildew. It is categorically impossible to eat it, especially for children.

How to choose sweet tangerines

When buying exotics, most are looking for a sweet, not sour or sour variety. You can identify them, given simple guidelines.

External signs

More often they differ in the following characteristics:

  • They are medium in size with a bright, rich skin. For most sweet varieties, it is yellow or orange, but not pale.
  • Sour ones differ from sweet ones in mass. Sweet exotic is slightly heavier than sour of the same size. This is due to the increased juiciness of the fruit pulp.
  • Unsweetened citruses are usually flattened or large in size.
  • The peel of the sweet ripe fruit is easy to peel off. It also does not fit tightly, that is, there is a small gap between it and the pulp.

Wanting to get sweet tangerines, they choose medium-sized specimens with a rich peel in color.

Sweet varieties

There are several varieties of citrus, each ripe fruit which are guaranteed to be filled with sweet juice:

  • Pixie. Orange citruses, spongy peel, easy to remove. Seedless pulp, juicy. The taste is sweet to honey. They ripen by spring, but there is longer on the market, since the harvest is removed gradually, until summer.
  • Anchor. Very sweet, but not very presentable: the rind has dark spots and irregularities associated with rot or damage. Fruits ripen in spring or early summer, however, due to external flaws, they are not very popular.

  • Honey. Citruses from Abkhazia or Israel. Dimensions are miniature, flattened shape, thin yellow-orange skin. The pulp is juicy, amber, its sweet taste is reminiscent of honey. There are a lot of seeds, exotics are difficult to clean.
  • Sattsuma. An early ripening variety that ripens by December. Cultivated in Japan and China. The fruit is sour-sweet, the peel is loose, easy to peel. But it is larger in volume than pulp. There are almost no seeds. The slices are different in size, which looks interesting when decorating dishes.
  • Dancy. Originally from North America. The skin is thin, dark orange in color. The pulp is of the same shade, juicy, sweet, endowed with a strong spicy aroma. Fruits are medium-sized, lumpy.
  • In addition to traditional yellow or orange exotic plants, there are green ones with bumpy skin. They are called Filipino. But the pulp is beautiful, tasty: bright orange, juicy, sweet, fragrant. Experts hunt for them.

Sweet hybrids

Tangerines are complemented on the shelves with sweet hybrids:

  • ... The product of a crossing of a mandarin with an orange, the sweetest of the hybrids. Cultivated in northern Africa, Central America, Spain and Turkey. Medium in size, juicy flesh. The skin is bright orange, finely porous, easily removable.
  • Tangor. Also exotic plus orange. Cultivated in Morocco and Turkey. Orange-red fruits in size - like a large tangerine or an undeveloped orange. The pulp is juicy, the taste is sweet, the peel is easy to peel.
  • Tangelo. This hybrid of tangerine with grapefruit has a sour flesh, a subtle bitterness is felt. Fruits are orange with reddishness, few seeds.
  • ... Also a hybrid with grapefruit, the fruits have the shape of a pear, the taste is sweet. The skin is orange with reddishness.

Not all of these sweet citrus varieties or hybrids make it to the counter, but knowing about them is helpful, especially for those who order fruit online.

Selection by country of origin

The citizens of the Soviet Union did not face the problem of choosing citrus fruits. There was only one option - domestic from Abkhazia. Fruit, which sometimes came from Morocco, did not diverge further than both capitals.

Today the market is oversaturated with citrus fruits from all over the world, for every request and budget. Species grown in a certain region have their own external and taste characteristics.

How to choose Abkhaz tangerines

The most dear variety for us, an attribute of the New Year and a gift from the capital.
Abkhaz citruses are cultivated almost close by, they are brought in quickly, therefore they are “ennobled” symbolically. Their peel is yellowish-orange, porous, easily peeled off. The pulp is juicy, the taste is sweet with sourness. Almost all of these tangerines are seedless, in some species their amount is moderate.

How to choose Spanish tangerines

Citruses from the Iberian Peninsula are distinguished by a rich orange skin color plus medium size. The peel is distinctly porous, easy to peel. This fruit is juicy and sweet. Almost all types of seeds have a minimum, there are seedless varieties. Most often these are sweet clementines.

When choosing Spanish citruses, it is better to prefer specimens with a stalk or leaves - they stay fresh longer.

This is especially important if the sweet exotic is purchased before the New Year holidays for future use.

How to choose Turkish mandarins

These fruits are small, "stuffed" with seeds. The skin is yellow or light orange, dense, difficult to peel off. Most have a sweet pulp, but sour specimens are not uncommon.

It is better to choose orange specimens from Turkish exotic: they are the sweetest.

Almost budget price option.

How to choose Moroccan tangerines

Most sweet tangerine- Moroccan. Due to the increased sweetness and size, it is recognized as royal. The fruits are round. Among them you will not find dryish or sourish - the flesh of all is juicy and sweet. The peel (or rather, the peel) is thin, rich orange to reddishness, easily removable. There are almost no seeds.

If you want sweet Moroccan citrus fruits, they are identified by a small indentation in the center of the fruit, in the place of the former flower.

How to choose Israeli tangerines

Citruses ripen later than others - by January. The fruits are sweet, pitted.

Israeli tangerines have a glossy, thin peel that can be removed without any problems.

Disadvantage - the pulp is often dryish.

Safety first

With one of their entourage, tangerines create a positive attitude. It is not surprising that they are served whole, unpeeled. But this requires vigilance from the owners:

  • The fruit must be washed: scald with boiling water or pour hot water for a couple of minutes, then rinse.
  • Even if the exotic is supposed to be used as sweet ingredient dishes, it is cleaned only after washing. And in no case will microbes and other chemicals from the peel go to the pulp.
  • Children can only be given sweet refined exotics. If the child wants to peel off or taste the fruit "for a tooth", they give carefully washed fruits.

It is better not to use citrus peels, but white mesh fibers around the slices are useful even for children. They are packed with beneficial trace elements.


Determining which tangerine is the most delicious is difficult, because each person likes his own. Fortunately, choose to festive table the option you like is easy. Turkish exotics are sourish, with an abundance of seeds. The Israeli tangerine is devoid of them, sweet, but dry. Royal fruit- Moroccan: sweet, with increased juiciness, reminiscent of an orange. Native Abkhaz citruses are also very juicy, but slightly sour. Spanish exotic sweet.

You can stock up on fruits a week before the New Year. They will be stored in a refrigerator, basement, or other cool location. The main thing is to create the necessary microclimate: humidity 65-70% plus temperature + 5-6 ° С.

Mandarin is cute and delicious fruit, which certainly, every person wants to have on his table, especially for the celebration of the new year. The presence of a tangerine, as it were, emphasizes the peculiarity of any event. And here it is important that these tangerines are of the highest quality and sweetest. Therefore, you need to know that ripe tangerine fruits should have a uniform color with well-visible pores on the skin of the product. Pressing lightly on the fruit promotes release delicious juice... The fruit should be free from damage and soft islands. It is believed that sweet tangerines are heavier than unpalatable fruits. Also, the sour varieties of this fruit have a slightly flattened shape.

Which country's tangerines are the sweetest?

Usually, the name of the country of the manufacturer is given on the price tags of tangerines. But it does not answer the question posed. It is also related to the taste preferences of each person. Some people like sweet fruits, others - sour, and still others - sweet and sour.

Many people consider the tangerines from Spain to be the sweetest fruit. Their skin has large pores and is bright orange in color. The sizes are average. The "skin" can be easily removed. In this country, there are varieties with and without seeds.

Turkish mandarin varieties have low prices. More often, the tangerine fruits of Turkey are sourish. The fruit is small in size. Their peel is yellow and orange (light). Most of the mandarin varieties of this country are seedless.

Moroccan tangerines are considered one of the sweetest fruits. They are also called royal. In this country, sour varieties are practically not found. They are orange in color, sometimes with a reddish tint. The skin of the fruit is thin with a characteristic dent. And fruit with seeds is quite rare here.

Israeli mandarins ripen late and are sold in the market, usually during winter. Their skin is thin, bright, and the fruits are very sweet. There are no bones in them. They differ in the absence of solid bridges between the lobules. Some Israeli tangerines, although sweet, are lightly salted.

Abkhazian (Georgian) varieties of mandarin are often imported to our country. They are considered more environmentally friendly than others. They do not need to be stored for a long time before being delivered to our market, which is why they are not treated with chemicals. Light orange color, thick skin, sweet and sour taste - these are the distinctive properties of these tangerines.

One cannot ignore the fruit called clementine, which is a hybrid of an orange and a mandarin. Its fruits are similar to tangerine fruits, but they have great sweetness. The skin of the hybrid is hard and adjoins the pulp, fragrant and rich in juice. The leaves of the hybrid are dense and have a needle. This type of fruit also has varieties called tangerine (greenish skin) and mineola (pear-like shape). Many consumers point out that this hybrid tangerine is the tastiest and sweetest. And it is better preserved than other varieties.