How to make hot chocolate at home, drink recipes. How to cook perfect hot chocolate

You are a chocolate fan, but the drink from cocoa powder is tired and seems to be a taste. On cloudy cold days, you are increasingly visiting a cafe and leave there a certain amount for a small cup of hot chocolate. And what if you try to cook it right at home? And it is not necessary to ride anywhere. We tell how to make hot chocolate - try, and you will like it.

This chocolate is made from cocoa beans, well, we just buy a pair of tiles of good, high-quality dark chocolate without nuts and other fillers. Two tiles are enough just two portions of the drink.

Recipe 1. Double Black

200 g of black chocolate should be divided into slices, melt them in a water bath. You can also melt them directly in enough hot, but not boiling milk (50 ml, preferably a high percentage of fatty), gradually taking them into milk. Stir into the saucepan until the milk warms up and all chocolate does not melt. You do not need to bring a mixture to a boil.

Recipe 2. Milky-bitter

Want to get a very gentle taste of drink? Take one milk tile, another - gorky chocolate (with a high percentage of cocoa content). Felt on the pieces, melt in one glass of milk and interfere until fully homogeneous.

  • Milk-bitter option with starch

Strachmal we will add for a dense - two tablespoons on a glass of milk (cold). In a separate pan, pour 4 glasses of milk and, without warming it, immediately pumped the slices of both tiles of chocolate. Stir all the time. When the chocolate is completely dissolved, add a milky-starch mixture into the pan and boil until the drink thickens.

Recipe 3. French

Slightly heat in a saucepan of 4 cups of water, lay out the pieces of bitter chocolate (enough tiles), let him hide a little. Move the pan to a small fire and prepare up to homogeneity of the mass, then add a couple of water cups. Bring the mixture to boil, then leave for 10 minutes to boil on low heat, stirring continuously. Get ready Drink with a whisk, if you wish, sank sugars.

Recipe 4. Egg

You can try an option with egg yolk: take it with ½ cup of milk. In a separate saucepan, heat the ½ cup of cream with 1 chocolate tile, constantly stirring. Then add milk with a yolk and after a while, remove from the stove. The taste is very unusual! If you want to add sugar to taste.

  1. Serve a drink along with a small glass of cool water, as it is rich and thick.
  2. The finished drink can be sprinkled with crushed nuts or cinnamon, add vanillin, liquor to it (if a treat for adults).

No matter how cool, and chocolate tried each of us. Won he lies on store shelves! In large and small tiles, bitter and dairy, white and black, porous and solid. In short, if the chocolate is usual - this is usual, sorry for the tautology, the phenomenon, then the hot chocolate for us is almost exotic. It seemed to see such a city cafeteria in the menu, and what about? But only salt is that this wonderful drink (it is really such - warming, soft taste, creates the atmosphere of comfort anywhere) can be prepared at home. In short, it's time to take a business!

In contact with

Memory improves depression drives

For the time being, the hot chocolate was considered a drink "healing" - will help him from a cold, Handra, he was even considered as an aphrodisiac.

I do not know how about the latter, but the fact that the drink does not just raises the mood, but also increases the tone - is not discussed. In general, this is not the words allegedly altered. Scientists have proven that cocoa beans improve memory, increase performance, the brain begins to figure it out better (as a cup of hot chocolate is needed in absolutely everyone in the morning!). Especially bold declare that even depression will escape from chocolate, because endorphine is produced - hormone of happiness. Happiness will be even more when those who are very cared for their own figure will find out that Cocoa will not be the cause of the extra kilo.

The composition of hot chocolate necessarily includes three ingredients. First, cocoa beans are the basis of the foundation. Secondly, milk (someone like the usual boiled water). It will give a taste of creamy, softness, shade of sweetness. If you need a snave of "cutness" - it is worth taking milk with a high percentage of fatty, no - then the opposite. And thirdly, sugar. Of course, there are a bunch of hot chocolate cooking options, some even include alcohol, but it's like someone like.

The most insightful, of course, ascend: and where will we take these same cocoa beans? Indeed, not the warm countries for them to go. The fact is that a small "chitrija" does not hurt here - it can be replaced by the usual tile of chocolate. Of course, not all. It should be black, bitter chocolate, good quality. Be sure without any additives - nuts, raisins and other things. In short, it's time to take a job!

Heat of classic hot chocolate

You need to start with small, you mean from the main recipe for hot chocolate from cocoa, it is also called classic. To do this, you need to buy all anything - two tiles of good black chocolate (approximately 150 g) and half-liter milk (you remember about fatty - everyone chooses in accordance with their own tastes).

Chocolate is better to break into pieces at once (it is more convenient to do it when a chocolate in a piece of paper) - the smaller they will be, the faster they will burst. Boil milk in a saucepan on slow fire and lower chocolate there. Cook all this, constantly stirring (this is very important). Chocolate melts I. delicious dessert It turns out ready for use, or rather, to enjoy it. Who does not have enough sweets - pre-add sugar so that he also managed to melt.

Chocolate is better to immediately pour into ceramic cups with fairly thick walls. It is necessary so that it retains its warmth and aroma longer. Someone adores a rich taste, and someone this saturation may seem unnecessary - this can advise with cold water delicacy.

By the way, the tip of the note: chocolate excites the nervous system, so drinking it overnight oh, as it is not advised - half the night will go to turn off the sides.

Enjoy them better in the morning, as a last resort - before lunch.

For those who love ... Pue

At the beginning, we have already mentioned that you can prepare hot chocolate in different ways: it can be with a flavor of almonds, vanilla, spices and even alcohol. And he can be very thick. To do this, to the standard set - chocolate (2 tiles), sugar (one portion - approximately 4 teaspoons), milk (liter) - more starch is added (3 tablespoons).

First of all, we pour a glass of milk, in which we stir the starch. The remaining milk along with chocolate and sugar pour into a saucepan and warm until the chocolate is melted. Then add a mixture of milk with starch and continuously stir until all of this fragrant vapper starts thick. Immediately remove from the fire - and in cups. The tasty is also, but it goes to all about all 15 minutes.

As you have managed to notice, the recipe for thick hot chocolate is incredibly simple!

Taste and color ...

With almond

Chocolate with almonds - a combination seems to be familiar. And hot chocolate with almonds? It will take a little more ingredients for its cooking than usual: chocolate itself (60 gr.) - by the way, it can generally grate it at all - it is for those who are very in a hurry- Sugar - 6 tbsp. Spoons, half a cup of boiling water, two and a half glad of boiled milk, spoon soluble coffee (This is necessary for the acute taste), 80 ml. Cognac, as much amaretto liqueur, half a cup of cream, and finally, almond himself (no, we did not forget about him, do not worry about it!) - Frozen and finely chopped - about a quarter of a glass.

In the saucepan throw sugar, chocolate, pour water, boil. Then, on a reduced fire, cook more about 2-3 minutes, whip everything (a whisk, a mixer, a spoon - who has something). We pour all other components and fit on the burning plate for another two minutes. Spill in cups. Whipped cream neatly lay out over a fragrant dessert, sprinkled by almonds. You can enjoy!

With fruits

Do you like fruit so much that you can't live without them? Well, there is a variant for you! Hot chocolate With orange syrup, probably like such gourmets. In addition to chocolate (100 gr.), Milk (half-liter), sugar (two spoons) and cream (to taste), you will need another teaspoon of orange syrup and orange zest (how much - at your discretion).

Chocolate crumbles on small pieces and together with two spoons of water "toops" in a water bath (this is when a saucepan in a water saucepan). When everything turns into a homogeneous mass, pour the pre-boiled milk. Pour syrup and beat all the contents of the pan. Drink across cups, add cream, lemon zest serves decoration.

Where did you hear about the benefit of a rosehip? Down with rumors and guess, the whole truth is on the link.

Recipe for hot chocolate cooking for lazy

For particularly lazy, the recipe for chocolate in the microwave - yes, and it is possible! Three cups of milk are poured into a cup that can be placed in the microwave, and heats two minutes to the maximum in this microwave. After throwing chocolate (grated tile), sugar (spoon), cinnamon (half of the teaspoon). Stir. Separately whip the egg and add to the main mixture. We send a future tasty to the microwave for ten minutes. Voila! Bright fragrance and taste - in one bottle ... then you mean a cup! And without much effort.

Little tricks

I hope we were able to answer your question: "How to cook hot chocolate at home" in full! Finally, several useful Soviets From Hheel.

  • First, it is better to cool in the freezer before cooking chocolate - it should be solid when it starts to melt in milk.
  • Secondly, even a pinch of Vanilla will give such a wonderful fragrance that this dessert will become your coronary culinary work.
  • Thirdly, if you give a pretty chocolate to stand in a bit, and then warm up again, taste will strike with his saturation as if it was collected all the best from chocolate from around the world. For some reason, it is believed that it is so.

Video instruction:

Bon Appetit!

Enjoying a cup of hot chocolate in a coffee shop, you probably wondered: and at home you can cook such charm and delicious? After all, we need specially treated cocoa beans, special machines ...

Can. It turns out even tastier. Eternally thinners of our women, of course, will be horrified by excavating all imagues and inconceivable calorie limits. But the endorphin in liquid hot form is somehow more intelligently! If a little bit, quite rarely, when I really want, and outside the window is sad and overcast - because you can, right?

So how to cook hot chocolate at home? Recipes - the sea.

Simplest. Melt chocolate

Here, in fact, the whole recipe. A little more - to break the tile on the squares (and better two) chocolate with a cocoa content of at least 60 percent, put into a cup or a glass and put on water bath - In the bucket with boiling water, that is, so that boiling water does not shimmer into chocolate. Drink, while not frozen again.

With milk

Someone likes bitter chocolate, someone dairy. Any good. We pour into a small saucepan of half liters of milk. Wrecking - we reduce gas and lower chocolate slices into milk, until the tile is over. Spill in cups.

With Stachmal

Again, melt the stewed chocolate in the glass of warm milk. Continuing to heat and stir, pour divorced in a small amount of milk room temperature Tablespoon starch. Add piece butter and vanilla sugar. Bring to a boil, pour.

With whipped cream

We take two portions:

  • two glasses of milk,
  • 40 grams of bitter chocolate,
  • two tea spoons of sugar,
  • two tablespoons of whipped cream,
  • pinch vanillin.

We put a saucepan with milk on the slab. We add sugar and vanillin, stirring, bring to a boil, turn off. Throw in hot milk pieces of chocolate, waiting for, while they melt. We interfere with whipped cream, spill in cups. You can put cream and in the finished hot chocolate.

With egg yolk

Two servings will be needed:

  • chocolate bar,
  • dining room spoon sugar,
  • glass of milk (cream),
  • yolk one egg.

Success in sugar chocolate squares, put on the stove. We constantly stir so that the chocolate faster melts. But at the same time we still have time to beat yolk with a quarter of a glass of milk in the bowl. We pour this mixture into the boiled milk, stirring especially intensively. And immediately turn off the fire: otherwise the milk will run away, and the yolk will rush!

Oh horror, with butter!

A pack of high-quality butter and two tiles of bitter chocolate melts on the water bath.

Reduce a nightmare calorie quotier by adding cream and taking less oil. But still it turns out a recipe for those who want to quickly gain weight ...

And is it possible, and if possible, how to make hot chocolate at home from cocoa powder? Can. We will noticeably save in calories, and in money.

Hot chocolate powder cocoa

Two cups:

  • 400 grams of milk or cream (or mixtures of both),
  • three tablespoons of cocoa powder and sugar,
  • 10 grams of butter,
  • 5 grams of cinnamon (optional).

All (except oil) pour and fall asleep in Turku and cook like coffee. But with constant stirring. Before boiling, add oil.

Hot chocolate flavored vanilla, cinnamon, nutmeg and other spices, mint, orange zest.

You can decorate a drink by sprinkling from above through a homemade paper stencil in the shape of a heart or flower sugar powder. Further reveal the taste of hot chocolate helps a glass of cool water: chocolate sip - a sip of water. And life becomes beautiful!

And drink, and dessert! Hot chocolate is a treat for the whole family, it can be easily and quickly prepare for the joy of home.

Cool. Before you cook hot chocolate, cool chocolate in the refrigerator. Chocolate room temperature will begin to melt too quickly, and it must be solid when you add it to the milk.

Use cream.For a more dense drink, use cream. Remember, if the drink seems to you too thick, you can add some water.

Do not bring to a boil.It does not matter using you cream or milk, you can not bring a drink to a boil. Chocolate will lose its properties and drink will not be so tasty.

Add Vanilla.Adding a teaspoon vanilla, you will get a wonderful taste. All who will try your drink will ask the recipe. But keep it secret! Let themselves guess ...

Give your drink.After the cooking process is finished, give a drink. Leave it for 10 minutes, let him cool a little. So it will be more saturated. Then warm it on slow fire.

Wake up.Take your drink a little a whisker to have a foam. So you make it more gentle and enjoyable. The taste will be just extraordinary!

Decorate.Add whipped cream, cinnamon, candy, melted caramel, little marshmallow or whatever you want.

Recipe 1: Hot chocolate simple chocolate

chocolate - 100 g (one standard chocolate, without fillers)
Milk - 400 ml
Sugar sand - 50 g
Vanilla sugar - to taste

Chocolate is lost, pour a half hot milk and grind to a homogeneous mixture. Add sugar and, constantly interfering, pour the residue of milk. And all - chocolate drink Ready.
To a little diversify a rather boring recipe for hot chocolate, you can put the taste of the carnation, cinnamon, cardamom, nutmeg. And in hot chocolate you can add butter and decorate drink cream, nuts, cocoa powder.

Recipe 2: Hot chocolate with corn flour

Milk 500 ml
Corn flour 1 teaspoon
Chocolate black 70% 120 g
Sugar to taste

1. Heat the milk on medium heat to timid boil, make the fire quite minimal and pour into a saucepan with milk broken with small pieces of chocolate (chocolate before it is better to put in the freezer: after the cold it gives more discriminating taste). By stirring the contents of the saucepan, bring the drink to a homogeneous state and timid, with challenge boiling.

2. Add sugar and thickening corn flour. So that she did not get into the lumps, it is worth it to drop into a tablespoon with a flour of a little hot fluid, turn the contents of the spoon in the toss and then with the help of this casher to thicken the rest of the chocolate.

3. Pour ready-made chocolate in cups and immediately serve.

Recipe 3: Hot chocolate from cocoa powder with pepper

cocoa powder - 3 teaspoons
Milk - 2 glasses
Sugar sand - 5 teaspoons
Vanilla sugar - 1 teaspoon
Red (better than Cayenne) pepper - to taste
or chili pepper - to taste
In principle, you can do without pepper. But in general, the real hot chocolate should be with the pepper. Otherwise, it's just a variation of cocoa.

Cocoa powder mix with sugar. Heat milk, but do not bring to a boil, and gradually stirring continuously, add sugar with milk to it. Then put vanilla sugar and pepper. Hot chocolate ready.

Recipe 4: Hot Chocolate Oil and Cocoa Powder

Take 4 tablespoons with a hill cocoa powder, 4 tablespoons of butter, 4 tablespoons of sugar sand and an arbitrary amount of drinking water (the consistency of the drink will depend on it).

In the brush or a small saucepan, melt the oil. Mix the cocoa with sugar, pour out to the oil and mix. Then pour with water and bring to a boil on a slower very fire, stirring continuously. You can start with a small amount of water, and then increase it to get more liquid chocolate. For fragrance, you can add vanillin or replace sugar with vanilla sugar.

According to the same technology is preparing chocolate glaze For cakes - if you wait until the boiling mass becomes quite thick. You turn off the fire immediately after the drink boils, and break it into the cup.

Recipe 5: Hot chocolate with potato starch and chocolate

From the specified number of ingredients, 4-5 servings are obtained.

  • 1 liter of milk
  • 200 g of chocolate (bitter or dairy)
  • 2-3 tbsp. (without top) starch (potato)

Starch diluted in 1 cup of milk.

The rest of the milk pour into a saucepan, put on the middle fire, add chocolate.
Heat until the chocolate is dissolved.

Then add milk with starch, mix well, heated until the mass starts thick.
Remove from fire.

Serve hot.

Recipe 6: how to cook hot chocolate in the microwave

milk 3.2% ¾ cup
Sugar vanilla ¼ h. l.
Muscat nut ground 2 chopping
Chocolate 50 g

What could be better cup of hot chocolate in a cool autumn day? This thick I. fragrant drink He got widespread in the XVI-XVII centuries, when the conquest of Mexico began. For the first time, wonderful sweetness from Cocoa beans began to serve in Italian shops. There is a lot of recipes for which hot chocolate is being prepared - from solid chocolate or cocoa.

The easiest and most affordable way. Take two tiles of bitter chocolate with high cocoa content and melt on a water bath. There, and pour 100 g of milk, stirring continuously. The mixture should not boil, but become a homogeneous mass. Hot chocolate fruit chocolate tree. For its preparation 2 tablespoons cocoa, teaspoon corn Starch. And some sugar or vanilla mix in the tank. Pour there some water and stir. In another saucepan, warm up 300 ml of cream. Hot cream Send into a lot of cocoa, slightly sweep the wedge and warm. Prepare unusual dessert From white chocolate with pumpkin. From baked in the oven pumpkins, make a puree, mix it with 3 glasses of milk and spices. It can be ground ginger, cinnamon, carnation, vanilla or nutmeg. All this heat almost to boil. Then pour into the ground chopped white chocolate And keep the container on slow heat until the product is completely melted. Decorate ready dish grated black chocolate.

Control the luggage and fatness of the drink by adding milk, water, cream or sour cream. Give a spicy taste with a cinnamon stick, mint leaves, chipping of Cayenne pepper or chile. These components give a sense of tartness and warmth. Additional charge of cheerfulness, if a small percentage of milk is replaced with strong coffee. The traditional components of hot chocolate steel brandy, liquor, rum or fruit puree and juices. Split ready dessert In cups, which are held for a long time, and decorate with pieces of marshmallows, whipped cream, fruit.

Hot chocolate is not only tasty, but also useful. Antioxidants and endorphine included in chocolate have a positive effect on blood circulation, strengthen immunity, fight cancer cells and slow down aging.