Use the leaves and flashers of Ivan tea for recovery. Ivan-Tea: Useful properties and contraindications, Rules of use of the Cyprus of a narrow

Ivan-tea is a perennial plant, which can be found on wastehouses, near pine bors, in country roads. Lilavy-red flowers from afar attract the travelers, standing out against the rest of the landscape. This plant has many names. In scientific - Cyprus a narrow-leaven, in the people of Laskovo called "Ivan-Tea". I also click on the "fireman" because of a unique ability to grow on ashes, "Ives of grass" because of the similarity with Iva. Ivan tea has, both and contraindications. It also has a sleepy effect. For this, people call him "dormant".

Ivan Tea: a little story

In Russia, the plant began to apply to brew a fragrant, tasty drink in the 12th century. Because of its availability, more often Ivan-Tea drank commoner, but also representatives of the Russian nobility did not disappear a cup of delicious herbal tea. In the 13th century, in the settlement of Koporye of the St. Petersburg province, local monks began to produce tea from Cyprus, which was called " cavory tea" Later he began to harvest in other provinces. ABOUT tasty drink They found out in Europe where the English sailors were delivered. He was very popular in England, Prussia, France. Many preferred him, so in Russian foreign trade, Ivan-Tea held an honorable place until the 19th century. After the October Revolution, Ivan-Tea was undeservedly forgotten for many years. Now it is worth remembering Ivan tea, medical properties, Application in medicine and ordinary life.

The composition of Ivan-Tea

Leaves and flowers of plants are rich in various nutrients. They contain:

  • Chlorophyll.
  • Organic acids.
  • Cubilanes represented by Tanin. Contribute to the removal of toxic metals, possess an anti-inflammatory effect.
  • Carotenoids that are important for vitamin A. synthesis
  • Flavonoids. Substances that strengthen vessels protecting cells from oxidative stress.
  • Pectin. This substance, like the tannin, contributes to the removal of toxins, the normalization of metabolism, the improvement of digestion.
  • Plant fiber, which is very important for the intestinal operation.
  • Mucus (polysaccharides). They are easily hydrolyzed, due to sufficient admission to the body, the person becomes energetic.
  • Protein substances.
  • Cumarins.
  • Phytosterols.
  • Lignin.
  • Alkaloids.

Cypete is rich in vitamin C, which in the ground part of the plant is greater than in citrus. This vitamin is very useful to prevent the development of cancer processes and signs of aging. B2 vitamins are presented in Ivan-tea vitamin B2, B6, thyamine, nicotine and folic acid. These vitamins improve the work of cerebral cells, optimize the exchange of fats and proteins, normalize digestion.

The leaves and flowers contain a lot of iron, which can raise hemoglobin, stabilize the work of nervous and digestive systems. Important heart, muscles, bone structures Elements: molybdenum, magnesium, nickel, potassium, boron, lithium, calcium, also contains this medicinal plant. Ivan tea includes copper and manganese, supporting growth processes, bone structure and liver and spleen work.

In this plant, there are almost all known amino acids: glutamic, asparaginic acids, isoleucine, lysine, arginine, threonine, leucine, tyrosine, cysteine \u200b\u200band others. Rhizomes of plants are not inferior to leaves and flowers. They have starch, calcium and phosphate salts, proteins, polysaccharides, tannin, cobalt.

Ivan tea benefits

Cavory tea is favorably affected by the endocrine and immune system. It is effective for various inflammatory processes, proven the fact that Cypete has the highest anti-inflammatory coefficient. Effective Ivan tea in the purification of the body from toxins, increasing immunity, efficiency. Regular use of tea removes depression, soothes, reduces the voltage and sense of anxiety. Due to the fact that in Ivan-tea a whole complex of trace elements, it improves the process of blood formation, stimulates the metabolism, improves the composition of the blood, cleaning it.

Ivan-tea is recommended to restore male health, for the prevention of male diseases. Cavory tea can help with a reduction in potency, acute prostatitis, prostate adenome, chronic prostatitis. It is worth noting healing properties This plant: cleansing, anti-inflammatory, binder, soothing effect. There is a positive effect with regular consumption of decoction and tea from Cyprus at 1-2 stages of prostate adenoma, which avoids operational intervention. Capper treatment is carried out in parallel with other treatment methods under the control of the attending physician.

Ivan-Tea treats many female diseases. Women older than 35 years old Cyretes are recommended for the prevention of rock formation in the gallbladder. The useful drink contributes to weight loss, helps reduce the feeling of hunger, improves metabolism. Infusions and decoctions from Ivan-tea help reduce menstrual pains, remove unpleasant sensations when climax, get rid of headaches. Ivan-Tea is recommended for white, endometriosis, infertility, cystitis, thrush, moma. There is no caffeine in this plant, which makes it available for use during pregnancy, if there are no contraindications.

Medical Properties Ivan Tea

Unlike coffee and other energy Drinks Ivan-tea does not contain caffeine, while perfectly relieves fatigue and tones, providing the therapeutic effect.

The drink, which is based on the grass, Ivan-Tea has the following effect on the body:

  • Increases the absorption of nutrients.
  • Restores the optimal balance of microflora in the intestine.
  • Significantly reduces the development of malignant tumors.
  • Eliminates signs of constipation.
  • Exhibits antiviral activity.
  • It produces a diuretic and choleretic effect.
  • It has an anti-inflammatory and bactericidal effect.
  • Cleans the body from slags and toxins.
  • Increases potency and improves male health.
  • Improves the work of the thyroid.
  • With regular use enhances immunity.

Ivan Tea: properties and contraindications

If we consider Ivan-tea, therapeutic properties and contraindications of this plant, it can be argued that the healing effect prevails. Contraindications are very small, they are insignificant. Like other medicinal plants, some people have individual intolerance. Caution should be used in Cyprus with regular reception of sedatives. Do not apply antipyretic agents and Ivan tea.

With prolonged use of Ivan tea, there is a light laxative effect. To avoid this by-effect Tea can be consumed by courses no more than two weeks. Women awaiting a child, nursing mothers should be obtained by a doctor's permission to take tea from Cypsum. People with thrombosis, increased blood coagulation, should be cautious to use Ivan tea champs.

Some believe that Cypete calms the gums well when teething teething, recommend to give it to infectious children. Others against taking children to two years of medicinal herbs. The best option It will approach this issue individually and clarify it with his pediatrician.

Features of the Billet Ivan tea

The key to the maximum preservation of all nutrients and vitamins is competent collection, billet and fermentation of Ivan tea. To avoid toxicity, the harvesting should be held in remote areas, away from roads, industrial enterprises. It is necessary to collect Ivan tea in a period of flowering, but before the flower brush blooms completely so that the fluff does not get into the billet, maturing on the lower branches in August. For the preparation of medicinal raw materials, the ground part of the plant is used, it cuts or rehearse. Then the raw material is dried indoors at a certain temperature.

Applied various methods Fermentation that allows you to get high-quality drug raw materials for later use in the preparation of beverages. The tops of young shoots for making tea are collected in early May. This miraculous tea is able to restore energy reserves and return forces. Store Ivan-tea is better in glass containers or paper bags. Drug raw materials used to prepare bravery, info, tasty tea, in cosmetology purposes.

Capacity from Cypria

To prepare a wonderful drink, it is better to purchase dried Ivan tea in a pharmacy. To prepare one cup of tea, 2-3 grams of medicinal raw materials and 200 ml of boiling water will be required. The grass is flooded with boiling water, the container is closed and left for 10 minutes. After the drink is imagining, it turns out an excellent tea of \u200b\u200ba beautiful golden color with amazing taste meadow herbs. The drink is better to drink freshly prepared, but, thanks to the content of essential oils, tea is not spoiled for several days. To fully feel the bouquet of herbs, tea is recommended to drink cold or warm. Honey and sugar are better not to put, they worsen the taste of the drink.

Tea drink can be prepared from a mixture of leaves and Ivan tea colors, which are used in a ratio of 1: 1. The mixture is covered in the capacity in the amount of 2 tablespoons, poured with water (500 ml). It should be brought to a boil, then remove from the fire, leave for 15 minutes, it must be broken. Drink can be drunk during the day as ordinary tea.

Medicinal Infusions and Decorations: Cooking and Application

Infusions and decoctions are used to treat various diseases, are shown for outdoor and internal use. To prepare info, you can use a thermos or other closing container.

For the treatment of inflammation of the urinary sphere, chronic cystitis prepare a healing infusion. 200 ml of boiling water You need to pour 1 tablespoon of crushed dry leaves Cypria. Insist for two hours, strain. It is recommended to take 50 ml three times a day.

For the treatment of angina, stomatitis infusion is prepared by the following way: 2 tablespoons of raw materials take 2 tablespoons of boiling water. Insist to obtain a saturated solution for six hours. After that, they are filtering, used as rinsing throats and mouth 4-5 times a day.

The treatment of varicose veins is carried out with the help of decoctions. 5 tablespoons of raw materials poured 500 ml of water, put on a slow fire and left for seven minutes. Then the decoction is removed from the fire and it is cooled, filtered. The bindings or tissue are impregnated with the resulting means, the compress is applied to patients with limbs. Also, the expanded veins can be rented on the night of a sparkling cracker from Ivan tea.

In cosmetology, masks and tinctures on alcohol from Ivan tea are used. For the preparation of a face mask in the tincture (2 art. L.) Salt "Extra" (2 Gy) and confusion (1 tsp). There should be a consistency of sour cream. Such a mask made twice a week will remove inflammation, improve the complexion of the face and the condition of the skin.

The infusion of Cyprus can be used for washing, for the preparation of homemade masks for face and hair. Infusion will reduce skin itching and remove inflammation if you burned in the sun. Before holding cosmetic cleaning, massage is recommended to make steam baths with the addition of Cyprus. On 1 tbsp. A spoonful of raw materials is taken by one glass of boiling water.

Try to prepare a healing drink, enjoy its amazing taste and aroma. Good mood, the rise of strength, the tide of energy and the charge of cheerfulness will allow you to appreciate all beneficial features Beautiful plant called Ivan tea.

Hello everyone!

Who saw the Ivan tea bloom, will never forget this spectacle!

Unusual beauty !!!

Back in the ancient times, Ivan tea was attributed to numerous healing properties and today it is a unique plant is not deprived by the attention of folk and modern medicine.

Let's talk in detail about the therapeutic properties of Ivan tea, where he grows, what Ivan-tea looks like, how to collect it, how to apply and how to brew correctly.

From this article you will learn:

Therapeutic properties of Ivan-Tea - Recipes Application

It is difficult to believe, but this is a completely unpretentious plant, founding on forest edges, on the shores of water bodies, in the meadows, in gardens and gardens.

He is the first to grow on fires, for which the people got the name "Firemen" and "Fire Grass".

Ivan tea (lat.chamerion) - How many years of plants Family & Ways (Onagraceae). The most famous appearance -Iwan-tea narcotic (Lat.Chamérion Angustólium), sometimes referred to as the People of Cyprus, from which traditional Russian herbal drink

Botanical help - what does Ivan-tea look like?

The perennial Ivan-Tea (Cyprus is narrowed) belongs to the Cylet family.

Basic morphological signs of plants:

  • He has a thick, creeping rhizome with a lot of shoots, and a reprehensive stalk of up to 1.5 meters high.
  • Leaves from Cypria Lancelovoid, long and narrow, pointed on the top.
  • Large purple red, widely opened flowers are collected in inflorescence, which is a conical brush of a 40-centimeter length.
  • Ivan-tea fruits are a fluffy podlovoid box with a length of about 8 centimeters, in which many small seeds ripens.

What does Ivan tea look like - photos of the plants

That's how the healing grass Ivan Tea, look at the photo. You often met it on the edges and along the roads, is not it?

Photo of Ivan tea

Ivan tea - chemical composition of the plant

In the above-ground part, Cyprus narcollar contains a lot of useful substances:

  • vitamins Group B.
  • carotenoids (predecessors of vitamin A)
  • polysarathids
  • pectina
  • phytosterols (in particular, beta-sitosterienop)
  • organic acids
  • flavonoids (quercetin and kampferol)
  • kumarina
  • triterpenoids
  • tubils (up to 20%)
  • minor alkaloids

What vitamins does Ivan-tea contain?

In the leaves of this plant, there is a high concentration of such macro- and microelements such as iron, manganese, copper, potassium, sodium, boron, calcium, titanium, magnesium and nickel.

As for vitamin C, then in Ivan-tea it is 6.5 times more than in lemons and 3 times more than in oranges.

In the rhizomes of Ivan tea a lot of easily extended proteins, polysaccharides, starch, organic acids.

Cobalt, phosphorus and calcium salts are present in them, but there are no tannins.

As part of the Cyprus of the narrow-mounted, there are no such harmful for the human body of components like caffeine, purine bases and oxalic acid

What is useful to Ivan tea?

Tea from Cyprus is narrowed not only delicious, it also has a considerable wellness effect.

Ivan treatment is very effective!

Consider the main therapeutic properties of Ivan tea:

  1. Regular use of this rising life tone and strengthening the immunity drink
  2. It helps to cleanse the toxins and slags, has an antioxidant effect.
  3. Normalizes the acid and alkaline balance of blood, improves its composition, raises the level.
  4. Improves lipid and carbohydrate exchanges.
  5. Stabilizes the activity of the endocrine system.
  6. It has antiviral, bactericidal and anti-inflammatory effect, helping in the prevention and treatment of infectious inflammatory diseases.
  7. Normalizes.
  8. It has a positive effect on the work of the organs of the genital system (prostate gland), improves the erectile function and increases the potency.
  9. It helps to get rid of insomnia, the consequences of mental tension and increased excitability, removes headaches.
  10. An anti-inflammatory effect affects the intestinal mucous membrane and the stomach, optimizes the balance of intestinal microflora.
  11. It has a diuretic and choleretic effect.

Therapeutic properties of Ivan tea - video

Look at this interesting video, and you will learn that Ivan-Tea has not only therapeutic, but also magical properties.

How to brew Ivan tea right?

Brew and drink this drink just like black tea: 0.5-1 teaspoon of welding on a glass of boiling water, insist 2-5 minutes.

Drinking in small sips on an incomplete glass 2-5 times a day.

For smell in welding, you can add multiple Tolody flowers (honeybox).

It is more useful to drink this drink without sugar, especially since his taste is so slightly sweet.

How to harvest Cyprus right?

For therapeutic purposes, used basically flowers and leaves of Ivan-tea, much less often stems and rhizomes.

To get really useful drinkThis plant needs to be able to properly harvest.

When to collect Ivan tea - blank and collection time

You can do this in several methods:

  1. During flowering, the entire top of the plant is cut, that is, inflorescence and nearby leaves. Dried in the shade, and use in recipes like Ivan tea grass.
  2. Flowers and leaves are collected separately, dried in the shade. Use individually, depending on what is indicated in the recipe.
  3. The leaves and flowers are harvested as raw materials for tea: holding the top of the plant with one hand, the other hand and leaves, to the bottom of the niza, break down the other hand.
  4. Flowers Creece from June to August, at this time it should be collected.

How to dry Ivan-tea?

To make it from this raw material good teaIt should pass the fermentation process as ordinary black tea.

  1. Collected leaves and flowers are rolling, over the day withstanding in the shade.
  2. Then they are twisted in the palms to the performance of the juice, laid in Lukoshko and, the collapse of the wet cloth, leave it 6-10 hours before the appearance of the fruit odor.
  3. Then the raw materials on the tray lay a thin layer and at 100 ° С for 40 minutes, dried into a slightly ajar oven.

Due to the fact that the fermentation process is carried out with some differences, it turns out different varieties With individual taste quality.

How to keep Ivan tea?

Properly harvested Ivan tea in a closed glass container can be stored up to 2 years.

Useful video about the preparation of Cyprus

Ivan- contraindication tea to use

This wonderful grass has one contraindication - individual intolerance. In all the rest of the wonderful fragrant drink will only benefit.

Drink Ivan-tea and be healthy!

I will be glad if this information is useful to you and you share it with your friends on social networks.

Also pay attention to these certified organic teas from around the world! Collected manually !!! Just try it!

With you was Alain Yasnev, be beautiful and take care of yourself! To new meetings!

Cyprus (Ivan-Tea) - a long-term semi-stabbed, stolen bright pink or lilac flowers (see photo). During flowering, the shrub makes a pleasant, strong enough fragrance. Cyprus meets throughout Russia. The plant is a representative of Cytela. The folk name of the shrub sounds like a "down jacket", although in most cases it knows as Ivan tea. Cypete became popular as a tea drink. Ivan-tea was suitable not only for tea, his down was taken to fill the pillows and mattresses, the plant even began to call the "down jacket". The fact is that the flowering plants is accompanied by a large number of fluff.

Cypete was one of the most important plants in Russia. In the old chronicles, scientists have discovered not one mention of this grass. Before Tea appeared in Russia, people had so-called Russian tea, which was a boiled leaves of Cyprus. Russian tea was honored not only in Russia, but also throughout Europe. Cyretes were supplied abroad, he was applied to the imperial table. Russian tea was so popular that recipes for its brewing equated to family secrets and were transmitted from generation to generation as the greatest value. For the first time, Russian tea tried the inhabitants of the villagers Coporya (St. Petersburg province). Local monks opened this wonderful drink, but soon the tea began to drink all the county. Once the tea tried the English seamen, who turned out to be the case in Cavoria, the drink so they liked that they brought him to England, where he also became very popular. Tea very quickly conquered Europe and began to outstand the products of the UK from the market, which at that time owned valuable "tea" territories, such as India and Ceylon. The popularity of Cyprus says that he occupied an honorable place in foreign trade and ahead of even traditional Russian products, for example, honey. Today, heroic tea is undeservedly forgotten, which the intrigues of competitors and the 1917 revolution contributed.

How to collect and dry?

Collect Ivan-tea better during his flowering. The plant blooms from the end of June and to autumn. Drug purposes harvest leaves and flowers Cypria, although sometimes they collect stalks and rhizomes. By the autumn, the plant begin to form fruits that have the appearance of beans, inside they contain down. With the billet, Ivan-Tea Pooh in no case should not get into the grass. If the roots are not needed, then the plant is cut to half, and the roots are left in the ground, since the plant is long-term. Drying the leaves in a cool place are stored in paper bags.

Beneficial features

The beneficial properties of Ivan-Tea (Cyprus) were known to our ancestors who considered a drink from this plant to the means from all diseases. The plant contains a large amount of vitamin C, even more than rosehip fruits. Cypete contains more ascorbic acid than all known citrusThus, the lemon contains it 6.5 times less, and oranges - 3 times less. Vitamin C is important to maintain many processes in the body, it prolongs youth, because it is a strong antioxidant. The above-ground part of Ivan-tea is rich in carotenoids, group vitamins, tanning substances, flavonoids and phytosterol, as well as chlorophyll and pectins.

Leaves and flowers of plants contain a large amount of iron, copper, manganese. These minerals are necessary for blood formation, metabolic processes. Cypria also has a significant content of potassium, sodium, calcium, nickel. It should be noted that there are no harmful substances, such as caffeine, oxalic acid, which means that Ivan tea does not violate the metabolic processes in the body.

Regular use of tea helps to improve blood composition and even increases hemoglobin levels. In addition, the presence of chlorophyll contributes to the healing of the Russian Academy of Sciences, also chlorophyll molecules are similar to human hemoglobin molecules. The plant restores the acid-alkaline balance of the blood, the content of ascorbic acid, iron and other beneficial substances improves the hematopoietic function. Cyprus improves fat and carbohydrate metabolism, assimilation of beneficial substances from other products. Flavonoids provide golden, as well as a diuretic effect.

Ivan tea has powerful anti-inflammatory property, in efficiency, he surpasses a bark of oak, bearish ears. The plant in a short time stops inflammatory processes due to the presence of flavonoids, tanning substances, carotenoids, vitamin C. The anti-inflammatory effect is ensured due to the presence of tubyl substances as part of the plant. Vitamins A, B, C, K, P strengthen the vascular walls and normalize the work of the nervous system. These substances improve the condition of the skin.

The plant is especially useful for male organism, to improve the concept of the prostate gland, effectively increases potency. Cyrey has long been considered grass, useful for men, and used for the treatment of diseases of the genitourinary system and male impotence. The plant prevents the rebirth of the adenoma into the oncological state. Ivan-tea also has a diuretic effect that will be useful for people with high pressure.

Tea is rendered positive effect on the intestinal and gastric tractHe envelops the stomach, protects the mucous membrane, heals the yazens. In addition, Ivan-tea eliminates constipation and settles the intestinal microflora. Tea is also effective in food poisoning. The plant can be applied with meteorism, ulcers, gastritis, colitis and easy to improve digestive processes.

Use in cooking

Cyrey is used in different ways.

Young shoots and leaves of the plant are perfect for the preparation of salads. Before cooking, the leaves are thoroughly washed, then scald with boiling water and chings finely.

In the Caucasus, food also consumes the roots of this plant. From the root of Cyprus, the flour is obtained, which is then added when baking bread.

However, in Russia, Creeps, I used to brew healing Tea. This drink quenches thirst well and has a well-fastener action. You can take it both in hot and cold. Ivan-tea lovers say that a properly brewed drink from it is at times greater than Ceylon or Indian tea of \u200b\u200bthe highest grade. Unlike traditional tea drinks, "Bogatyr tea" retains its useful and taste of 2-3 days in a welded form.

How to brew?

Tea from Cyprus is brewed according to special technology. First you need to collect young leaves, then dry them, scream, grind in a trough and adding again (traditionally it was done in Russian in the furnace). After drying, the leaves should be reversed. For one portion of tea, there will be 3 tablespoons of the resulting mass to pour boiling water and insist for half an hour.

Benefits of Cypria (Ivan tea) and treatment

The benefits of Ivan-Tea was known to Russian healers. The plant is useful to take people with vegetual-vascular dystonia, as well as suffering from headache and migraines. Regular use of this drink is good prevention of peptic ulcer, cystitis, malignant tumors. Since tea does not contain caffeine and substances harmful to the body, it can be used pregnant and children. In addition, tea enhances immunity. Dosage purposes also use bee honey from Cyprus.

"Bogatyrsky tea" is used to normalize pressure, getting rid of headaches. Cup of tea perfectly cope with alcohol poisoning, insomnia, soothing nervous system. Tea is useful for digestion, it contains mucus that remove inflammation, pain and convulsions. The plant is recommended to use people with onco-scabers, at the same time the pharmaceutical industry even produced the drug "Hanerol" from the inflorescences of this plant, the drug had an antitumor orientation.

Harm Cyprus (Ivan-Tea) and Contraindications

The damage to the Ivan-tea body can apply under individual intolerance. The drink does not have strict contraindications, it can be taken to pregnant women and children.

Ivan tea narrow (Chamerion Angustifolium Lat.) Herbal perennial plant. In the people of Cyrey, Ivan-Tea is known as: Hidnoy, Plakuan, Cavory Tea, Melnik, Lubpsum, Marticknik or Dremukha.

  • Family: Cylet. (Lat. Onagraceae).
  • Motherland: are the expanses of Russia
  • Stem: Basically, a reprehensive, simple, rounded, often densely humble.
  • Leaves: Simple, pointed to the base by wedge-shaped narrowing, seating, the next, with very short cutters. The edges of the leaves of iron-gentle whole, upstairs have a brilliant dark green tint, a member of purple-red, jam-green or pale pink.
  • Fetus: Forms in the form of a fluffy little curved box, which ripen during August-September.
  • Reproductive ability: Based on the roots, a large number of additional kidneys develop, thanks to which the rapid vegetative reproduction of the plant becomes possible.
  • Illumination: Lightwater plant.
  • Watering: It is enough for one month to pour and loose, so as not to drown out the weed.
  • Detention temperature: The higher the temperature of the content, the faster the plant matures.
  • Duration of flowering: Starts in the second half of summer and continues a little more than a month. Then ripen Ivan-tea seeds.

Where does Ivan tea grow?

This plant is common in the territory of the entire northern hemisphere, but the most favorite places of his habitat Taiga regions of Siberia and the European part of which is growing Ivan tea. He loves light forests, often it can be found on the cutting or near the railway mound. Prefers dry sandy soil, but as trees appear around or shrubs gradually dying out. But in the neighborhood with raspberries grows for many years.

Therapeutic and beneficial properties of Ivan tea

To begin with, it is worth saying that it is Ivan tea (see below) the grass, shortcut, carries a large spectrum of various substances that can have a beneficial effect absolutely to the entire human body.

Ivan tea in the photo

Undoubtedly, under the influence of factors such as the place of growth, the harvest time, the technology of preparing the final product, the storage time, as well as the conditions for the preparation of welding to some extent the content of some beneficial substances changes.

After a welding is made, not the whole composition of Ivan-tea leaves is transmitted to infusion (water), and an exceptionally soluble (extractive) part of it. In addition, over time, this indicator falls, in older leaves, significantly less soluble substances are already significantly less soluble substances decompose on simpler.

However, one thing is clear that due to the presence of tranquilizing and anti-inflammatory properties of Ivan-tea, is a healing plant and has a significant superiority to other medicinal herbs.

Substances that are part of Creece Ivan-Tea

The mucus - thanks to them, there is an enveloping and softer effect of exposure, which is easier to remove inflammation, pain, as well as soothing and removal of seizures.

Flavonoids - the presence of a quercetin and a cherryol, can provide a choleretic, antispasmodic, diuretic effect.

Chlorophyll is a green pigment, which due to the ability to absorb light energy is able to stimulate the process of healing wounds and significantly improve the metabolism in the body.

The presence of such a substance as pectin allows you to increase the deadline for the storage of Ivan tea.

Pirogalla group tuning substances provide hemostatic, anti-inflammatory and astringent drugs.

The presence of all major vitamins: bioflavonoids - possess the properties of vitamins P and C2, which help accumulate and retain vitamin C in the human body, which in turn provides strengthening the walls of blood vessels and stabilizes their membranes. The wide spectrum presents vitamins of groups B, which help to determine the normal life of the nervous system, and at the same time and functions of the domestic secretion glands, which can provide a beneficial effect on patients with ulcers, diabetes mellitus, the structure of the skin and invaluable help in the treatment of liver disease is significantly improved. (in particular hepatitis and cirrhosis).

It is also worth noting that in one fresh leaf of Ivan-tea contains many ascorbic acid (vitamin C), three times more than in oranges. When processing, some of its quantity is lost, but still the level of the necessary person remains.

At the same time, Ivan-Tea can offer in the required quantity of vitamins A, B, E, K, enough to add it to the leaves when preparing various dishes or just eat welding.

The main advantage of Ivan tea is that it contains such substances as: caffeine, purin, oxal and uric acids, which are causes of failures in the metabolic processes. Ivan-tea Plant, to which the addictive does not occur (as it happens when drinking coffee or tea) is, in nature, just delicious and useful, herbal tea with therapeutic effect.

I would like to emphasize that expressing any specific formula for the beneficial properties of this herbal collection is simply impossible, since all the above substances have a beneficial effect on the human body only in aggregate. A lot of important role is played by the fact of general mood and various welding technologies, as well as material and quality of dishes have their own impact, all this factors that need to be taken into account for the implementation of favorable treatment. That is why important criteria for the preparation of "necessary" tea will be the quality of water, welding methods (the quality of the dishes) and the overall mood of the brewing and drinker will be provided.

Plant Ivan-Tea benefit and harm

It is able to provide a preventive effect on the neoplasms of malignant and benign character.

Effective in the treatment of diseases of the urogenital system and as a preventive agent with prostatitis.

Significantly enhances potency.

Helps in the scarring of a duodenal ulcer and stomach.

It is capable of increasing immunity and the overall resistance of the body to various kinds of infections.

Beneficially affects the endocrine and immune system.

Used to carry out the prevention of caries.

Remarkably improves the composition of the blood and cleans it.

Reception Ivan-tea helps to strengthen blood vessels.

Ivan-Tea benefits: has a beneficial effect in the treatment of neurosis and neurosis, as well as in post-traumatic disorders caused by strong stress.

It helps reduce the level of intoxication in the body, even with radiation pollution.

You can use as an antipyretic agent.

Heavy metals can be connected and removed from the human body.

It has a unique anti-inflammatory effect.

Well helps to remove food and alcohol poisoning.

Perfectly restores strength during fatigue, depletion and general fatigue.

Effectively use with stones in the kidneys or liver, as well as during the diseases of the spleen.

Provides strengthening hair roots.

Helps when removing headaches.

Helps to restore blood pressure.

It has excellent taste of herbal tea. And, in general, Ivan-tea benefits and harm does not end.

How to dry the grass Ivan tea

From a long time, today, people have knowledge that Ivan tea has beneficial properties. Lecari-apithethette and healers travelers have long applied this grass in their practice.

In such a state, they should fly night, covered with a wet piece of burlap. Outlou again deploy and disseminate so that the flowers are partially dried. And in conclusion, such a ensuing raw material need to dry, preferably in the furnace, but it is possible in the oven, and then manually overcurrent. Regardless of what method, the grass was sucked, cooked tea should be green.

Storage prepared in this way, Ivan tea should be made exclusively in dense paper bags and no more than two years. Why Ivan-Tea called him, but because it turns out great tea.

Useful properties of Ivan tea

Flowers Ivan-Tea Application from overweight

In brewed tea it is necessary to add a pinch of salt. It needs to drink 150 grams for half an hour before meals. In such a way, it is possible to significantly reset extra kilograms and even get rid of the double chin, the cause of education that is failed in the operation of the salivary glands.

The use of such salted tea allows you to stop the processes that contribute to the growth of the second chin, and it gradually begins to disappear.

Ivan tea from alcohol dependence

To achieve a reduction of thrust to alcoholic beverages, as well as help the patient to get rid of the hangmest psychosis, to the plant of Ivan tea you need to add a dry grass of thyme (5: 1 by weight). Then it needs to brew and adding honey during the occurrence of a strong need to drink alcohol. Throughout the day, it is necessary to drink 5-7 cups of this tea.

Ivan tea benefit when combating smoking

It is no secret that a person refusing cigarettes becomes very irritable and often suffers from insomnia. In the fight against these symptoms will help the infusion of Ivan-Tea, to prepare which is not at all difficult.

Enough to take on the dessert spoon of Ivan tea and peppermint. The resulting mixture is pouring half liters of boiling water and insist within 15 minutes in a water bath. Then cool, strain and take half a glass five times a day.

The use of such tea will significantly speed up the withdrawal of toxins, it will help to normalize sleep and will calmly act on the nervous system. To remove all negative phenomena, enough for 2-3 weeks to drink such gulls.

Ivan-Tea harm does not bring and in the treatment of bronchitis

Welding Ivan-Tea should be mixed with shredded to the state of powder with crusts of the mandarin (5: 1). After that, brew and drink, as ordinary tea, which for greater effect you can add a little honey. The use of such tea will have an antiviral and antimicrobial effect, including it can also be used to prevent different types of colds.

Ivan tea with prostatitis and adenome

In the treatment of these diseases, Ivan-tea helps itself, but the action of the beverage can be significantly strengthened if you add dried leaf leaves (forest walnut) in a ratio of 1: 3. Such tea should be drunk without adding sugar or honey. But adding a small chop sea salt Welcome.

Ivan tea for the treatment of spine and joints

To prepare this miraculous tea, it is necessary to collect 300 yellow leaflets of ostolist maple. Then these leaves need to be chopped in a meat grinder or hands and add polonium-tea polonium to them. A tablespoon of the resulting mixture to pour half liters of water and insist in the thermos all night. After that, drink 150 grams 15 minutes before meals, 3 times a day. The course of treatment lasts for one month. All such courses need to go through three, the break between them should be ten days. As a result, it comes to get rid of pain in the joints of various origin.

Ivan tea to restore vision

To Ivan-tea, you need to add a dry and crushed grass of medicinal orders in a 1: 2 ratio. Brewing such tea is best in the floor of a liter thermos (daily norm). And throughout the day, drink 150 grams, preferably an hour after meals, you can add a teaspoon of honey for a larger effect. The harm of Ivan-Tea practically does not bring.

Team today will not surprise anyone. There are many varieties of this popular drink. Someone prefers to drink Ceylon, and someone is English. However, few people have heard about Kuril or Russian tea. Leaves of this plant, better known as Ivan tea, has long been used in Russia.

The benefits of the leaves of Cypria (Ivan-Tea) of a narrow

A two-meter plant with bright purple flowers, resembling weed, in fact - Cyprus narrow-walled or Ivan tea. It is appreciated as a medicinal plant. All parts of Ivan tea are used by. It is important to remember that the plant itself, it is necessary to dry out the leaves or Ivan tea leaves correctly, as this will allow it to preserve it. As part of Ivan-Tea, we find the components below:

  • Magnesium, iron, copper, potassium and sodium. Cyprus narrow-cut contains up to 70 microelements!
  • So necessary cells of our body amino acids.
  • Slowing process of our fiction bioflavonoids.
  • Vitamin C. By its content, Ivan-tea is ahead of the lemons six times!
  • B. Vitamins B., so necessary person to replenish its energy.
  • Chlorophyll. Improve the metabolism and will help heal wounds.
  • Such a connection like haberol. Thanks to him, the plant is used for combating tumors.

Usually for cooking healing Drink You need . In what cases will the plant help you? There are several of them:

  • prevention of neoplasms;
  • ulcers in the gastrointestinal tract;
  • weakened immunity;
  • intoxication;
  • heat;
  • loose hair roots;
  • headache.

The list can be continued, because Cyprus is also known for its wonderful effect on our endocrine, blood and nervous system. And what is also important - he has wonderful taste.

Beverage Flower Beverage Plant

If you are going to use the flowers of the plant, then you should know that they are recommended to collect as early as possible before the seed appearance. The blank process of plants of the plant is much more complicated than leaves. It is important to cut them carefully, lay out a smooth layer on the canvas, twist and squeeze juice. After that, you need to leave such a bundle for ten o'clock at a temperature of about twenty-five degrees in a dry place. Dried flowers are determined for a few minutes. It is important that the petals are not burned. Ivan-tea flowers retain all the healing properties of the plant, have a binding, enveloping, camp and antibacterial effect.

A drink from colors will be with a fragrant odor. This is what distinguishes him from tea, brewing from the leaves of the plant.

You can prepare Ivan tea yourself. What to collect, flowers or leaves - you decide. Improve your body with this miracle plant.

Do you know that not only flowers and leaves from our favorite plant are very helpful!? Also has many useful properties and is used in medicinal prevention.