The benefits and harm to Kopor's tea. Therapeutic properties and contraindications of Ivan tea (Cyprus)

What is copory tea? Not many knows the answer to this question. Ivan-tea has been widely used in the practice of folk healers. Thanks to the leaves and colors of the plants, you can improve digestion, increase immunity, reduce pressure indicators and regain the cheerful mood. In the scientific medium, Ivan-Tea is called Cyremus narrow, and the drink from its fermented raw materials is the famous Cavory tea. Contraindications, useful properties, methods of blanks and cooking - all this in our article.

Healing flower grows quite nearby

From the end of spring throughout Russia, the shoots are beginning to appear Cyprus. The plant has a high stem, covered with narrow leaves, and on top there is a fluffy inflorescence of purple colors. The grass chose the deforestation of the forest, glades, fires, as well as curbs at the roads. It is from the Ivan-tea in Russia who still turned out raw materials to prepare an incredibly tasty and healthy drink. Traditions are returned, and phytotherapy suggests the preparation of such an inexpensive, but effective Kopor's tea.

History of origin

Alexander Nevsky back in the XII century took the impregnable fortress of the Tutons, and at the site of the battle, and the small village of Kopornie arose. Local residents notifold bushyts in a narrow and brought up the art of the workpiece and cooking beverage to perfection. From all the surroundings, merchants came here to buy valuable tea, called the name from the locality. Then already fragrant drink Obricted by other names: Russian and treated guests still at the time of the founding of Moscow, which is mentioned in the ancient Russian chronicles. The United Kingdom bought Russian tea with thousands of tons, although he had already had impressive tea plantations in South Asia. But he suffered that in Kopor's tea, unscrupulous merchants add clay, so the demand fell on it, and Coporye went into oblivion.

The composition of Ivan-Tea

In Cyprus, almost 70 microelements gathered a narrow-part, among them the maximum amount of manganese, iron, copper, slightly less - calcium, titanium, potassium, boron, molybdenum, boron and nickel.

Also in line healing Plants There are many useful connections:

  • tubils have a bloodstand and anti-inflammatory effect;
  • alkaloids stabilize the condition of the blood and nervous system, act by the type of anesthetic agent and participate in the metabolism;
  • flavonoids are known for the urine and choleretic property;
  • pectin displays malicious substances out;
  • chlorophyll localizes malignant cells, stimulates rapid wound healing;
  • vitamin A takes part in the growth of epithelial cells;
  • vitamins of groups are important to activate biochemical reactions, regulate the normalization of the nervous system;
  • cyretes contains a huge amount of vitamin C, but it is mostly destroyed when brewing leaves boiling water.

Useful properties of copory tea

If you regularly use the drink from the Cyprus of the narrow-walled, one can forever get rid of headaches, migraine, normalize sleep. Tea will be salvation for tired people, it will be good and give strength. It is worth noting that there is no caffeine in the plant, so the useful components of Ivan-tea acts carefully and gently. Cophorish tea is recommended in the following cases:

  1. In the period of rampant virus infections. Ivan-tea strengthens the walls of the vessels, prevents influenza and ARVI disease. At elevated body temperature, not only take the drink inside, but also make compresses from it to the forehead to lead the temperature to normal indicators. Hot tea drinks for wet wet with dry cough.
  2. A robust cavity in stomatite is riveted with a strong solution of tea, with bleeding gums and diseases oral cavity. Thanks to the tannin, damaged gum tissue is faster regenerated. When ringed, the pathogenic bacteria was washed away, therefore the antibacterial effect is immediately noticeable.
  3. It is useful to drink healing tea during lactation. It contributes to the production of milk, strengthening the ducts, saturates milk with all the useful components. Cavory tea manifests itself as folk remedy From dysbiosis. The kid receives all healing substances with milk, so it decreases gas formation and colic.
  4. With anxiously depressive state, it facilitates the condition of patients, leads to normal the nervous system after stress, improves indicators in the treatment of mental disorders, facilitates life in epileptic diseases.
  5. Use for the treatment of inflammation of the respiratory and urogenital system, due to unsurpassed anti-inflammatory properties.
  6. Tea helps to recover during the anemia, because in its composition there is a large number of minerals and trace elements.

To quickly fall asleep sufficiently drink a glass herbal tea and combine it with a relaxing massage of the temporal area. So, fatigue and irritation quickly removes, and sleep will bring relaxation and peace. The recipe for the harvesting of Koporsky tea will be behaved to the reader further.

Time to harvest raw materials

The collection time begins in July and continues until September. The leaves are collected very carefully, it is advisable to choose and not to fit all the plants in a row. After flowering, it makes no sense to harvest Cyprus, it becomes unsuitable for processing. Start the collection since the morning sunny day, so that the material remains dry. There are several ways to collect:

  • Together with leaves and flowers, break the upper part of the plants (this method is chosen when they will not do fermentation).
  • Out green leaves, but do not touch inflorescences (for subsequent fermentation). With this method, plants are separated by selectively, therefore stalks remain with flowers on which the seeds are visiting.
  • In the first half of May, the tops of the stems are cut, with such a collection of tea is the most vitamin.

Attention! For fermentation, only leaves are collected, the flowers are collected and dried separately, adding to the finished tea for fragrance.

Secrets of cooking at home

Preparation of Kopor's tea at home - the process is not complicated at all. The most important thing in the billet of healing raw materials is to correctly produce fermentation, during such a process there is a transformation of insoluble substances in a soluble form, which makes it easy to learn all the natural gifts of Cyprus. These substances give tea unique taste, but it is necessary to act in stages to get the most useful drink from raw materials.

Building - the initial stage

To remove the liquid from the leaves, they produce them. Inspectly throw damaged leaves. It is not necessary to wash in order not to wash the substances involved in fermentation. The thin layer of five centimeters lay the raw material on the linen canvas in the room, not forgetting to regularly steer the leaves. The sun rays should not penetrate the leaves so as not to overheat them. Also can not be knocked out on the street, it will turn out a completely different result, and tea will be poor quality. Middle binding takes about 12 hours. The readiness of the leaves is checked by squeezing them in half, if they are still crunchy, then not ready for further recycling. If you take raw materials in a lump, it should not crumble.

If there is no time to engage in leaves, you can easily facilitate the process. Take an old tight sheet and the ball of the leaves distribute on it, then tightly twist so that the fabric absorb excess moisture.

Preparing raw materials for fermentation

Now it is necessary to destroy the structure of the leaves to the juice allocate. If it appears too little, then the fermentation will be bad, and tea will show not the best characteristics. You can choose the most suitable way of preparation:

  • Manually twist raw materials. Take several leaves and pump out in the palms, until the leaves begin to darken from the seeding juice. Should turn out to be sausages, thick up to 1 cm and about 10 cm long. After sausages are cut to subsequently turn into fine-grained tea.
  • Squeeze leaves. For 20 minutes, the leaves smear in a deep bowl as if the dough. So the structure of the leaves is destroyed, as a result of which the raw material for large-grade tea.
  • Recording the leaves with the help of meat grinders, so produce granulated tea.

Fermentation of leaves

Before starting the preparation of Corrupt tea at home, it is necessary to enforce leaves. The prepared raw materials are laid by a layer of 10 cm into a plastic or ceramic container, covered with a damp linen cloth and assign to fermentation into a dark place. Do not exceed the temperature indicators of 22-26 degrees of heat. Mass begins to heat up, which is enough to begin the fermentation process. If the room is cool, it is better to cover the tank with the plaids. At the end of the process, the mass will change the color from green to the brown and acquire a fruit-floral flavor. The process lasts from 6 to 36 hours, depending on the preferences in tea, because one like a drink with light floral aroma (3-6 hours), and others love tart tea with almost odorless (20-36 hours).

Drying after fermentation

Flature with parchment paper and lay the finished mass of 1 centimeter. Open the oven door and dried at a temperature of 100 degrees about two hours, then the heat reduce and finally dried. And how to brew copor's tea? Take it on this and talk further.

How to drink tea

How to drink copory tea?Recommended twice a day, but you can and when it swings. Do not throw a welding, if only tea has been drinking, it is still useful. From one portion you can still get five servings aromatic Tea. Just need to add brewing boiling water. In each of the portions, healing properties are saved. Tea delicious even cooled, and sugar is better not to add to it, but to feel the taste of nature itself. For sweets, you can add tea dried fruits, honey or halva.

The easiest way to prepare a copory tea: 0.5 liters of boiling water is enough to take 2 teaspoons of Cyprus. At first, the kettle is poured on a third, waiting for a few minutes and fill with boiling water. To enhance the taste of Kopor's tea, you can add several dried mint leaves, strawberries or black currant. The kettle does not necessarily cover, and after 10 minutes you can already try real Corrupt tea.

But besides all the most listed useful properties, copory tea contraindications also has. True, they are not so much, but they need to take into account.

Cophorish Tea: Contraindications

If you drink a drink is constantly for a month, then interruptions may occur with the work of the gastrointestinal tract. Copory tea contraindications has with blood coagulation problems (thrombophlebitis or varicose disease). With caution, they offer to give a drink to kids up to 2 years, but such a statement has no reason, on the contrary, if you take it dosed, it will only be benefit.

Joy taste

When you can try the first portion of Kopor's tea, do not try to complete his taste with other well-known teas. The drink is not equal, it does not look like anything, has its own magic aroma and a gamma of unique consonance. It's time to deliver a real pleasure and at the same time to strengthen health with a cup of copor's tea!

Copory tea is made from a medicinal plant Cyprus a narrow-walled, nicknamed Ivan-tea, with compliance with special technologies. This is not just dried raw materials. Before carrying out drying, the leaves are necessarily fermented (create conditions for natural fermentation within 24-48 hours). Moreover, the temperature at which fermentation is carried out, and its duration affects the taste, aroma and color of the future product. Tea can be made not only black, but also yellow, greens.

As you know from the history, Alexander Nevsky in the 12th century managed to repel the fortress from the Teutonic knights and destroy it. Soon at this place, Kopornie appeared (near the Finnish Bay, now the Leningrad region). In those places grew a lot of cyprus - whole thickets. Residents of this village took up the collection, the drying of raw materials and the preparation of Russian tea. Europe really liked such tea, especially English aristocrats. Russia's revenues from the export of this tea exceeded the profit from the sale of gold, fur and hemp. But at the beginning of the seventeenth century to Europe began to bring chinese teaand then indian. In the twentieth century, the import into Europe of Russian tea has declined very much, since rumors were spread that manufacturers add white clay to it. So dishonest way they tried to dwell from the market of a serious competitor. Yes, and Asian teas at this time were very cheaper. But this tea now can now buy it, and you can cook it yourself is not difficult.

The taste of tea is pleasant, slightly taped. Fragrance flower-herbal, very fragrant. In Ivan-tea, contains: bioflavonids, tannins, pectic substances, mucus, vegetable fibers, proteins, vitamins, trace elements (copper, boron, iron, calcium, nickel, molybdenum, magnesium, manganese). It does not contain caffeine, oxalous, blade and purine acids. Getting used to this drink does not occur. The composition is unique - therefore, a lot of healing properties have been identified at the Kopor's tea.

The benefits of copory tea.

There is a long-standing belief that Ivan-tea is not only cleansing the body, but the mind clarifies the spirit strengthens.

Therapists have noticed that with regular use of Corks, the resistance of the human body is increased to various bacterial and viral infections affecting the respiratory tract. It is normalized by the work of the kidneys, liver, blood cleared.

Dentists concluded that this tea is able to prevent, relieve inflammation in the oral cavity. Men Ivan tea will strengthen. There is evidence that Cyrete narrow-cut increases fertility. It is impossible not to mention a few more useful qualities of Kopor's Tea:

  • strengthens the vessels;
  • normalizes blood pressure, eliminates;
  • good adsorbent - frees from toxins and slags;
  • scares ulcers in the digestive tract (stomach and 12-risen);
  • improves the work of digestive organs and kidneys;
  • soothes, adopted in the evening contributes;
  • it is observing blood, which contributes to the restoration of forces after the protracted diseases, during exhaustion;
  • prevents benign and malignant education.

We collect raw materials for Corps

Many know these plants, they cannot be noticed. High, static, strong stems with elongated, lanceal leaves, ending with pink-red or purple mellowes.

Going behind the leaves and flowers of Ivan tea is needed to forest hillocks and edges during the period of its flowering (usually June-July). It is necessary to do it in the morning hours when dew droplets are dry. If you stand hot days, then pick up until the evening, otherwise the gentle leaves in the basket "burnt". The workpiece of raw materials are carried out away from roads, plants should be without dust and contamination. Pay attention to the leaves, especially on the underside, there were no insects and their eggs. You understand that these bugs can worsen the taste of tea. Fragrant, beautiful flowers will also be useful. They simply cut and tie in bundles.

Ferment and sushim

It is known at least six methods (methods) of fermentation. MirSovetov will tell about the most simple. Pour our raw materials from the basket, lay it out for a ringer in a shady spot on a tablecloth or linen canvas. Carefully knead the leaves with clean hands, ride them in the palms, as if we form long "sausages". Then they are tightly stuffed by a three-liter jar. Cover it with a wet cloth. We leave for room temperature In a dark cabinet for 36 hours. The sprinkled mass obtained in this way is removed from the can and disappear. The smell must be no longer herbal, but fruit-floral. Grinding leaves should be dried at a temperature of 95-100 degrees. It is better to do this in an electric dryer or oven, settling a thin layer on the nozzles covered with parchment paper. And before everything was done in Russian furnaces. If there is a desire, then form a flat tile (round or as a sheet of the battle). During the drying it is necessary to look into the oven, mix the raw materials (or turn the tile). The color should be light brown or almost black. On the drying can go about two hours. Bundles with flowers can be simply suspended to dry in the shade. Or grind and thin layer decompose on fabric or paper (not newspaper). And you can use the oven, but the temperature is to set no more than 50 degrees.

It is necessary to store such tea in glass or plastic jars, tightly closed. And tiled tea must be wrapped tightly into paper sheets. Suitable place for your stocks - dark cabinet. A month later, Cophorish tea can be brewed, with time the aroma and taste of good tea Just improve. It can also add fragrant flowers.

How to cook tea?

If tea is brewing incorrectly, it worsens his taste, useful properties, does not allow to enjoy the delightful aroma.

Take a clean kettle (glass or porcelain) and rinse it with boiling water. Water is best used spring or talu. High-quality welding smell is pleasant, resembles a pear-fruit compote. If brewing publishes some sort of smell, then the delicious tea will not work. On liter boiling water welding need about 2 tablespoons. If you want to cook only one cup of drink, then take 2 tea spoons of welding. Insolening continues at least 20 minutes. The color is gradually obtained saturated and bright. Pour tea in beautiful cups, do not dilute boiling water. It is advisable to drink tea without additives or with honey, jam, kuragoy ,. This brew can be pouring boiling water again, but not a liter, but 0.7 liters. Such tasty tea Be sure to restore the strength after a long working day. As natural additives-flavors, when brewing, leaves, lessels, flowers, fruits, strawberries, and grass of vibrant can be added.

The connoisseurs of Kopor's tea assure that if it is cooked correctly, then the resulting drink is superior to any varieties of tea. Yes, and the health benefits are huge!

Cavory tea, the benefits and harm of which are well known since ancient times, does not lose popularity to this day. In the people, it is also called cypipem, wicker, Ivan-tea, etc. This is a perennial height of up to 150 cm with thick creeping rhizome and collected in the brushes with flowers of pink, red, purple, pale pink or white.

Vintage Russian manuscripts of the twelfth century keep the memoirs about this tea. According to the legend, Alexander Nevsky, after the defeat of the German Crusaders in the Koporovsk fortress, tried a drink brought to him by the monks of a local monastery. After that, the prince fell asleep firmly and woke up with vigorous and full strength. At his testament, local residents began to make tea production.

The benefits of Kopor's Tea

According to medical research, Ivan-tea has an anti-inflammatory effect, it acts enveloping on the gastrointestinal tract, therefore it is useful for gastritis, colitis, stomach ulcers. Cavory tea has a pronounced sedative effect, has antitumor, wound-healing, antipyretic properties, increases immunity, normalizes pressure and sleep. Folk medicine uses this tea in the treatment of inflammatory and infectious diseases, diseases of the genitourinary system, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, skin diseases (eczema, dermatitis, purulent wounds), as well as a sedative.

Cavia tea is effective and in the treatment of melted invasions, diseases of the circulatory system and tumors. There is also a positive effect of Kopor's tea on potency. This plant helps with headaches and migraines.

Since this tea does not contain caffeine and oxalic acid, its use does not violate the organism exchange processes. Thanks to the content of essential oils, the beneficial properties of tea are able to persist up to three days.

For weight loss

Getting rid of nicotine and alcohol dependence

In the treatment of bronchitis

Coporian tea (Ivan-Tea) helps in the treatment of bronchitis. To do this, the maudarine crush powder is added to the welding (5: 1). Then brew and drink like simple tea. The drink has antiviral and antimicrobial properties, is also useful for preventing colds.
And although the benefits of copory tea are indisputable, but, like any drugHe has his own contraindications.


Collect raw



Cylet tea - benefit and harm

Creece Plant in folk medicine is known as Ivan-tea, which initially characterizes it as one of the most popular medical drinks In Russia since the XII century. From Ivan tea produces two types of tea brews - for Cylet and Kopor's tea. The difference between these beverages is in different processing of raw materials. In the first case it is dried, and in the second - fermented.

Cylet tea has undoubted favorBut may harm the body. As a raw material for brewing tea, as a rule, use the tops of the plant, assembled during flowering. Thus, not only the upper young leaves fall into the welding, but also says that increases the benefits of Cyprus tea.

Create tea benefit and harm

Cylet tea is a real pantry withdient substances, healing components, vitamins and minerals. Due to the high content and concentration of the most valuable elements, Cyretes tea has a number of properties capable of cleaning, well and rejuvenate our body.

Tea from leaves and inflorescences of Cyprus has a wide range of healing effects on most organs and human functional systems.

What is the use of Creece tea for health?

  1. Freshly welded Cylet tea contributes to the normalization of metabolic processes, stimulates and cleans the digestive system, improving the efficiency of nutrients. It is recommended for people with endocrine disorders and overweight to restore healthy metabolism.
  2. Enhances the immunity and the ability of the body to resist viral and bacterial infections, due to which is an excellent preventive and well-fastener.
  3. It has a light laxative, choleretic and diuretic effect, which stimulates the purification of the body from toxins, slags, contributes to the elimination of edema and stagnant processes. Thanks to the removal of slags and extra fluid, reduces the risk of rock formation in the kidneys and the bustling bubble, improves the liver operation and cleans the urinary system.
  4. Enveloping effects due to the high mucus content allows you to protect and restore the mucous membranes of the gastrointestinal tract, improve the intestinal peristalsis, to remove the inflammatory processes of the digestive organs.
  5. The high content of vitamins C and A, as well as natural phenols, provides Ivan-tea with excellent antioxidant properties, which in turn extends the life cycle of cells, and accordingly youth.
  6. Anticonvulsant and soothing effects of tea from Cyprus allows it to use it as a light soothing, antidepressive and sleeping remedy.

And this is only a brief list of the beneficial properties of Cytela tea, which provide this drink a healing force and growing popularity.

The composition of Cytene tea is replete with rare and valuable elements, they include:

Contraindications to the use of tea from Cyprus are individual intolerance to this type of plants or elements contained in the drink. With excessively frequent use of Cylet tea or in very large quantities, a bowel disorder (diarrhea) may be observed, which is easily eliminated when restrictions.

Ivan tea: benefit and harm. What is useful fermented Ivan tea?

What is useful to Ivan tea?

Fermented Ivan Tea: benefit and harm

We already found out that the Ivan-Tea plant has healing properties. And how exactly does it affect our body? So, tea from Ivan tea is effective when dealing with many illnesses and has a beneficial effect on our health:

  • normalizes blood pressure;
  • strengthens the vascular walls;
  • contributes to the removal of slags, toxins, radionuclides, as well as heavy metals from the body;
  • significantly reduces the degree of intoxication in diseases of the oncological nature (many are confident that Ivan-tea is effectively fighting with cancer cells);
  • helps with headaches, as well as migraines;
  • saves from insomnia;
  • it has a soothing effect, therefore used in various nervous diseases;
  • facilitates the symptoms accompanying epilepsy;
  • contributes to the healing of peptic formations in the stomach and duodenum;
  • ivan tea tea is effective in diarrhea;
  • promotes gum healing and helps for caries;
  • cleans the liver;
  • helps in the case of alcoholic intoxication of the body, relieves hangover syndromes;
  • shown for use in bronchial asthma, respiratory diseases, such as bronchitis, lung inflammation;
  • strengthens the body's immune system;
  • helps cope with high body temperature.

Ivan-tea is especially useful for representatives of a strong half of humanity, since it improves potency and activates spermatozoa, thereby increasing the childbearing function. Ivan-tea is also able to cope with male diseases, such as adenoma and prostatitis.

Women Ivan-Tea helps in the fight against infertility and inflammation of the reproductive system. By the way, it is absolutely harmless during pregnancy and lactation. Many women use Ivan tea in cosmetology purposes, as it contributes to the rejuvenation of the skin, strengthens the hair and nail plates.

Despite all the beneficial properties of Ivan tea, you must remember that treatment of diseases only by methods folk Medicine unacceptable. Before applying any means, it is necessary to consult with the doctor. Remember that only comprehensive treatment leads to a speedy recovery.

What is the harm of Ivan-Tea?

How to brew Ivan tea so that he benefits, and not harm?

To tea from Ivan tea was really useful, it needs to be properly brewed. By the way, more benefit It brings no dry grass, but fermented Ivan tea.


Ivan Tea: Useful and Medical Properties of Russian Tea

Useful from the root to the top

The name speaks for itself

Until the end of the XIX century, the United Kingdom itself was one of the main buyers of our Ivan tea. The most of all in its production was then succeeded by residents of Rzhevsky County, as well as the village of Kopornie, which is 100 km from Peter. This locality and gave another name of the drink - Kopor's tea. The recipe for its manufacture, which was not patented, about this:

  • collected young leaves of Ivan-Tea, dried them;
  • fell asleep in public and walked boiling water;
  • shifted in the trough, pumped to the appearance of juice;
  • kept from 12 to 24 hours;
  • laid out on the bass and finally dried in a Russian stove;
  • cool, the miles again and were packaged in linen bags.

As a result, Russian fermented tea was obtained, an extraordinarily useful and very tasty. It was a worthy competition to his overseas fellow.

To estimate the full taste of any drink, you need to be able to cook it. And what can I say about Ivan Tea, how to brew it? This very important process consists of the following steps:

  1. The kettle must be rinsed with boiling water. Fall asleep in it 2-3 teaspoons of welding, add 0.5 liters of boiling water. Some experts recommend cooling it to 80 degrees. It is better to use purified or spring water.
  2. You should first pour a teapot by a third, wait about 5 minutes, then add the rest of the water. Wock the kettle is not worth it.
  3. To withstand a drink for another 10 minutes, after which you can proceed to a tea feast.
  4. Welding can be boiled 4-5 times, due to which the taste of Ivan tea will open more and more.
  5. Drinking copory tea is better without sugar. Request dried fruits, halva and honey.
  6. This drink can be calm 2-3 days, and the beneficial properties remain unchanged. It can be used in chilled.

In all respects, Ivan Tea, contraindications for its use are individual intolerance, as well as excess fanaticism (should not be too carried away, everything is good in moderation).

A lawsuit may arise: so for what reason in Russia suddenly the production of such a useful and popular drink was stopped, the cost of which was quite low? The answer to pain is familiar: unfair competition and betrayal of national interests in the name of their own benefit.

The fact is that at the turn of the XIX and XX centuries, the British dawned that Russian tea displaces the goods supplied by their East India Company from this segment. Then they arranged the very real injury of our Ivan tea, spreading rumors that this product is rubbing white clay, which, allegedly very harmful to health. This slander has occurred: the purchase of Russian tea has fallen sharply.

Moreover, and in the domestic market, a copor's drink hit the back with a knife. Under the pressure of the then tea oligarchs supplying on russian market Imported tea, at the beginning of the 20th century, changes were made to the "industrial legislation": "It is forbidden to sell poorly baked bread, meat of unhealthy cattle and livestock, the copies of both Kopor's teas."

So the Russian tea has become a prohibited drink in his own country.

However, recently there has been a steady increase in interest in this drink. First of all because it is already well studied by his chemical composition And appreciated the advantage of healing properties. Moreover, tea from Cypsum does not contain caffeine, about the very harmful effect on the human body of which many scientists are taking the alarm.

A number of Russian companies began to master the production of Kopor's tea in industrial volumes, because it grows, it is literally under his feet, care does not require, processing technology, including fermentation, completely simple. It remains only to remind Russian about their national drink - Ivan-Tea, because its useful properties are truly great. And perhaps a few years later, instead of Puer or Milk Oolung, you will gather for a cup of copory tea ...

Ivan-Tea (Cyprus is a narrowish) - a plant that serves as a source of raw materials for the production of traditional Slavic teas, infusions and drugs. Fermented Copory tea is one of the types of beverages that are made from Cyprus. This plant is widely distributed throughout Russia and for a long time is used in folk medicine to maintain the health and treatment of a number of diseases.

Copdish tea, like any type of drink, has its own benefit. To produce this tea, the upper shoots are harvested in Cyprusia with inflorescences, it is best to carry out the workpiece of raw materials at the very beginning of the plant flowering.

Features of the production of copory tea

Unlike Cylet tea, which is also prepared from Ivan tea, harvested parts of the plant are not dried, but fermented (verses). With such a processing, the beneficial properties of Kopor's tea are preserved.

Fermentation of teas is a process that consists of several stages. The first stage is the kneading leaves, which launches the fermentation reactions due to the flow of juice. Cypria contains components (enzymes, bioactive substances, milk-acid bacteria, sugar) that run the fermentation process.

In subsequent treatment, the raw materials are kept under the oppression during the day, they are roaring and dried at room temperature. In preparation, contact with metal objects is avoided to reduce oxidative reactions.

Composition and properties of copory tea

Fermented tea from Cyprus has a peculiar bright aroma, when brewing gives a saturated color and a pleasant little tart taste. Along with high taste qualities, copory tea is huge for our body. Healing properties This beverage is due to its unique biochemical composition:

  • in young wares, Ivan tea contains up to 20% of tannins (tannins), which have a pronounced antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effect, and also have the ability to remove toxic substances and heavy metals from the body;
  • mucus, which is contained in koporovsky tea, has the property to curl the walls of the gastrointestinal tract, thereby removes inflammation, pain and spasms;
  • ivan food fiber facilitates the intestinal operation, contribute to its cleansing;
  • bioflavonoids of leaves and inflorescences Cypria reduce oxidative processes in the body, strengthen the walls of vessels, prevent premature aging cells;
  • pectins normalize metabolism, reduce cholesterol levels, remove toxins and improve blood circulation;
  • the vitamin composition contains a high level of vitamin C (4-6 times higher than in lemon), as well as vitamins B (B1, B2, B3, B6, B9), which allows you to replenish the balance of vitamins in the body especially in winter and spring period;
  • minerals of Kopor's Tea are a whole storehouse of the most important macro and trace elements, it contains iron, nickel, manganese, titanium, copper, phosphorus, molybdenum, boron, potassium, calcium, magnesium.

Cavory tea has a powerful healing effect on almost all systems and organs of our body. It is especially useful to people with the problems of digestion, metabolic disorders, helps to clean the body after poisoning and intoxication, is beneficial on the nervous and cardiovascular system, reduces apathy, neurosis, increases vitality.

Contraindications of Kopor's Tea

Harvesting of Kopor's tea can manifest itself only in cases of individual intolerance, as well as with unlimited use. Excessive use of Ivan tea can cause a disorder of the intestinal work, which passes while reducing the number of discovered cups of this drink.

Ivan tea (Cyprus narrow-walled) - useful properties, composition, application in medicine. Recipe Kopor's Tea

Thank you

What is Ivan Tea?

Blooming Sally It is a genus of perennial plants of the Cylet family. It grows throughout the territory of moderate climatic belt. Ivan-tea broad-sized growth in the arctic, subarctic belt, and parts of a moderate climatic belt.

Prefers sandy soils, sulate enough. It is found along the forests, in the thickets of shrubs, on cutting down and even scorched lands.

Most often, entitled "Ivan-Tea" implies Ivan-tea narrow-walled, or a narrow-car Cyprus.

Ivan-tea narrow-leaved (kypria narrow)

Plant Description

Ivan-tea is narrow-leaved - a long-term grass, reaching a height of 0.5 - 1.5 (up to 2) m.

It has a thick creeping rhizome. On the roots, many kidneys are formed, through which the plant breeds vegetatively.

Stem - straight, round on a cut, thick-covered with leaves.

Leaves - sieves, seating, simple, linear-lanceal, pointed, sometimes almost round, from 4 to 12 cm long and 7 - 20 mm wide. On the front side, dark green leaves, shiny, with reverse - dark green, reddish or light pink. On the edges of the leaves of iron-gear or solid.

Flowers are large, wide open, dark red or pink, sometimes white, with a double perianth. Flowers have four petals, up to 3 cm in width. Flowers form co-shaped inflorescences located in the upper part of the plant in the form of a conical brush with a length of 15-50 cm. Each flower forms both men's and female reproductive cells of the plant. The necrotic ring develops around the pestle.

Flowers Ivan-tea narrow-colored around the middle of July to mid-August.

The fruit is an oblong box, the run is curved, covered with hairs. In the box formed up to 20 thousand seeds. For Ivan-tea narrow, unlike other types of Ivan tea, is characterized by the presence on the seeds of the so-called. Khokholka (fluff), through which the seeds are capable of moving through the wind to huge distances.

Full color - three-position, rounded. In width reach 4.8 - 8.4 μm. Pollen from Ivan tea is yellow-green.

Collection and drying

In traditional medicine, the use of leaves, flowers and rhizome of Ivan tea are used. Less often use unacceptable shoots. Raw materials are harvested during flowering.

Flowers are recommended to collect when they are just beginning to bloom until they were covered with the flock from seeds. The leaves are placed on the fabric or paper with a thin layer, and dried under a canopy, beyond the reach of direct sunlight.

Parts of Ivan-Tea, prepared in this way, are used to prepare bravery, infusions, tinctures and other drugs, as well as for cooking culinary dishes. The traditional drink from Ivan tea, in turn, requires the leaves to be subjected to the fermentation process on special rules.

The composition of Ivan-Tea

The composition of young leaves and roots of Cyprus a narrow-riveted from 10 to 20% of Tanina. The leaves contain about 15% mucus. Also, the leaves of the plant are rich in vegetable fiber, which normalizes the work of the intestine, but it does not split in it.

Tanins (tannins)

When orally use, the tannins have a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect on the gastrointestinal tract, therefore, products containing tanning substances are recommended for use in these diseases. Also, tannins show antibacterial and hemostatic properties, help eliminate or prevent unpleasant symptoms in the bite of bees. But the most useful property Tanins - this is the ability to bind and remove toxic metals from the body in poisoning them.

In Ivan-tea, in addition to mucus and tanning substances, the following components were found:

  • Carbohydrates;
  • Organic acids;
  • Phenolic compounds;
  • Pectin;
  • Bioflavonoids;
  • Traces of alkaloids;
  • Micro-, and macroelements.

Carbohydrates (saccharides)

Functions of carbohydrates in the body:
  • The energy function - the body receives about 56% of energy only by burning carbohydrates;
  • The plastic function - saccharides serve as a "construction" component of nucleic acids, nucleotides, cell walls, various enzymes, complex proteins;
  • Flooring function - Glycogen carbohydrate is able to accumulate in the liver and muscles for subsequent consumption by the body.
  • The fiber cleans the intestines and improves its function.


Pottin action:
  • Removes toxins and poisoning substances from the body (heavy metals, pesticides, etc.);
  • Normalizes metabolic processes;
  • Reduces the level of "bad" cholesterol in the body;
  • Normalizes peripheral blood circulation;
  • Improves intestinal peristaltics.


Bioflavonoid action:
  • Reduce the brittleness of blood vessels;
  • Regulate the permeability of the vascular wall;
  • Prevent the development of atherosclerosis;
  • Antioxidative effects: prevent premature aging, reduce the risk of developing cancers;
  • Protect cells from destruction in excessive secretion of histamine.


Ivan leaves are rich in iron, copper and manganese. They also contain zinc, titanium, molybdenum, boron, etc.


  • It is necessary for the production of hemoglobin;
  • Provides the process of cellular respiration;
  • It is necessary for the growth process;
  • Is a component of many enzymes providing digestion and energy metabolism;
  • Participates in the synthesis of immune cells;
  • Participates in generation and transfer of nerve impulses.
  • Ensures maintenance of the normal composition of blood, prevents anemia;
  • Plays an important role in assimilating iron by the body, as well as in the synthesis of hemoglobin protein;
  • Normalizes the function of the liver, spleen and lymphatic system;
  • Helps to cope with obesity;
  • Reduces the risk of developing hypertension, radiculitis, as well as oncological diseases.
  • Plays an important role in the process of growth and development;
  • Ensures the normal structure of bone tissue;
  • Participates in the synthesis of thyroxine - the main thyroid hormone;
  • Provides normal digestion;
  • Improves memory and muscle reflexes, reduces irritability;
  • Normalizes blood glucose levels;
  • We are necessary for the synthesis of interferon in the body.


In the leaves, such macroelements such as magnesium, calcium, sodium, potassium, phosphorus, etc. were found in the leaves of Cyprus.


  • Is one of the most important elements of metabolism;
  • Is an essential building element of bones, teeth and nails;
  • Ensures the normal functioning of muscle tissue and nervous system;
  • Supports normal heart rhythm;
  • Prevents the development of hypertension;
  • Provides blood intake.
  • Provides blood intake;
  • We are necessary for normal operation of the prostate gland, gallbladder and intestines;
  • Participates in the synthesis of estrogen;
  • Normalizes the contractile function of the muscles, including myocardials (recommended during arrhythmias);
  • Plays an important role in the assimilation of ascorbic acid, potassium, calcium, sodium and phosphorus;
  • Reduces the negative effect of stress and depression;
  • Activates a number of enzymes providing carbohydrate and energy metabolism.


  • It is a necessary element for the normal operation of all organs, incl. hearts;
  • Regulates water-salt exchange in the body;
  • Prevents the development of edema;
  • normalizes blood pressure;
  • prevents atherosclerotic plaques in vessels;
  • eliminates peripheral vessels;
  • Having contributed to the saturation of the brain with oxygen, increases physical and mental performance.
  • Promotes the normal growth and rehabilitation of the body;
  • Stabilizes energy metabolism;
  • Helps to learn pain in the arthritis of the joints;
  • Strengthens his teeth;
  • Improves metabolism;
  • Regulates acid-base equilibrium;
  • Participates in the process of transmission of nerve impulses;
  • Improves the absorption of dextrose.


The leaves are knightly rich in ascorbic acid (vitamin content of about 4 times more than in lemon). The plant also contains a number of other vitamins, such as A, B 1, B 2, B 3, B 6, B 9.

Ascorbic acid

  • It is a powerful antioxidant: prevents premature aging, reduces the risk of malignant diseases;
  • Needed in iron metabolism;
  • Improves muscle tone of vascular wall;
  • We are necessary for the formation of bone tissue, as well as erythrocytes;
  • Regulates the concentration of glucose and cholesterol in the blood;
  • Prevents atherosclerosis;
  • Splits toxic substances in the body;
  • Significantly reduces recovery time with most pathologies.

Vitamin A
  • Plays an important role in oxidative reaction reactions;
  • Participates in protein formation processes;
  • Improves cell membranes functions;
  • Prevents premature aging;
  • Improves immunity;
  • Activates collagen formation: rejuvenates the skin, promotes the elimination of wrinkles;
  • We are necessary for view: Provides retinal pigments synthesis;
  • Has an antioxidant effect, prevents the formation of malignant tumors;
  • Inhibits the process of the formation of "bad" cholesterol;
  • Normalizes blood glucose concentration;
  • Participates in the formation of steroid hormones and male genital cells.
Vitamin B 1.
  • Reduces the level of amino acid homocysteine, the excess of which leads to heart attacks and strokes;
  • Provides synthesis of methionine;
  • Regulates nitrogen exchange;
  • Normalizes cholesterol concentration in serum;
  • Displays excess lipids from the liver;
  • Normalizes the acidity of the digestive juice;
  • Accelerates recovery in bacterial and viral infections;
  • Improves the condition at nicotine intoxication;
  • Reduces the negative impact of stress.
Vitamin B 2.
  • Normalizes metabolic processes in the body;
  • Participates in the formation of red blood cells;
  • Supports immunity, participates in the formation of immunoglobulins;
  • Increases visual sharpness, relieves eye fatigue;
  • Stimulates the work of the brain;
  • Increases stress resistance;
  • Normalizes the function of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • Improves the absorption of vitamin B 6.
Vitamin B 3 (Nicotinic Acid)
  • Provides normal tissue growth;
  • Optimizes lipid exchange;
  • Reduces the level of harmful cholesterol;
  • Eliminates headache;
  • Reduces the risk of diabetes and arterial hypertension;
  • Increases the mobility of the joints;
  • It helps to form a row of hormones.
Vitamin B 6.
  • Provides a full absorption of proteins and fats;
  • Contributes to cure a wide range of nerve and skin pathologies;
  • Makes nausea;
  • Ensures the formation of full-fledged nucleic acids that impede aging;
  • Helps with night pain in the muscles, cramps in the legs, numbness of hands, etc.;
  • Acts as a natural diuretic.
Vitamin B 9 (folic acid)
  • Regulates the ripening of red blood cells, provides normal hemopoies;
  • Plays an important role in the process of hemoglobin formation;
  • Provides good digestion;
  • Positively affects the state of the nervous system and the mood of man;
  • We are needed in the process of forming the majority of the fetus organs (therefore, it is necessary during pregnancy).

Ivan-Tea Properties

  • Antimicrobial;
  • Anti-inflammatory;
  • Antipyretic;
  • Anticonvulsant;
  • Enveloping;
  • Binder;
  • Sedative (soothing);
  • Hypnotic;
  • Anesthetic;
  • Antioxidant;
  • Vasculating;
  • Hemostatic.
The antimicrobial properties of Ivan-Tea are successfully used in folk medicine for the treatment of various infectious diseases, for example, the infection of the gastrointestinal tract.

Ivan-tea is an excellent anti-inflammatory agent used in a number of inflammatory diseases. Among them should be allocated for men and women's inflammatory pathologies of the reproductive system, as well as inflammatory diseases of the respiratory system, the digestive tract, the urinary system. Also, Cyretes narrowly helps with a cold and ORZ, but only if the reception of the drugs of the plant was launched in the first two days after the appearance of the first symptoms of diseases. If you start drinking Ivan-tea later, it will not be either the effect, or it will be reverse.

Cyprus narrow-in-law has a pronounced enveloping and astringent action - therefore the plant is recommended to be used in pathologies of the digestive tract - gastritis, colitis, ulcerative disease.

Like a cordial lattice, Ivan-tea has a soft sedative and sleeping bag.

Antioxidant property Cypria of narrowing is provided by the content of vegetable phenolic compounds in it, which are particularly strong antioxidants, as well as vitamins A and C. Thanks to this property Ivan-tea is often recommended as a means of extension of youth.

The vasculating property of the Cyprus of the narrow-mate is due to the content of bioflavonoids in it, which strengthen the walls of capillaries and blood vessels, making them less brittle, more elastic, and also protect them from the formation of atherosclerotic plaques.

What treats Ivan tea?

Ivan tea is used for the following pathologies:
  • nausea, vomiting ;
  • peptic disease;
  • reduction of visual acuity;
  • bPH;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • heart disease and vessels;
  • migraine;
  • insomnia;
  • arterial hypertension;
  • neurosis;
  • inflammatory diseases of the genitourinary system;
  • anemia;
  • bronchitis, pneumonia;
  • Orz, flu;
  • climax, menopause;
  • irregular, abundant monthly;
  • belie;
  • oncological diseases;
  • intoxication, including alcoholic;
  • smoking (helps to quit).

Ivan Tea: Composition, Properties, Cooking - Video

Cavory tea


Tea from Cyprus a narrow-robbed was known for a long time. In the 12th century, Alexander Nevsky beat off the fortress from Teutonic knights, and destroyed it. At the place of the fortress, the village of Koporier, the inhabitants of which most of all succeeded in the harvesting and sale of tea from Cyprus a narrow-walled one. Therefore, he subsequently received the second name - Kopor's tea. Also called Ivan-tea, Russian tea. This drink is mentioned in the ancient Russian manuscripts, it was popular during the reasons of Moscow, he was also loved in Europe.

At the end of the 19th century, Ivan-Tea began to make serious competition of Indian tea, which the British East India Company tradedly traded. The United Kingdom, owning huge tea plantations in South Asia, regularly purchased thousands of tons of Russian tea, because among the inhabitants of the island he was very popular. Subsequently, under the pretext that manufacturers of Kopor's tea add white clay to it, the product import was stopped. Coporye quickly declined.

Useful properties of Ivan tea (Kopor's Tea)

Ivan tea, who has a magnificent aroma and a pleasant taste, is very useful planthaving a number of medicinal properties.

Dentists recognize its anti-inflammatory effect, as well as the ability to prevent caries. Therapists note that when using Ivan tea, the body resistance to respiratory-viral infectious diseases increases, the function of the liver and kidneys is normalized, the potency is intensified. When using Ivan tea in the body, blood begins to be cleaned, and its composition is optimized. Thanks to this, the drink is used in the treatment of food, alcoholic and nicotine intoxication, and accelerates the recovery of patients. Even Tibetan monks are used by Cyprus narrow for the treatment of skin, and Chinese characteristics - with certain bleeding. In medical sources there are references to the ability of Cyprus to increase fertility. In the Soviet Time, Ivan-Tea was used to prepare the antitumor preparation "Hanelerol", which in research has proven its effectiveness.


The leaves of Cyprus are distributed on paper or fabric layer no higher than 5 cm, for 15-24 hours. Leaves should be mixed from time to time so that the binding occurs evenly, and the upper leaves did not swap.


Pershot between the palms, the leaves of the Cyprus twist into small spiral-shaped sausages, for about 5 - 10 cm long. Twisting until the leaves are pulled from the released juice.


The spindle-shaped sausages from the twisted leaves are placed in the enameled dishes, distributing them with a layer of 5 cm high. From above, the leaves are covered with flap wet fabric, and placed in a warm place (at a temperature of 24-27 degrees) by 6 - 12 hours. The higher the temperature of the medium, in which is placed tea - the faster the fermentation takes place. Fermentation is considered sufficient if the herbal smell of leaves changes to a strong flower-fruit aroma.

Important! You should not put the leaves on Wednesday with too high temperatures, or to enzyget longer the recommended time - while Ivan-Tea, as a rule, becomes an unpleasant smell and loses positive taste.


After completion of fermentation, the leaves are cut into small pieces, placed in a sieve or baking sheet, which are pre-executed with parchment paper. The crushed tea is evenly distributed on the surface of the paper with a layer of no more than 1.5 cm, and dried at a temperature of 100 degrees for 1 hour. Ivan-tea drying is recommended in special dryers. Periodically, the readiness of tea to the touch should be checked. Well dried in Cyprus externally looks very similar to ordinary black tea, but the strength and fortress of the aroma clearly exceeds it. If you surpose the tea between your fingers, it should break, but do not crumble into powder. When all the tea got to the condication described above, the drying temperature is reduced, and the thrust increases significantly.

Important! Do not distort tea in the dryer. If the fermented Cyprus is dried for too long, or with too high temperatures - tea will "give" paper.


Fermented and dried Cyprus, like ordinary tea from tea bush leaves, should be stored in hermetically closing dishes. The most comfortable cookware for the storage of finished Ivan tea at home is a glass jar with a kapron lid.

Reviews about Kopor's tea

Many people, one day, trying incorrectly cooked Ivan tea, are disappointed in this drink, having counted his taste unpleasant. It happens when the preparing of raw materials was engaged in non-professional. If the beverage is used to brew a branded product made by the conveyor manner, its taste can also disappoint. Everything else, it is worth such a product, as a rule, quite expensive.

Most of the phytotherapists and herbalists agree that for the preparation of really high-quality Ivan-tea, all manipulations with a sheet Cyprus narcollar must be carried out manually.

Therefore, to evaluate the suggestive tea from Cypria, it is extremely important to comply with all rules for collecting, fermentation, drying and storage of plant leaves.

The connoisseurs of Kopor's tea in one voice say that the properly cooked sheet of Cyprus is a narrow-walled leaf allows you to prepare a drink, which is superior to its taste qualities of the best varieties of ordinary tea. As for health benefits, the usual tea, prepared from the Chinese Camellia sheet, does not have a comparison with Ivan-tea.

Kopor's tea recipe: collection, fermentation and drying Ivan-Tea - video

What tea is useful: Ivan tea or "Indian" tea

In Russia, the import of Kopor's tea from abroad, as well as its sale inside the country was prohibited, although the drink is harmless to health. Gradually, in all layers of society began to gain the popularity of Indian tea, and Ivan tea was undeservedly forgotten.

The consequences of such a mass passion for foreign teas are far from always positive. Many nutritionists and doctors are confident that this passion is guilty of increasing the number of strokes, myocardial infarction, as well as nervous disruptions. And all this due to the fact that tea from tea bush leaves (Chinese camellia) contains a large amount of caffeine. The human body, in the process of evolution, never faced caffeine with such a number of caffeine in it, simply cannot assimilate and dispose of it completely.

Everyone knows that caffeine increases activity and activates the processes of excitation in the cerebral cortex, and also increases motor activity. Alkaloids contained in the leaves of Camellia Chinese, and, subsequently, in the drink, have an exciting effect on the heart. Reducing the heart muscle is rapidly and enhanced. Subsequently, a person feels some tide of strength. However, such an unnatural "warrant" of the body is accompanied by large energy costs. With regular use of caffeine in large quantities, nervous cells are depleted, and over time, a person will feel fatigue that will last a lot longer than a short-term tide after a cup of tea. Therefore, doctors and nutritionists increasingly agree that tea from Camellia Chinese leaves should not be used regularly - this drink will be useful once a week, and for some - and once a month.

Caffeine is contraindicated in many pathologies: insomnia, arterial hypertension, atherosclerosis, glaucoma, heart disease and vessels. The unlimited consumption of beverages rich in caffeine causes an aggravation of the diseases of the digestive tract. Also, tubyl adhesives are activated from the body of such elements such as calcium, magnesium and phosphorus. Thus, tea, as well as coffee, depletes people who use it daily, and in large quantities. However, moderate consumption of tea, especially green, recognized as useful.

Ivan tea, in turn, does not contain caffeine. It includes substances that bring the body only benefit. Therefore, copory tea for most people, in comparison with ordinary tea, is a more useful drink.

Ivan tea with prostate adenoma

Prostate adenoma is an unpleasant and dangerous disease, from which no man is insured. Most phytotherapists confirm that Ivan tea helps with prostate adenoma. It is believed that the phytosterns contained in the plant lead to a slowdown or to stop the prostate hyperplasia.

Regular reception of Ivan tea, as well as a capsuated plant of a plant, allows many patients to avoid surgical intervention, as iron ceases to increase in size. German phytotherapists argue the following "Water Ivan-Tea aqueous extract, which has been proven, has a powerful anti-inflammatory and healing effect at acute and chronic pathologies of the prostate gland at the first and second stage of adenoma, with cystitis, and can also be used in a complex with other drugs after surgical operation on The gland. In the pathologies of the prostate gland, in addition to the Ivan-tea, a narrow-leaved, helps the use of pumpkin seeds, which speeds up the recovery process. "

The substance contained in the Cyprus is narrowed, and ensuring the main therapeutic effect, is called beta-sitosterol. In the therapy of the prostate gland adenoma, Beta-Sitosterol plays a big role, since it reduces the likelihood of gland hyperplasia, as well as the malignant rebirth of its cells. Also, this substance reduces the concentration of cholesterol in the blood plasma, and normalizes the metabolism. German Pharmacists B. Tais and P. Tais proved that drugs from Cyprus a narrow-walled inhibit inflammation in the prostate, which makes it possible to use it in the treatment of adenoma.

With co-use with other plants, for example, as part of fees, the therapeutic effect is complementary and enhanced. Infancy of such fees should be used by courses.

Collect 1.

Collection components:
  • Cyprus narrow-tight - 3 tbsp.;
  • Nettle root downtown - 2 tbsp.;
  • Golden - 2 tbsp.;
  • Horsetail, bumps of hops and cement - 1 pcs.
All components dried, crushing and mix. Pour a mixture of 200 ml of boiling water, insist about 30 minutes, profile. Infusion drink 3 times a day before meals, 1/3 cup.

Collect 2.

Collection components:
  • Rhizome Ivan-Tea and Lacrice root - 10 parts;
  • Echinacea root purple - 3 parts;
  • Chinese lemongrass leaf - 2 parts.
Ingredients dry, crush and mix. One tablespoon of the mixture to brew steep boiling water in a volume of 400 ml, and 10 minutes. Cook on weak fire. So 30 min., Then filtered through a triple gauze. Use inside 100 ml 3 times a day before meals.

Collect 3.

In the dried and crushed form to mix in the same proportions of the leaves of Ivan-tea narrow, strawberries of ordinary, hazel and birch. Four tablespoons of a mixture of brew 400 ml of steep boiling water, tomorrow on a weak heat for 10 minutes, let it stand, filter through gauze or fine sieve. You can use inside without restrictions. Sugar or sugar substitutes should not be added.

Infusion with prostate adenoma

3 ppm Dry crushed grass Ivan-tea brew 400 ml boiling water. Insist 5-10 minutes., Profilge. This infusion is better to drink in the morning, on an empty stomach, or before the departure to sleep, 150-200 ml at a time.

Ivan-tea can be brewed as the usual one teaspoon of tea for 200-250 ml of boiling water. This drink eliminates the inflammation of the prostate, stops the further hyperplasia of the gland, improves the testimony of urological analyzes. In addition, such a drink reduces the risk of malignant neoplasms.

Modern studies of Ivan-tea properties allow us to recommend it to all men older than 50 years, since this therapeutic grass does not bring any harm, while soothes the nervous system and normalizes sleep.

Ivan tea in cancer treatment

Since Ivan tea contains a number of useful vitamins, trace elements and organic substances, it can be recommended during chemotherapy and radiotherapy, as a sliding and vitamin agent.

However, on this benefit of Ivan-tea in the treatment of oncology does not end. There are scientific data on antitumor properties of the Cyprus narrow. These properties are ensured by the content in the plant of the active substance haberol, which has antitumor activity. Back in the 80s, Soviet scientists have developed the drug "Hanerol", which, according to the results of studies, turned out to be an effective antitumor agent with some types of cancer. However, for a number of reasons, the preparation was closed.

Ivan tea from excess weight and double chin

Known people's recipe Use of Ivan tea with a pinch of salt. It is drinking 150 ml, half an hour before the feeding of food. Thanks to this, it will take extra weight, and you also get rid of the double chin. It appears due to disorders in the functioning of the salivary glands. In salivary glands there is a shortage of salt, and they increase the production of saliva to prevent violations of the chewing process and swallowing. The tide of blood to the glands increases, the vessels begin to highlight the lymphoid fluid for the formation of saliva. However, the lymphoid fluid penetrates and beyond the limits of the salivary glands, accumulating in the subcutaneous space of the chin and neck. When using salted Ivan tea, this process stops, and the second chin is out of time.

Sliced \u200b\u200bIvan tea in composition looks like a laminarium. Therefore, the sunset tea can not be thrown away, but to eat, like greens to meat and fish dishes.

Honey from Ivan tea (Cywayna honey)

Honey from Ivan-Tea is usually called Cytein honey. Cyprus narrow-cut has a number of medicinal properties, and its composition includes a large amount of vitamins, trace elements and nutrients. Of course, the bees do not know about it, but they still carefully collect nectar from his flowers.

Such a passion bees is quite explained: Ivan-tea is an excellent honey. Thanks to his beautiful smell, he attracts bees from large distances. From the collected nectar, it turns out very fragrant, tasty and useful honey.

Cytery honey has earned its popularity among lovers and experts good varieties Honey. However, it has not yet gained mass popularity, possibly due to its specific appearance.

Honey from Ivan tea is a yellowish or slightly greenish, consistency as cream. It quickly suaches, so it is formed in it with clots, resembling grains or snowflakes. When honey suaches, he acquires a lighter shade that many people puzzles. Many begin to suspect that they were sold by a poor-quality honey, or it was diluted sugar syrup. However, only a few connoisseurs of this product know that honey from Ivan tea is one of the most common in Russia.

As a result, unreleased people, wanting to buy high-quality, natural honey, often stop your choice on a beautiful, but useless fake. Dyes and others have been added to it. nutritional supplements, not always natural origin, which allow us to turn honey into a beautiful uniform mass. Benefit from such a product is very difficult, but they can be poisoned, since it is not always possible to find out what substances added to it to create an ideal color.

In addition to poisoning, allergic reactions may develop on the fake honey. But the natural hue of Ivan-tea rarely can cause allergies. As a rule, it helps a person's organism to get used to various products in the diet, and also increases its resistance to external factors. Of course, such an action is only natural Cytera honey, which, if desired, can be easily learned to distinguish from the best fakes.

Properties and application

Honey Ivan-Tea is used in folk medicine since ancient times. Our ancestors understood that honey had all the useful effects that Cyrete himself was narrowed. Therefore, it was used to treat the same pathologies.

Scientists are still studying the properties of this sort of honey. However, today he finds use as a cosmetics. It is added to scrubs and creams to make the skin softer and healthy. In the recipes that came to us from the depths of the centuries, you can find a lot of interesting ways to use Cytene honey. For example, they were fooled in the bath, then they took off, after which the body was well - such a procedure cleans, nourishes and rejuvenates the skin, eliminating wrinkles. Such properties of the honey were seen by manufacturers of cosmetics, and it began to add to many cosmetic products to affect the skin with natural methods.

It is of great interest in the practice of using honey from Ivan-tea in the treatment of leather pathologies and mucous membranes (only natural honey is used, without any additives). Many specialists did not immediately believe in it, but scientific data showed confirmed the effectiveness of such therapy. Cytein honey in the people is successfully treated, furuncular, acne and other problem areas. Also, like Ivan-tea itself, honey has antiseptic properties - it destroys the pathogenic microorganisms, cleanses the skin - and the disease retreats.

Of course, the Cytery honey is not a panacea from all skin diseases, so it's not worth counting on a wonderful healing. If, for example, the origin of the skin rash is associated with some internal disorders or pathological processes, honey will not be effective in its treatment. Therefore, doctors recommend starting to engage in womb only after inspection by a dermatologist. If taking care of the honey of the skin disease, without finding out its reason, you can even worsen my condition.

On the properties and spectrum of the use of honey from Ivan-Tea, there are still discussions among nutritionists and other doctors. In the people, it is used not only with skin problems, but also in pathologies of internal organs. At the same time, the spectrum of recommendations for its use in folk medicine is so wide that sometimes Cyretes narrowed counted for a witchcraft potion. However, no doubt it can be argued that the Cylet Honey helps in diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. For this, 1 tsp. Money is bred in a cup of warm boiled water, and drink in the morning, on an empty stomach. Such a pleasant medicine stabilizes the intestinal work, destroy pathogenic bacteria and reduce the acidity of gastric juice. In view of this property of Money Ivan-Tea, it is often used in the treatment of hyperacid gastritis. Accordingly, when gastritis with a strongly reduced acidity, the Cylet Honey is not recommended.

Also nutritionists and specialists of traditional medicine are recommended to eat at 1 tsp. Cylet Honey, as it satures the body with vitamins, and also increases its protective forces. However, it is not worth it, because when daily and non-valid use, the Cytery honey can negatively affect the state of health, simply because any substance, in adequate quantities, bringing only a change can cause intoxication.

Therapeutic and prophylactic properties of honey from Ivan-tea narrowed were appreciated in cardiology and psychotherapy. Natural Cylet Honey improves the condition of the walls of the vessels and capillaries, normalizes the work of the heart muscle, has a positive effect on arterial and intracranial pressure. If the person has insomnia - you can eat a teaspoon of honey before bedtime, and put it with cool water ( hot water Do not drink honey, as it significantly reduces its useful qualities). Also, this recommendation also applies to persons who have any violation of the nervous system.

Thus, moderate and proper use of natural Cytetian honey can only strengthen your health, give cheerfulness and fill you with forces. And before bedtime, he, on the contrary, will help you relax and enjoy a calm, restoring sleep.


Ivan-tea is contraindicated only in case of hypersensitivity to any substances of the plant.

According to popular beliefs, Ivan-tea can not be drunk in large quantities of men, as this can lead to a reduction in potency. However, scientifically, this belief is not confirmed, so to trust this recommendation or not - the case is individual.

Since the use of Cyteidium honey leads to a decrease in the acidity of the gastric juice, it is not recommended during gastritis with reduced acidity.

Side effects

With prolonged and unlimited reception of Ivan-tea, the appearance of a bowel disorder is possible, which takes place in itself, with the termination of the reception of drugs of Cyprus. Before use, you must consult with a specialist.