Best loose leaf tea by experts. Black leaf tea

Do you still not believe in the magical (read, beneficial) properties of green tea? We really hope that we will be able to convince you. And you will start drinking it at least once a week. And it would be better every day. Because he:

satisfying because it is rich in protein. This feature was noticed by British tea experts working at the royal court. Depending on the variety, it contains 15 to 25% protein. Perhaps that is why China and Japan actively use the tea leaf in salads, soups and stew with meat.

has a fat burning effect... British scientists conducted an experiment. The subjects were divided into two groups: in one, people took dietary supplements with green tea, in the second, a placebo. The subjects from the first group burned fats 17% faster, despite the fact that the diet and physical activity were the same. In addition, the participants in the "tea" group improved insulin sensitivity, glucose tolerance and decreased cholesterol.

useful... The leaves of the tea bush contain about 300 compounds. Some of them have not even been studied yet. For example, tea rubies could not be isolated even at the molecular level. But with the main ones, everything is more or less clear.

What's in a cup of green tea?

Caffeine- gently tones, increases physical and mental activity, relieves fatigue, has a slight diuretic effect.

Complex of trace elements(potassium, phosphorus, iron, manganese, barium, iodine, nickel, boron, copper ...) - stimulates metabolism, has a beneficial effect on many processes in the body.

Tannins- remove toxins from the body and strengthen the walls of blood vessels.

Tianine- a unique amino acid. When combined with caffeine, it stimulates the brain.

Catechins- these powerful bioactive compounds are the most valuable in tea. They make the walls of blood vessels more elastic, prevent the development of atherosclerosis, reduce the risk of cancer and destroy free radicals. And in the United States, the use of green tea extract in Alzheimer's and Parkinson's diseases is patented.

How to drink green tea properly?

Green tea is best drunk fresh. Vitamins and proteins in yesterday's brew are not preserved. But a two-three-day infusion is very effective in the treatment of intestinal infections.

The optimal time for the tea to be infused is 3-5 minutes. Do not “pickle” the leaves longer, otherwise the drink will become bitter. But in general, there are a great variety of brewing methods.

In Japanese. The leaves are ground into powder in a special porcelain mortar, then covered in small portions into a pre-warmed porcelain teapot... Add hot (60 ° C) water and beat the drink with a rice whisk until the consistency of liquid sour cream. It turns out strong and tart. Proportions: 100–120 g of tea leaves in 500 ml of water.

In English. Tea is brewed with boiling water (1 teaspoon of tea leaves for 150 ml of water, 2 teaspoons for a kettle. While the drink is infused, 2-3 tablespoons of warm milk are poured into pre-heated cups and only then tea is added. that milk protein reacts with catechins and neutralizes their benefits.

In Russian. 1 tsp for 200 ml of water. The tea leaves are poured into a warmed porcelain teapot and boiled water is poured about a third of the volume. After a couple of minutes, top up and keep the kettle a little under a napkin. If the drink is too strong, you can dilute it already in the cup. hot water.

In Chinese. 4–5 g of tea is poured into a special cup with a gaiwan lid and immediately poured with hot water (90–95 ° C) to half the volume. Insist for two minutes (for some varieties - four minutes), pour into a bowl and drink without sugar and seasonings. Then everything is repeated (high-quality tea can and should be brewed 4–5 times). It is believed that it is this method that allows you to extract from the drink maximum benefit.

Important clarification!

Contrary to popular belief, green tea bags are just as good as leafy tea. Sometimes it's even better. The larger the leaves, the longer it takes for the nutrients to pass into the water. Therefore, if you want green tea, but there is no time to mess around with it for a long time, it is better to take a bagged one. The leaves here are crushed almost into dust and therefore quickly give water to catechins and other valuable compounds.

How much tea do you need to drink to ...

… To improve performance? 3 cups in the morning will provide a dose of Thianine to help maintain a high concentration throughout the day.

... to lower cholesterol levels and protect against atherosclerosis? 2 cups a day will reduce the risk by 46%, and 4 cups by 69%.

Can you compare green and black?

“I have seen on the packaging that green tea contains 20 times more catechins than black tea,” says Dr. Engelhart, chairman of the coffee and tea working group at the German Institute for Standards. - If we are to compare, then not abstractly black and green, but concrete varieties. Yes, green tea catechins are indeed biologically more active. But this is far from the only important tea indicator. There may well be more other useful substances in black or red tea. "

Shelf life of green tea

Tea does not tolerate dampness, excessive dryness, sunlight, extreme cold or heat. It is best to keep it in a tightly closed tin in a closet when room temperature(17-25 ° C). Researches of employees of the Faculty of Chemistry of St. But essential oils evaporate over time, so fresh tea is more aromatic and tastier, but not necessarily healthier.

Strong green tea infusion can be used
like a lotion: it perfectly cleanses and tones the skin

The variety of tea varieties is provided by a small variety of the plant itself. All in the processing of the sheet itself. After harvesting, the leaves are usually dried. This is so that they soften and lose some of the moisture. Then they are rolled, fermented and dried. The two final stages predominantly determine whether the tea is black, green, yellow or red.
The tea harvesting process is still done mainly by hand to keep the leaves intact and, thus, to make the drink the most delicious and rich.

Large leaf tea contains only whole, undamaged leaves, which means that it will be better from them. Of course, this tea will take longer to brew. But the aroma and taste will be more subtle and refined than from tea crumbs or cut leaves. That is why large-leaf tea is often preferred.

The main suppliers of tea to the world market are China, India and Sri Lanka. Moreover, if in India and Sri Lanka mainly cut teas or in granules are produced, then China is famous precisely for varieties from whole sheets.

Each leaf has its own letter

The younger the tea leaf, the closer it is to the flower or to the bud, the higher the quality of the drink itself. For the convenience of marking tea varieties and designating the leaves in its composition, Latin was chosen. For those who love good leaf teas, look for the letters FP (leaves growing next to the bud), OP (young, twisted, whole leaves), or P (shorter and rougher leaves) on the packaging. If the leaves were cut, then B is added to the above letters. when you see BOP on the package, you can understand that there are cut young twisted tea leaves.

More refined teas can also be labeled with the letters T, S and G. T means they contain unblown buds. G represents a mixture of the most the best varieties, and S speaks of tea belonging to the exclusive.

Tea is perhaps the most popular drink. Surely many wondered which tea is the best. They say that there is no dispute about tastes, so there is only one thing to say: the best tea is not the one that is brewed using tea bags. After all, when choosing tea, one should think not only about its taste, but also about the benefits that this drink can bring to the body.

The assortment of tea is so diverse that, perhaps, no one can definitely answer the question of what kind of tea is. Of course, everything depends on the personal preferences of the consumer, but it still seems necessary to talk about those types of tea that are considered the most refined and healthy. The most popular of these are green tea, oolong tea, pu-erh tea and of course herbal tea.
These teas have become the best for many connoisseurs, you may also like them. Of course, black tea is also great option, but you can endlessly talk and argue about it, in addition, it is, perhaps, a traditional drink for many Russians. Everyone is so accustomed to it that when choosing the "best" tea, they practically do not pay any attention to black tea, taking this drink for granted.

Turquoise tea is a real gourmet gift

Today, there are more than 250 varieties of turquoise tea, of course, among them everyone can find the best one for themselves.
This tea is called oolong tea or, more simply, turquoise tea. Perhaps this is one of the most delicious types of tea. It is a cross between green and black tea. Turquoise tea has a medium fermentation and an unusually fresh green tea aroma. At the same time, you can experience a pronounced floral taste with a long, pleasant, slightly honeyed aftertaste. Depending on the variety you choose, the color of the tea can range from emerald green to reddish or orange.
If you are already familiar with oolong tea and you liked it, then you should not stop there, because there is a special variety of this tea, from which most consumers are simply delighted - this is Milk oolong... Perhaps this is the very variety of this type of tea, because it is not for nothing that Milk Oolong has received so positive all over the world. This variety is otherwise called Golden, and its cultivation can win the heart of even the most picky consumer: the tea bush is pollinated with a special solution of sugar cane, watered and mulched with rice husks. It is believed that it is because of this that the tea leaf has such a magical milk-sweet aroma. Impressive? So do not deny yourself the pleasure, pamper yourself with Milk Oolong.

Jasmine green tea - great taste and aroma

The homeland of green tea is China. It is in this country that the combination of green tea and jasmine is considered to be one of the best possible flavor variations. Indeed, this tea has an unusually fresh, clean aroma. In addition, the jasmine green body restores strength, allows you to normalize metabolic processes and simply gives you a good mood. Certainly, jasmine green tea deserves to be included in the top varieties of tea.

Pu-erh tea is the choice of true connoisseurs

The variety cultivated in the Yunnan province is especially popular among lovers of pu-erh. It has a particularly deep aroma and deep red color.
Puerh is a very special tea. The fact is that the fermentation processes in its leaves occur constantly, therefore it is called "live" tea. Every year it changes its taste and aroma. Some pu-erh lovers compare this tea with good wine that only gets better over time. Pu-erh has a tart woody aroma and a persistent, long-lasting taste. After tasting pu-erh tea of ​​different aging periods, you will discover the wonderful world of tea tastes and aromas.

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There is a myth that green and black tea are made from different plants, which explains the difference in their appearance and taste. However, in reality, the difference lies only in the processing technology of the tea leaves.

Features of tea production

The technology for making green tea is relatively simple. The collected leaves are placed in special apparatus, with the help of which moisture is removed from them. After going through this procedure, the parts of the plants are distributed in boxes and sent for sale. That is why green tea is more natural than black: it even tastes like fresh brewed leaves.

To make black tea, special rollers are used. First, moisture is removed from the leaves, leaving them to dry for several hours, after which each leaf is rolled in rollers. In this case, the plant tissue is artificially destroyed, and enzymes enter into a reaction. After rolling, the dried leaves undergo oxidation, as a result of which the main component of the plant - catechin - is converted into thearugibin, theaflavin and other complex combinations of flavonols. It is thanks to this process that black tea acquires a characteristic shade, smell and taste, for which it is appreciated by both amateurs and professionals.

The benefits of green and black tea

Since fermentation is not used in the production of green tea, this drink contains enzymes, i.e. molecules that speed up chemical reactions in the body. It is for this reason that such a drink is often drunk by those who want to normalize metabolism and accelerate weight loss. Please note: not all types of green tea are distinguished by this advantage. In particular, fermentation is carried out in the production of Oolong, but only it takes a very short period of time, in contrast to the oxidation process of black tea.

For a long time, it has been widely believed that only green tea is a powerful antioxidant and can have a rejuvenating effect on the body. However, in reality this is not the case. Of course, the percentage of catechins that act as antioxidants is higher in green tea. Nevertheless, scientists have been able to establish that thearugibin and theaflavin are in no way inferior in the benefits of catechin, so black tea rich in them can also be called a wonderful antioxidant drink.

In general, both the medicinal and anti-aging properties of green and black tea are comparable, so it is difficult to say which of these drinks is healthier. This means that the option for the buyer is to choose the one that they like best.

The causative agent of fungal sore throat is a yeast-like fungus. It begins to multiply actively with a weakening of immunity and uncontrolled use of antibacterial drugs. Without treatment, an acute form of sore throat can turn into a chronic one, so it is important to diagnose the disease in a timely manner and take action.

You will need

  • - antifungal drugs;
  • - antimycotic solutions.


Seek medical attention if plaque or pain develops. Only after laboratory research can an accurate diagnosis be made. Treatment depends on which microorganism is causing the disease. Antibacterial drugs that are prescribed for follicular or lacunar sore throat, with a fungal infection of the tonsils, will only harm.

Since one of the causes of fungal sore throat is immunodeficiency, start taking medications that increase the defenses. Multivitamin complexes and drugs based on interferon will be useful.

Flush your tonsils with antimycotic solutions. Treatment with nystatin diluted in water is very effective. Grind one tablet of the drug to a powder state and dissolve in 100 ml warm water... Rinse with the resulting liquid or soak a cotton swab in the solution and treat the tonsils.

Watch your diet during illness. The diet should contain protein foods in large quantities, but limit foods with a high carbohydrate content. Also, the menu should not contain spicy and salty dishes. Food and drinks should not be too hot or cold - this will not have the best effect on the condition of the sore tonsils.

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At the end of the treatment, it is necessary to pass repeated tests. The absence of plaque in the throat does not always indicate a complete recovery.

Cholecystitis is an inflammation of the gallbladder. For a long time, such a disease was the lot of the elderly, but now it increasingly occurs in young people and even in children. How to get rid of this disease?


Eat a strict diet to relieve the condition. It is necessary to exclude fried and smoked dishes, semi-finished products, “fast” food such as hamburgers, shawarma, pasties, pies, etc. from the diet. Also contraindicated are coffee, unnatural juices, store sweets, hot spices.

As directed by your doctor, drink herbal teas with a choleretic effect before meals. For example, from dill seeds, leaves peppermint or rose hips. Take about half a cup, half an hour before meals. The course of treatment is usually 3 to 4 weeks.

In cases where stones have formed in the gallbladder, perform an operation to remove them. If this is not done, the stones can grow so large that they block the bile ducts. And then the matter can already come to full. Therefore, if you are offered an operation to remove stones, do not refuse. Remember, these stones will not disappear on their own.

Of course, do not forget about measures cholecystitis... Try to eat more or less regularly, while either completely abandoning, or minimizing the consumption of "fast" food and all kinds of convenience foods. Do not overuse heavy fatty foods, even if you really like them. Avoid stress and physical inactivity whenever possible.

Helpful advice

The cause of cholecystitis is stagnation of bile in the gallbladder. This happens for various reasons, including hereditary, as well as due to infectious diseases, stress. Irregular, unhealthy eating habits can also play a huge role. The fact is that bile is secreted only during food intake in order to facilitate its digestion. When a person eats properly (that is, often and not too abundantly), bile is secreted from the gallbladder without stagnating. Otherwise, bile may stagnate and stones will begin to form.

You have to communicate with relatives at a close psychological distance. For this reason, the slightest carelessness can hurt and ruin a relationship.

Tea is loved and drunk all over the world. This fragrant and life-giving drink delights people with its various tastes since time immemorial and in every corner of our planet. Drinking tea stimulates the development of mental abilities and metabolism, improves performance and immunity, soothes in stressful situations and strengthens the nervous system. In our country, there have been traditions of tea culture for a long time, the choice is growing every year, trade marks amaze with their assortment.
Below is a list of selected brands of tea, in which you will definitely find your inimitable taste for yourself. These brands have been working on the international market for a long time and come in both loose and packaged form.

The most famous brands are: Greenfield. There are several lines in this brand, which consist of varieties of black, white, red and of course green tea. Greenfield also presents unique blends of natural herbs. The main feature of this brand is that all varieties are grown in the fields of Ceylon, China, India, Kenya and Japan.


Ahmad Tea Ltd is an English company that has been delighting fans with its product for many years. different countries the world. From year to year, it produces new inimitable varieties of this drink and is number one among the producers of black tea. The quality of loose tea has been noted by many experts in this field.


Grace bestseller: forget about all the problems with a cup of aromatic tea
If you are not used to skimping on quality, then be sure to try Grace bestseller. Thousands of people around the world can no longer imagine their day without this tea. There are so many varieties and aromas in the collections that these products will surely attract the attention of even the most fastidious gourmet. There is a “bestseller” for everyone!
Like Earl Gray? Please! Invigorates Green Tee with Mellissa? That's no problem at all! You will always find your favorite tea on the shelves of specialized stores in your city. Trust in proven quality!

This tea house began its history in the 19th century. The distinctive mark of this brand is the yellow packaging recognizable all over the world, as well as, more recently, the novelty of packaging in the form of pyramids. Original design, strong and rich taste attracts the attention of not only adult tea connoisseurs, but also children. Lipton produces not only traditional and familiar black tea, but also green, white and even slimming teas. He is drunk and known all over the world.

Hyleys is a drink that brings together the best tea traditions of Britain. Impeccable and top quality products of this tea house, capable of satisfying the most demanding tastes. Alpine, environmentally friendly, this tea has delicate taste and balanced aroma, with a wonderful amber color, grown in the island of Ceylon.

This company differs from others in its exclusive and elite sorts of tea. The embodiment of classic and fruity taste, will deserve the attention of any skeptic in the vastness of tea lovers. A huge selection of collections confirms the increased interest of gourmets in the Curtis brand. The sophistication of the taste of the prepared drink makes it possible to enjoy every sip of this tea. For buyers who cannot decide on the taste, manufacturers produce sets of several flavors.


Akbar tea: choose only the best for yourself and your family
It is difficult to meet such an adult who has never tasted Akbar tea or at least heard about this brand name... There is nothing surprising. It is one of the fastest growing tea brands. And, according to the calculations of experts, in terms of sales, Akbar is in the top 5 leaders of the local tea market.
Tea is produced under the strict supervision of not only domestic but also Ceylon masters. Whichever variety you choose (the assortment includes more than 100 types of tea), great taste and aroma are guaranteed. Millions of people prefer Akbar tea. And, of course, they do not regret their choice!


The Tess trademark is a merger of two popular firms, GreenfieldTeaLTD and OrimiTrade. This is a brand that produces caffeine-free tea. The assortment of tea is huge, both in classic black tea and in other types. The main advantage of this brand is the presence and combination of different tastes. For example: Apple with cinnamon or rosehip with apple and many other different flavors.

Dilmah is a distinctive and unrepeatable brand that maintains the tradition of the uniqueness and quality of its tea. The philosophy of this tea company is: Tea is a gift from nature. Only this wonderful drink contains all the useful elements donated by nature to man. Love for this philosophy is passed from generation to generation among the true fans of this brand.

Princess Nuri: Treat yourself to good tea at a reasonable price
Do you appreciate every minute? Then "Princess Nuri" will certainly not be superfluous in your home and office. It is not surprising that this brand is one of the most demanded among our compatriots. Black tea is sold in single-brew tea bags. It is not worth some fabulous money. That, you see, is important at a difficult time from a financial point of view.
The high content of caffeine in the tea is able to invigorate and energize every couch potato. The tea is delicious and aromatic. Does not contain harmful substances and impurities. If you are looking for a quality product at a reasonable price, Princess Nuri is what you need!

Green tea is one of the most popular drinks in the world. Its history is much longer and more colorful than coffee, and its homeland has been established reliably. Today, the production of this product is carried out in many countries of the world, but China still holds the first place in quality, production volume and a special attitude towards tea drinking.

Varieties and producers

In the store, you can buy packaged, small-leaf and large-leaf green tea at a variety of prices. If you look at the cost, then in Russia you can buy a really high-quality varietal product in the range from 7 to 800 dollars per 100 grams. And the most expensive is Chinese elite twisted tea, followed by Japanese, Indonesian, Ceylon tea.

The largest producers, like tea plantations, are concentrated in China, both in the south of the country and in the north. Hundreds of types of tea are produced here, from rare and expensive, to simple, affordable, designed to be consumed every day. Good green tea is always large-leaved, and the more it is curled, the stronger the infusion will be, the softer the taste and the healthier the drink itself.

Green differs from black in that it almost does not go through the fermentation stage, that is, it does not oxidize under the influence of external factors and its own enzymes. This allows the sheet to preserve all the useful components without changing and transforming into other compounds. In order to prevent fermentation, the harvested leaf is slightly wilted in natural conditions, and later exposed to high temperatures. This can be roasting in the oven, after which the leaves are manually rolled and dried completely.

Depending on the type of curling, teas are distinguished:

  • strongly twisted along the sheet;
  • strongly twisted across the sheet;
  • slightly twisted.

If the leaf is twisted along the axis, it takes the form of twigs, sticks, spirals. This option is very popular in Japan, and the famous Gekuro and most of its varieties are a prominent representative.

Plantations in China have existed for more than one millennium

When the leaf is rolled across, it can resemble balls, scales and is marked in China as Gunpowder, and in Japan as Sencha. In China, such teas are also called pearl, and if there are many tips in their composition, then they are called golden or imperial. Balls can be of different sizes and shapes, their variety is very great.

Loosely rolled tea is a product that is naturally dried, so it can look like flattened blades of grass. It either does not curl at all, or wrinkles slightly. The most popular product is called Long Jing.

The leaves are rolled not only to increase their presentability. This is a way to keep healthy tea components inside longer and increase shelf life. Weakly rolled leaves give a weak infusion, delicate, with a slight floral or citrus aroma. Strongly curled are always richer, with a rich multifaceted aroma and taste. Green tea color can range from light green with a silvery to dark green.

If, when brewed correctly, the taste of tea is pronounced herbal, this is a low-grade product. A good and expensive product has a whole bouquet of aromas from citrus fruits to floral and light herbal ones, natural sweetness and honey flavor may be present.

The most famous varieties

In the tea industry, there are many ways to draw attention to a product. This is mainly advertising, beautiful packaging, an original slogan. But for many centuries there have been which are in constant demand and love without any popularization.

Xi Hu Long Jing - large leaf green tea from Xihu

Below are the top ranked green teas:

  • Xi-Hu Long Jing - Chinese large-leaf from Lake Xihu. Collected and produced since ancient times, today it is divided into 13 varieties, the best of which are the first three, represented by a large content of unblown buds collected in early spring. This tea has the lightest color of the infusion, which can set off emerald. The taste is very intense, the aroma is thick floral. It is brewed for about a minute and served in clear glasses to enjoy the subtle shade of the infusion.
  • Taiping Hou-Kui is a tea that is harvested on a limited number of plantations and only on a sunny day. There are strict rules for the selection of raw materials. This is a tea bud, which is embraced by two young, freshly blossomed leaves of the same size as the bud. This product is called hot tea.
  • Bi-Lo-Chun - passes the stage of manual twisting, from which the tea leaves take the form of small coiled spirals, which are also called snails. Within the variety, there is a division into 7 sub-varieties, and the lower the species, the weaker the taste and aroma. When brewed, Bi-Lo-Chun gives a light emerald color of the infusion, fresh aroma, thick, rich taste. Its taste contains fruity notes. It is also customary to serve the drink in transparent glasses. The largest plantation is located in Jiangxi province.
  • Yongwu is one of the most expensive Chinese teas. It is grown on small plantations located on damp and damp mountain slopes, where the sun's rays rarely fall. Goes to the domestic market, therefore it is rare outside the country.
  • Gunpowder - tea leaves are similar to balls of gunpowder, refers to pearl teas, it is consumed very sparingly, as it has a very dense and rich taste.
  • Chan-Mi is the main loose tea in China, the second name is "eyebrow", which is obtained for the shape of the tea leaves. Has a classic taste and aroma, mixed with flowers, herbs and citruses.
  • Huang Shan Mao Feng is the highest mountainous Chinese tea, the tea leaves have a light yellowish color, sweetish taste, fresh and rich aroma. Tea leaves resemble passerine tongues.
  • Maojian is a large group of teas produced by the upper bud with a leaf. After brewing, the infusion becomes amber in color, delicate taste with a pleasant aftertaste. To get the true Maojiang for 1 cup, you need to take 2 tsp. tea leaves.
  • Tien Shan Yin Hao is a natural flavored jasmine tea. The infusion turns out to be light and transparent, the taste is classic, and the aroma is rich floral.
  • Dong Yuang Dong Bai is a light yellow drink with a bright floral aroma and a multifaceted aftertaste.

Chinese teas are considered the most aromatic and delicate in taste. In this country, a huge number of varieties are produced, different in organoleptic properties and unimaginable in shape. Japanese teas are darker in color and less aromatic. The most popular are Sencha, Bancha and Gekuro. The product from India is considered the lowest grade, although it is in demand due to its affordable price. It can produce a light spicy taste and aroma.

Beneficial features

Green tea is the most useful because of its content of vitamins, amino acids, essential oils, antioxidants. It is rich in fluoride, iodine, zinc, calcium, potassium, and antimicrobial components. It has a high biological activity, which is expressed in the following effects on the human body:

  • strengthens the immune system;
  • makes blood vessels elastic and reduces their permeability;
  • heals the mucous membranes of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • activates mental and physical performance;
  • useful for losing weight;
  • has an antitumor effect;
  • removes toxins, including salts of heavy metals;
  • strengthens the skeletal system.

Green teas retain their beneficial features only when brewed correctly. Boiling water is destructive for them. The water temperature should be from 60 to 80 degrees, and the infusion time lasts from 1 to 3 minutes. If the drink is overexposed, it can become bitter due to its high caffeine content. Water is an important ingredient in brewing. It must be soft, springy, so as not to spoil the taste of the drink.

A cup of green drink promotes weight loss

You need to know what time it is best to drink this tea. This time is from morning to 16-18 pm. Green tea is a highly tonic drink, therefore it is not recommended in the evening. Pregnant women and children should not get carried away with tea.

Best Green Tea

If we talk about which green tea is better, then this is a product of an early spring harvest with a large number of tips. It is considered the most aromatic, delicate in taste and useful. Such raw materials are always treated with care, excluding the likelihood of spoilage, since ready-made tea is expensive and is purchased by people who know a lot about it.

The best green tea is produced in China, and this has been done for more than one millennium. Many works of Chinese sages are devoted to the benefits and beauty of tea leaves. In Russia, 50% of the product sold on the market is purchased in China, the rest in Sri Lanka, Georgia, Vietnam, Japanese varieties are very rare.

  1. Greenfield Flying Dragon is a leafy Chinese plantation in Hunan province. Gives a light infusion color, light floral aroma with herbal notes. Does not have bitterness and astringency;
  2. Princess Java Best - inexpensive Chinese with a mild taste, light infusion, good tonic;
  3. Ahmad Green Tea - represented by the Chinese variety Chang Mi, which has a mild pistachio aroma. Gives a light infusion with light astringency.

When buying tea, you must pay attention to the completeness of the information provided on the package. It is best to opt for loose teas, which are sold through a chain of specialty boutiques. Here you can not only see tea leaves, but also taste the desired variety. It is important to check the timing of tea production, the less time has passed since the collection, the more aromatic and useful the drink will be, because a long shelf life under the wrong conditions can spoil the taste of the most expensive variety. It is even dangerous to buy such tea.

Homemade green tea

In Russia, black and green tea has long been prepared from a variety of plant materials. The most popular was fireweed, although using a similar technology, tea leaves can be prepared from currant leaves, cherries, raspberries, and medicinal herbs. To make green leaf tea yourself, you must:

  • during the flowering period, collect the leaves of the fireweed;
  • spread them out on a flat surface in a warm room for several hours so that they wither and lose some of the juice;
  • then they are laid out on a baking sheet and sent to the oven for frying to stop the oxidation process;
  • after roasting, final drying takes place, which can be done with or without hand-rolled leaves.

Store tea in glass or tin cans in a dark cabinet at room temperature. You can add dried currant leaves, cornflower flowers, oregano and other aromatic natural additives to them.

It is not necessary to order a rare and expensive drink far away to enjoy tea drinking. In each price segment you can find good tea if you focus on the manufacturer.

What is the best tea? Depends on the situation. In the bustle of work, packaged tea is indispensable, fragrant leaf tea is more suitable for a family dinner, and only elite varieties are used for a traditional tea ceremony.

White collar drink - tea bags

Office workers cannot spend a lot of time drinking tea, so they need teabags of a sufficiently high quality. Popular varieties delight with strong flavor, fast brewing and high caffeine content (70-72 mg per sachet).

  • Greenfield. The pride of the European company "Orimi Trade", which specializes in the production of high quality tea and coffee.
  • Ahmad Tea. Typically English tea with a strong infusion and moderately tart taste. World famous for classic recipes « Earl gray"And" English Breakfast ".
  • Brooke Bond. The brainchild of the English company "Unilever", pleases with its rich taste and strong infusion. Black leaf tea helps you to quickly invigorate and work productively.
  • Dilmah. Ceylon leaf tea with a reddish infusion, mild taste. Quickly brews, invigorates perfectly.
  • Maitre de The. French producer of premium tea, which has absorbed best traditions French tea drinking, dating back to the distant 19th century. This brand symbolizes the sophisticated French approach to the art of selection and preparation of tea, which has conquered the whole world.

They are instantly brewed and contribute to a quick recovery of working capacity. No business meeting, conference or meeting is complete without tea drinking. Tasty tea- the guarantee of a good mood for the whole day, so it is worth buying only products of decent quality.

Tea leaves from all over the world - strong brew, sophisticated taste

True connoisseurs know that the most delicious drink- sheet. Brewing black or green varieties in a ceramic teapot, it is possible to extract an abyss of flavors from the drink.

High quality products are produced on the world market by well-known world manufacturers:

  • Orimi-trade. Aristocratic Greenfield and creative Tess, tea princesses Nuri and Kandy.
  • Unilever. Legendary brands Brooke Bond and positive Lipton, strong Beseda.
  • May company. Soft leafy "Curtis", rich "Lisma" and budget "May tea".

The presented teas are the tastiest in the medium and budget categories. Connoisseurs of elite tastes prefer to buy loose loose leaf tea in small tea shops. Do you drink tea in liters? Then delights are useless - buy tasty products at reasonable prices.

Top five leafy varieties:

  • Ahmad Ceylon Tea is a delicious Ceylon tea harvested in the highlands. Excellent quality, deep taste, intense brewing.
  • Greenfield Flying Dragon - amazing green tea of the highest grade, popular all over the world. Mild and slightly tart taste, light infusion, delicate aroma.
  • Dilmah Ceylon is a strong black infusion that energizes.
  • Ahmad Green Tea is a high quality pure green drink.
  • Brooke Bond is just a no-frills black tea - strong, invigorating, tart.

The presented drinks are the best sellers all over the world, which serves as the best proof of their quality. Black and green drinks made from the best teas grown in ecologically clean areas. The reputation of the growers guarantees the correct collection and processing of the leaves. Have tea with pleasure - indulge yourself with the best teas!

For connoisseurs - a high ceremonial

Experienced tea-lovers prefer elite varieties. Plain green or black from the store shelves cannot be used for a traditional ceremony - special drinks are required.

  • Chinese varieties: green and white, yellow and red, oolong and pu-erh from different provinces.
  • Japanese green varieties: pearl "Gyokuro", flowery Sencha Honyama.
  • African varieties: and herbal honey honey.
  • Rare species: Indian "Darjeeling", daffodil alpine "Wuyi Oolong", medicinal.

They are distinguished by their original taste - it is impossible to name the most delicious among them. Each variety is "worth its weight in gold" thanks to a palette of unique flavor characteristics.

Home collection - how to find your favorite variety?

A carefully selected home collection of everyday and expensive varieties allows you to enjoy tea.

  • Black - drives away drowsiness, adjusts to the working mood. It goes well with honey and lemon, milk and any jam.
  • Green - promotes creativity, helps to solve complex problems. Delightful when combined with cinnamon, cranberries, ginger and honey.
  • Red - improves immunity, blood pressure. It is preferable to drink it without the "flavors" in the form of sugar or honey.
  • White - healing drink restoring the nervous system and saving from chronic fatigue.
  • Is an ideal coffee substitute. Instantly restores vitality, accelerates brain activity.

It is advisable to keep at home several teas of the highest (whole-leaf: pitch, orange and tip), medium (chopped leaf: broken pitch and broken orange, medium-leaf) and inferior (granulated, packaged) varieties.

Whole leaf varieties contain many stimulants, so it is preferable to drink them in the morning. Medium-leaved ones have less invigorating effect, so they are brewed after the end of the working day. Packaged bags are ideal for people who often face deadlines - they allow you to enjoy tea taste even with a severe lack of free time.

It is enough to store 5-7 types of drinks at home so that each tea party will delight you with a special taste. Finding your favorite tea is not easy - there are thousands in the world delicious varieties... However, finding the best will bring many pleasant minutes.
