How to make fruit for a cake. Decorating a cake with fruits: delicious and beautiful

Very often housewives use to decorate desserts. different kinds fruits and berries. It is thanks to colorful fruits that the finished delicacy becomes beautiful and original. In addition, this design option allows you not to spend extra money and time, and it is not necessary to use special tools for decoration, just pick up a sharp knife. In this article, we will tell you how to decorate a fruit cake at home, step by step from the photo, to get an interesting treat design.

Almost any fruit can be used to decorate the dessert, but it should be borne in mind that just putting a piece of fruit on the cake is not enough, it will not work out to make a bright decoration. To make the dessert look very attractive, you need to choose the right fruits, they must match each other in size, shape and color. It is important to note the taste of fruits, they should be well combined with each other.

A few important rules

Before you start the process of decorating a dessert, you should learn more about some of the rules that you will have to strictly adhere to so as not to spoil ready dessert. It is these tips that will help create a beautiful design, while maintaining the original shape of the product.

To begin with, the preparation of the cakes begins, they are impregnated with cream, while more cream mass is spent on the layer than on the top layer. This rule is very important to follow, otherwise the pieces of fruit will slide off the dessert. A wide variety of types of fruits are used for decor, in addition, you can decorate the dessert with fresh berries to make the cake look more colorful. An unusual shape can be cut out of fruits, it can be a heart or a carved flower. Also, the pieces are laid out in a chaotic sequence, observing the combination of shades.

In order for the fruits to be well fixed on the surface of the treat, it is best to fill them with liquid jelly. The easiest way is to buy ready-made jelly, dilute it with water, and then pour it over the pieces of fruit that are laid out on the cake. If you need to use an additional decoration, then the hostess can take pieces of chocolate, powdered sugar, as well as melted chocolate. The design, which used fruits that were dipped in chocolate, looks very interesting. There are many ways to decorate baby cake fruits at home, according to the photo step by step, we'll talk about this.

How to properly arrange a cake with pieces of fruit

There are several design options for such a dessert, here we will offer the most interesting ideas. For example, you can take a mango and cut a large flower out of it, such decoration is placed in the middle of the dessert. A novice master can also make a flower, just cut out thin petals and lay them out one by one on the cake. After that, smaller petals are cut out and placed on larger petals. At the end, make the middle of a fresh berry or a drop of jam. The sides can be decorated with grape halves or mandarin slices.

There is also another option on how to decorate a cream cake with fruits at home, the photo shows several design options step by step. In this case, we suggest placing strawberries on the central part. In addition, fruits of different shades are used. Such pieces are laid out further from the center to the sides of the cake in a circle.

The easiest way is to make a beautiful canned mango or peach rose in the center. And then in a circle it is necessary to lay out grapes and tangerines, they do it alternately, thus decorating the entire cake with fruits. On the edges of the dessert, you can put small strawberries, blueberries, blueberries or black currants look no less interesting. The decoration in the form of a rainbow looks attractive, here the dessert is divided into several equal parts, and then pieces of fruit are laid out so that a kind of colored rainbow is obtained. It is advisable to use different colors here.

Very good to decorate cheese cake with the help of fresh berries, for this the sides are decorated with strawberries, and the central part is decorated with raspberries and kiwi slices. The dessert turns out very bright and attractive. You can also decorate the middle of the delicacy with any fresh berries, and pieces of canned mango or peach are fanned around the edges. If the hostess wants to learn how to decorate a cake with fruits at home, the dessert in various variations is decorated step by step with tangerines in the photo. You can use this idea with other fruits as well.

How to decorate dessert with frozen fruit

It is not at all necessary to use only fresh fruits; frozen fruits are also suitable in winter. But it’s worth saying right away that not all fruits here can be used to decorate treats. It is very important to use a fruit that will not lose its beautiful appearance after defrosting. Ideally, you should use pineapples, various types of berries and cherries. But it should be borne in mind that proper defrosting plays an important role here.

In order for the fruit to retain its beautiful appearance, it is worth transferring it from the freezer to the refrigerator, and only after a few hours take it out to defrost at room temperature. The slow defrosting process allows the pieces to retain their shape.

After defrosting, to make the pieces more attractive, they are dipped in chocolate, and then put into the refrigerator for ten minutes so that the chocolate crust is well frozen. Dessert is made with ready-made pieces. For such a design, it is better to use a cream that is more dense in structure, it can be cottage cheese or oily. A dense consistency will make it possible not to let the juice from the berries pass into the cake itself.

For added appeal, the top of the treat is covered with a thin layer of jelly to make the fruit look more sophisticated. To do this, you can buy instant jelly in the store, it is convenient to use, and you do not need to spend time preparing homemade filling.

“It should look so that you immediately want to eat it” - the main rule in making cakes, which I can talk about endlessly. To say that I love - to say nothing, I just adore them! But sometimes when I look at oil roses and multi-colored mastic, the desire to feast on disappears completely.

Decorating cakes at home

A holiday without a cake is not a holiday at all. Of course, each cake is beautiful in its own way, whether it's mom's "Napoleon" or the incomparable "Pani Valevskaya" from the local confectionery, but if it has an unappetizing appearance, you don't want to try such a dessert. But today you will learn how to surprise guests with a magnificent, incredibly beautiful cake without overpaying huge sums to confectioners!

Editorial Semitsvetik will tell you about the fashion trend in confectionery art. Believe me oil cream long time ago the best decoration for the cake - fresh berries, fruits and flowers. A minimum of effort, available ingredients - and an ordinary biscuit will become a luxurious cake.


Original decoration of cakes

  • Chocolate cake is perfectly complemented by red berries and elegant chocolate chips.


  • The most modern are "naked cakes", without an outer layer of cream or mastic. Such masterpieces will attract attention at any holiday.


  • When decorating a cake with flowers, remember the names toxic plants, which are forbidden to use in food decoration: callas, white lily, hyacinth, lily of the valley, jasmine, snowdrop, tulip, hydrangea, strelitzia, pink carnation. You can use: rose, orchid, chamomile, petunia, tiger lily, thyme, pansies, cornflowers, apple blossoms, orange blossoms, oregano.


  • Start decorating the cake with flowers a maximum of two hours before serving. Before decorating, put the flowers in water in a cool place. Ready product store in the refrigerator.


  • For homemade cake decorations any fruits and berries will do, the main thing is to arrange them beautifully.

  • Home honey cake with blueberries and orange slices looks really festive.

  • Miniature meringue and blackberries sprinkled with powdered sugar turn the Prague cake into a masterpiece!

  • For girl best cake you can’t imagine, and most importantly - it’s easy!

  • A few more girly options.

  • A small handful of fruit in a waffle cone also looks beautiful.

  • And this is how every housewife will succeed in transforming the Napoleon!

  • Very often, fruits are used in decorating cakes, because thanks to this, the cake becomes bright, festive and attractive. In addition, this method is simple and does not require any special devices or skills.

    Almost any fruit is suitable for decoration. However, one should not assume that just putting fruit on the cake is enough. To create a complete and beautiful picture, you need to pay special attention to their choice, so that they are combined with each other in size, colors and taste.

    Rules for decorating cakes with fruits

    When decorating a cake with fruits, there are certain rules. They provide a beautiful appearance of the product, and also help to maintain the shape of the product.

    First of all, you need to prepare the cakes. The main part of baking consists of fruit, cream or layer. Lubricate each cake with cream, and the top with a thin layer.

    For decoration, almost any fruits and berries are used, from which you can lay out a beautiful figure (heart, fish and many others) or simply in a chaotic sequence.

    In addition, powdered sugar or chocolate can be used as an additional decoration. To do this, dip dry fruits in powdered or melted chocolate.

    Not every fruit can be a decoration for a cake. The best options would be:

    • pineapple (fresh or canned);
    • mango (fresh or canned);
    • mandarin;
    • orange;
    • pear;
    • apple;
    • kiwi;
    • apricot;
    • peach.

    Before you start decorating the cake, fresh fruit must first be prepared:

    • remove excess leaves or stalks;
    • wash the fruit;
    • if you want to remove the seeds or peel;
    • if you want to cut the fruit in half;
    • an apple, pear or peach is cut into thin slices, an apricot is cut into halves, a banana is sliced, and the berries are left whole;
    • so that the apple does not darken, it is recommended to sprinkle it lemon juice. This will help maintain an attractive appearance.

    How to decorate a fruit cake with your own hands

    Decorating a cake at home with fruits is not difficult. There are many options for product design:

    • put a mango flower in the center of the product. To do this, it must be cut into thin slices and slip each slice under the previous one. Put grapes and tangerine on the side of baking;
    • Decorate the center of the cake with strawberries. Choose 3-4 fruits of different colors and lay them out one by one, starting from the center of the baking;
    • Using a slicer, you can make beautiful voluminous flowers from an apple. The center of the cake is decorated with a "rose", and grapes are laid out around.

    How beautiful to decorate a cake with fruits and berries

    • the easiest way is to put a rose from canned mango or peaches in the center of the product. And in the outer circle, fold green grapes and tangerines in turn;
    • put strawberries, berries along the edge of the product black currant and a sprig of red currant.
    • rainbow cake lies in the fact that the product is divided into equal parts and certain fruits or berries are laid out on each of them.
    • halves of strawberries are laid out along the edges of the baking, and kiwi and mango can be decorated in the center of the cake.
    • strawberries are also laid out along the edges, and the center is decorated with raspberries and kiwi.
    • the center of the cake is decorated with any berries, and the edges are decorated with a lined fan of canned mango and kiwi.
    • in the center of the cake, a figure of fruit is laid out, and on the side of the kiwi and black currant.
    • using molds, cut out figures, such as leaves or flowers, and decorate the cake.
    • the product is decorated with slices of citrus fruits. Mint sprigs are used as an additional decoration.
    • additional decoration can be fruit roses.

    As you can see, there are a lot of decoration variations. Use your favorite fruits, berries and boldly decorate the product. Only your imagination will be the main thing here.

    How to decorate a cake with frozen fruit

    To decorate the cake, you can use not only fresh fruits, but also frozen ones. However, not every fruit is suitable for this purpose. It should, after defrosting, not lose its attractive appearance. Pineapple, cherries and almost any berry are ideal.

    Most important point in decorating a cake with frozen fruits is their proper defrosting.

    To do this, first fruits with freezer put on the top shelf of the refrigerator, and after a while continue defrosting at room conditions.

    Such a slow temperature drop will keep the shape and attractive appearance.

    In addition, you can freeze fruits in chocolate. To do this, just dip them in melted chocolate, then put them on parchment and put them in the freezer.

    As the basis of the cake, it is better to use a dense cream, since its consistency allows you not to miss the juice of frozen fruits. For a spectacular look, you can pour jelly on top. So your cake will look very gentle and attractive.

    Beautiful cakes decorated with fruits and chocolate

    A universal decoration for any pastry is chocolate. It pairs with just about anything, and the fruity version looks the most impressive and tastes the best.

    There are many ways to decorate a cake with fruits and chocolate:

    • the fruits are dipped in melted chocolate and spread on pastries;
    • using a confectionery syringe, chocolate is squeezed onto the fruit;
    • fruit is sprinkled with chocolate chips;
    • chocolate drips can be made along the edges and sides of the product;
    • using a vegetable peeler or a sharp knife, chocolate chips are made;
    • various patterns or figures are drawn on parchment with the help of chocolate and laid out on a cake.

    How to decorate a cake with fruit in jelly at home

    As a rule, it is the biscuit cake that is decorated with fruits in jelly. To create such a product, you will need biscuit cakes, fruit jelly, fruits and gelatin.

    Decorating a cake with fruits in jelly requires certain rules to be followed:

    • the top layer must be smeared with jam or jam. Due to this, the jelly will not be absorbed into the baking itself;
    • so that the jelly does not flow along the edges of the product, put on a confectionery ring;
    • after you have applied the jelly to the fruit, place the cake in the refrigerator for 2 hours;
    • jelly is poured in a thin stream, starting from the center of the cake;
    • the optimal color of jelly is colorless.

    Cooking jelly does not take much time and effort. 20 g of gelatin must be poured into a glass warm water. Mix the mixture thoroughly and leave for 15-20 minutes.

    Pour a glass of any juice into a saucepan and add 3 tbsp. l. granulated sugar. As soon as the juice boils, pour in the softened gelatin in a thin stream. At the same time, carefully mix the mixture, avoiding the formation of lumps.

    When the gelatin grains have completely melted, the pan can be removed from the heat. Let the mixture cool down a bit. Before the jelly has hardened, pour it over the fruits laid out on the cake.

    Other Ways to Decorate Cakes

    Curly cutting is called carving. It can be made from fruits, vegetables or berries and requires certain skills. For carving, you need to have some kitchen utensils, such as a knife, slicer, and others.

    For decoration, you can use an apple or a pear. Consider a few fruit cuts:

    • apple basket. The fruit is cut into 2 parts, one of which must be completely cleaned. The result should be a kind of basket. A flower is made from the other half of the apple and inserted into the basket with a toothpick. Whipped cream and berries can be used on top for decoration.
    • apple flower. It must be cut into 2 parts. One of which is cleaned of seeds and cut into thin slices. The slices are laid out alternately on the cake in the form of a flower.
    • leaflets. Cut an apple or pear into 4 pieces and remove the stones. Make the edges of the quarter serrated so that they resemble the shape of a leaf, and a figured notch is made in the center.
    • hedgehog. Made from pear. Peel the fruit from the peel by 2/3. This will be the cleaned muzzle of the hedgehog. Needles are made on the unpeeled part of the fetus. To do this, put on toothpicks, and green grapes on them. From the berries you can make a hedgehog eyes and nose.

    In addition to carving, there are other ways to decorate a cake.

    Aising is the decoration of a cake, for which powdered sugar And egg white. Such decoration allows you to get any figures, flowers, patterns or inscriptions.

    Whipped cream looks very nice on the product. You can cook them yourself, or you can buy a finished product in the store. With their help, pastries are decorated with a beautiful pattern, flowers, and you can also make any inscription.

    With the help of melted chocolate, a beautiful pattern, mesh or thin stripes is made on pastries.

    The sides of the cake can be decorated with coconut or chocolate shavings, cookies, cocoa or other.

    Please note that the cake decorated with fruit must be stored in the refrigerator. Since the fruits do not differ in shelf life, baking should be decorated immediately before serving.

    And another one simple idea fruit cake decorations are in the next video.

    Decorating cakes with fruits - the most beautiful of the most simple ways decorating baked goods. There are a lot of variations and I have collected photos of the most (from my point of view) beautiful variations of decorating cakes with fruits. Under the photo, I will list the fruits used. Some cakes are decorated with cake jelly. The easiest way is to buy semi-finished jelly in bags at the supermarket or cook it yourself using the recipe that is described at the very end of this publication.

    17 most magnificent cakes decorated with fruits

    Cake with fruit photo 1. Perhaps the simplest option. The outer circle uses tangerines and green grapes. And the rose in the center of the cake is lined with canned mango (can be replaced with large canned peaches.

    Cake with fruit photo 2. Very beautiful and simple cake. Fruits used in decoration: strawberries, red currants (twigs) and round black currants (berries). Colored powder looks very nice on a white creamy background in combination with multi-colored fruits.

    Cake with fruit photo 3 ( Just a brilliant idea: a rainbow cake. There are many variations on this idea. Starting from the use of fruits and ending with the sequence of laying out colored sectors from fruits. It is in this recipe that the following fruits and berries are used: raspberries, peaches, pineapple, kiwi, blueberries, strawberries. You can also add currants and canned peaches and mangoes and more and more and more.

    Cake with fruit photo 4. This cake is for gourmets and aesthetes. Minimalism and elegance. As for my taste - just great: fresh raspberries with small mint leaves. It is also very tasty, when you bite off a piece of cake, your tongue will feel the fresh-sweet mint-raspberry taste.

    Cake with fruit photo 5. What was laid out on a dark layer chocolate icing? These are: strawberry, kiwi, mango. For greater convenience when “eating”, strawberries can be cut and laid out in halves.

    Cake with fruit photo 6. Red and green is a great color combination. Strawberries and raspberries are a wonderful flavor combination. So, only 3 fruits: raspberries, strawberries and kiwi .... and such beauty!

    Cake with fruit photo 7. Real home recipe Everything is simple and everything is available. Fan-cut large canned mango, kiwi and berries (blueberries or blueberries or blackcurrants) laid out in the center.

    Cake with fruit photo 8. In this version of decorating a cake with fruits, the geometric arrangement of fruit pieces is interesting. Fruits are fixed on a gentle oily snow-white cream.

    Cake with fruit photo 9. This decoration is very well suited for huge cakes, which are already cut into portioned square (or rectangular) pieces before serving. Used: pineapple, orange, grapefruit, kiwi and cherry.

    Cake with fruit photo 10. This is the “Basket of Abundance” depicted and embodied. A good and very varied set of fruits: grapes, strawberries, currants, raspberries, blackberries, canned peaches, apples. All this abundance is filled with “careless” cake jelly.

    Cake with fruit photo 11. This cake is for children, it is! Side of the cake: kiwi and currant. Owl: strawberry, banana, canned peach and currant for eyes.

    Cake with fruit photo 12. Sponge cake, the sides of which are lined with finely chopped nuts, and the creamy top is decorated with fruits. From fruits used: strawberries, kiwi and peaches. When decorating cakes, it is better to take canned peaches. Together with a slice of cake, a canned peach will bite softly and be a pleasure to eat.

    Cake with fruits photo 13. Perhaps if the snow-white cream had not been so professionally laid out, perhaps this simple set of fruits would not have looked so beautiful. But in this snow-white cream wave, they look simply amazing: orange, kiwi, pineapple, mango, tangerine. A “cocktail cherry” soaked in sugar syrup was placed in the center of the cake.

    Cake with fruit photo 14. Despite the fact that this cake is made from watermelon (yes, it is from the pulp of cold watermelon), the decoration idea can also be used on ordinary biscuit cakes. Beautiful leaves and flowers are cut out of kiwi and mango with the help of small molds for children's creativity. Everything else you see in the photo yourself.

    Cake with fruit photo 15. I can’t help but post such a masterpiece, although most likely such a fruit design looks so impressive on a multi-tiered cake. But look how chic the colors are: red, black and blue. This fruit platter from raspberries, blackberries and blueberries. All these berries can be bought in the supermarket in the freezing department. Although raspberries are used - fresh. And this is an important rule, since it is raspberries that lose their elastic and chic appearance after freezing. But blackberries and blueberries can be bought frozen (but of course good quality freezing).

    The berries are laid out too, it seems simple, but very thoughtfully, observing the uniformity of color and taste.

    Try and delight your guests with this berry fantasy!!!

    Cake with fruit photo 16. It seems that all the same fruits, they just cut and laid them out. But an interesting solution: chocolate bar sides. And now it looks like a chocolate basket filled with fruits. Great solution! The only thing is, do not stray off your feet in search of a white fruit with black dots. This is a Thai fruit called "dragon's eye". In general, it is not very tasty and not very juicy. Although it looks very bright. Replace it with something else.

    Fruit cake photo 17. The cake is decorated with citrus slices: lemon, orange and red orange. Sprigs of mint are added as a contrasting color. It will be even more beautiful if, before laying the slices on the cake, dip them in a special gelatin composition (cake jelly). Fruit will sparkle!

    Cake with fruit photo 18. Cake from shortcrust pastry(possible with stuffing). Laid out fruits are covered with a special cake jelly. It gives shine and tenderness.

    Cake with fruits 19. These delicate roses that cover the cake are made from orange peels. It is absolutely not easy to make. The only thing may be that you will need time to “wind up” so many roses. The cake will also be flavorful.

    Decorating cakes is an interesting but time-consuming section of cooking. easy way make a treat colorful and tasty - decorate it with fruits and berries. A successful decor will turn out even from the most familiar fruits - apples, bananas, oranges. Exotic fruits will make the dessert even more appetizing, and the berries will complement the taste of the cream, set off its sweetness. Do not forget about the benefits of fresh fruits.

    Berry decorations

    Dark berries look spectacular on a lush mass of white cream. Whipped cream is used protein cream, custard, on condensed milk.

    To decorate with protein cream with berries, you will need:

    • 4 eggs (whites);
    • 1 glass of powdered sugar;
    • 1 pack of butter;
    • 2 tbsp. l. lemon juice.


    1. Separate the whites from the yolks, cool and pour into a dry bowl.
    2. Now beat them with a mixer at medium speed, gradually adding powdered sugar.
    3. When the mixture reaches the consistency of light foam, place it on water bath and heat for about 4 minutes until the powder is completely dissolved.
    4. Combine the warmed proteins with soft butter and lemon juice, beat again until fluffy.
    5. Cover with cream cake layers, top and side parts. With the help of a pastry bag with curly nozzles, beautiful sides in the form of waves are quite simply formed.
    6. It remains only to decorate the cake with berries. More often than others, raspberries, blueberries, blackberries, lingonberries, strawberries are used. Cherries are also suitable, including cocktail ones - soaked in sugar syrup, but they must first be pitted.
    7. Place the berries randomly or assemble them into a thoughtful composition.
    8. If the cake is multi-layered, good idea- mix berries with cream and use as a filling.

    A cake decorated with grapes, both green and black, looks elegant. A pattern is formed from the berries or a scattering is laid out. Large grapes are placed both on top and in the layer. If you “drown” them in cream, then when cutting dessert, guests will experience a pleasant surprise. Grapes are combined with strawberries, kiwi, lemon.

    Freshly frozen berries are also suitable for decorating the cake, for example, blackberries, cranberries, raspberries, black currants.

    Strawberries with cream

    This tandem is win-win thanks to an unsurpassed combination of taste and color.

    To decorate the cake with strawberries and cream, it is better to whip them yourself.

    You will need:

    • 400 ml of heavy cream;
    • 6 art. l. powdered sugar.


    1. Cool cream and whip. Lush peaks will be obtained only from a fatty product, so you need to collect fat from the walls of the pack with a spoon and add it to the total mass.
    2. Place the bowl and whisk in the freezer for 5 minutes before whipping.
    3. Start whipping at medium speed, gradually increasing the speed.
    4. After 2-3 minutes, introduce the powder.
    5. When steep peaks appear, stop, as the cream is easy to beat into butter. On average, it takes 10 minutes to prepare the cream.

    Strawberries with chocolate

    Another way to create a memorable cake decoration. Gentle pink color berries look great on a dark background. To make the decor perfect, the largest strawberries are taken. In this case, it is not necessary to remove the stalk.

    You will need:

    • chocolate bar;
    • some milk;
    • nuts - optional;
    • 8-10 large strawberries.


    1. Melt the chocolate in a water bath. If it turns out too thick, then add a little milk and mix until smooth.
    2. Brush the top and sides of the cake with chocolate.
    3. Dip strawberries into hot chocolate.
    4. Place the berries in a circle closer to the edge of the cake.
    5. Grind nuts on a grater. With the resulting nut dust, draw wavy paths on the chocolate.
    6. Finish the decoration with beautiful chocolate curls, which are obtained by grinding on a coarse grater.

    Strawberries go well with both bitter and milk or white chocolate.

    Fruits in jelly

    With the help of fruit jelly, high layered cakes. For the base, a regular biscuit is suitable. Between the cake and gelled fruit, you can put a layer of thick cream, soufflé or fruit jam.

    You will need:

    • sliding form;
    • gelatin - 1 pack;
    • 1 st. l. Sahara;
    • 1 tsp lemon juice;
    • 0.5 st. water.

    How to cook:

    1. Pour gelatin warm water and leave to swell.
    2. After 15 minutes, put the mixture in a water bath and wait for the gelatin to dissolve completely.
    3. After boiling, immediately remove the mixture from heat and add sugar and lemon juice.
    4. Place the cake in a sliding form with high sides. Cut fruit in advance and arrange nicely.
    5. Pour warm jelly onto fruits in a thin stream from the center to the edge of the composition, or gently smear the fruits using a brush with a brush.
    6. Place the cake in the refrigerator until the gelatin has completely set.
    7. To get a colored jelly, dyes must be added during the boiling of gelatin, but in a small amount: fruits will be lost in too dark jelly. Instead of water, it is allowed to take colored berry fruit drinks, this will give the finished jelly a delicate shade. Gelatin supplement option - cream or yogurt. They should be added in small portions after the gelatin has cooled and mixed thoroughly.

    Do not gel citrus fruits, pineapple and kiwi: they may not harden. The acids that these fruits secrete prevent the gelatin from seizing.

    Jelly can be bought at a candy store. It is specially designed for pouring fruit. You need to act quickly, such as the mass freezes instantly.

    Fruit roses: the secret of creation

    To decorate the cake with fruits in the form of flowers, you need to prepare sugar syrup. Thin plastics of apple and peach are best suited for creating buds. The method is ideal if you want to decorate the cake with oranges. Citrus gives a lot of juice when fresh, and after boiling in syrup it becomes soft and docile.


    • 1 apple;
    • 1 peach;
    • 1 orange;
    • 1 cup of sugar;
    • 1 glass of water.

    Recipe step by step:

    1. Cut apple, orange and peach into thin slices.
    2. Mix sugar with water and bring to a boil.
    3. Dip fruit pieces in syrup.
    4. Twist one plastic into a tube, place a second one on top of it and continue twisting. Thus, roses of the desired size are formed. The optimal number of fruit plates is 4-6.
    5. Transfer to the cake, secure with a toothpick for stability.
    6. Lay out the leaves from small strips green apple placed skin side up.

    A combination of fruits, berries, creams, interesting ideas and supplements

    Tips for combining and placing fruits and berries:

    1. Even randomly laid out fruits and berries look beautiful on a lush layer of cream.
    2. Small fruit fragments are laid out at the edges, and large ones in the center.
    3. Kiwi circles are used to frame the composition. They are placed side by side.
    4. An interesting option: do not mix the fruits, but arrange them in sections in the form of triangles, the vertices of which are in the center of the cake.
    5. A composition of fruits and berries can be placed in the center of the cake, or a wreath can be formed along the edge of the confectionery.
    6. To decorate with bananas, the fruits are peeled and cut into circles. They are placed in a dense layer and covered with thin strips of chocolate. As an addition - grated nuts, small sweet berries (for example, blueberries).
    7. Raspberries are combined with blackberries; from fruits, kiwi is suitable for berries.
    8. The best fruit cream - custard, protein, oil.
    9. Slices of red grapefruit and lime look spectacular next to oranges.
    10. If the cream turned out to be too sweet, the cake is decorated with berries and fruits with sourness. This will balance the taste of the dessert.
    11. Fruit is quite realistic to place on the sides of the cake. To do this, you need a sticky cream. Banana circles and apple slices hold best.
    12. Various shapes are cut out of thick plastics of an apple: hearts, stars, etc. You will need special food molds or devices for cutting dough for cookies.
    13. The edges of the cake are masked with dense cream: protein, custard, oil. From a long cookie (suitable for "Children's"), bumpers are formed. Wafer tubes are used for the same purpose.
    14. Whole large berries are combined with soft chocolates.
    15. Delicate ensemble - raspberries, blueberries and macarons. The delicacy is selected by color.
    16. Before placing large pieces, they are dipped in melted chocolate or syrup, and then in confectionery sprinkles or coconut flakes.
    17. Fresh mint leaves are a good addition to fruits.
    18. Tangerines for decoration are used in the form of slices, oranges - circles or their halves. Citruses are peeled not only from the peel and seeds, but also from the white fibers between the pulp. If the drawing is not made up of whole slices, then the pulp should be freed from the film.

    Things to Consider When Making a Fruit Decoration: Tricks and Tips

    Not all housewives have a lot of experience with volumetric fruit decorations. You need to choose a good cream, carefully cut and arrange the pieces.

    So that the work does not go down the drain because of some little thing, check out this collection of useful tips:

    1. Not all fruits and berries are suitable for decoration due to the abundance of juice. Due to excess fluid, the whole picture will deteriorate. Such fruits and berries include lemon, lime, persimmon, watermelon, melon, gooseberry. But if these fruits are quite elastic, then why not find them a use in the confectionery business? Juicy fruits and berries are suitable for a layer of cakes, their juice nourishes a dryish biscuit. Citrus fruits often use the zest. By the way, canned fruits are rarely used to decorate cakes, as they also have a lot of juice.
    2. Before buying fruits, you need to make sure that guests are not allergic to any of them. Most often, a negative reaction is caused by oranges, kiwi.
    3. Do not forget to remove the seeds from cherries, citrus fruits, grapes.
    4. Everyone noticed that an apple, after peeling the peel, begins to darken quickly. On birthday cake such pieces can spoil the overall impression of a confectionery masterpiece. To keep the apple pulp clean, it is sprinkled with lemon juice.
    5. There should be no dots or cracks on the fruit. Overripe fruits should not be used.
    6. So that cakes decorated with fruits do not fall apart, 2-3 cm are left from the decor to the edge of the cake.
    7. In order for each guest to treat themselves to the decor of the cake, portions are calculated in advance and the dessert is divided into segments. Then the decoration elements are symmetrically arranged.
    8. So that frozen berries do not lose their shape, it is necessary that they thaw gradually. First, the fruits are moved from the freezer to the top shelf of the refrigerator, and after a few hours they are taken out and brought to room temperature.
    9. Using a pastry bag with a thin nozzle, drawings are created directly on berries and fruits. Strawberries and raspberries are covered with strips of chocolate.
    10. Idea: place toothpicks with berries on the pear halves, dark chocolate draw eyes. Get a funny hedgehog.

    No matter how difficult it is to compete in the design of a cake with venerable confectioners, homemade baking was, is and will be a family favourite. A handmade fruit decoration will be aesthetic in any case, even if you just place the slices on the cream, and the taste of the cake will be saturated with good mood and love for loved ones, and this is the main component of success.