Edible chestnuts - benefit and harm. Chestnut (fruit): Therapeutic properties, use in folk medicine

Edible chestnuts cause a pleasant association with France. Autumn, Paris and light smoke from the firewood, in which the fruits be baked. This goody firmly entrenched on the tables of the Motherland of the Eiffel Tower and gradually conquers the sympathies of the whole world. With regular use, the benefits of chestnuts are traced. What exactly, consider further.

Unfortunately, some groups of the population will cause harm. If you confuse the product with another view - horse chestnut, it will lead to poisoning. To avoid such situations, you need to adhere to simple rules.

There are two types of chestnuts - horse and noble, or real. The first species is grown in decorative purposes. It is strictly prohibited to use it, because they can bring harm to the body. These chestnuts are poisonous. But the noble view does not represent any danger for a person, and even on the contrary. Its benefit is to establish the work of the body systems and the treatment of various diseases.

The chestnut tree belongs to the beech family. From a botanical point of view, fruits are nuts. They are grown in Asian countries, some European states in North America.

In France, the plant consider the national symbol, in honor of him even arrange a big holiday. From the ingredient make various sauces, salads, desserts and many other spicy dishes. In Russia, edible chestnuts do not grow, but many supermarkets sell them fresh and fried. The product is unusual, a little reminds sweet potato With a nutty.

The composition of edible chestnuts

The fruit is a valuable source of starch (up to 60%) and sugars (15%). Virtually 6% falls on proteins and only 2% for fats. A thin transparent film around the nut is an insoluble fiber, the benefits of which is obvious to the gastrointestinal tract.

In addition, a small fruit contains tubyl and pectin substances, glycosides, vitamins A, groups B, C. In Chestnos there are minerals: calcium, copper, magnesium, phosphorus, iron, sodium and potassium.

The energy value of fresh fruits - 180 kcal per 100 g. Fried nuts are still more calories.

For those who follow their figure, this indicator can be high enough. But you can pamper yourself with a small amount of chestnuts, because they do not overload the stomach and at the same time saturate the body with nutritional elements.

Positive effect on the body

The benefits of edible chestnuts are obvious for vegetarians. Fruits allow you to diversify their diet and to some extent compensate for the lack of protein. For therapeutic purposes, all parts of the tree are used: bark, flowers, leaves.

They have such an effect on the body:

  • the decoction of dry leaves allows you to quickly cope with inflammations of the upper respiratory tract;
  • fresh leaves accelerate cough treatment;
  • alcohol tincture on dry flowers is shown in the Qatar of the bladder and chronic dysentery;
  • fruits and bark are used in the adhesions caused by kidney diseases, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, nasal bleeding;
  • the decoction of nuts quickly eliminates the furuncula and the burden.

On this use of edible chestnuts does not end. They are used in different shapes with elevated arterial pressure, diseases of vessels and hearts, thrombosis, varicose veins, hemorrhoids. IN folk medicine Fresh nuts help eliminate malaria and chronic diarrhea, and roasted - hemorrhoidal and uterine bleeding.

Application in cooking

Recipes for cooking edible chestnuts are pretty simple. The most popular delicacy is fried fruit. They must be pre-cleaned from the peel and remove the membranes. Chestnuts themselves need to be cut cross-crosswise or make cuts on the sides.

If this manipulation is neglected, the nut can explode. Then lay out the product on the pan, cover the wet cloth. Close the lid and give chestnis 20-30 minutes. From time to time, mix and wipe the napkins as drying.

Other cooking recipes offer to booze the fruits and serve them with different sauces (chocolate, coffee), make soup, pork, or lamb with chestnuts. With a rich imagination from the product, you can create real culinary masterpieces.


People with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, kidneys, heart and liver, hidden pulmonary and gastric bleeding are not recommended to use the product without prior consultation of the attending physician. Chestnuts can harm the body and exacerbate the course of individual ailments. The categorical taboo is placed on the use of fruits with diabetes patients and blood diseases.

Allergies are often found on nuts, but they are mainly caused by the use of another species - horse. Therefore, it is recommended to buy chestnuts only in proven places. Edible fruits have a pointed top, so they are difficult to confuse with horse nut.

Harm is observed when moving chestnuts and flour from them. In the intestine, gases are formed in large numbers, constipation occurs. In some people, after the use of not roasted nuts, diarrhea arises. When external use should be extremely careful, because the tinctures and decoctions can cause skin irritation. The benefits are canceled with a combination of chestnut extracts along with Willow's bark, oak.

Chestnuts, especially their large amounts, are capable of increasing body weight. Although the benefits of nuts are very attractive, it is not necessary to argue. And if there are any doubts, it is better to abandon the product at all, so as not to hurt yourself.

Chestnut is a fairly widespread plant belonging to the kind of beech. This tree grows in Asia, Europe and North America. In nature there are 2 types of chestnut, but only 1 of them is edible. In the people, it is called "noble". Fruits, bark and leaves of this plant possess both positive properties and negative. In this article we will tell about the benefit and harm of edible chestnuts.

The benefits of edible chestnuts

Edible chestnut is not only tasty, but also very useful dish. This product boasts the following beneficial properties:

Edible chestnuts can boast unique composition. For example, in the fruits of this plant there are very few fats (no more than 5%), which benefits chestnuts among the majority of nuts and seeds. Also, chestnis contains 60% starch, 15% of sugars and 6% proteins. And this is not all useful substances that are part of this plant. The composition of chestnut walnut includes useful minerals, vitamins A, C, B, fiber. The saponins included in the composition of the fruits increase the tone of the vessels and stimulate the production of adrenal hormones.

It should be noted that absolutely all parts of this plant can boast a large number of useful substances. For example, in the crust and branches of chestnut, there are many tannic substances (leaturated protein cells and form a protective film that has bactericidal properties), glycosides and oils. In the fruits themselves there are many pectin, flavonoid and other biologically active substances. The leaves of edible chestnut are used to prepare useful tinctures that are used as hemostatic means in the presence of internal bleeding. From the fruits of the plant you can also cook a healing tincture, which has perfectly proven itself, as antitrog, healing and binding.

This plant boasts a vessel reinforcing effect. Due to this, there is a decrease in the brittleness of capillaries, the acceleration of blood flow, the absorption of thrombus and an increase in the tone of extended veins. Data beneficial features Very effective in the treatment of hemorrhoids and thrombophlebitis. For example, for treating hemorrhoids, it is necessary to cook the tincture of fruits and plant bark. First you need to finely cut the bark and the fruits of chestnut. After that, 5 Gy of raw materials must be pouring 1 cup boiling water. The tool must be laid at least 30 minutes. Next, the tincture should be strain and add 1 glass of boiling water into it. The finished medicine should be taken inside 3 times a day 1 with 1 spoon.

This product is recommended to people who are watching their weight. The thing is that chestnuts have low calorie. In 100 grams of the product contains only 180 kcal. It is almost impossible to recover from a large number of chestnuts.

Many ladies with varicose veins are preferred to fight this unpleasant illness with the help of edible chestnut. For good result Every day, the problem areas of the legs should be wiped from the fruits of this plant. The decoction is preparing very easily. 1 kg of fruits should be grinding and obtained powder to peel into 5 liters of water for 30 minutes. In the resulting consistency, you need to make bandages and wrapping problem areas. After 30 minutes, the bandage can be removed. You can also add a ready-made decoction to the bath.

Chestnut boasts its energy properties. With this product, you can get rid of ailments and give the body an incredible amount of forces. For feeding it is necessary to simply carry with you only 2 nuts of chestnut.

Chestnut also proven himself in the treatment of various breast diseases. In this case, a couple of nuts can be carefully placed in a bra. So, for example, chestnuts help in the fight against mastopathy, mastitis and a grind of milk in the period breastfeeding. The fruits of this plant are also used for breast massage.

From the young leaves of the "noble" chestnut prepare a decoction for the treatment of such a serious illness as a pertussus.

With the help of a decoction from the cortex of this tree treats the parables of the stomach and kidneys. Among other things, such a drug will help in the presence of guns.

Out of various parts of this plant prepare ointments and creams, with the help of which cystitis and dysentery can be cured.

From the seeds and flowers of Chestnut is preparing a healing infusion, with which wounds are processed on the body. Flowers for infusion are collected strictly at the beginning of the flowering of the plant. Next, the juice is squeezed out of these colors, which is then bred in water (ideal proportion - 30/1).

Means from edible chestnut are used with pain syndrome during menstruation. With the help of a ragger of these nuts, you can get rid of abundant menstruation and unpleasant sensations during the climax. For cooking, 30 drops of chestnut chests are mixed with 1 spoon of water. For a positive result, you should use this tool twice a day.

Noble chestnuts are used for tuberculosis and malaria.

The fruits of edible chestnut are very tasty and nutritious. They can be consumed both in cheese and fried and boiled form. Baked chestnuts are very popular among lovers of this delicacy. Nuts are baked quite easily. Each fetal needs to cut the tip. If we neglect this procedure, then chestnuts can simply explode. After that, the fruits can be placed in the oven for 20 minutes. Ready chestnuts are cleaned from the shell and are used with butter creamy.

Also delicious are boiled chestnuts. All the fruits are thoroughly cleaned from the shell, flooded with cool water and put on fire. Cooking nuts follows no more than 20 minutes, as during this time they have time to soften. Boiled chestnuts are served with butter.

Harm edible chestnuts

In addition, this plant can bring harm to the body, therefore, before using chestnuts, it is necessary to consult a doctor. For example, the fruits of this tree cannot be applied during pregnancy or during the feeding of the baby.

In no case cannot be abused by this product. Often overeating the fruit leads to the bloating of the abdomen, a constation and diarrhea. It is also not desirable to eat chestnuts to people with heart problems and congenital renal failure. It is categorically impossible to give chestnuts with patients with diabetes and blood diseases.

Chestnut is pretty poorly combined with the bark of willow and oak, so using these products are categorically prohibited. Such procedures can overcover even the most fatty skin. That is why before combining chestnut tools with others folk recipesThis should be consulted with the doctor.

Some people have individual intolerance to this product. In this case, as a rule, after using this product, vomiting and nausea appears. In the presence of side Effects From edible chestnuts stand right away.

Often, people are confused by edible chestnut with horse chestnut, which is not used in food. If you eat some horse chestnuts, you can earn poisoning. The thing is that in such fruits there is a lot of tanning substances. It is quite simple to distinguish edible nuts from intolerable. Edible chestnuts have a small joke, located on the tip of the cone.

Konsky chestnut is a leaf fall tree, which has a waxing crown, which form large, complex, opposite leaves with long stiffs, five- or seven-fell, are not welded. The adult plant reaches an average of 25 m in height. May - time flowering tree. Belloltovoid, rim, irregular flowers can have white or pale pink, on the edge of the petals are fringe. Flowers collected in a reprehension of a large cone-shaped inflorescence with double floral cover.

From September to October, fruits ripen - three-rissed boxes with spikes, round shape. Each box contains one, less often two seeds - shiny, shiny, dark brown with a stain of gray. The horse chestnut in the wild is growing in wide forests, it is specially grown in parks, squares of the middle band of the European part of the CIS countries, in the Caucasus, in Central Asia.

Useful properties of horse chestnut

For therapeutic purposes, flowers, seeds, bark, leaves are used. Flowers and leaves are collected in May: gently cut and dried, constantly turning over and shelting from direct sunlight. Seeds begin to harvest in early September, dried two or four weeks, scattering a thin layer. Spring time is suitable for the harvesting of the bark, it is removed from the branches after trimming trees. Course cut into slices is dried under a canopy or in well-ventilated rooms.

In the seeds contain kumarine glycosides, such as Eskulin, Fracin, Escin. There are tanning substances, starch. The presence of oily oil, triterpene saponin escine is revealed. Bark is rich in escine, tanning substances. In addition to the Eskulin and Fraccin, there are vitamin C and thiamine in it. The leaves of horse chestnut are endowed with glycosides, pectin substances and carotenoids. Flowers can saturate the human body with flavonoids. The effect of mucus, tanning and pectin substances is also useful.

Application of horse chestnut

Folk Medicine has accumulated rich experience in the use of horse chestnut, official medicine also widely uses the beneficial properties of this therapeutic plant. Due to low toxicity and useful eskuline, fraxcin and ext century, the pharmacological properties of the plant perfectly affect the body in many illnesses. The alcohol tinctures of seeds and flowers are popular. Chestnut relieves inflammation and swelling.

As a result of the actions of the horse chestnut, the blood coagulation slows down, so it is incredibly effective during thrombosis, affects the decrease in the permeability of capillaries. Eskulin stimulates the production of a substance that prevents the formation of blood clots. The decoction of the bark effectively helps in malaria, diarrhea, with spleen diseases, normalizes the acidity of the gastric juice, is ideal for the treatment of uterine bleeding, removes vessels spasms, copes with disorders of the secretory function of the gallbladder. Cora Chestnut can also be used to treat acute bronchitis. From the flowers of the horse chestnut, a wonderful tincture is obtained for rubbing with rheumatoid arthritis, gout, during Ishias. Tincture of flowers on vodka or decoction is a real elixir with violations of the heart, liver. Gastritis, pulmonary tuberculosis, anemia and shortness of breath are well cured.

Taking from 20 to 30 drops of fresh juice of chestnut flowers on 1 tablespoon of water 2 times a day, you can eliminate stagnation of venous blood with varicose veins, hemorrhoids and trophic ulcers. In the fight against atherosclerosis of the limb vessels, the effect of juice cannot be overestimated.

Konsky chestnut is not edible! When it is used inside, you can get poisoning of the body! Konsky chestnut and drugs on his dream are applied only in folk and official medicine! Only the fruits of chestnut edible (sowing, noble) are consumed.

Tincture of horse chestnut

There are a lot of recipes in fact, all of them are different .. Someone advises to take 5 chestnuts, more than 0.5 liters of vodka. Is it necessary to use the upper barbing shell, crushed finely or large, is it necessary to polish? And finally, how to use it right - rub in joints or make compresses? And you can take inside and is it necessary?

Recipe 1.The greatest effectiveness is preparations made from a brownish skin of fruits. To obtain proper exhaust, 50 g of crushed up to 3-5 mm fruit skins are torn, 0.5 liters of vodka are poured and withstand 2 weeks. Shake daily. Further filter. Everything!

This tincture removes inflammation and swelling, reduces the viscosity, pressure and blood cholesterol level, strengthens the walls of the vessels, increases their elasticity. During treatment with chestnut preparations, fat deposits on the walls of the arteries and in the liver decrease, pain in the field of inflamed veins and joints decreases.

How to use? The tincture is taken inside first 30 drops on 30 ml of water 3 times a day 30 minutes before meals. A week later 4 times, and in the future they go to a 4-time reception. The duration of treatment varies from one month to one and a half.

If the tincture is also applied and externally in the form of neat rubbing on the inflamed veins (thrombophlebitis) 2-3 times a day or put compresses on them (the tincture of 1: 1 water) is 1.5 - 2 hours in the morning and in the evening - recovery will come faster.

In the pharmacy network you will find an enon number of drugs from chestnut. But folk and medical practice suggests that the total hoods (alcohol, water) are more efficient, cheap and accessible. Just use the raw materials collected from chestnuts outside the urban trail.

Recipe 2: Tincture for outdoor use: skip the mature grains on the meat grinder along with the skin, pour into the glass container. On 1 liter, the infusions will need 300 g of twisted chestnut fruits, filled with vodka. It is necessary to insist the composition in a dark place for 7 days. Such a means are well treated with radiculitis, thrombophlebitis, muscle inflammation and salt deposition.

Recipe 3:20 g of chestnut flowers need to pour 500 ml of vodka, insist 14 days and use 2 times a day for rubbing sick joints.

The fruits of horse chestnut

The misappropriate fruits are endowed with apple, lemon and lactic acids, lecithin, calcium, iron. There are globulin and vitamin C. The fleshy kernels of therapeutic plant possess many useful substances such as zinc, chrome, barium, selenium, nickel, silver, iodine, boron. The fruits of this wonderful tree give people a power charge. There are many ways to use such a gift of nature. If you just carry with you in your pocket 2-3 chestnut fetus, then the pain in the articular rheumatism decreases. You can make appliques from grinded chestnut nuclei with the addition of clay, warming mass is able to get rid of the inflammation of the joints.

Fruit tincture:
The fruits cut into four parts of the chestnut fruits should be placed in a jar, pour with vodka by filling to the top, close tightly and insist on the sun three days, then 40 days when room temperature in room. The resulting means is recommended to rub joints, apply it to sick veins.

Chestnut seeds - Excellent remedy for diuretic and hemostatic effects with hemoptysis and nasal bleeding. The decoction of dry chestnuts acts as a coating agent for colds.

Extract of horse chestnut

Extract of horse chestnut contains escine, with the help of which swelling and fatigue of legs are removed in the treatment of varicose varicose. The tool contains tritterpensaponin, is characterized by capillary-crushing activity and has an anti-inflammatory effect, increases the veins. The extract normalizes blood pressure, adjusts the cholesterol content in the blood.

Leaves of horse chestnut

Chestnut leaves are distinguished by the content of glycosides, pectin and tanning substances, vitamin K. They are used in folk medicine as raw materials for cooking and infusions with internal bleeding. The leaves of horse chestnut are harvested from May to September. They are dried, laying out a thin layer in attics or under a canopy. Ready raw material must have a green color and a pleasant smell.

Horse chestnut in varicose

Konsky chestnut is able to increase the resistance of blood vessels. A striking therapeutic effect is obtained in the treatment of veins undergoing varicose expansion, thrombophlebitis. Folk Medicine recommends taking agents from horse chestnut for the prevention of thrombosis, but if the disease has already caused suffering, then decoction, infusions and tinctures are excellent to resolve the thrombus, reduced blood pressure. Medical properties show flowers, fruits and tree leaves.

Recipes from horse chestnut

The infusion of the bark of the horse chestnut: It will take 1 teaspoon of chopped cortex on 2 glasses (400 ml) of cooled boiled water. It is necessary to insist the composition of 8 hours, then strain and take 2 tablespoons 4 times a day.

Infusion of bark for external use: It is necessary to take 50 g of a cortex on 1 liters of boiling water, boil 15 minutes and insist 8 hours, and then strain. The resulting means are made by seating cool baths with hemorrhoidal bleeding for 15 minutes after the intestinal emptying.

Infusion of fruit or chestnut flowers: Take 50 g of raw materials by 0.5 liters of vodka, insist for two or three weeks, it is necessary to take a day 3-4 times 30-40 drops.

Decoction of fruit peel: It will take 5 g of peel on a glass (200 ml) boiling water, boil composition for 15 minutes, take 1 tablespoon 3 times a day.

In the treatment of hemorrhoids, it is recommended to chew fresh chestnut fruits. With hemorrhoidal bleeding cones, baths from the brave of chestnut branches should be applied.

Broth of branches:
It will take 50 grams of chestnut branches, 1 liter of water with the addition of water pepper grass. It is necessary to sit in the bath for 5-15 minutes, water should be room temperature.

Infusion of fruits:two konsky chestnut fetus should be chopped and pour boiling water in a thermos, insist 2 hours. Take a medicine for 2 tablespoons 5 times a day with chronic diarrhea and kidney diseases, with inflammatory diseases of the upper respiratory tract.

Flowers of horse chestnut

With therapeutic goal, horse chestnut flowers are used in many diseases, it is the perfect raw material for making tinctures and decoctions. Chestnut flowers possess unique propertiesAllowing to achieve excellent results with endarting, hemorrhoids, feet ulcers, veins caused by various injuries. Konsky chestnut flowers are useful for radiation sickness. Tincture and decoctions can be used to treat adenoma and prostatitis. The ability of substances contained in flowers to restore the amount of protein in the blood structure favors recovery from cystic and fibrous mastopathy, brain tumors.

Infusion of chestnut flowers: 1 tablespoon of dry flowers and 200 g of water should be brought to a boil, insistant 6-8 hours. Take a means of sips during the day. A day must be drinking from 1 to 1.5 liters.

Cream with horse chestnut

Cream with chestnut helps restore the skin structure and strengthens the walls of the vessels, exhibits the properties of the lymphatic drug. It is a good prevention of varicose veins and serves to maintain skin tone. At home, creams can be prepared on the basis of oily oils, for example, on cream, or olive oilEssential oils are suitable, infusions. All components of cream are mixed, you can store such a mixture a few weeks in the refrigerator.

Horse chestnut ointment

Horse chestnut "The real miracle of nature is one of the most beautiful trees that gives coolness in the summer and treats from all sorts of ailments. From its fruits, flowers and leaves, you can prepare a lot of different therapeutic agents. Lubricating sore leather areas with a special ointment with horse chestnut, you can quickly remove inflammation and eliminate venous diseases.

Mazi Recipe: It is necessary to grind 5 pieces of chestnuts or 5 tablespoons of chestnut flowers, pour 0.5 liters vegetable oil, boil in a water bath for 1 hour, cool and strain.

Contraindications for the use of horse chestnut

When receiving funds based on horse chestnut, nausea may occur, heartburn. Therefore, they must be taken only after visiting the doctor, performing control of blood prothrombin. Contraindications can be atonic constipation, gastritis, menstrual cycle and hypertension.

Chestnut is a beautiful tree during flowering and beautiful diverse material for children. But not only this is a famous plant from the genus of the beech family, known and the benefits of chestnut for the body. Chestnut really loves warmth, and you cannot tolerate drought or excessively moistened soils. Therefore, it grows in a wild form where it is comfortable to grow. Plants of Plants hundreds, the fruits of chestnuts for some people are not at all a slice, and in vain. The fruits are a lot of useful substances that we are in a hurry to tell you.

What is the benefit of chestnut, how many calories and vitamins are contained in it, in what form of chestnuts need to be eaten and how to make the fruits? All health chestnuts and possible harm in our material right now.

Where did you come from and where the chestnut is growing?

Chestnut during flowering is very beautiful, its inflorescences are white-pink candles, and the leaves are smelled with something with a revealed palm. Very powerful wood at the tree (reminds the oak boring of properties), it is valuable and used for the manufacture of furniture, as well as a source of tannin when tanning skin products.

No less attractive seeds (fruits) are hidden inside barbed shells nuts, called chestnuts, have a brown and a smooth surface. Just do not hurry to eat raw chestnuts, it is dangerous to health. They must first cook them correctly, and of course to know what kind of useful.

It is believed that the birthplace of trees is France, because the French do not think their diet without baked and fried chestnuts. And according to legends, the Greeks were delivered to Russia. But still gries chestnut in many corners of the planet: Mediterranean, East Asia, the Atlantic coast of the United States, in some areas of Russia, Ukraine. In Ukraine (was once brought from Hungary) is for the most part decoration of the capital, but grows in other cities. The horse's chestnut leaf has long been the coat of arms of the country's capital, and still bangs on the packaging of the delicious "Kiev cake".

Fruits Culture gives from September to March, the most damned month for chestnuts is December. The most common types in Europe are horse chestnut (gastrogen) and sowing (Castanea) or real. It is the latter that is used in food, although the horse chestnuts benefit and the harm in the raw form are controversial, the hostesses were adapted to closing in banks for the winter. It turns out a very tasty delicacy, useful in every sense. In the preservation process, the fruits give their poisons, and the useful substances in them are saved.

And the most expensive nuts are grown in Sicily - sweet chestnuts. As well as in France and Spain. Unfortunately, chernozems are not quite suitable for growing real chestnut, but it can be purchased in stores. Konsky chestnut as an outdoor has been used in traditional and traditional and traditional medicine.

Chestnut's benefits, composition and calorie

The beneficial properties of chestnut do not count, and the nutritionality is due to the presence of a protein (about 4 g per 100 grams), carbohydrates (42 grams) and fats. The latter in them is the least amount of only 2 grams, if compared with nuts (50 grams less). Therefore, they are used in the nutrition of vegetarians, the presence of protein and carbohydrates make an indispensable product for athletes.

The chestnuts are edible, the benefits of which are large, are famous for the presence of starch - 60% of the entire fetus composition, and the same liquid in it. Sometimes these special fruits love to compare with potatoes and rice, because the portion of chestnuts can charge energy for the whole day. In addition, chestnuts will help cope with loss of fluid in the body, due to its electrolytic abilities. 100 grams of dried or fruit fruit are contained from 200 to 300 kcal, In stewed fruits, only 130 per 100 grams.

In the fruits, a lot of phosphorus, vitamin C (43 mg), lecithin. The US Institute of Medicine was found that the "nuts" of chestnut - the benefits for the thyroid and the whole organism, because in them 15% the content of folic acid, 27% vitamin B6 and 48% of ascorbins.

Edible chestnuts Excellent agent for the treatment of asthenia in the elderly or children weakened after physical and intellectual loads. The main thing in the process of consumption is to comply with moderation and possible contraindications (at the end of the article). In medicinal purposes, not only fruits are used, but also a bark, flowers, leaves. Chestnut is a source of fiber ((8 g), 20% satisfies the needs of a person for a day), calcium, iron, potassium, manganese, zinc, copper.

And the chestnut is one of the few products, which in the process of processing (thermal) retains all its minerals and vitamins in the same composition.

Application in cooking

In the culinary sphere, the chestnut is called different and "vegetable" and delicacy, but few people know that in distant times he was a product of poor people. Now chestnuts have learned how to cook as you like: cook in sugar, bake separately and with meat dishes, fry with mushrooms, cook on the grill, combine with bean. Especially appreciated their taste in China, Japan, Korea, Mediterranean.

Traditionally in France in the leaves of chestnut, pieces of cheese banamon, essential oils and tannins give a special spicy taste and aroma of the desired product. Fried chestnuts are often prepared on coal, the benefits of which are also great. Make and chestnut honey, which has a bitter sweet taste, and dry fruits use as a substitute for coffee. Korea love to file a sweet dish "Jaxik" for the new year, which is prepared from rice, chestnuts, cedar nuts, honey, sesame oil.

Fried chestnuts also go for processing, and of them it turns out a magnificent flour, like the ingredient for cooking bread, rolls and other flour products. The high-energy product is very valued and contains many carbohydrates and protein. So boldly diverse your diet and go into the details of the cooking of chestnuts, because it is so tasty and useful!

The benefits of "horse" chestnut and edible (present)

Edible, sowing or real chestnut, which, in principle, the same thing is a magnificent invigorating agent and a product, literally delivering from depression, fatigue. It should be remembered that the trees of horse chestnut and edible cultivated around the world and often grow in closeness of each other. Therefore, it is necessary to be careful if you found the fruit under the tree and used in the food in the cheese. You can get poisoning, and even death, especially for children, inclined to raise interesting items and pull them into the mouth to try. Chestnuts are considered energy, so the people have long been made from them beads and bracelets protecting against the evil eye, relieving human fatigue.

Fights with oncological formations

The presence of vitamin C in large quantities in the "nut" makes the last record holder to develop antioxidants in the body. It is these elements that purify the human body from free radicals, toxins, which may cause oncological diseases. Chestnuts are a kind of detox for your body, cleansing from poisons, and chestnut diet at the same time it helps to raise immunity and complete cleansing from "garbage".

The benefits of chestnut fruit edible for bones

The health of our teeth and bones depends on the correct ratio in the body of magnesium, calcium and phosphorus. The last two elements are the most basic, and magnesium forms a special protective film on the teeth - a solid enamel. Teeth are the strongest bones in the body and it is chestnuts who can improve their condition. For example, by using a mixture of honey, chestnut and cheese puree can not only strengthen enamel, but also your immunity.

Chestnut - tonic for muscles and veins

He is called the Venotonik because "he knows how" the blood is "able", that is, people with blood closures and rapidly coagulation, it will help to establish blood formation processes and reduce blood coagulation. Chestnut will also help people suffering from varicose veins, hemorrhoids. It is enough to eat before breakfast and dinner with chestnut pulp and honey mixed in equal parts.

Rubbing with chestnut or decoction can be used externally, therapeutic massage combined with useful composition Fruits, relieves fatigue, and also helps to calm pain in rheumatic manifestations, arthritis and arthrosis.

Strengthens vessels and heart

The fruits of chestnut are rich in the presence of potassium, magnesium, vitamin B6 and B12. It is these vitamins that are able to increase the elasticity of blood vessels, get rid of heart ailments and reduce the risk of stroke.

Components such as folic acid, linoleic and potassium increase blood flow to the brain, which contributes to the improvement of memory, strengthen the nervous system. Chestnuts also recommend using pregnant women in moderate quantities in order to reduce the risk of fetal nervous tube defects.

Means from diarrhea

Michael Murray in his book "Encyclopedia of Healing" wrote about presence as part of chestnuts of useful fats, rather minimal quantities. 12% fat content of "nuts" makes them a degreased product containing useful fatty acid, including Linolevoy .

In addition, using chestnuts or taking a decoction, you can get rid of diarrhea. Since the product contains a tannin, which literally has an astringent effect, the same thing will happen in the intestine. You are in the shortest possible time to get rid of diarrhea if you drink about 2 glasses per day of this infusion, no more.

It is known that it can ease the condition even with dysentery, but it is worthwhile to experiment on children, since the decoction can also have a poisonous impact on the rapid body of the kid.

Promotes weight loss

Since half of the daily fiber rate per day is half a day, the conclusion is unequivocal: chestnut nuts - the benefits and harm to digestion. Chestnuts improve digestion (if you do not overeat) food most correctly, while not causing diarrhea. Such a fibrous diet will reduce the level of cholesterol in the blood, limiting the absorption of its intestine.

Usually the fiber cannot help the body if it is not enough liquid. But in this, chestnut wins, it is just enough liquids to bring all toxins, while removing inflammation in the intestine and not to facilitate the appearance of different disorders.

Plus, the consumption of chestnuts also in the fact that they contain as a hazelnut and almonds a record small amount of gluten, this means that there is no gluten in the product and it can be safely used in gluten-free diets, with wheat allergies. Low glycemic index allows you to use chestnuts in combating diabetes.

People who can not use an excessive amount of sweet and fat will necessarily appreciate the cooked dish of edible chestnuts. Scientists from the University of Missouri revealed that chestnuts, benefits and harm to which are quite investigated, can help reduce blood sugar levels or will slowly increase it without affecting health and deterioration.

Konsky chestnuts - benefit and harm

Extract of horse chestnut is part of many ointments and creams, lotions and tonic. In the raw form it is impossible to use it, it is a poison, for some dose toxins can be safe and go through without consequences for others to lead to death. It is used in external purposes for the prevention of varicose veins, the formation of thromboms, as a grinding for pain (when the joints of the "butt" with the change of weather).

A tincture or drops that include extracts are used to treat heart disease, strengthening vessels, in spasms, atherosclerosis, hypertension, with elevated blood clotting (reduces viscosity). Now the chestnut has been used in orthopedic procedures as a massage agent. You can build a mat that lay out or stick the cores of chestnut and walk on it by barefoot - excellent prevention of the position of the foot position in children.

Chestnuts - the benefits and harm to the body

Just like the benefit of chestnuts, you can get harm to your own health. First of all, chestnuts should not use kilograms. But moderate dosage will contribute to health promotion. D. for people, no special health problems are allowed to a dose of up to 500 grams per day, broken twice.

The most dangerous consequences can have chestnuts on a children's organism or people with individual intolerance to Chestnas. Chestnut can be the strongest allergen, so before starting to eat the fruits and enjoy dishes from them, consult your doctor. In any case, you need to start with a small dose, checking how the body reacts to a new taste. Also carefully should be referred to the consumption of chestnuts, if a person suffers from:

  • Renal failure
  • Asthma and allergic manifestations
  • Children and the elderly, which never eating chestnuts before

Remember, if you suffer allergies or rashes on the body, the chestnut can always be replaced with another nut, do not feel fate and be healthy!

Chestnuts come from the Balkan Peninsula, and now their luxurious green crowns are known on different continents. Dostered the fruits of edible grades bring maximum benefit For our health. How to distinguish the types of edible shells of chestnuts from inedible - further in the article.

What chestnuts eat

Chestnut trees grow in different latitudes, so each view has their differences. Nutritionists and cooking among three dozen brown trees and bushes allocate three types with edible fruits:

  • european sowing;
  • gorgeous;
  • chinese (he has the most soft fruits).

The fruits of the remaining brown varieties in food are unsafe. In comparison with the horse's view, edible fruits are inferior in the size of the nucleus, remind over the volume of walnut, also in edible species usually several fruits in the nut, their peel of brown color (unlike the green shell of the horse).
Differences also have trees in the form of crowns and leaves, as well as in the form of inflorescences. The only thing that are similar edible and inedible varieties are smooth brilliant dark brown fruits.

Than rich edible chestnuts

The cores prepared for the meal of edible grades of chestnuts are reminded to taste baked potatoes. In comparison with other types of nuts, the composition of brown fruits is allocated energy value and simultaneous low fat content.

Did you know? The inhabitants of Corsica at Easter sanctify in the church are not familiar to us cakes and not even eggs, but chestnuts.


Chestnut nuclei contain a large amount of starch, (2.5-3%), glucose and vitamins (, and).
The concentration of mineral substances is up to 3%. In the presented product optimal content, and. The composition of substances in the nuclei directly depends on the grade of brown trees and climatic conditions at the place of disembarkation.

Calorie and nutritional value

Ready dishes especially revered vegetarians . 100 g of fresh rubbish nuts contain - 166 kcal, fried - 182 kcal. The least calorie is considered a steam food from chestnuts - three times less caloriesthan in raw form. Fruits are not replete with fats, but carbohydrates predominate in them (more than 60%).

Not only edible - about the benefits

From brown leaves, healing decoctions are preparing for the treatment of internal bleeding and eliminating respiratory problems. They will observe such useful substances as glycosides, tanning components ,.

The fleshy kidneys of edible grades are rich in starch, sucrose and proteins. Also in cotyledons there are organic acids, vitamins and enzymes. Young brown nuts are a real breeding of vitamin C (up to 1500 mg per 100 g of product). The immature nuclei is cured from varicose veins, thrombophlebitis of acute and chronic form.

In the crust, wood, kidneys and leaves, tannins make up about 10-16%. Of these components, you can prepare an effective antitride knitting ointment. Decorations of them will help to clean the skin from boils.

Is it possible chestnuts

Beautiful sexes during pregnancy and lactation should be particularly followed by its nutrition, so as not to harm the child. Proper cooking Chestnut dishes and portion distribution will help to saturate the body with useful substances to strengthen the immune system.

Did you know? Every third Tuesday of October in France marks the day of chestnuts, and for Christmas holidays, they are given them in candied form, the dish is called Marron Glace ("Ice chestnut").


Women carrying a child face a hormonal restructuring of the body. Often it becomes the cause of stress and depressive state. The use of chestnuts in the daily diet will help improve the mood. Also, the product lowers high pressure, improves blood circulation and saturates the body of the future mothers substances that serve as an "antidote" of fatigue.

The remaining benefits of receiving pregnant chestnuts in food:

  • strengthening bones and teeth well-digestible phosphorus of natural origin;
  • excluding insomnia due to tryptophan;
  • healing eye vitamin B2;
  • digestion help thanks to fiber.

The only minus is the abuse of chestnut dishes is fraught with obesity with a tendency to completeness.

With breastfeeding

Often women use chestnut-based supplements for weight loss. The use of chestnut in therapeutic purposes is not recommended to nursing mothers. During the lactation period, the product may cause certain health risks, because the baby immunity is still not formed enough, so a small body depends entirely on the organism of the mother, its diet and lifestyle.

Chestnut-based dishes and preparations contain caffeine, theobromine and theophylline, which can provide an excessive tide of energy even at night. The young mother during breastfeeding period is preferably to sleep and relax regularly. Excessive excitability can be converted to the baby with breast milk.

Therapeutic properties of edible chestnut

Medical studies proved the benefits of chestnut for the body. The alcohol extract from edible fruits of the plant is an effective anti-inflammatory and anti-ethro.
The use of tincture strengthens the capillary walls, lowers blood pressure, normalizes the level of cholesterol and lecithin in the blood, protects against the formation of fat plaques in the aorta zone. The extract narrows the vessels and has a pronounced painkillery effect.

Recipe for cough leaves from chestnut leaves. 2 h. L. The leaves of the seed grade are poured 240 ml of water. The future therapeutic drug is adjusted to a boil and then boil on the stove for 5 minutes. After removing the dishes from the fire, the contents are filtered. The decoction will cure a strong cough or a cough with a systematic reception along the throat during the day.

Sliding tincture.For medication, you will need 2 tbsp. l. Crushed fruits and 500 ml of vodka. Chestnuts fall asleep in the usual glass jar And poured vodka. The mixture for internal use is the three weeks. Method of application: 1 h. Tincture diluted with water (1 to 2), half an hour before meals.

Briefly about application in cosmetics

Healing properties of chestnut extract made it possible to apply it in cosmetology. Cosmetic care creams for normal and oily leather, anti-cellulite masks, shampoos and bath foams are enjoying much popularity. Creams for legs based on chestnut are actively fighting with excessive swelling, treat stretch and dislocation, so popular among athletes.

Chestnut sunscreen cosmetics is resistant to negative effects of UV rays. Extracts in the form of oils are used in leaving the face of the face. Many women note a noticeable lifting effect after wiping the decoction of fruits

Edible chestnuts in cooking

Raw chestnuts fry and bake. Of these, cooks are obtained by excellent supplements in flour for baking and confectionery. Nuts are very tasty, especially fried or candied. Sometimes from chestnuts even prepare peculiar coffee drinks.

How to fry chestnuts

For the preparation of roasted delicacy, they will need a frying pan with a lid, a kitchen board, a knife, a blade or a large spoon. For frying does not require sunflower oil.

Chestnut nuts are not solid in the process of frying and do not add water. Step-by-step preparation algorithm Next:

  1. The fruits are pre-washed under running water.
  2. Each nuts are cut into a sharp knife with a sloping side in the midst of avoiding burning.
  3. The frying pan is placed on the largest burner of the gas stove (a large heating area of \u200b\u200bthe frying area is required).
  4. Chestnuts lay a flat face to the bottom of the frying pan. Fry five minutes under the lid.
  5. Then the semi-open fruits in the outbreak zone turn over the other side and gradually reduce the fire (dear on a small burner for 10 minutes.)

Important! Chestnuts are quickly burning in the process of heat treatment. For this reason, old frying pan is chosen for frying the product. The brown fruit skin is rehearsing the roasting surface with brown spots that are not cleaned by even aggressive dishwashing agents.

The total cooking time is about half an hour. To clean the finished fruits from the fried shell, it is desirable to wait until they are cooled after frying. Real gourmets consider such a simple and at the same time unusual dish An ideal hot snack to the guilt.

Light chestnut cream soup - an amazing idea of \u200b\u200ban unusual culinary delicacy for home lunch. The main ingredient can be bought in special grocery stores.

Components for first dishes:

  • vegetable broth (0.5 l);
  • leek (1 pc.);
  • purified chestnuts (150 g);
  • butter (50 g);
  • sour cream (33%) (100 g).

The leek is cut by semirings and roasted three minutes on the butter. Then plotting the finished vegetable broth and peeled chestnut nuts add. The contents of the skill are boiled about half an hour. The finished mixture is crushed by a blender, they add sour cream and bring the mass to a boil.

Possible harm and contraindications

In addition, the fruits of plants can cause harm to human health. Some people celebrate individual intolerance to this. dietary product - After receiving dishes, nausea and vomit urge appear.

Therefore, before the direct use of chestnuts, the daily diet should be consulted with a nutritionist or a personal therapist who knows the features of your body. The product is dangerous for people with heart and kidney problems, for diabetics.

Important! It is undesirable to be treated with a chestnut independently - he strongly dilutes blood.

If the brown kernels do not cause side effects, still should not be abused by the number of eaten. Often, due to overeating chestnuts, the intestine suffers from excessive gas formation, constipation or liquid stool. The product does not combine with oak bark in cosmetic procedures - it is fraught with even the most fatty skin type.

If there are contraindications to chestnut nuts, they can be replaced with cashews or cedar. They are unlike the taste, but they are united by wealth useful vitamins and trace elements.

Walnut seeds of apples have a gentle and slightly oily taste. The high cost of these curved nuts is explained by manual cleaning from the shell. Between the upper shell and the walnut is a burning oil that causes skin burns.

Experienced people extract this poison by special heat treatment. The product is ideal for people who complies with the diet - the content of fats in the cashew is much less than in walnuts, almond and peanuts.
The delicacy is a real storehouse of vitamins and minerals. Regular use of nuts in small quantities saturates the body useful, important for hair growth and strengthening nails.

- Suppliers of high-quality protein of natural origin, fully absorbed by the body. The coarse fibrous structure of the fetus establishes the work of the gastrointestinal tract, gently cleans the walls of the intestine from the perennial slags and toxins. In traditional medicine, except nuts, use cedar cake, squeezed oil and shell of purified fruit.

Cooking most often use cedar nuts for desserts. The nuclei are well combined with fish or meat thanks to a creamy-nut aroma.
Edible chestnuts relatively not so long ago appeared in our market, but this delicious product has already fallen in love with many gourmets. In addition, they do not require strong heat treatment or complex manipulations - fruit enough to fry in a frying pan or bake in the furnace. The main thing is not to use the fruits of intolerable species in culinary purposes.