The benefits and harm of the lychee fruit for the body. Fruit Lychee: Composition and Useful properties


Diets I. healthy nutrition 12.04.2018

Exotic fruits have become frequent guests on supermarket counters. But still among them there are such unusual views that may surprise. Today it will be about Fruit Lica. This is an unusual fetus rich in nutrients. My friends were treated with this fruit, I was very remembered and liked the taste. It is a fruit of a small size, but as they say, "a small spool, yes roads."

If this product is included in the diet, the blood circulation is improved, immunity is strengthened, blood pressure is normalized. Also, its use has a beneficial effect on the state of our skin. We learn together about its useful properties, benefits and harm to health for health!

What is lychee

Lica is a tropical fruit tree growing in hot Africa, Asia and America. Other names are found - Lidji, Lisi, Lisie, Chinese plum. Look at what the exotic lychee fruit looks like in the photo.

In fruit, an oval shape, and a juicy and sweet core is surrounded by dark red peel. The lychee sheath looks like a fabulous skull of the dragon due to small tubercles. Externally, it may seem that the peel is very thick and dense, but it is easily separated, revealing the gentle flesh of the fruit. What is the taste of lychee? It resembles grapes to taste. Very sweet, juicy, cheese-shaped pulp.

Many are interested in finding out how and where the lychee is growing. It turns out that fruit grows on trees whose height can reach 30 meters. These fruit trees look outwardly resemble the IVI's usual for us because of an empty crown. Berries ripen clusters and collect them from the beginning of May. Trees are growing in China, Thailand, Vietnam and some other countries. The ripening season of fruit-yu is August.

More than 4 thousand years ago in the imperial courtyard of China, the exotic fruit of lychee was served as rare delicacy. In Asian countries, the fruit is called a "dragon eye" and use in folk medicine.

Now all over the world, soft and fleshy lychee are added to cocktails, dishes because of a unique flower fragrance, which many reminds the fragrance of roses.

Lychee is a fruit or berry?

I was always interested in why lychee is called fruit and berry. It always seemed to me that since they grown on the tree, it means that it was a fruit. But everything turned out to be much more interesting! I am sure that you will be interested to know, lychee is a fruit or berry?

Classification of products in cooking and biology is different. In botanical reference books, lychee is called a single berry. Indeed, it is believed that fruits grow on trees, and on small shrubs - berries. Therefore, the fruit is an exotic fruit in the domestic definition and at the same time a berry for biological terminology.

Chemical composition and calorie

The beneficial properties of the lychee fruit are due to complex composition rich in vitamins, macro and microelements. By 75%, this fetus consists of a liquid, and in 100 g contained:

  • proteins - 0.8 g;
  • fats - 0.4 g;
  • carbohydrates - 16.5 g

The advantage of the Lichi berries is that even though it is sweet due to a large number of mono- and disaccharides (carbohydrates), calorie content is only 66 kcal per 100 g. This means that this product without fears can be included in the dietary food.

In addition to the low calorieness of lychee, they are rich in the vitamins necessary for the normal functioning of the body:

  • vitamins of group B (thiamine, pyridoxine, niacin), playing an important role in cellular metabolism;
  • vitamin E (tocopherol) is a powerful antioxidant;
  • vitamin C (ascorbic acid) - growth and regeneration of tissue cells, bone strengthening, hair;
  • vitamin K (Fillaxinone) is the normalization of blood clotting.

Everyone is well known that fresh fruit is not just helpful, but necessary for good health, and lychee is no exception. Let's consider in detail the reasons for which it is worth including it in your diet.

Strong immunity

In recent years, low-immunity issues, especially in young children, are increasingly raised by doctors. In many ways, the protective functions of the body depend on the lifestyle and nutrition of the person. Often you can see commercials about miraculous drugs that increase immunity.

I am convinced that there is no need to take synthetic drugs when it is possible to eat fresh fruit. The main benefits of lychee lies in the fact that this fruit saturates the body by the daily rate of ascorbic acid. This means that the fruit gives our immune system a powerful impulse. Due to this, it is stimulated by the production of leukocytes - substances acting as a protective barrier of the body.

Role in digestion

In the lychee there is a large amount of dietary fiber, which improves food digestion, peristaltics of the smooth muscles of the intestine. This exotic fruit stimulates the production of gastric juice, and due to this process, the absorption of nutrients is more efficient. Therefore, lychee is recommended to use with other intestinal disorders.

Blood pressure control

Hypertensive disease has become a socially significant problem worldwide. According to statistics, in Russia, 48% of men and 40% of women are diagnosed with hypertension. Patients are well aware of how important it is to constantly monitor blood pressure levels. And this can help lychel.

Fruit is rich in a microelement that is out of the body of excess water and sodium. Against the background of maintaining the balance of the fluid, the heart rhythm is normalized, which often rises from hypertensive.

By regularly using lychee, we significantly reduce the risk of developing hypertension.

Source of medium

During clinical studies, scientists have established that copper is contained in the lychee. The benefits of this substance lies in its ability to accelerate blood circulation during intensive physical exertion, increase the body's resistance to the action of viruses and bacteria.

In addition, it is relifically known that copper, which is part of the lychee, is involved in the development of female sex hormones and tyrosine necessary for normal mental activity. It turns out that lychee provides colossal help to all organ systems.

Lychee when weight loss

As I said, this caloric content of this tropical berry is quite low (66 kcal per 100 g), so it is ideal for people suffering from overweight. How does it work?

The thing is that in the lychee contains a large amount of water and, and the concentration of fat is minimal. These fruits are saturated for a long time and have a soft diuretic effect. All this in the Unified Complex works as invaluable assistance in the struggle for cherished figures on scales.

Antitumor effect

Raising the theme of the useful properties and harm of the fruit of lychee, I want to emphasize that its main advantage is that there are powerful antioxidants and flavonoids. According to the results of scientific research, these substances can prevent the development of malignant cancer.


In India, China lychee fruit belongs to Aphrodisians and, calling the "fetus of love", is used as a means that stimulates the potency in men. And in Thailand, during the harvest, a bright "Festival of Lichi" is arranged. A beauty contest and get the title "Miss Lichi" is very honorable.

Licacy during pregnancy

Many doctors continue to argue on the topic, is it possible to have pregnant women. Nutritionists convince that a fruit rich in vitamins cannot harm the future mother and baby. Gynecologists are reminded of the importance of compliance with the sense of measure. Therefore, if you are in an interesting position, carefully choose the fresh fruits of lychee and do not abuse.

The only contraindication should be noted possible allergies, individual intolerance.

Application for therapeutic purposes. Who is useful lying

The benefits and harm of the lychee fruit were studied since the time of the ancient China, so it is not surprising that this fruit is attributed to miraculous healing power. Eastern healers used this tropical berries for the following purposes:

  • in the treatment of kidney or liver dysfunctions;
  • for prevention and therapy atherosclerosis;
  • prescribed patients with asthma, bronchitis, tuberculosis;
  • prescribed diabetics to reduce blood glucose;
  • to restore forces after physical exertion;
  • in neurosis and depression;
  • for the treatment of anemia;
  • to increase immunity.

This fruit is added to the dietary supplements, ethereal oil and extract make it from it. In folk medicine, not only the juicy pulp of lychee, but also the peel to prepare the decoctions.

In cosmetology, they actively use this beroda to increase the tone of the skin, the fight against acne, hair care. As you can see, lychee are popular both taste and healing qualities.

Although "Dragon Eye" and look, at first glance, impregnable, it is quite easy to clean it. Wash the ripe fruit and remove the dense peel, picing her with a knife from the frozen. Now the fruit can be continued to be brushed with hands, separating on a piece of peel. It is separated very easily.

Cut in half the pulp, get a bone and enjoy the unique taste of lychee. This fruit is in fresh form, add to ice cream, cocktails, fruit salads.Jelly.

How much can you eat on the day of lychee

Do not get carried away! As always, we are talking about wisdom. It is optimally enough a day there are 100 grams of lychee. And one more subtlety we need to know: There are lychee you need separately from other fruits so as not to provoke gas formation and discomfort in the gastrointestinal tract.

If you are unfamiliar to this exotic fruit, look at the videos - Thai fruit.

How to choose lychee

Litchi is supplied to Russia mainly from Vietnam, Thailand. Before buying, pay attention to the integrity of the shell. The ripe fetus should be the size of the plum, and the color of the skin is burgundy red. Do not buy green fruits, because at home they no longer dial as familiar bananas for us, avocado.

Ripe lychee exudes the aroma of roses, and at the spoiled shore-sweet smell. At the pea fruit, the peel will be dried. With the help of these simple tips, you do not risk acquiring a non-excerpt or unworn fruit.

How to keep lychee at home

If you bought this exotic fruit, but I did not want to immediately eat it, you need to remember the basic rules for its storage. Store lychee room temperature You can 2-3 days.

If you are not sure that you will eat them during this time, it is better to put the berries in the refrigerator. In such conditions, lychee retain their beneficial features And do not spoil about 10 days. Want to keep them for a longer period, then you can freeze. In China and India, lychee are often dried, added to conservation. They say that such a delicacy does not lose its healing force.

How to plant and grow lidchi bone at home

For lovers to grow exotic, I propose to watch a video with tips on growing a bone of bone at home and care.

Contraindications and possible harm

Lychee belongs to those products that rarely cause side reactions. But still you need to take into account who can not eat this fruit.

First of all, it concerns people with individual intolerance to the components. It is impossible to learn in advance, so doctors recommend not to abuse lychee during the first acquaintance.

This fruit still remains for us real exotic. Eat one berry and watch well-being after a few hours. If there are no signs of allergies in the form of a skin rash, itching, redness, then you can safely enjoy the taste and aroma of lychee.

Eating a fruit together with a bone is dangerous to health. Black Nuclear Litchi is used in Asian countries in folk medicine only after thorough frying and grinding. In the raw form in the berry, the concentration of hypoglycine, which causes a sharp discharge of blood sugar is elevated. Doctors warn that the lychee is unsafe due to a large amount of organic acids, irritating intestinal walls.

Lychee (lat. Litchi chinensis - Chinese plum) - a small sour-sweet berry, covered with a crumped skin. The fruit grows on evergreen tropical trees, whose height reaches 10-30 meters. Berry is China.

The lychee has an oval or round shape with a diameter of 2.5-4 cm. The surcedent fruit has a dense red peel with a large number of sharp tubercles. Only the pulp of the fetus is used in food, which has a jelly-like structure, and in color and taste reminiscent of grapes of white varieties. Inside the pulp is an oval brown bone. The main harvest of Lichi falls on May-June.

The history of appearance and distribution in the world

The first mention of lychee, dates back to 2 V to AD. During the reign of the Chinese emperor in Di. In those days, China was divided by the Great Chinese Wall into two separate states: South and North China. According to one legend, the ruler of Di tried to start to get a fruit from the south and start cultivating the fruit in the northern territories, however, due to the lack of heat, moisture and fertility of the Earth, the plant did not take root. Having angry, he ordered to execute all court gardeners. In European countries, lychee first brought in the middle of the 17th century.

Currently, lychee is grown throughout the entire subtropical territory of Southeast Asia, where there are no harsh winters, and the climate is sufficiently dry.

Use in cooking

Food is used mainly in the fresh form. However, from the pulp of berries can also be prepared desserts (ice cream, jelly, marmalade), jam, jam, chinese wine. You can find lychee and dried. At the same time, the fruit peel rustles, and the dry pulp with a bone is freely rolled inside. Lychee in such a form called nut lycha.

Selection and storage

Fresh fruits are very difficult to store and transport over long distances. In order for the lychee longer than retained, they are broken with borders together with a branch and several leaves. At a temperature of 1-7 ° C, the lychee can be stored for a month, and at room temperature - only 3 days.

By purchasing lychee in the store, you should pay attention to the peel. It should be red, not too soft and without visible damage. Brown tests about non-mercy of lychee.

Food value in 100 grams:

Useful properties of lychee

Composition and availability of useful substances

Licacy Fruits contain a large amount of nutrients, including vitamins (,, group B, RR,), minerals (calcium, iron, magnesium, potassium, phosphorus, zinc, sodium, iodine, selenium, manganese), organic acids and pectin substances .

Eastern medicine doctors use lycheling for the treatment and prevention of atherosclerosis, the normalization of the sugar level in diabetes, the liver, lungs and kidneys. In aggregate with medicinal herbs and lemongrass, lychee is used to treat oncological diseases and restore forces in the fight against the disease. At the same time, no less than 10 fruits should be consumed.

Due to the large content of potassium fetal pulp, it is recommended to use people with cardiovascular disease, with high blood cholesterol and anemia. It is also used to treat the stomach, pancreas, incorrect intestinal work. In Hindu medicine, lychee is considered an aphrodisiac who strengthens sexual attraction and male strength.

Hazardous properties of lychee

Lychee has no contraindications to use. We should not have them only to people who have individual intolerance to the fetus. Offering lychee children need to follow so that they do not use more than 100 g. Also excessive use of fruit can cause

Lychee is a small sour sweet Beat, whose peel has a crumpled structure. Lychee is the fruit of evergreen tree, reaching in a height of about thirty meters. The form of the fetal of the lychee is oval or round. The diameter of the ripe berry is about four centimeters. The surface is completely covered with sharp tubercles. Berry has red. Taste reminds the taste of white grapes. Only the inner jelly part of the fetus is edible. The berry has one seed of oval shape and brown.

Properties of lychee

Licacy, which consists of a variety of useful substances. These are vitamins, clean water, complex carbohydrates, proteins, food fibers, fats and sugar. All this together is favorably affecting the human body.

The amount of sugar in the bodies of lychee depends on the region in which region has grown and from the variety.

Vitamins that are rich in lichu belong to groups in, K, C, N, E. Minerals: magnesium, calcium, sodium, potassium, sulfur, phosphorus, chlorine, iron, manganese, iodine, copper, fluorine and zinc. Vitamin C together with potassium has a healing effect on the cardiovascular system. Properties of lychee are able to reduce the level of cholesterol in the blood.

Lichi berry has a tonic effect on the human body, therefore it is an excellent natural aphrodisiac.

The real taste has only fresh fruit fruit, but ice cream, canned and drowning also has useful properties and also has a pleasant taste.

Licacy benefits

Lychi is useful in that it is perfectly quenched thirst, regulates natural processes in the stomach and intestines, eliminates the constipation and helps get rid of excess weight, so it is advised to include people who suffer from diabetes, anemia, gastritis, ulcers, liver diseases and problems with Pancreas.

The lychee contains a large amount of water, which is characterized by cleanliness and useful properties.

Licacy fruit is very useful for the digestive system. It normalizes and restores gastric processes. Takes an active part in digestion and helps the body to produce pancreative juice, thanks to which food is processed by Bastre and better.

Lychee is useful if desired, throw out overweight. To do this, eat a few berries before meals. The properties of the lychee are able to betray the organism a feeling of satiety, so food is consumed significantly less than usual.

Licacy juice is able to give the body of cheerfulness and return lost forces, so it is recommended to use athletes and people of harmful professions.

The favorable action is provided by the fruits of lychee on the hormonal system of the body, so they are rightly called "love fruits".

Application of lychee

The lychee, as part of other medicinal herbs and lemongrass, are used to treat malignant tumors.

The leather peel is used to prepare braids, which are used to increase the tone in the body and prevent the accumulation of liquids in the organs.

Eastern medicine often applies a lico berry for the treatment of diseases of the most important organs in the body: light, liver and kidneys. A favorable action is provided by lychee in the prevention of asthma, tuberculosis and bronchitis. To normalize blood sugar levels, it is recommended to eat ten litter berries every day.

In the cooking mainly work with the fresh fruit of lychee. The pulp is used to prepare desserts in the form of jam, jam, ice cream, jelly and marmalade. The washed lychee is called the "Dragon Eye" because when his peel is solid inside the dried jelly with a bone remains.

You can cook a wonderful drink from the lychee: Fruits need to be washed and add to champagne. In China, it is distinguished by an amazing wine that is consumed with fish and chicken dishes. Often lychee can be found in the salad.

Harm lichu

Lychee practically does not have contraindications and does not bring any harm to the body, but there are several rules that will help to acquire really useful and delicious lychee: peel should have a rich red color, a soft structure and not have damage. Dark-colored peel suggests that the fruit is talked for a long time in order to lose their useful and taste.

Individual intolerance to the product and the occurrence of an allergic reaction can be manifested, but only if it is abused. Children recommend to give no more than one hundred grams of the product per day.

Lobster \u003e\u003e

Immunity is weakened? Is there an overweight and all associated problems? Increased pressure, there are signs of vegetual-vascular dystonia, is there a general weakness and a decline of forces? All listed problems are eliminated with regular lickens. Fruit, whose beneficial properties were known to Chinese healers in the second century BC. e., still actively used in Eastern medicine.

Fresh Fruits Lychi increasingly appear in the season on the counters of our supermarkets. Do not miss this valuable for health and just very delicious product. Why and doctors and nutritionists unanimously recommend to include in the daily menu Chinese plum? Let's deal with together.


Exotic oriental fruit is particularly rich in vitamin RR (Nicotinic acid), which participates in the exchange and rehabilitation processes of the body, supports the activities of the GCT and the central nervous system. With a lack of this substance, we threaten atherosclerosis and early dementia. In addition, the lychee contains vitamins C, K, E and Group V. The rather rare combination, notice.

If we talk about mineral salts, then most of all in Chinese plum potassium and magnesium, there is also iron, phosphorus, calcium, fluorine, copper and zinc.

By 80%, the fruit consists of water, which makes it possible to attribute it to dietary products. Despite the high level of carbohydrates and sugars, lychee, even in large quantities, does not hurt a figure, at the same time good breath and thirst.

Exotic fruits and for presence are appreciated:

  • dietary fiber;
  • pectin substances (natural enterosorbents);
  • organic acids;
  • antioxidants, among which the oligonol used to combat onco-scabers is considered the most valuable.


Sweet, well-saturating after mental or physical load of lychee, absolutely not caloriene. In 100 g of fruit only 65 kcal. This, of course, does not mean that it can be eating kilograms, otherwise you can provoke an allergic reaction.

Everything is good.

What is useful

The food is used only by peeling and stuffing the flesh of the Chinese plum. And here you use the article about how lychee eat. However, for therapeutic purposes, other parts of this unique plant are used.


Official medicine recommends lychee as a softening agent for coughing. It is also known that due to the high content of the oligonol, the fruits are a natural immunostimulator, the angry any pathological processes occurring in cells, including the formation of cancer tumors.
The lychee in viral diseases, colds and various kinds of inflammation is effective. It has a fascinating effect on the body, increasing its resistance to unfavorable external factors.

Healing fruit from China helps and with such problems as:

  • failures in the intestine, first of all, atony and constipation;
  • gastritis;
  • metabolic disease;
  • excess weight;
  • diabetes;
  • anemia and anemia;
  • increased fragility of bones and teeth;
  • excess cholesterol and blood clogs;
  • wrong work of the cardiovascular system;
  • hypertension;
  • nervous disorders;
  • chronic fatigue syndrome and reduced performance;
  • skin rash of different character.

Flavonoids included in the composition have a powerful rejuvenating effect. With regular use of fruit, you can see how the skin becomes fresh and cleaner, the nails and hair are strengthened, cheerfulness, tide of strength.

In eastern countries, the Chinese plum is considered a strong aphrodisiac, calling no other way as "the fruit of love." For example, Indian newlyweds on the wedding day were definitely treated with this fruit, considering that the first marriage night will pass "without a bitch and zadorinka"

So that the benefits of lychee for the body was maximum, you need to eat it in a fresh form, or press the juice. Practically does not lose its properties and dried fruit. But canned fruits - it is rather a delicious delicacy than really a healing product.


Not only the pulp can be used for your own recovery. Licacy peel also has beneficial properties.
It is dried and added to herbal teasshown in neurosis, depressive states or reduced tone. A drink from the peel without any additives helps with eath - it displays excess fluid. They drink it with intestinal diseases of a bacterial nature, or when inflammation of the throat and the upper respiratory tract.

Broth can be prepared at home.

  1. The lychee peel is dried outdoors, and then crushed in a coffee grinder.
  2. 1 tbsp. l. Raw materials are poured with a glass of boiling water and insist 10 - 15 minutes.
  3. The resulting drink is filtered. Take 3 times a day for ¼ cup, before meals.

Useful properties of bone

Seeds of Chinese plum are considered to be poisonous and unsuitable in food. However, Chinese folk healers often use bone powder in the composition of painkillers, as well as in the treatment of neuralgia, orchitis, disorders of metabolic processes and stomach disorders.

The tool is applied against helminths, although its effectiveness has not been proven.

Preparations from bones of lychee must be taken only after consulting a doctor.

Extract Litchi

Finds use in the cosmetic industry. The extract has moisturizing, protective and strengthening properties.

It is used for cooking:

  • rejuvenating creams and masks
  • sunscreen cosmetics
  • milk for Demakiyazha
  • lotions for problem skin
  • restoring serums, shampoos and balms
  • styling funds

Significantly less frequent lico extract flavors of black teas of elite varieties.

At home, you can make masks from the flesh of fresh lychee. They cleanse well and bleach the skin, eliminate small wrinkles and improve muscle tone, eliminating us from age-related changes.

Use for weight loss

The Chinese plum includes in diet to combat overweight. The fruit is good in that, saturating the body with carbohydrates, it simultaneously accelerates metabolism and prevents fat deposits.
In the lychee a lot of water - it contributes to the cleansing and removal of toxins that provoke overeating. The fruits of small calories, but a long time eliminate the feeling of hunger, reducing the volume of food eaten during the day.

Of course, lychee is too exotic for us to arrange a confinement on it. But enter the product in the traditional menu for weight loss and even need. It will support the body in the stressful situation, which occurs with any restrictions in the usual power method.

Product harm: when it is better to abandon lychee

Like any fruit, which is not growing in our latitudes, which means "not familiar" the body at the genetic level, the Chinese plum can cause allergies. Lychee is not recommended to give to children up to 3 years, and in more adult age to offer it with caution, several pieces per day. Especially dangerous for children's unhealthy fruits, they cause poisoning.

Fruit contraindicated:

  • for gout
  • pregnant and nursing women
  • persons with renal failure
Diabetics use fruit in small quantities, since it dramatically reduces blood sugar levels.

Summing up can be said with confidence that with moderate use of lychee, it is possible to bring only benefits, and the potential risk will be minimized. The main thing is to choose correctly and store this fruit.

Fit correctly, in all know the measure and be healthy!

Lychee: Calorie, how to choose how to store, as it is, benefit and harm to health

Licacy: benefit and harm to health

Good afternoon, my dear readers! Lychee - fruit of the Sapind family family is not quite familiar for our locality, well unknown. It turns into us mainly from the African Republic, from America and from Asia.

On sale This fruit can be found under different names, in particular, like Chinese plum, Lisie, Lidji, Lisi.

The overseas fruit is distinguished by small sizes, a buggy brick color with a dense skin and juicy, resembling a grazing pulp with a sweet pulp.

Let's figure out whether there is some benefit in the fruits of lychee, how to use them properly and where it is best to store an exotic product.

Lychee: calorie

Lico - overseas fruit related to low-calorie products. Calorie in this case will depend on the type (variety) and the conditions of growing fruit. On average, 100 grams of the pulp of lychee accounted for from 65 to 75 kcal.

Lychee: Useful properties

Lychee: Useful properties

Lychee - a product that has oriental roots, and therefore, for the most part it is used in the preparation of various medical recipes Signs of Asian countries. They recommend consumeing 7-10 lychee fruits per day:

To raise immunity;

To lower sugar;

To purify blood from cholesterol plaques;

For diseases of the pancreas and liver;

During constipation;

With incorrect intestinal operation;

For the prevention of diseases of the kidneys and lungs;

For the treatment of tuberculosis;

For weight loss;

For the prevention of heart diseases;

For the prevention of atherosclerosis;

For quenching thirst;

For the treatment of oncological diseases;

To improve potency and sexual attraction.

Licacy fruit: useful bone properties

As a rule, lychee is consumed in fresh and only the pulp of the product. Few people know that the fetal bone is specially beneficial.

Finding into the body, sinking into the powder composition (it is necessarily mixed with other products), namely, in this form you can consume bones of lychee, has an anesthetic effect, as well as helps:

With orches;

With intestinal disorders and some other diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;

With neuralgia;

With violation of metabolism.

Among other things, some other ingredients add to powder with a powder, the Chinese healers prepare tea and decoctions, which are then consumed to therapeutic purposes, usually for the prevention of worms and treat diarrhea. However, some evidence and confirmation of the fact that these funds really help to cope with these diseases are not yet.

Attention! Representatives of traditional medicine argue that in addition to beneficial properties, lico bones contain both a poison that consumed in large quantities can lead to serious poisoning. Before you start using an exotic fruit powder, get professional advice from a doctor.

How to choose lychee fruit?

1. To choose a delicious and juicy, mature lychee, first of all it should be carefully inspecting the fruits. Fruits with crumpled red leather are good. In this case, no spots of dark or rotten on them should not be. Color should be uniform identically throughout the fetus.

2. And the second rule, when choosing an exotic product, take it to the touch. Awesome fruits are soft.

Lychee fruit. Photo. How grows.

Lychee fruit. Photo. How grows.

How to keep lychee at home?

1. At home, the lychee is not difficult to store, in principle, like any other fruit. It is enough to lay out the bag products on the plate and put right in the room in the coolest place, that is, not near the slab or electric kettle. At the same time remember, mature lychee deteriorate very quickly.

2. If you are bought fruit going to emit 1-2 days, keep them in the room.

3. If you purchased products in advance, and you wish to submit them in 3-5 days, then put the lychee without a package in the refrigerator, in a special storage compartment fresh vegetables and fruit.

4. The most longs are preserved and dried lychers, and therefore, if you wish to keep the product for several months, just prepare from it sweet dessert In the form of a jam or dried fruit, after removing the peel from them.

How to clean the lychee?

How to eat lychee?

In Asia, lychee, as a rule, is used to prepare vinegar and wine. Europeans usually the pulp of this fetus is added to various drinks and desserts.

Meanwhile, both are eating a lychee in a fresh form, but in order to really appreciate the whole taste and juiciness of this fruit, it is important to know how to clean it correctly, and you can do this in several ways.

1. Take the fetus, in the area of \u200b\u200bthe fruits to make a small suction with a knife, remove, pickering the nail, skin from the product, cut the flesh in half, remove the bone and emit fruit.

2. Take into the hands of one fruit, to give it a little fingers in the middle and turn the peel with one hand clockwise, and the other is against the clock, removing the skin, thus, to extract the bone from the pulp and then consume the product. Such procedures do with each fruit.

3. Another option for cleaning and consumption of lychee is to cut a sharp knife with a neatly envelope of the fruit, then cut the flesh, remove the bone and whine the flesh is completely.

Lychee: What is the taste?

The taste of small oval form fruits of lychee is very juicy and resemble a mixture of strawberries with pineapple. This is a very refreshing and light taste that leaves behind another amazing aftertaste.

It is worth noting that such a taste have well-affected fruits, that is, fruits with uniform dark red peel.

Attention! If you have purchased non-free or spoiled lychee, you should not consume it. It can provoke poisoning. Buying exotic fruits, always check them for foreign brown and any other spots, as well as soft.

Lychee: Contraindications

A large number of people who know about the benefits of lychee believe that this fruit simply cannot harm and in this they are very mistaken.

Video: Lychee: how to clean, as it is, useful properties

Licacy: Useful properties and harm to health

Those times have long passed when monotonous purchases were sold on store shelves. Nowadays, you can get almost everything, including exotic fruits. These include lidche, which can bring both benefits and health damage. Licacy benefit and harm | What is useful to lychee, helpful properties of lychee calorie

The second name of the fruit is a Chinese plum. Her fruits have an ovoid shape and rigid tuberculus peel. Inside there is a flesh of white or cream color, which, by its consistency, resembles a little jelly.

The taste of the lychee is sweet, but with small sourness. This undoubtedly refreshes, gives cheerfulness and adds strength. And inside the fetus is a large bone, which is not eating.

Useful Fruit Lica

It is worth noting that the presented exotic fruit is more than 80% consists of a liquid. At the same time, all biologically active elements are perfectly balanced.

Interesting: Medical properties and contraindications of the lingonberry sheet

Nutritionists also note that in 100 g of fresh fetas of lychee contains:

  • 0.3 g of dietary fibers;
  • 0.4 g of fats;
  • 0.8 g of proteins;
  • 16.5 g of carbohydrates.

Such a composition, if you can say so, is considered optimal for the human body, so if you do not lean on the berries too much, they will not harm health.

Lica: why should it be introduced into his diet

As part of a Chinese plum, quite a lot of useful vitamins - thiamine, riboflavin, choline, pyridoxine, folates, ascorbic acid, alpha tocopherol, nicotinic acid and philloxinone.

This already suggests that lychee bears invaluable health benefit, although in some cases it can harm. But first, still it is necessary to focus on positive moments.

So, Chinese plum is most often used:

  • in case of failures in the work of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • during the metabolic disorders;
  • for the treatment of obesity and healthy weight loss;
  • to solve the problem of a long constipation.

At the same time, the useful properties of lychee are used in cosmetology. For example, berry extract is added to cream and lotions in order to improve the condition of dry and sensitive skin, slow down aging and reduce the harmful effect of the environment.

How lico grow

Unfortunately, lychee will not be able to use in the preparation of home cosmetics. So you have to spend some time to find already finished products.

Read more about the useful properties

Lychee is considered dietary product. It is also strongly recommended to introduce into the diet when a person suffers from:

  1. Malokrovia and anemia. Indeed, in the composition of berries, a sufficient amount of iron and copper was detected, responsible for the production of red blood cells.
  2. Heart disease and vessels. And all due to the fact that there are a lot of potassium in the berries. It is he who has a positive effect and strengthens the heart muscle.
  3. Atherosclerosis. Nicotinic acid affects the expansion of blood vessels and improved blood flow. It is also an excellent tool when dealing with "bad" cholesterol.
  4. Dyspepsia and liver diseases. And all due to the fact that after the presented exotic fruits were eaten, food is better digested.
  5. Tuberculosis, bronchitis, asthma and colds. Since the pulp of lychee has expectorant properties, it will help to cure the specified diseases much faster.
  6. Problems with kidneys and urinary tract. The improvement in the state will be much better, since the Chinese plum is highlighted by its diuretic effect on the body.
  7. Oncological formations. Doctors argue that lychee although it is not able to completely cure a patient oncological separation, but after its use there is neutralization of free radicals. This also improves metabolic processes.
  8. Erectile dysfunction. In the course of the main treatment, a man can start eating a lychee to improve its own state. After all, in China, there is even a saying on this. She says that the fruit fruit is equal to three torches (and one torch, as you know, supports fire at least half an hour).

Purified fruit

Can there be a Chinese plum in diabetes

Licacy can be useful for people with second-type diabetes, but it is worth abiding care not to harm your health. So it is worth paying attention to some details.

Exotic berries really help keep blood glucose levels under control. But only if you use them no more than 10 pieces per day. You can use only fresh fruits, as in canned lychee a large amount of sugar sand.

A few words about prevention

The exotic berry from China is not only for treatment, but also for the prevention of all the above diseases. It is only necessary to make sure that there are no contraindications and follow simple recommendations.

The lychee contains a large number of vitamins.

Who dangerously use the fruits of lychee

Chinese plum should not be given to small children and adolescents who have not yet been 14 years old. Such a warning appeared after the case in India, when the babies without supervision of the parents were a mellowe and soon died. Unfortunately, no doctor could be called the exact cause of death.

In the "risk zone" also come to people with:

  • bad diet (malnutrition);
  • low blood glucose;
  • gout;
  • allergies for exotic fruits.

So that the lychee brought only health benefits, and not harmed the body, they can not eat on an empty stomach. It is also worth making sure that the fruits have enjoyed and immediately get rid of the bone.

Chinese plum: how not to be mistaken when buying

Buying exotic berry In the store, you should make sure that the peel has a "clean" red or burgundy shade. That is, there should be no green or white enclosures. It should not be afraid of yellowish spots - their presence is considered permissible.

Green fruits stand right away to put aside - they no longer mature and remain tasteless. Eating them in food, man in best case will poison.

Juice from lichu

And a little more about the peel - it is dense, slightly piercing. That is, in the case when it is pressed with a force with a force, it should fool a little. When the peel is dry - this is a sign of a poor-quality product. The risk of buying surpired or rotten berries increases.

How to clean the Chinese plum

At the very beginning, fruits are thoroughly washed with cool water. If necessary, you can lose the peel with your fingers to get rid of dust and dirt. After you should dry them with a towel and give to lie down at least half a minute.

If the fruit is removed, then the peel will have a dark red shade, and on the touch "shell" is very solid. It is enough just to pick it up with a knife from the frozen to be easy to clean the fruit.

Do I need to throw out the skin

After cleaning the "shell" is best dried and stored in a separate bag for therapeutic purposes. Doctors from China are confident that the leaf skin can bring almost the same health benefit, as well as the fruit itself. And it is almost without any risk.

For example, from dried lobes, you can make a tincture for a sore throat and to increase the protective functions of the body. To do this, a spoonful of crusts pour 200 ml of boiling water, bring to the "pleasant" temperature and take such a drink 2 times a day immediately before meals.

How to clean fruit

In order to avoid the formation of tumors, some experts recommend cooking a decoction from the tablespoon of lychee peel and the same amount of lemongrass leaves. The resulting mixture must be pouring a liter of boiling water, put on fire for 10 minutes, strain and drink 200 ml to 4 times in front of the meal.

What amount of fruit eaten per day is considered the norm

If we are talking about an adult person, the weight of lychee should not exceed 300 g. Children with great accuracy can be given 100 g of the product, but it is best to start with fewer.

Thus, the lychee will not harm any harm - a person can only feel his invaluable benefit to health, both physical and mental.

Rules for storage at home

The benefits and harm for health care directly depend on how the fruits are stored after the purchase. After all, at room temperature, the berries remain fresh and suitable in food only 3 days.

In the refrigerator or in a cool place at 7 ° C, lychee can be stored from a week to 10 days. But this is only if the outer shell remains completely whole and not touched.

Fruit Lychee: Photo

Lychee can eat in the raw form or add to desserts - cakes, filling for pancakes, jelly or homemade candies. But, again, such delicacies will not be stored for too long. So it is not necessary to prepare a lot of portions in case the dish does not have to taste everything.

Fruit lychee. Benefit and harm.

The benefits and harm of the fruit of lychee for the body

Lychee is one of the most delicious, sweet and juicy fruits that can be seen along with mango in the markets during the scorching sunny summer season. Fruits of lychee are simply adorable when they grow on the trees, and many fruit lovers are attached to them. Lychee is used in the manufacture of many healthy dishes, desserts, juices and ice cream.

A little about fruit

It is a medium-sized evergreen tree with a height of 40-50 feet, sometimes the height can reach up to 100 feet. Its fruits of oval or round form make up about 4-5 centimeters in length, 3 centimeters in diameter and have the weight of about 10 grams. External coating can be easily removed after ripening berries. The meaty piece of the fruit is very juicy and sweet.

The plant belongs to the Sapind family and has a botanical name of the Lychee lesbian. This tropical fruit is usually cultivated in southern China, which is the birthplace of lychee. In China, fruit for people is of particular importance. A lot was written in the ancient texts of China regarding the importance of lychee. Now it is grown in all parts of the world. In America, the plant is widely cultivated in Hawaii, Florida and California.

For cancer prevention

The lychee contains a sufficient amount of antioxidants and phyto-nutrients, such as flavonoids (quercetin and kampferol), vitamin C, polyphenols and proanthocyanidines. Free radicals are the perpetrators of the oxidative stress, which changes the nature of normal cells into cancer cells. These antioxidants neutralize free radicals responsible for cancer and inflammation, and prevent the functioning of degenerative diseases. Beta-carotene contained in the lychee also fights with most types of cancer. Lychee prevents colon cancer due to the presence of sufficient quantity of fibers, pectin and water. This fruit also treats breast cancer, prostate and liver.

Licacy for skin care

Lychee is delicious fruitwhich improves the skin condition. Its fruits are an effective tool for cleansing the skin, which lead to a smaller formation of acne. This is a rich source of vitamin C, and besides, lychee is famous for a large amount of water in its composition, which makes the skin well moisturized. This fruit is useful for the skin also due to the content of nutrients such as thiamine, copper and niacin. Thiamine provides the metabolism of fats and proteins. Copper helps the process of healing damaged cells, while niacin moisturizes the skin.

Medicinal use

Lychee contains important phyto-chemical elements called oligonol that have antioxidant and anti-influenza properties. Lychee improves blood flow to organs, useful for skin, prevents the effect of ultraviolet rays and also helps in weight loss. A sufficient amount of antioxidants and phyto nutrients, such as flavonoids (quercetin and kampferol), vitamin C, polyphenols and proantocyanidines, allow it to fight with free radicals, leading to the development of many diseases.

Lychee for a healthy heart

Lychee is a rich source of antioxidants in the form of vitamin C, oligonol and ranks second in the percentage of polyphenols among fruits. All of them reduce the level of poor cholesterol and increases the amount of good, thus reducing the likelihood of heart-related problems, such as heart attack, stroke and hypertension. Being fibrous fruit, it controls the formation of fat, which is also useful for the heart.

Potassium contained in the lychee is also useful for this organ, since it tends to regulate heartbeat, balancing electrolytes and maintaining sodium levels. At the same time, copper is effective in creating red blood cells. It is recommended to take 1 cup of lychee daily - it will help to normalize heartbeat and prevent all types of cardiovascular diseases.

For strong bones

Lychee is replete with those minerals that are good for healthy bones. The presence of phosphorus and magnesium helps make the bone stronger, while copper and manganese reduce the tendency of bones to fragility. Zinc and copper increase the efficiency of vitamin D, which is an integral part of healthy and strong bones.

To improve digestion

Lychee is known to clean the stomach. It helps to treat heartburn and burning. Licacy seeds have an astringent property and often use them to kill intestinal worms. The moral part of the lychee contains a lot of pectin, which displays toxins from the intestines and ensures improvement in the health of the colon. Fibers and pectin increase the volume of the chair and prevent constipation and colon cancer. They stimulate the peristaltics, as well as the secretion of the gastric juice.

Benefits of Licacy Juice

Licacy juice also has a multitude of healthy health properties and is used as a medicine. Since that seasonal fruit, you need to try to consume its juice during June, July and August. Some of the amazing health advantages are licked below.

  • Licacy juice has no fat or cholesterol, but rich in a fiber that fills the stomach. Thus, this drink is useful for those who want to lose weight.
  • It acts as an anti-aging remedy due to the high content of vitamin C and a sufficient amount of water.
  • The juice of lychee helps to keep the muscles well moisturous and protects the skin from acne, wrinkles, stains and so on.
  • Lychee is useful for hair, as a sufficient content of vitamin C provides blood circulation in the head area, which helps to feed the hair follicles.
  • Its juice strengthens the immune system, as Vitamin C prevents colds, cough and flu.
  • It improves metabolism due to the content of oligonol, vitamin C and sufficient fiber.
  • Protectocyanidines from lychee juice have antiviral properties.
  • Lychee prevents anemia, as the fruit is rich in copper, which is necessary for the development of RBC.
  • It helps to fight stress, as it contains vitamin B6 in abundance.


Lychee can give the following side effects. In this fruit, there is a sufficient amount of sugar, so patients with diabetes should consume it with caution, as the sugar imbalance in the blood may occur. By nature, lychee enters the category of products that can cause imbalance of proportions of nutrients in the body. Excessive consumption of lychee can lead to nasal bleeding, fever and throat pain.

A womb fruit called "Lichi", more like a toy, is little known in Russia. Most people do not know about its existence at all. The history of the origin of this fruit roots goes into deep antiquity. It is known that the first mention of the plant appeared before our era.

During its existence, as soon as he was called: "Dragon's eye," Paradise grapes "," the fruit of love "," Chinese cherry ". In Russia, the berry does not use such demand, and in vain. Fruit of lychee - what is and with what it is eaten? Today's article will be devoted to this fruit and very useful plant.

Where does it come from?

Immediately, let's say that this is a very high tropical tree, reaching 30 meters in height. Its fruits have an egg-shaped shape with a bright red slices with a diameter of not more than 3.5 cm. The flesh of the berries is very soft, jelly-like consistency of cream or white, under it hid a large brown seed under it. The taste is pleasant, resembling cherry - sour-sweet and refreshing.

Cultivated Licacy Berry mainly on subtropical continents: in South America, China, Southeast Asia, Japan and Africa. Exported worldwide. It is realized quite profitably because it is appreciated not only by high taste quality, but also useful properties. Due to the long-term storage of problems with transportation does not occur.

How to grow?

With a great desire, you can grow at home this is a wonderful plant. Just remember that the church is very demanding to humidity, air temperature and lighting. So that the plant began to be fruitful, it is necessary to clearly follow all the rules. For cultivation, you can use lidcy seed that should not be stored for more than two days.

At first, young seedlings grow very quickly, but after the seedlings reach 20 cm, there is a slowdown in growth - about a few years. The plant is watered as the soil is drying, it is also required to regularly carry out an extraordinary feeder. During the period of intensive flowering, it is necessary to closely monitor the air temperature - it should not fall below +15 o C. It is advisable to install the pot on the west side.

Than calories

It should be noted the fact that the berry is a dietary product - per 100 g accounts for only 70 kcal. Therefore, it can be calmly consumed to everyone who adheres to the principles of proper and low-calorie nutrition. Distinctive features of overseas fruit - rich biochemical composition and beneficial properties that have a healing effect on the body.

The berries contain a whole complex of vitamins of the group B, E, C, H, K. In particular, they present trace elements: potassium, sodium, fluorine, iodine, manganese, selenium, sulfur and others. All these substances are necessary for the proper functioning of our organism and livelihoods. Fruit of lychee contains many complex carbohydrates, water, dietary fibers, proteins and minimal fat. It also presents sugar from 6 to 14% - it all depends on the region of growing and variety.

The main advantage of the berries is the content of nicotinic acid. Thanks to the healing properties, it is widely used in cooking and traditional medicine. Do you know how to eat lychee? You can use it both in fresh and boiled form. The flesh is often used as a cooking filling. confectionery, But more on that later.

Medical purposes

Residents of Middle Kingdom with deep respect and love relate to lychee. "Chinese plum", in their opinion, is able to create real wonders and relieve serious ailments - proven practice. With daily eating, it is possible to reduce cholesterol levels, normalize the operation of the cardiovascular system and restore memory.

It is recommended as aphrodisiac, as the fruit perfectly stimulates libido and increases potency. In addition, fruits have a light laxative effect, so they are shown to eat people suffering from chronic constipation. And thanks to the water content of the berries, thirst quench and get rid of intestinal disorders.

Nutritionists advise to consume a "Chinese plum" during a diet, as it will fill the body useful vitamins And will not add weight. People's healers with the help of bravery (from the peel of fruit) were treated gastritis, anemia, diabetes, peptic ulcer of the stomach, pancreas and pathological processes in the kidneys. Also, decoctions and infusions were used as a diuretic and toning.

In China, for example, a fruit flesh was mixed with a lemongrass, medicinal herbs and the resulting mixture was used for therapeutic purposes in malignant formations. In eastern countries it was used in the disease of the liver, kidney, lung, tuberculosis, asthma and bronchitis. Healing properties are preserved even in dried and canned state. Therefore, the question is about how to eat lychee, it should not arise. Many doctors recommend it to include in the menu of small children.

Harm fruit

Excessive eating can cause allergies. The optimal daily dosage should not exceed one hundred grams. Fruits are not recommended to eat simultaneously with other fruits, as it will provoke gas formation and bloating. According to Chinese healers, the lychee strengthens the "inner fire", i.e., when moving, a person may be observed, unpleasant feelings in the throat, an increase in temperature and migraine. To restore vital energy, it is recommended to eliminate berries from the diet and eat dishes only in cold condition for a couple of days. And now we will tell about how to eat lychee.

Application in cooking

Exotic fruits are harmoniously combined with any varieties of meat and fish delicacies, they also serve them fresh salads and patests. As a filling for pancakes, pies and pies, the pulp is used - this is how the lychee is eating in China. In addition to this, they are added to sweet desserts, ice cream and even (wine and champagne). We describe some delicious and useful recipes.

Exquisite Cupcake with adding lychee

The dish includes lico berries in the amount of three hundred grams. For the preparation of the cream mass you need: butter (one hundred grams), two eggs, one lemon and sugar to taste. Vanillin will also need.

We cook cream: squeeze juice from Lemon, and rub the skin on the grater. In a separate bowl, beat into a lush foam eggs with sugar sand and butter. Mix with zest and lemon juice. Cook the mixture in the water bath, without stopping mixing until the consistency becomes thick and homogeneous. In small molds, lay peeled and sliced \u200b\u200blychee. Pour their cream mass. We send a maximum of 15 minutes to the ovenslock at 180 o C.

Sherbet with lime and lychee

Components: a kilogram of tropical berries, a half-liter of pineapple juice, four lime, gelatin plate and a glass of sugar.

About ten minutes soak gelatin in cold water. During this time, we clean the fruit, take out the seed from them and cut into small cubes. Heat Lyme juice, add sugar to gelatin and pineapple juice. Spread in forms and put in freezing Camera for an hour. Refreshing, lightweight and delicious dessert ready.

We told you as there are lychee. Fruit adds a pleasant sourness to any dish and some kind of piquancy.

How to choose the right?

The ripening season berries begins in July-August, at this time they can safely buy them. Although not only in the summer they are put up for sale - they are on the shelves of the stores year-round. To not buy a spoiled product by negligence, you need to learn to choose it. Carefully inspect the skin of the fruit, its color and structure. Fresh product should be without flaws, dents and damage, bright red.

Dark skin speaks about the separation of the product. A place near the stuffing in fresh berries does not have white spots and mold. Before buying, shake the fruit: rotten fruit sounds does not publish. Pay attention to the fragrance: at the perishanded lychee, the tart of sweetish smell, in a fresh rose aroma. In the offseason, we recommend purchasing canned berries.

How to save?

Fruits are recommended to keep in the refrigerator, so they will be saved during the week. And it is best to subjected to freezing, taking advantage. To increase the shelf life, you can dry the berries, and then boil compats and add to flour products.

Now, dear readers, you know what litter is eating, what is these berries and where they grow. The usefulness of overseas fruits is a capital truth and an old axiom that does not require confirmation. They are able to normalize metabolic processes, improve the overall state of health and cope with different pathologies.