Steak ramp preparation in a pan. Types of steaks

There is an opinion that Steak is a national American dish, but history suggests that for the first time it appeared in ancient Rome, after him they found out in England. And now years later, when the recipe became known in America, the inhabitants of the country decided that this cooking masterpiece Created precisely for them.

Although there is another version that the homeland of the steak is really America. Indigenous people, Indians, prepared meat on a fire with wooden lattices made of branches.

Over time, the recipe for making a steak has become known worldwide.

What it is?

Ramp-steak is a piece of meat of a young bull, carved from the femoral part of the exhaust in the transverse direction with a thickness of 3-5 cm. Compared to another, it is quite rigid meat that requires a special approach. But if you adhere to culinary SovietsIn the end, it turns out a soft and tasty ramp steak.

At first glance, the steak is a simple dish, just a piece of beef pierced on fire. But if you figure it out, this whole culture on its preparation, from choosing meat to the creation of a festive atmosphere and a special mood during cooking.

Selection of meat

The right choice of meat is the key to success in the preparation of a delicious juicy steak. Especially used imported beef. When buying a sliced \u200b\u200bmeat, you need to pay attention to the thickness of the piece, the standard for the steak is 2.5 cm thick, as well as on the uniform distribution of fat throughout its part. During the frying fat melts, making steak more gentle.

How to cook ramp steak

Frozen meat is needed from the evening to get out of the freezer and discharge in the refrigerator overnight. Before cooking (in 20 minutes), remove from the refrigerator to dry and heated to room temperature. Under these rules, the steak will be fastened until complete readiness for 10-12 minutes.

In order for the steak to be juicy and soft, it must be pre-marked in soybean or lemon sauce with seasonings and spices; If desired, add a little garlic, although many add only salt and pepper. Meat marina 1-2 hours.

With frying steak, the oil is not added. Exception - With frying in the grill, the grill is cooked with oil itself is the piece of meat.

The frying pan must be maximally heated. To determine whether it is raped enough, you can drop a drop of water on it. If the drop begins to run through the heated surface, it means that the frying pan is shot to the desired temperature.

Each side of the steak must be plotted for 4 minutes. Frequent meat turning promotes drying. The result is fried and solid steak.

If the recipe ramp steak provides grilled fry, then it is necessary to ensure that the fat is not a drip on the corner to avoid fire. Flame dries dish. Put a number of another plate to be where to spread the flame in case.

The readiness of the steak can be determined, slightly pressing on a piece of meat. If everything is done correctly, the steak will be pliable and soft.

The finished steak should be given a little "rest." After that, it can be served on the table.

Beautiful garnish will be baked potatoes or vegetable stew. You can add a sauce, and a glass of red wine is suitable made of alcoholic beverages.

  • Solit Ramp-steak is preferably at the end of cooking.
  • It is not recommended during frying often turning the steak, otherwise the dish will turn out to be risen.
  • In order not to break the crust, during grill fry, do not cool the hot coals with water to avoid a sharp drop in temperature.
  • It is undesirable to check the readiness of the steak with the assisted - steak can lose its juiciness.

Prepare with love!

The steaks are now made from pork, and out of fish, and even sometimes from vegetables. But all this is from the evil: the classic steak is a decent piece fried beef.

More recently, steaks were preferred to call only pieces of premium bran, but now the so-called alternative steaks from the cheaper parts of the carcass are increasingly popular.

We accounted for a guide to 18 steaks, classical and alternative - their psychological portraits, characteristics, as well as advice on how it is better to apply with them: with a frying pan, coal grill - and contact grill (on the example of Tefal Optigrill +).

General rules for the preparation of steaks are the same. First of all, the meat should be pulled out from the refrigerator and wait until it is heated to room temperature, - it will take from half an hour (for portion Casks) up to two hours (if it comes to the whole cut). It is also necessary to dry the steaks with paper or tissue towels: Excessive moisture will interfere with the meat to roast and acquire ruddy crust. After the frying, you need to give a steak to relax in the warmth of five minutes - so that meat juices, displaced by compressed squirrels in the center of the piece, evenly dispersed it. Is it possible after quickly roasting to bring steak until ready in the oven? Yes of course. When do you need to salt steak - before cooking or after? Opinions on this expense are different, so the answer is: try and so - and choose the end result that you personally liked.

Many people in our country still do not trust the weakly worry meat - what is called, with blood. So, there is no blood in steaks, it almost all comes out of a carcass after slaughter before cutting on the meat processing plant. If you like Well Done - Fry so; But remember: all recommendations on the optimal roasar are based on many years of experiences of cooks and butchers - and there are steaks that, if you do to delegate to the degree of WELL DONE, are transformed into the real sole.

The difference between the degrees of the roaster is determined by the temperature in the heart of the steak. Blue (Very weak Frozen) - 46-49 degrees, Rare (weak root) - 50-55 degrees, Medium Rare (medium-weak inland) - 55-60 degrees, medium (medium roa) - 60-65 degrees, medium well (Medium-severe Frozen) - 65-70 degrees, Well Done (Full Roach) - above 71 degrees. This is average. The meticulous cooks insist on narrower ranges and believe that, for example, Medium Rare is 54 degrees (plus-minus degrees), medium - 56 degrees, medium well - 60 degrees, and completely hardened steak already at 64 degrees.

It is important to remember that removing the steak from the fire is best at that moment when it does not get two degrees to the necessary temperature: it will reach the necessary degree of roasted.

But how to fry the steaks on the pin grill, a convenient modern device that makes frying large pieces Meat process is extremely simple. Speaks Konstantin Ivlev - on the example of Tefal Optigrill. This machine in red meat mode automatically measures the steak thickness and builds the temperature program in accordance with the required degree of roasted.

Classic steaks

The steaks from the best parts of the carcass that occupy only 10-12 percent in it, and that is why they are so expensive - and of course, because they are considered the most delicious. Riba, Cowboy Steak (the same Ribe, only with bone), Tomahawk (Riba with long bone), Struplohn, Fille Minion, Shutubin, Tibon, Porterhaus - Marine them? In no case, this meat will tell all the most interesting thing about himself, without any assistance. The main thing is not to spoil the steak. The contact grill of Optigrill, for example, finds out the thickness of the piece and depending on it builds the optimal temperature mode: it is only necessary to choose the desired degree of roasted - and wait for the corresponding audio or color signal.


Perhaps the most famous and popular steak in the world. Takes from the thick edge of the dorsal part of the rib bull cell - from the 6th to the 12th edge. In the US, Ribei on the bones is often called Rib Stake, and an abusive - Spencer steak, or actually ribeum. In Australia, on the contrary, Ribem is called a steak with a bone, and the option without bone is Scotch Fillet ("Scotch fillet").

Ribea consists of muscles, which during the life of the animal accounts for minimal load, so the fibers of meat are soft and gentle. This steak comes four muscles - Spinalis Dorsi (the upper part of the steak, very fat, with loose meat fibers, it is considered the most delicious part, it is separated from the rest of the steak of a large fatty layer) , Multifidus Dorsi, Longissimus Dorsi and Longissimus Costarum.The closer in the head was part of the carcass, the more Spinalis Dorsi will be in the steak, respectively, the more tastier it will be more valuable.

Due to the significant content of fat and its uniform distribution throughout the piece of meat, it is the most unpretentious cooking and guaranteed delicious, juicy and soft steak. Fat is also responsible for a nice oily nut aroma inherent in the finished steak. When heated, it melts and impresses the already soft fibers, making them even more juicy and melting in the mouth.

The ideal degree of ribay roasters - medium Rare, lovers appreciate and Rare, but Medium will also be good. Cooking this steak is very simple: salting, fry every side and sides ribay on a very hot pan or coal grill for a minute. The entire process of the roasting will take about four to six minutes for the middle steak weighing 300 g, during this time the steak will reach the medium rare state. If you want to better deliver meat, reduce the fire or put the steak to the colder grill section and bring to the desired level of readiness.

Cowboy Steakh

This is the same Ribe, only on a short edge (in Russia, often called the cowboy steak and just Riby on the bone). The average weight is 600, if you cook a cowboy steak on the coal grill, then first it is better to save it for minutes fifteen or twenty in the cold zone, turning out every five minutes, and then quickly fry from two sides on a strong heat before the formation of an appetizing crust. If you cook in a frying pan, then you need to quickly fry it on a strong heat from all sides, including the edges, and then send to the oven, heated to 200 degrees (the time it should spend there, depends on the desired degree of roasted; the easiest way to control it with using thermoshop). Recommended degree of roasted - medium.

This steak looks like Tomahawk - Ribay on a long cleaned rib of about 15 centimeters long: it resembles a combat Indian Topor, hence the name. In part, Tomahawk is a marketing point that helps sell bone at a price. marble beef. Many sellers and cooks, however, argue that the meaning of the bone is not only in the visual wow effect - and in that saturated aroma, which she gives meat. The assertion is controversial: she will give much a great success to his broth than the roasted steak. In addition, the tomament will need either grill or a decent size of a pan. You need to handle the tomahawk, just like a cowboy steak.


He is a lake "New York" (he received it, because he was a Delmonico New York restaurant specialist "S). Cut from a thin filleic edge, located in the lumbar carcass after the 13th rib. On the perimeter of the steak is strip Fat, sometimes cut it off.

Striploin features large and dense meat fibers and a small content of intermuscular fat. It is more fragrant than Ribay, with a pronounced meat taste - but for the strpilagin, you need an eye and an eye. It is very easy to cut, it is necessary to cook Striploin first on a strong fire, then on slow (in the case of a coal grill - first on a strong fire, then in a colder zone). The ideal degree of roasters - Medium Rare. Together this steak is best just salt and pepper so that nothing interrupted the taste of meat.

File Mignon

Cutting steak, that is, a large lumbar muscle. This muscle is practically not involved in the process of animal life, there are almost no connecting tissues in it, so it remains very soft. Whole clipping is a long piece of meat, resembling a pencil, thickened on one side and sharpened on the other. For fillet, Mignon uses the second part - narrow, it is believed that it is most gentle for the taste. It is cut into small cylinders - the thickness varies from 3 to 6 cm.

One animal on average can give only 500 grams of meat for fillet minion, which is why this steak is so expensive. But at the same time, very many connoisseurs of roasted beef it is not too complaining. File Mignon almost does not contain intramuscular fat, its taste is characterized by a creamy velvety tenderness, but not meat expressiveness. It is valued for a juiciness and softness, but not for the taste and aroma of meat, and that is why it is conventionally called the "female" steak (as opposed to "male", the brutal "New York" or Tibon).

When cooking fillets, Mignon needs to be fed for four minutes from all sides, and then leave to rest for five minutes, wrapped in foil, or to fry from all sides to a good crust and send for 10 minutes in the oven. The recommended degree of roasted - medium, it is almost never prepared with blood. To make Mignon fillets more juicy, it often turns around when cooking bacon; It also protects the surface of the steak from cutting. The second option is to achieve a solid, but not dry crust, - periodically deprive the stak oil in the process of cooking. Due to its soft taste and views, Mignon fillets is perfectly combined with fragrant complex sauces.

About how to prepare Mignon fillet in the contact grill, says Konstantin Ivlev.


Shatubin is also made of cutting - only from the wide part of it. Unlike fillet, Mignon is preparing for a whole, not sliced \u200b\u200binto parts - so this is a portion for two, if, of course, it will not be a person for whom a half-cellogram of beef, at least lean, is no digestive problem. It was probably that that was the Viscount and writer Francois-Rene de Chastroan, in whose honor, on one of the versions, this steak is named. However, there is another version - about the city of Shatubrine, where high-quality cattle grown.

When cooking, Shatborian must first be sealing from all sides on a strong fire, and then bring to the desired degree of roasted on fire, or send to the oven, heated to 200 degrees for 15-20 minutes depending on the desired degree of roasted. Then you need to give a steak to relax in a warm place. Classic Shatubin is a good root crust, a thin layer of Well Done, then Medium and finally a soft flesh with blood in the center.

Shatubriad, as well as Mignon fillets, are traditionally served with a sauce. At the beginning of the XIX century, it was the eponymous sauce of white wine, Luke-Shalot, Thyme, Mushrooms, Lavra Leaf, Estradon, beef Broth and butter with parsley. Now most often the Shatubin is accompanied by sauce.


The name (T-Bone Steak) fully corresponds to appearance - this is a steak of two muscle pieces separated by T-shaped bone. On the one hand, a delicate lean clipping, on the other - brutal, with a saturated meat taste of Striploine. The farther from the head, steak was cut, the larger and the greater the cut in it (fillet Mignon). The largest steaks in which the diameter of the piece of cutting exceeds the size of the golf ball, is called portherhaus. Florentine steak is also Tibon or Portherhaus, only, as a rule, from the beef of the Italian rocks of Chianin and Marereman. Kuban steak, invented by Tahir Holkiberdiev, is Portherhouse from the meat of Kuban bulls and cows. Close-up to Tibon Club steak: steak on the dice, taken from the end of the thin edge, where the proportion of tenderloin is negligible.

Since Tibon is essentially two different steaks in one, then it is necessary to cook it carefully, so as not to overlook the clipping, while Striploin is not ready yet. It is necessary to fry it in a frying pan on moderate heat - for 15-20 minutes, turning over every 2-3 minutes, and a piece with clipping is better to keep the heat from the epicenter. Either do this: Quickly fry on a strong heat to a crust, turning over every 30 seconds, and then bring on a moderate heat, placing a piece with a cut in a colder zone. Then - certainly give a steak to relax. With coal grill the same recommendations. The ideal degree of roasters - Medium Rare. However, the same degree in different parts of Tibon is not always achieved, and if the tenderloin it turns out to be Medium Rare, then Striploine is medium.

Alternative steaks

So called steaks from those parts of the carcass that the majority before the majority and the steaks did not think and which were previously intended for baking, extinguishing - or for minced meat.But it turned out that if you treat them right, then alternative steaks are obtained in a pan or grilled. This meat M. it becomes harsh,but it has a saturated beef taste and it is noticeable cheaper than premium bibs (the price difference comes to three times) . Alternative steaks can be chopped to make meat softer, and supplement his taste with new shades. Recommendations for cooking in a pan or coal grill are lower, and in the case of a contact grill, simply decide which degree of roasted you need, and wait for the corresponding signal in the red meat mode.

Skit Steak

A steak of a diaphragm, the unpaired stuffing muscle separating the thoracic and abdominal cavity. One of the so-called alternatives, that is, steaks from the uncertain parts of the carcass.

The wig-steak is usually called only the part of the softer (Inside Skirt), which refers to the crude, but sometimes - and a part cut from the pairs (this steak also carries the name Outside Skirt, but more often it is sold under the name of the steak of the machete).

This steak has large fibers with fat layers, and proper cooking It turns out very juicy, albeit tougher compared to premium cuts from thick or thin edge. To soften the meat, it is recommended to prealcate it from numerous films and slightly pre-choke (suitable marinades from onions or citrus, as well as the addition of soybean or vesstshire sauce and vinegar like a balsamic). Another way to make a wig-steak is softer - in front of Marination to make small mesh cuts on both sides. Marinated steak roasts quickly, 3 minutes on each side.

However, you can do without marinade, it is enough to grasp the wig-steak salt and pepper and smear vegetable oil - And now the main thing is not to overcover: the steak is very thin, so frying it on a moderate fire. 10-15 minutes, turning over every 2-3 minutes, the optimal fireman - Medium Rare.


About the steak machete (he OUTSIDE SKIRT) everything in principle is said just above: it is a thin and long steak of a diaphragm called so for reminding the form of a Latin American agricultural knife. To handle the machete is needed in the same spirit as with a crumb.

But the advice of Konstantin Ivlev on the preparation of the steak of the machete in the contact grill.

Flank Steak

Steak from the paishing, that is, from the inner fleet of a carcass, located between the ribs and the thigh closer to the groin area of \u200b\u200bthe animal. From this cut, rather tough and lean steaks are obtained, but they taste very bright, with a distinct meat fragrance. The most reasonable flank steak to pickle - at least a couple of hours, and better for the night. Marinade options - Chimichurry sauce; The combination of vegetable oil, wine vinegar, garlic and soy sauce and honey; combination of bow, soy sauce, olive oil, balsamic vinegar and sugar. Pickled steak roast on a coal grill or a pan within a few minutes of ten, regularly turning over, - before the MEDIUM RARE cargo, MEDIUM maximum. (In the contact grill turn over, naturally, no need.)

Steak Butcher

Steak from a meaty part of the diaphragm. In English, it is also called Hanger Steak or Hanging Tender, in both of the case, the word "hanging" is important: it describes the position of the muscle, as if suspended inside the animal between light and abdominal cavity. Butcher Steak (Butcher Steak) is called this part because the butchers often did not let her for sale, but left themselves - and because of not too casiste species, and due to a saturated meat taste and aroma, which he resembles a flank steak. Some argue that to taste the steak of the butcher resembles a liver, but you can also call it a blood flavor.

In the center of the steak, it takes place, to which, at an angle of 30-40 degrees, large meat fibers are attached. It, as a rule, is removed before frying, separating a piece on narrow two parts.

This part of the diaphragm is one of the most few animal muscles during the life, so that its tenderness is not the main thing. So it can with minimal seasonings like salt and pepper and thyme branches to fry on vegetable oil with a small addition of creamy - 5-6 minutes, often turning over, to the MEDIUM RARE cargo, the MEDIUM maximum. But you can first pick up the butcher's steak in a spicy and acidic environment (the base is citrus, wine, wine vinegar), and fry the same shorter, constantly turning over.

Chuck Roll

The cervical fillet, part of the long spinal muscle between the shovel and ribs. To taste, the Chuck Roll resembles Riba (this is cutrup-neighbors), but it is a rather fatty meat, and the steak of it is unlikely to melt in the mouth. This cut is perfect for extinguishing and - after pre-marination - for kebabs. For steaks it can also be chopped. And you can, having spilled and steak and having crap in several places, passing through the steak (thanks to this, it will become somewhat softer in the cooking process), fry in a pair of minutes on each side on a strong fire, to produce on slow, just turning every couple of minutes. Recommended degree of roasted - medium.

Top blade

Steak from the outer part of the blade, wide, long piece of meat. The second in tenderness and softness (after cutting) part of the carcass, besides, there are two times cheaper.

The top blade is divided into the connective tissue, and it creates problems with frying: the high temperature turns it simply into rubber. Exit - just carefully avoid it with a knife on a plate. Or pre-pick steak - basics Options are all the same: onions, citrus, wine, vinegar, choose for taste (sugar and honey - optional, they are needed not so much for sweetness, as for providing a beautiful Caucan reaction of Mayara, into which sugar is entering and amino acids).

Flat Iron.

This is the same outer part of the blade as the top blade, only in a different one is separated. If you cut off the cut across, so that the connecting tissue takes place in the middle of each piece is the top blade. If the long and flat meat tapes are removed from the core, then two Flat Iron will be. Fry them either by whole pieces, or dividing into two halves. Recommended degrees of roasters - medium rare or medium, it is important not to overcover, so you need to fry quickly. If you want, you can pickle Flat Iron, but it is good and with minimal spices - like Riba.

In addition, the story of Konstantin Ivlev on how best to fry this steak in the contact grill, pre-picking meat in the honey-mustard-oyster sauce.


Steak from a small muscle located between the cervical spine and a spatula. This is the most tender part of the cervical cut: unlike the Chuck Roll Denver is a relatively soft steak. Relatively new cut - for the first time it was presented to the market in 2009 (the industry does not stand still, and the butchers still extended interesting pieces from the carcas, which are suitable for the steaks). The best steaks are obtained from a weathered cut, it does not prevent Denwar and Marinade. Optimal degree of Denver Road - Medium

The youngest steak - American meat expert Tony Mata allocated him in 2012 (by the way, it was he who came up with Flat Iron in 2003) - from the part of the blade that was allowed to be allowed to stuff. The proposal of the MATI was to crop all the most unnecessary like connecting tissue, and the remaining to proclaim the new steak. Vegas Strip to taste resembles New York, except that has a tougher structure, but it is softer than other alternative steaks and does not require marination. The perfect degree of roasted - medium.


The steak of the triangular shape of a sacrum, from the top of the thigh, is covered with a uniform fat layer. In English, this part is called Top Sirloin Cap.

This is a favorite Cabin of Brazilians who are not thinking without him Churrashirei, institutions specializing in meat. In Brazil, Picani is divided into three parts perpendicular to the fibers, season with salt and pepper, bend them in a semicircle with fat outwards, ride on the skewers, pressing pieces close to each other, - and fry on an open fire, turning continuously, and then cut down thin pieces - again -taki across the fibers.

It is better to prepare a whole piggy in the oven, but in Russia it is often sold in the form of sliced \u200b\u200bsteaks. They need to be pre-salt and leave for half an hour to marvelize, and it is necessary to fry, remembering the main thing: do not overcover. First, on a strong heat for two minutes on each side (then on the weak one another 2-4 minutes on each side; in the case of a coal grill - on an indirect fire). The meat is lean, but at the expense of the fat strip it during this time the necessary juiciness is reported. The perfect degree of roasted - medium. They appreciate Picani not for tenderness, but exactly for the opposite: for the brutal texture and saturated meat taste. If you want to pick up to pre-pick up - we will not discharge you: it turns out very tasty.


Also cut out of the sacrum. Cut from the lumbar part next to the widest part of the clipping. The meat is rather soft, but at the same time fragrant. One-piece siren is best baked: soda with salt, pepper, rosemary, thyme and oregano (or other spicy herbs for your taste) and send to the oven, heated to 160 degrees, for an hour and a half. The sirel-steaks are easy to cut, especially if you focus on that part where there is a strip of fat: the optimal degree of roasted - medium, and better - Medium Rare. Fry it in a pair-triple minutes on each side on the coal grill - or in a pan on a small amount of vegetable oil (in the end, add a piece of creamy, a couple of garlic branches and a branch of rosemary to the pan). If fry in the pin grill, just click on the button and wait for the right degree of roasted. And be sure to take a steak to relax after cooking.

Ramp Steak

Stake from the back, with rather hard meat: the muscles in this part of the animal are constantly working during his life. The main advantages of the ramp are low compared to premium steaks. Price and bright saturated beef taste. Before this steak to fry, it is better to help it (4-8 hours) to extract (the basics are traditional, your taste: citrus, wine, good vinegar, it turns out very well from the teriyaki). Fry on moderate heat for 2-3 minutes on each side, and then let's relax - it will be Medium Rare. If the steaks are not pickled, fry for 4-5 minutes on each side, regularly turning, also on moderate heat.

I am preparing steaks for many years, from miscellaneous meat And, I dare to hope, I do it well. In this article, I decided to collect all my experience, which will allow you to achieve perfection in the preparation of steaks. And do not hesitate to move on the links - they lead to other articles, which describes various aspects of frying and feeding steaks, such as the readiness of meat or cooking sauces for the steak.


How to prepare an impeccable steak

Cook impeccable steak It may be a difficult task even for a skilled chef: small pieces of meat can be prepared too quickly, becoming dry and hard, too large - to burn out outside, and without pleaseing inside. If you are a newcomer in the preparation of steaks, I recommend using a heavy pan or grill pan - a coal or electric grill is also perfect for steaks, but in a frying pan will be easier to control the temperature.

Step 1 - Prepare Steak

Cooking the steak begins with the choice of meat in the store or meat shop. As a rule, imported beef is used for steaks, and although recently high-quality steaks and from Russian beef began to appear, foreign terminology has been used to classify meat cuts. Train in hot steaks is the easiest on the steaks ribe and starplohn., He is New York (in our classification by these cuts more or less correspond to the thick and thin edge) - they are soft by themselves, and it turns out delicious, even if you miss the root.

Pay attention to the so-called meat marble: fat must be equally distributed as much as possible on meat, then during the preparation of the steak, these injections of fat will melt, making meat more tasty and juicy. Classic Steak Thickness - 2.5 centimeters, And if you buy meat already sliced, make sure that the steaks were the right thickness, if you take a big piece - try on how you cut it. So, proceed.

  • If the steak was frozen, defrost it all night in the refrigerator and wipe dry.
  • Remove the steak from the refrigerator at least 20 minutes before the start of frying so that he could warm up to room temperature.
  • Lubricate steaks on both sides by vegetable oil (I use olive, but instead you can take any vegetable odorless) and generously season with salt.
See also:

Step 2 - Preheat the frying pan

  • Heat the frying pan on the fire above average - it should become hot, but not to smoke (if the frying pan is too hot, steak is littered outside before it cooks inside, and it turns out hard).
  • The hiss that will be heard after you put the steaks in the pan, will it make it clear whether it warmed up to the desired temperature.
  • Another way to check the heating of the frying pan - drop on it some of the water: if you started the frying pan well, the droplet will gather in the elastic ball, which will run on the surface of the frying pan, like tremendous.

Step 3 - Prepare to taste

  • For medium roasted, lay out the steaks in the pan so that they do not come into contact, and let them roast for 1 minute.
  • Gently turn the steaks with forceps (do not damage them so that the juices do not flow), and roast another 1 minute to form a crust.
  • Turn the steaks again and reduce the fire to the average. Fry for 2 minutes, flip, and fry another 2 minutes.
  • In order to check the readiness, gently push the tip of the finger on the steak. The steak with blood should be soft and pliable, well-rooted solid, and the middle, as it should be, will be sobbing something average.

Time cooking steaks

You can vary steaks to your taste, increasing or decreasing the time of their cooking. Below is the estimated time that is suitable for a steak of 2.5 cm thick. The steaks of greater thickness require more preparation time, and vice versa.

  • Rare (with blood) - 1-2 minutes on each side, give a relaxer 6-8 minutes;
  • Medium Rare (weak root) - 2-2.5 minutes on each side, give a break for 5 minutes;
  • Medium (medium roa) - 3 minutes on each side, give a relax 4 minutes;
  • Well Done (well roasted) - 4.5 minutes on each side, give a rest 1 minute.

However, the most accurate (although not always affordable newcomer) way to determine the degree of roasted steak is the use of a meat thermometer.

Step 5 - Submit steaks

  • The steaks are required sharply compatible knives without jarbin to cut meto smoothly.
  • Serve steaks on hot plates so that they cooled not so quickly.
  • It's believed that good meat The sauce is not needed - and if you agree with this statement, simply paint the steak of juices that mixed with melted oil on the bottom of the form.
  • Choosing a side dish to the steak is a personal matter of everyone, I prefer green salad.

How to cook ramp steak? This type of steak often remains in the shadow of their premium "counterparts". It is believed that the ramp steak is hard enough and it is easy to turn it into a piece of soles. Partly this is true. But if you adhere to technology, Ramp-steak will surprise you with its juicy and excellent taste. Where is he from?

Ramp-steak is cut from the so-called exhaust (femoral part of the carcass). Sliced \u200b\u200bacross the fibers under the tilt of the steak and there. This part of the animal carcass in life is very mobile, which makes the hip meat tougher, in comparison with other cuts.

Nevertheless, those who tried Ramp-Steak, celebrate his pronounced "beef" taste. Some even claim that it is not inferior in taste quality. Meat is fair enough. It does not have fat streams or bones that would give meat extra juitness. That is why it is easy to cut. This steak requires certain skills in working with meat. By virtue of these features, Ramp-Steak is an order of magnitude cheaper than other bran.

Features of cooking

From the ramp steak will be excellent bifstex on the grill. Also, this steak can be twisted on the meat grinder and make mince, from which excellent burgers cutlets. Ramp-steak is also known as Romsheks. In the representation of most citizens of the post-Soviet space, it is a dug meat, roasted in breading.

If you still decided to prepare, then in the case of a ramp steak, without marinada could not do. Pepper is suitable, salt, some oil and lemon juice. The latter will well soften the rigid muscle fibers of the ramp. True to marinate for a long time - about 40 minutes. Very gentle I. juicy steak It turns out if making it in soya sauce And leave in the refrigerator for the night. Helling meat on a heated grill, you can put it for another 10 in the oven. The perfect degree of roasted ramp steak is medium rare or medium.

Ramp-steak is suitable for cooking meat dishes In the frying pan. Meat must be cut into small stripes and fry in sauce with vegetables.

Rampa steak is very popular in french cuisine. The local butchers separate the cut in such a way that it turns out as many three ramp varieties with different taste features:
- Coeur de Romsteck (meat, carved from the center of the cereal, is used to prepare a classic steak with self-feed);
- Filet de Romsteck ("Fillet from a round steak" has a cylindrical shape, in length about 30 cm and something reminds of cut);
- Pavé de Romsteck (Long Filey Slice, cut into separate portions of steaks).

Ramp Steak also called the "biker" or "bachelor" steak. It is preparing enough quickly and, at first glance, simply. However, in this case, the line between the juicy steak and dry loose bran is very thin. For this reason, we recommend adhere to the proper temperature regime. Read more about it.

For cooking ramp steak will leave no more than 7 minutes. Note that the cut is suitable for cooking both grilled and in the oven. In addition, the lean pulp from the back of the carcas is perfect for the preparation of beef bifshes. Their recipes you will find.

What is a ramp steak and how to cook it

Despite the fact that Ramp Steak refers to the category of hard cuts, a wet meat extract helps to make it softer and gentle. In order for budget cuts to be soft and juicy, they are recommended to pre-choke. For example, in pepper, spices, lemon juice or soy sauce. You can add garlic and smoked paprika for piquancy.

Approximate time of marination steak 40-60 minutes, but you can and more. But to solit the ramp steak is better at the very end, since the salt "pulls out" moisture from muscle fibers. Because of this, the finished meat is hard and tasteless.

During the roasting of the steak, it is not necessary to turn it too often, since all spices burn, and the drawing will be disturbed. Frequent turning is recommended for thin and rigid steaks - it provides them to a quick and uniform roasory. In our case, fry steak is necessary for 4 minutes on each side. For steaks from the back beef carcass (the so-called "tail") of the optimal degree of roasted is Medium Rare.

If you are preparing a ramp steak on the grill, make sure that the fat is not dried on the corner. Otherwise, inflammation cannot be avoided. You need a heat, not the fire. For lean steaks, he is contraindicated because it turns them into a "sole".

You always have to have a spare surface where you can shift meat if suddenly coals become too hot. For this, the grill form two heat zones (strong and moderate). It is not recommended to cool the carbonate coals with water, as it drops the temperature of the working surface sharply and then you can forget about a beautiful crust and a proper root.

Ready Ramp Steak It is necessary to remove from grill or frying pan and give a few minutes to "rest." During this time, the internal meat temperature will rise by a few more degrees - it is necessary to remove meat from the grill when its internal temperature will be 2-3 degrees below the one that you need.

The perfect garnish for such a steak will be potatoes baked with slices in the oven, or stew vegetables. They will successfully complement the taste of meat. Lunch will be very satisfying and tasty. Optionally, you can add sauce - sharp or sour-sweet - depends on your taste preferences.

Bon Appetit!