Often write go from green tea reason. If you start to notice that you often go to the toilet in a small way

Do you constantly want to use the toilet? How much liquid do you drink per day? Are you male or female? What is your age? As a rule, only the answers to these and similar questions can give the doctor a detailed conclusion - what happens to the patient. There are a lot of reasons why you may constantly want to go to the toilet. These are infections of the urethra, cystitis, in women, the uterus can be lowered, in men, certain problems with the prostate can be diagnosed. Do not exclude from this list pelvic pain syndrome, irritable bladder syndrome, increased alcohol consumption, excess of the daily intake of fluids, drinking coffee and tea in large quantities, as well as treatment with drugs that have a pronounced diuretic effect.

Women very often turn to a gynecologist or a therapist with complaints that they constantly want to use the toilet. Moreover, even after perfect urination, there is a feeling that there is still fluid in the bladder. And during the day, the uterus and lower abdomen are constantly pulling.

What do we have to do?

If you constantly want to use the toilet, then a woman needs to see a gynecologist, and a man - a urologist. This is necessary in order to confirm or exclude a bacterial infection, infectious (chlamydia, ureaplasmosis, herpes).

In women, infectious and inflammatory diseases are most often the reason for the constant desire to visit the toilet. A concomitant factor in the disease is a weakened immune system. The problem of frequent urination is easily eliminated with the help of drugs that stimulate the immune system, antiviral, as well as anti-inflammatory drugs. The only thing is that at home you will not be able to self-examine yourself, and even more so - to prescribe adequate treatment that will help eliminate the problem.

Below are the main symptoms that are recommended to pay attention to if you constantly want to go to the toilet, as well as a list of the main diseases that provoke this phenomenon.

Urination rate

How often a person goes to the toilet is a subjective norm. For some, going to the toilet after every glass of water will not be frequent urination, for others - the urge to go to the toilet every few hours - this is already often.

If we talk about any rate of urination, then it is believed that if a person goes to the toilet 10 to 12 times a day, this is normal and not a disease. If the amount of urination exceeds this figure, then in this case you need to think - are you healthy?

When should I see a doctor?

You need to seek medical help in such cases as:

  • You use the toilet very often at night, almost every time or even more often;
  • During the day, go to the toilet every 1.5 or 2 hours;
  • Even from a few sips of water or tea, you want to go to the toilet;
  • You notice that you cannot always contain the urge to urinate;
  • When you cough, sneeze, or make sudden movements, you pass a small amount of urine;
  • If you have just visited the toilet, the feeling of a full bladder does not leave;
  • When you urinate, it hurts or is unpleasant;
  • Constant thoughts about "where is the toilet" or "how to restrain yourself from involuntary urination" prevent you from leading a normal social life.

Remember that only a specialist (urologist or gynecologist) can answer the question: "Why do I constantly want to go to the toilet, what is the reason?" In no case do not self-medicate and self-formulate any diagnoses. It can only hurt.

You have cystitis if ...

You often go to the toilet and at the same time feel constant pain in the lower abdomen, in the uterus, or in the penis (for both men and women). Cystitis is an inflammatory process that reflects damage to the mucous membrane of the bladder. If the bladder, both in a man and a woman, is inflamed, then this leads to a constant sensation of the urge to use the toilet.

Cystitis is a rather complex, severe chronic disease that cannot always be completely cured. To eliminate the symptoms of the inflammatory process, it is necessary, first of all, to consult a doctor and start taking antibiotics and anti-inflammatory drugs.

It is treated with antibiotics of the series: fosfomycin and fluoroquinolones, as well as anti-inflammatory drugs - nitroxoline, furagin and furadonin.

Kidney disease

The second common reason why you may constantly want to go to the toilet is inflammatory or infectious kidney diseases, that is, renal failure. If, during cystitis, a patient releases a small amount of urine and at the same time feels unpleasant pains in the lower abdomen, then in case of renal failure, a sufficiently large amount of fluid is released during each urination process.

A distinctive feature of renal failure is that patients are constantly thirsty and constantly thirsty. To determine if a patient really has renal failure, he is referred for urinalysis and an ultrasound of the kidneys.


The symptoms of kidney failure and diabetes are very similar. The patient is constantly thirsty, suffers from dry mouth, thirst, and during each urination a sufficiently large amount of fluid is released. Concomitant symptoms of diabetes mellitus are: weakness, frequent fatigue, a constant desire to sleep, an increase in appetite for no apparent reason. If you are experiencing the above symptoms, then do not delay - be sure to consult a doctor - a gynecologist, urologist and endocrinologist.

What to do with? Of course - see a doctor and moreover - immediately. If you experience pain when urinating, then a No-Shpy pill or Analgin will help. In no case should you limit your fluid intake (I mean pure water), but you need to forget about alcohol, tea, coffee for a while.

They talk about the dangers of alcohol, coffee and packaged juices without stopping. And how about ? This drink is considered completely healthy. However, doctors advise to be careful, because for some green tea can cause health problems.

Why should you give up green tea?

Causes gastritis

Photo: pixabay.com

Japanese physician Hiromi Shinya, who wrote a book about the dangers of green tea, believes that this drink causes exacerbation of gastritis and ulcers. Under the influence of air and hot water The tannin in tea is oxidized and converted into tannic acid.

This acid, entering the body, destroys the stomach lining. Therefore, drinking green tea on an empty stomach is not advised.

Slows down digestion

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Research has shown that green tea inhibits digestion. As a result, food that has entered the stomach is not processed with a sufficient amount of digestive juice, fermentation processes take place. Therefore, green tea drinkers often suffer from bloating, heaviness and abdominal cramps.

Experts advise drinking green tea no earlier than 40-60 minutes after a meal.

Poorly affects the health of pregnant women

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Today, every second inhabitant of the globe is struggling with coffee addiction. Some people change their favorite invigorating drink for green or black tea. Bad alternative.

Tea also contains caffeine. It was discovered there back in 1827, but to this day, many are convinced that tea (especially green) has no effect on the nervous system.

How it works! For example, 3-4 cups of green tea a day can increase your anxiety, lead to chronic irritability, etc.

Pregnant women are especially vulnerable in this case, because large doses of caffeine negatively affect the development of the fetus in the womb.

Provokes gout

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Green tea is prized for its ability to remove toxins from the body. This is due to a substance called purine. In excess, purine is able to accumulate in the human body, turning into salts. These salts provoke gout.

To prove this, the researchers cite the result of an experiment involving patients suffering from rheumatism. As soon as they gave up coffee and tea for a while, the pain subsided, and the general condition improved.

Leads to blood clots

Photo: pixabay.com

In addition to caffeine, green tea contains theophylline. In reasonable doses, it invigorates and improves performance. But an excess of theophylline leads to disruption of the nervous system.

Large doses of caffeine and theophylline provoke blood clots. Therefore, with hypertension and atherosclerosis, the green hour should be used with caution.

Aggravates at elevated temperatures

Photo: pixabay.com

The insidiousness of this substance is not limited to this. Theophylline has a diuretic effect. Therefore, antipyretic will be useless if combined with green tea.

"Not friendly" with alcohol

Photo: pixabay.com

Many centuries ago, wise Chinese healers established that tea, drunk after alcohol, poisons the body. When mixing an alcohol-containing drink and tea, poisonous substances are formed that negatively affect the liver and kidneys.

Even in ancient China, they knew about the miraculous benefits of green tea and were often used for medical reasons. This type of tea was the first to treat headaches and depression, for example. Green tea has an important place in Chinese history.

It is made from the leaves of the Camellia Sinensis plant. Unlike black, green contains a minimal amount of caffeine, which, if overdose, leads to insomnia, nausea, and frequent urination. Green tea is useful because it contains a significant amount of vitamins C and P. Vitamin C is an antioxidant and is needed for the normal functioning of bone tissue. Vitamin P strengthens the walls of the capillaries, reduces their fragility and prevents destruction, especially in the bodies of the elderly.

In order to prevent diseases, it is enough to drink 2-3 cups of green tea daily. The usual daily intake is 250-300 mg.

Green tea supplements available from pharmacies and specialty stores also have therapeutic benefits.

If you prefer to drink green tea with milk, then this deprives your body incredible benefit... Milk proteins combine with polyphenol and suppress its healing properties.

Green tea contains beneficial catechins. These are potential antioxidants - 100 times more powerful than vitamin C.

Scientifically proven that catechin protects cellular DNA from changes, prevents the development of cancer.

Black tea also contains catechins, but in much lower amounts.

Benefits of green tea: reasons to drink it every day

1/ Provides the body with antioxidants.

Experts believe that antioxidants slow down the aging process and protect against heart disease, stroke and cancer cell proliferation. Green tea is an excellent source of antioxidants and catechins in particular.

In fact, some fruits, such as pomegranate, for example, contain the same or even more antioxidants. But when you compare prices and consumer tastes, green tea is by far the best choice.

2 / Burns fat.

With green tea, we get two benefits in one.

  • First, it promotes natural fat burning.
  • Secondly, it helps to generate energy.

In Taiwan, scientists conducted a study in which more than 10,000 people consumed green tea for 10 years. The results showed that green tea and its variety, oolong tea, help burn fat. And the longer you drink tea, the greater the result will be.

Green tea increases endurance during exercise thanks to catechin, which burns fat and limits immediate absorption of carbohydrates, and instead uses stored fat for energy.

3/ Prolongs life.

One of the largest testing (over 40,000 participants) with green tea was conducted in Japan. Its results were collected and processed over 11 years.

The researchers found that people who drank about 5 cups of green tea a day had an average of 16% longer lifespan than participants who drank less than one cup.

4/ Protects against cancer.

The unusual anti-cancer properties of green tea are not limited to antioxidants. It is known that the drink limits the nutrition of cancer cells, and gradually they may die altogether. This action does not apply to healthy cells.

According to scientific theory, green tea blocks the production of harmful enzymes that act as catalysts for the development of cancer cells. Brain tumor and leukemia, lung and stomach cancer, diseases of the colon and esophagus, cancer of the bladder and breast, ovaries and prostate - all studies on the effect of green tea on the development of these diseases show positive results.

5/ Relieves stress and stimulates the brain.

All teas contain a specific ingredient, theanine, which is known for its calming effects and stimulating alpha brain waves.

In 2007, it became known that 4 cups of tea a day increase the performance of the brain and the body as a whole. Therefore, people who regularly drink green tea are more difficult to respond to stress, and they are 44% less likely to show symptoms of depression.

The list of health benefits of theanine grows longer every day. It is known to have a healing effect, both on the psyche and on human physiology. Two studies in 2007 made a real breakthrough in proving that green tea repairs damaged brain cells and is a successful alternative in the treatment of multiple sclerosis.

6/ Rejuvenates and protects the heart.

Drinking this type of tea helps patients recover from a heart attack. Doctors suggest that one of the active ingredients, epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG), speeds up the recovery process. It also reduces the risk of developing heart failure, although experts still cannot explain the mechanism of action.

7/ Strengthens blood vessels.

With age, arteries tend to harden and their elasticity decreases. The process intensifies with the accumulation of lime deposits on their walls. When the inner layer of the artery has become denser, the distance between the vessels narrows, and blood circulation deteriorates. This is the cause of heart failure and stroke.

A 2009 study indicates that green tea prevents atherosclerosis, the hardening and clogging of blood vessels. The dose, which is recommended for prophylactic purposes, is 3-4 cups of tea a day. In this case, the risk of atherosclerosis is reduced by 26-46%.

This drink helps in keeping the arterial ducts clean by lowering cholesterol and platelet counts in the blood.

8/ Reduces blood pressure.

Scientists have proven that this tea lowers blood pressure. In one test conducted in 2004, it was found that people who regularly consume green tea had 65% fewer signs of hypertension. The recommended dose is 2 glasses a day.

9/ Protects against the onset of diabetes.

The ingredient epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG) regulates blood sugar levels, increases insulin activity and glucose metabolism. In 2007, it became known that tea increased insulin activity by more than 15 times, but the addition of milk reduced the activity by 90%.

It is important to know that 6 cups of tea a day for 8 weeks lowers blood sugar levels from 15% to 20%. This effect is enhanced by following the Japanese diet.

10/ Heals diseases.

You will be surprised to know that the anti-inflammatory properties of green tea make it ideal alternative with diseases.

For example, rheumatoid arthritis is a common disease that occurs in three out of 100 women (in men, this disease is 3 times less common). There are currently no treatment options for this disease. But among the effective means for reducing pain and overcoming rheumatoid inflammation, it is green tea that takes the first place.

If you have skin problems such as acne, a cream can help. green tea... It also helps with dry skin, itching and allergic reactions. This type of tea also reduces inflammation of the lining of the intestines.

11/ Reduces lung damage from smoking.

Green tea reduces the risk of lung cancer by limiting cell damage from cigarette smoke. It doesn't matter if it is active or secondhand smoke. Even with the ingress of toxins from the air, poisoning with harmful substances does not occur.

With regular consumption of tea, the risk of disease is reduced by up to 25%.

12/ Protects the liver from alcohol.

Two studies over the past five years show that green tea protects the liver from damage from alcohol abuse or toxic chemicals.

The results of the experiments were so categorical that scientists plan to create a drug based on green tea for the treatment of liver diseases.

13/ Protects tooth enamel from the development of caries

Protects tooth enamel from the development of tooth decay and helps in the treatment of bad breath. Unlike carbonated drinks (which always contain sugar), green tea contains no sweetness.

In addition, it fights viruses in the mouth and prevents unpleasant odors.

14/ Provides bone density.

Drinking as little as two or more cups of green tea a day helps maintain bone density and this reduces the risk of osteoporosis. The longer you drink tea, the stronger the integrity of the bone tissue.

15/ Strengthens the immune system and repels cold and flu viruses.

Tea contains antigens that are found in some beneficial bacteria. With these antibodies, the body builds immune defenses and neutralizes harmful bacteria and viruses. 4-5 cups of green tea a day is enough.

16/ Moisturizes the cells of the body.

Experts in the UK have found that green tea is even more beneficial than pure water. They refute the claim that tea dehydrates the human body.

Experiments by scientists show that this amazing tea has a moisturizing effect.

You begin to understand that something bad is happening to your body when you notice that you often go to the toilet in a small way. If this process is not painful, then at first they try to brush aside the problem - a temporary phenomenon, a lot of liquid can be drunk. In the case when or the loss of water is significant, it is unlikely that it will be possible to do without drug therapy.

Is it possible to treat diseases associated with emptying the bladder on their own?

Unfortunately, many have experienced the fact that urine comes out drop by drop with severe pain. This is mainly a female problem based on the structure and urethra. It is easy to ascend into the bladder along the short wide urerta of the infection.

Cause cystitis:

  • streptococci;
  • staphylococci;
  • colibacillus;
  • chlamydia;
  • mycoplasma;
  • banal hypothermia.

Cystitis can develop after surgery or examination.

For some reason, most believe that cystitis can be cured on their own. Drink strong antibiotics - sometimes one-time and symptomatically, and everything will pass. Thus, one can only achieve that the disease becomes chronic, and with each hypothermia it will make itself felt.

For most men, unfortunately, there comes a time when you have to ask yourself the question: "Why do I often go to the toilet, especially at night?"

Prostatitis is not only a problem of age. It can appear after hypothermia, as a complication from a viral or infectious disease, after contracting an STD. Cystitis may occur as a concomitant infection.

If you try to heal yourself, based on the "experience of others," then the disease will lurk and then cause a lot of trouble. One of which is a decrease in sperm viability.

What other diseases are associated with frequent urination?

In case of complaints of back pain, especially in the lumbar region, the doctor will always ask: "Do you often go to the toilet in a small way?" Frequent trips to the toilet to urinate may indicate kidney problems. Secondary symptoms, in the form

changes in the composition of urine, the appearance of small stones in it, an increase in body temperature, in most cases occurs later.

With the release of a large amount of fluid, it can be a sign of the development of diabetes mellitus and insipidus. If you often go to the toilet in a small way, and at the same time you do not drink much liquid, you should definitely consult a doctor. A disease noticed at an early stage can be easily corrected.

The frequency of urination can tell a woman about the presence of an early pregnancy or ... about an STD infection. If the doctor, after listening to the complaints, referred to the gynecologist, you should not take offense at him.

When should you not sound the alarm with frequent urination?

If often

if you go to the toilet on a small scale and take drugs that lower blood pressure, then you should not go to the doctor with the problem of frequent urination. The principle of operation of such a profile is based on the discharge of liquid.

You should not worry if you drink any herbs for medicinal purposes. Most drugs from the arsenal traditional medicine have a diuretic effect.

Green tea drives out water. Frequent urge to urinate is characteristic of those who are on a diet - when losing weight, you need to drink a lot of fluids.

It is normal for an adult to visit a common place in order to “relieve yourself” 6-7 times a day. If, within a few days, going to the toilet for a small one occurs more often, you need to see a doctor.

Do you constantly want to use the toilet? How much liquid do you drink per day? Are you male or female? What is your age? As a rule, only the answers to these and similar questions can give the doctor a detailed conclusion - what happens to the patient. There are a lot of reasons why you may constantly want to go to the toilet. These are infections of the urethra, cystitis, in women, the uterus can be lowered, in men, certain problems with the prostate can be diagnosed. Do not exclude from this list pelvic pain syndrome, irritable bladder syndrome, increased alcohol consumption, excess of the daily intake of fluids, drinking coffee and tea in large quantities, as well as treatment with drugs that have a pronounced diuretic effect.

Women very often turn to a gynecologist or a therapist with complaints that they constantly want to use the toilet. Moreover, even after perfect urination, there is a feeling that there is still fluid in the bladder. And during the day, the uterus and lower abdomen are constantly pulling.

What do we have to do?

If you constantly want to use the toilet, then a woman needs to see a gynecologist, and a man - a urologist. This is necessary in order to confirm or exclude a bacterial infection, infectious (chlamydia, ureaplasmosis, herpes).

In women, infectious and inflammatory diseases are most often the reason for the constant desire to visit the toilet. A concomitant factor in the disease is a weakened immune system. The problem of frequent urination is easily eliminated with the help of drugs that stimulate the immune system, antiviral, as well as anti-inflammatory drugs. The only thing is that at home you will not be able to self-examine yourself, and even more so - to prescribe adequate treatment that will help eliminate the problem.

Below are the main symptoms that are recommended to pay attention to if you constantly want to go to the toilet, as well as a list of the main diseases that provoke this phenomenon.

Urination rate

How often a person goes to the toilet is a subjective norm. For some, going to the toilet after every glass of water will not be frequent urination, for others - the urge to go to the toilet every few hours - this is already often.

If we talk about any rate of urination, then it is believed that if a person goes to the toilet 10 to 12 times a day, this is normal and not a disease. If the amount of urination exceeds this figure, then in this case you need to think - are you healthy?

When should I see a doctor?

You need to seek medical help in such cases as:

  • You use the toilet very often at night, almost every time or even more often;
  • During the day, go to the toilet every 1.5 or 2 hours;
  • Even from a few sips of water or tea, you want to go to the toilet;
  • You notice that you cannot always contain the urge to urinate;
  • When you cough, sneeze, or make sudden movements, you pass a small amount of urine;
  • If you have just visited the toilet, the feeling of a full bladder does not leave;
  • When you urinate, it hurts or is unpleasant;
  • Constant thoughts about "where is the toilet" or "how to restrain yourself from involuntary urination" prevent you from leading a normal social life.

Remember that only a specialist (urologist or gynecologist) can answer the question: "Why do I constantly want to go to the toilet, what is the reason?" In no case do not self-medicate and self-formulate any diagnoses. It can only hurt.

You have cystitis if ...

You often go to the toilet and at the same time feel constant pain in the lower abdomen, in the uterus, or in the penis (for both men and women). Cystitis is an inflammatory process that reflects damage to the mucous membrane of the bladder. If the bladder, both in a man and a woman, is inflamed, then this leads to a constant sensation of the urge to use the toilet.

Cystitis is a rather complex, severe chronic disease that cannot always be completely cured. To eliminate the symptoms of the inflammatory process, it is necessary, first of all, to consult a doctor and start taking antibiotics and anti-inflammatory drugs.

It is treated with antibiotics of the series: fosfomycin and fluoroquinolones, as well as anti-inflammatory drugs - nitroxoline, furagin and furadonin.

Kidney disease

The second common reason why you may constantly want to go to the toilet is inflammatory or infectious kidney diseases, that is, renal failure. If, during cystitis, a patient releases a small amount of urine and at the same time feels unpleasant pains in the lower abdomen, then in case of renal failure, a sufficiently large amount of fluid is released during each urination process.

A distinctive feature of renal failure is that patients are constantly thirsty and constantly thirsty. To determine if a patient really has renal failure, he is referred for urinalysis and an ultrasound of the kidneys.


The symptoms of kidney failure and diabetes are very similar. The patient is constantly thirsty, suffers from dry mouth, thirst, and during each urination a sufficiently large amount of fluid is released. Concomitant symptoms of diabetes mellitus are: weakness, frequent fatigue, a constant desire to sleep, an increase in appetite for no apparent reason. If you are experiencing the above symptoms, then do not delay - be sure to consult a doctor - a gynecologist, urologist and endocrinologist.

What to do with? Of course - see a doctor and moreover - immediately. If you experience pain when urinating, then a No-Shpy pill or Analgin will help. In no case should you limit your fluid intake (I mean pure water), but you need to forget about alcohol, tea, coffee for a while.

Katya, I didn't ask about age in vain. If you do not have some kind of chronic and serious pathology, then there are practically no dangers and threats to your pregnancy. Bleeding for such a period is mainly on the conscience of Mother Nature and little depends on you, you are not going to work as a loader. As for driving ... Cross-country, of course, not very good. But if it’s related to your work, you’ll still be driving. About food. Everything is best eaten raw, that is, vegetables and ...


"... If you do not have some kind of chronic and serious pathology, then there are practically no dangers and threats to your pregnancy ..." There is ALWAYS a danger and threat to any pregnancy. And I say this to you not to scare, but simply so that you really look at things. What determines the tone of the uterus, bleeding and, even worse, termination of pregnancy, only in 10 percent of cases can be explained by purely physiological reasons, such as: weak infantile uterus, non-closing cervix, severe physical overload, nervous stress, by the way, acclimatization is also included here. In 90 percent of cases, women hear the diagnosis: "The cause has not been identified." But you, Katya, as I understand it, the girl is not one of the shy ones, so there can only be very simple recommendations.
1. Medicines: no-shpa, candles with papaverine, motherwort. It is advisable to take no-shpa before and after the flight, even if you feel good.
2. If there is medical insurance in any large company, inquire about their representatives in the country you are traveling to (or nearby) and about the conditions of their work there. Take your policy with you. (By the way, you can still have time to insure yourself about this).
3. Eat only in very good, proven places, zheleno, with our, familiar to the body, European cuisine.
4. Drink only bottled water. A lot or a little - depends only on your specific organism. No need to rape yourself in anything. Listen more to yourself and the body itself will let you know if you drink a lot or not enough.
5. After each trip to the wild African delights, try to lie down in an air-conditioned room with your legs up, especially if you feel that your stomach is sipping or suddenly, for no reason, for no reason, a wild, irresistible fatigue rushes over - DO NOT TRY TO OVERCOME IT!
6. Well, if toxicosis begins, then any recommendations will not help. Look for your remedy for it: for whom sour helps, for whom salty, for whom sleep, and for whom nothing at all ... So, success :))
Yes, one more thing: it will not be superfluous to buy some decent book on pregnancy, such as "10,000 tips for those who are expecting a baby," and still read it on the road or at your leisure. Many questions will disappear by themselves and, at least, you will learn what the uterus is and its tone (by the age of 28 :))

08/29/2000 10:44:29, Natalia

Buy something from this list at the pharmacy and brew as directed on the package. Drinking plenty of fluids will keep bacteria from adhering to the bladder wall and flush out the urinary tract. If you want to get better as soon as possible, go to the toilet more often. (Doctors call this a regimen of increased urination.) To reduce pain and burning, drink one and a half glasses of alkaline mineral water or a solution of soda (a quarter teaspoon per 250 ml of water). Lay on blueberries, cranberries and lingonberries (berries can be fresh, frozen or dried) - they reduce inflammation of the ...

By 18:30, after another check of the uterus for readiness, the doctor said: "Everything is ready." Disabled anesthesia. The doctor and the anesthesiologist went to the next room to drink tea, warning that she would soon begin to grieve, and so that I would call her. And I was left alone. The sensitivity returned, and the contractions immediately manifested themselves, but it was not very painful. Thirty minutes later I felt that I wanted to go to the toilet and very decently. Deciding that this was attempts, I trudged to the doctor. I went into their study and found the Aesculapians eating cake. They ask: "What have you come for?" I say that I'm grieving, I guess. Then my doctor replies: "If you were grieving strongly, you would not speak calmly, but crawl into the office and in a whining voice would stretch out -" tuuzhiit !! "And, pok ...
... For some reason, these handrails were located very close to my feet, and my hands slipped all the time. And I constantly grabbed at them, like a drowning man in a circle - with the last bit of strength. All this happened very quietly, I was giving birth alone at that time. After tea, my doctor and anesthetist come in, both have wide eyes. They did not expect such a picture - they thought I was sitting alone and waiting for an attempt. Two more nurses came and another male anesthesiologist came in. All day no one gave birth, and everyone was bored. Moreover, a man (he looked about 30 years old) stood at the door - he commented on everything and advised me how to push correctly. This is where it started. For some reason, my strength left me ...


Girls, do not judge! Well done, no doubt, those mothers who did everything themselves have endured! I myself gave birth, too, with anesthesia, you can brand me with shame, your right. But when I was giving birth, behind the wall in the next box, as the doctor said, one mother "performed a feat." She could not stand the pain, screamed and gasped - painful shock - loss of consciousness - hypoxia - emergency cesarean, although there were no indications for it !!! And at that time I was lying and at each contraction I was able to breathe in as much air as possible so that the child had enough of it, and, perhaps, for this reason, the baby's heartbeat practically did not change even during the fight. Born pink) Not everyone has enough self-control to pull themselves together, how many stories are there in which mothers during childbirth forgot about the baby from pain, not everyone has the same pain threshold ... You could endure, but if you could not (anything can ) ... how would you hear that because of your actions the baby was only hurt more! Although we have freedom of speech ..

I completely agree with Elena! After all, your pain in childbirth is just a vague reflection of the feelings of your baby going through the birth! I gave birth without any pain reliever and I loved it! The same holiday! And no problems in childbirth. The main thing is the appropriate attitude, I experienced both labor and pain, and experienced it as the biggest and most important adventure in my life. And to sleep and watch TV at a time when the baby needs you, your support, that you mentally be with him ... Somehow this is not good ...

12/30/2008 00:47:08, Nastya

We move closer to the child, ice on the stomach, lie down for a couple of hours. Then to the ward. "Will the baby be with you or separately?" Of course with me. "That's right". Everyone leaves. The three of us stay, the baby warms up under the lamp, I cool down under the ice floe, my husband sits next to me. I want hot tea with sugar. But there is no tea, only water. Last time, I remember, I was brutally thirsty, but not given. And now there is a liter of water, but I just want sweet tea. Silence. Call your relatives? Come on, let them sleep well, we'll call you in the morning. Enjoy watching the baby. After a while, a bustle begins in the corridor, different people come running to our room for some objects, it becomes clear that in the next block there is a woman with a detachment ...
... Everything, a new life has begun. If the first birth were as easy, I might not have thought for 13 years before deciding on the second. Then the usual maternity hospital began - feeding, swaddling, medical rounds, procedures, analyzes, appointments. Living conditions are very good: blocks of two rooms with a common hallway, toilet and bathroom. The neighbor on the block is very cute, we take turns watching the children if someone is sent for procedures. Children's nurses are sincere women, their neighbor constantly asks and asks them for something, they always help. It's easier for me, I have a second child. Midwives are different, but on average, too, quite nothing. Food is brought directly to the room, it is quite normal ...


Strange, I also gave birth in this hospital, but I dressed in my ward and put on the child there (all the same, I was lying for money :)). We left through the front door (we were offered either the front door or the back door :)). I really liked the hospital.

Rabbit! Congratulations to your family on the addition! Great report!

Indeed, hypothermia causes a decrease in the body's resistance to disease, especially the local immune response, as a result of which the infection actively multiplies and enters the bladder, causing an inflammatory reaction. Hypothermia can be facilitated by the use of an ice pack in the postpartum period. However, I would like to note that the use of an ice bladder, which stimulates the contraction of the uterus after childbirth, as well as catheterization of the bladder, are necessary measures to prevent such a formidable complication as postpartum hemorrhage due to insufficient contraction of the uterus. Subject to all the preventive measures, which will be discussed below, these necessary medical measures will not lead to the occurrence of cystitis. Immediately after childbirth in the body of a young ...
... Even a safely proceeding pregnancy can be considered a factor leading to changes in this balance - vaginal dysbiosis (bacterial vaginosis). How cystitis manifests itself Inflammation of the bladder is manifested primarily by increased urination. At the same time, the woman constantly has strong urges to visit the toilet, which do not correspond to the amount of urine released during this. Often a woman notes pain at the end of urination, sometimes blood appears in the urine. Quite often, pain (burning sensation, cramps) can accompany the entire act of urination. In this case, they talk about the occurrence of urethritis - inflammation of the urethra. In acute cystitis, pain in the lower abdomen appears. Due to the emergence of unbearable ...


In general, there are many ways to prevent cystitis. From folk - cranberries, lingonberries or juice from them, horsetail decoctions. If the child reacts normally, I’m katstsa, you can have a drink, quietly. If not on the guards, you can take Uroprofit. I don’t know why it should not be drunk by nursing people. it is completely natural. There were simply no clinical studies.

I suspect it's not just about talking. Young girls are seduced by fancy diets. A 20-year-old girl with a height of 160 centimeters weighs only 40 kilograms! She doesn't feel like eating at all, she's been losing weight for three whole years! Now he fears that if he does not limit himself in food, then in a month he will gain the same weight again. Every woman wants to become slimmer in order to look more attractive. Of course, there is nothing wrong with taking care of your appearance. However, the desire to be slim can cost you your life. Why? Starving Yourself There is a Dangerous Eating Disorder ...


You need to lose weight wisely! and not abruptly! this can lead to metabolic disorders or even more serious outcome! from the moment you start losing weight, you need to think reasonably what you are capable of doing, what to refuse. Because I will throw off 10 kg in a month - this method will not work. (+ after 2 weeks everything will return and meet another extra 5 kg.!) I realized that from oily and junk food recovered, here of course everything is individual ... at first I did not understand what was the matter. Then my doctor recommended drinking orsoten, observing a low-fat diet) and now the long-awaited 12.4 kg. since the beginning of the year! now I continue in the same spirit!

I want to lose weight, and I don't care how it ends, I decided that I would lose 15 kg in 2 weeks! I’ll just eat nothing! I hate being Tolstoy!
I used to have bulimia, anorexia and have already recovered .... and now I have to lose weight again ... I hope everything goes well! since after losing weight, I will go on a tourist trip!

06/20/2008 11:58:00, alexandra

In the morning - a long-awaited breakfast. - You have a raw egg and unsweetened tea! -?! - There will be broth for lunch: A raw egg: I can’t stand: I’ll probably vomit: I don’t eat for so many hours and now I’m choking on such nasty stuff, and even without salt. I'm making a hole. With disgust, I stick to the hole with my lips. Sucking out the protein: High! So tasty! I wash it down with tea. Life goes on! - Mom, bring something to eat. Unsweetened, homemade compote from cherries it looks like flower nectar. I shuffle to the buffet for dinner. My stomach growls, angry at me. Several spoons of wet buckwheat stuck. No salt and sugar. What a diet !!! At night - with a trembling hand in the refrigerator. Just think - I'm going to drink kefir: The last time I drank it almost kindergarten... Sip ... froze, thought ...
..... And every time the gauze surface touches the cut belly - the heart hits the heels ... I waited for discharge home every minute - Masha and Sevka, cleanliness and comfort, care and hot homemade food, peace and the onset of happiness. Extract Today is an extract. But the morning starts with emptying two bottles of mineral water. An ultrasound scan for a full bladder. Another test. I really want to go to the toilet. It hurts to take a step. Hands in a ring under the belly. Hold on, hold on The sister hesitates at the post. Waiting for someone, filling out cards, talking on the phone. Will this be over soon ?! I made a phone call to Ilyich, I almost cry into the receiver and again everything is decided - both a separate queue, in which I am alone, and a separate entrance and a separate ...


She gave birth to the first herself at the age of 16. An incision was made in the perineum. I read the comments. And I want to say that after natural childbirth, the pain is not a little less than after cesarean. And you walk in a siu pose. And it hurts to get up for the first couple of days. And you can't go to the toilet ... and you also think the kashmare was better. Now she will have a cesarean with an epidural. Honestly, I'm only FOR !!! When I remember a fight ... you can't live with an enemy. And the seams on the inside from tears and cuts..not sweeter than one on the outside.

10/30/2008 09:27:24 AM, olga

As a person who has gone through 2 planned cesareans with epidural anesthesia and after two months goes to 3 cesareans, I AFFIRM: it is not scary at all, it is tolerably painful (and even then, you can give an anesthetic injection), but I generally keep quiet about an enema - it is very useful after 9 months of unsportsmanlike lifestyle. Some people pay money for hydrocolonotherapy!
By the way, after 3 hours we were forced to get up so that there would be no "stagnation" and blood clots.
In general, I noticed that if you do not treat the maternity hospital as a five-star hotel, then everything is tip-top.

08/13/2008 09:09:01 PM, Anna

I could not do anything at home. The second time I was not up to myself, or, on the contrary, I had to recover quickly, and with your prayers I recovered very quickly. Here are my recommendations i.e. these are the recommendations of the hospital and my personal observations. If you have a planned cesarean, you should not eat or drink during the day. After the operation, get up after 6 hours, immediately go to the toilet on a small one and wash yourself. Cleaned up - put on a bandage right away, tight-tight. It helps a lot to go to bed and get out of bed. It hurts a lot without it. In the bandage, I was awake and asleep. Drink a lot, not hunting, but you have to. Drink and write almost 2-3 liters of liquid a lot and often. Being with your child as quickly as possible is difficult, but necessary. You drink a lot of liquids ...


You have to pray, dear.
Here is Sorokoust about health [link-1]
When the magpie is read for health, it means not only the physical health of the listed people. Any prayer is aimed, first of all, at the salvation of the human soul, therefore, all petitions to the Lord must be weighed against their spiritual benefit.

We tried to give birth ourselves, suffered 1.5 days as a result of the cop. After the cop was transferred to the intensive care unit immediately with the child, after 2 hours they put it to the chest, after 2 hours they raised him to his feet and told him to drink a lot, walk and try to walk on the little one. After another 5 hours, they were transferred to the postpartum ward, the child was with me all this time, no one took him away (they used to take him at night so that mommy would leave the operation). There was no question of lying down for a day and not getting up, because the baby and he needed proper care. Plus injections, endless rounds, ultrasounds, examinations, etc., etc.

Maybe someone will come in handy) I bought a special petticoat for such a case, I put on under the dress and walk in it all the time, the dress fits into it like a cocoon and tightens around the neck, there are special slots for the hands)) So of course I cannot describe in words) Very convenient , directly helped out at the wedding) What is the name I don’t remember something like wedding helper

Imagine this situation: ... you went for an ultrasound scan after drinking one and a half liters of water at home, standing in all possible traffic jams, finally arriving at the clinic with an abnormal desire to relieve yourself and standing in line for 40 minutes holding your stomach. Finally, your turn comes, you have a successful procedure. After that, you run to look for a toilet with a mad look, it turns out that on this floor it is closed ... while the cause of your suffering is already threatening to break out. While the gasket saves. Kind people...


I found myself in a similar situation. Before an ultrasound scan, you always need to strongly fill the bladder, once I filled it so much that I was afraid not to write myself directly to the doctor, because it pressed very, very hard. After the procedure, I finally rushed to the toilet, and it was closed for repairs. I had to endure home. In the minibus, I felt that I had involuntarily squeaked a little into my panties, since there was a padding. I quickly unbuttoned my coat and squeezed my pussy with my fingers through my pants with my straight hand, thus squeezing the urethra and preventing urine from flowing out. In front, it was covered from people by a bag that was in the other hand. It was winter, I really didn't want to describe myself in front of people, and even in the cold in winter clothes. So I endured home, I thought I would burst, my stomach was torn from pain. I brought everything to the house, in the toilet at home I really wet my panties a little already over the toilet when I was taking them off. But a strong "accident" like that of the author of this topic was still managed to be avoided due to the fact that she squeezed her hand very tightly. True, the lower abdomen then hurt for a week and often wanted to go to the toilet. Apparently, I stretched my bladder a lot then.

Situevina is like that. On Thursday, I complained to my gynecologist that I often (by my standards) run to the toilet (once somewhere in 1.5-2 hours) and at the end of the process I am alarmed by this slight feeling ... not pain, but so ... well, how would it feel ... She says - cystitis and prescribes phytolysin for me. 1 teaspoon three times a day. The disgusting thing is terrible, but I manage to drink 4 servings, when in the middle of the day on Friday I realize that I’m not that better, not that prevention, but I’m just getting a full hambets !!! I'm already not...


I already saw this topic a little late. Here they have already given advice. I want to say only about Fitolizin. Your doctor is absolutely right to prescribe him. During pregnancy, there is no better remedy for cystitis than phytolysin. In general, there are cases when only antibiotics help, even during pregnancy, sometimes you have to drink. So if you have not gone yet, do not delay your visit to the doctor.

09/12/2002 07:42:47, Masha and the Bear

my advice - seem to be a good doctor, not a gynecologist, but a urologist or nephrologist, because the kidneys are quite serious, and almost all drugs used to treat them during pregnancy (and especially in the early stages) are, to put it mildly, undesirable (I say this as kidney with 30 years of experience), only a doctor, on the basis of tests, can choose what will bring you maximum benefit You and minimal harm to your baby! Do not self-medicate, rose hips and Brusniver, of course, will not harm (if you do not overdo it too much :)), but I would not drink any medications without a doctor's prescription.

Roaring until noon, I called my husband, asked him to come and take with me fruit cake with cream (something suddenly entered my head - I want a cake, and a biscuit with cream is obligatory). The husband immediately jumped off and an hour later arrived with a cake. It got a little easier. And from the husband, and from the cake. :) After drinking tea, I went to work. In the evening, the child kicked with terrible force, turning, as it were, and I had no peace until late at night. Apparently, my little girl was also hard at the full moon in her own way. I went to bed late, finally making sure that the full moon did not help me either. On March 20, I had a scheduled visit to the doctor. My husband and I set ourselves up decisively - we went to ask for stimulation, we even took a bag of things just in case. The doctor looked at me, said ...

They talk about the dangers of alcohol, coffee and packaged juices without stopping. What about green tea? This drink is considered completely healthy. However, doctors advise to be careful, because for some, green tea can cause health problems.

Why should you give up green tea?

Causes gastritis

Photo: pixabay.com

Japanese physician Hiromi Shinya, who wrote a book about the dangers of green tea, believes that this drink causes exacerbation of gastritis and ulcers. Under the influence of air and hot water, the tannin in the tea is oxidized and converted into tannic acid.

This acid, entering the body, destroys the stomach lining. Therefore, drinking green tea on an empty stomach is not advised.

Slows down digestion

Photo: pixabay.com

Research has shown that green tea inhibits digestion. As a result, food that has entered the stomach is not processed with a sufficient amount of digestive juice, fermentation processes take place. Therefore, green tea drinkers often suffer from bloating, heaviness and abdominal cramps.

Experts advise drinking green tea no earlier than 40-60 minutes after a meal.

Poorly affects the health of pregnant women

Photo: pixabay.com

Today, every second inhabitant of the globe is struggling with coffee addiction. Some people change their favorite invigorating drink for green or black tea. Bad alternative.

Tea also contains caffeine. It was discovered there back in 1827, but to this day, many are convinced that tea (especially green) has no effect on the nervous system.

How it works! For example, 3-4 cups of green tea a day can increase your anxiety, lead to chronic irritability, etc.

Pregnant women are especially vulnerable in this case, because large doses of caffeine negatively affect the development of the fetus in the womb.

Provokes gout

Photo: pixabay.com

Green tea is prized for its ability to remove toxins from the body. This is due to a substance called purine. In excess, purine is able to accumulate in the human body, turning into salts. These salts provoke gout.

To prove this, the researchers cite the result of an experiment involving patients suffering from rheumatism. As soon as they gave up coffee and tea for a while, the pain subsided, and the general condition improved.

Leads to blood clots

Photo: pixabay.com

In addition to caffeine, green tea contains theophylline. In reasonable doses, it invigorates and improves performance. But an excess of theophylline leads to disruption of the nervous system.

Large doses of caffeine and theophylline provoke blood clots. Therefore, with hypertension and atherosclerosis, the green hour should be used with caution.

Aggravates at elevated temperatures

Photo: pixabay.com

The insidiousness of this substance is not limited to this. Theophylline has a diuretic effect. Therefore, antipyretic will be useless if combined with green tea.

"Not friendly" with alcohol

Photo: pixabay.com

Many centuries ago, wise Chinese healers established that tea, drunk after alcohol, poisons the body. When mixing an alcohol-containing drink and tea, poisonous substances are formed that negatively affect the liver and kidneys.

You begin to understand that something bad is happening to your body when you notice that you often go to the toilet in a small way. If this process is not painful, then at first they try to brush aside the problem - a temporary phenomenon, a lot of liquid can be drunk. In the case when or the loss of water is significant, it is unlikely that it will be possible to do without drug therapy.

Is it possible to treat diseases associated with emptying the bladder on their own?

Unfortunately, many have experienced the fact that urine comes out drop by drop with severe pain. This is mainly a female problem based on the structure and urethra. It is easy to ascend into the bladder along the short wide urerta of the infection.

Cause cystitis:

  • streptococci;
  • staphylococci;
  • colibacillus;
  • chlamydia;
  • mycoplasma;
  • banal hypothermia.

Cystitis can develop after surgery or examination.

For some reason, most believe that cystitis can be cured on their own. Drink strong antibiotics - sometimes one-time and symptomatically, and everything will pass. Thus, one can only achieve that the disease becomes chronic, and with each hypothermia it will make itself felt.

For most men, unfortunately, there comes a time when you have to ask yourself the question: "Why do I often go to the toilet, especially at night?"

Prostatitis is not only a problem of age. It can appear after hypothermia, as a complication from a viral or infectious disease, after contracting an STD. Cystitis may occur as a concomitant infection.

If you try to heal yourself, based on the "experience of others," then the disease will lurk and then cause a lot of trouble. One of which is a decrease in sperm viability.

What other diseases are associated with frequent urination?

In case of complaints of back pain, especially in the lumbar region, the doctor will always ask: "Do you often go to the toilet in a small way?" Frequent trips to the toilet to urinate may indicate kidney problems. Secondary symptoms, in the form

changes in the composition of urine, the appearance of small stones in it, an increase in body temperature, in most cases occurs later.

With the release of a large amount of fluid, it can be a sign of the development of diabetes mellitus and insipidus. If you often go to the toilet in a small way, and at the same time you do not drink much liquid, you should definitely consult a doctor. A disease noticed at an early stage can be easily corrected.

The frequency of urination can tell a woman about the presence of an early pregnancy or ... about an STD infection. If the doctor, after listening to the complaints, referred to the gynecologist, you should not take offense at him.

When should you not sound the alarm with frequent urination?

If often

if you go to the toilet on a small scale and take drugs that lower blood pressure, then you should not go to the doctor with the problem of frequent urination. The principle of operation of such a profile is based on the discharge of liquid.

You should not worry if you drink any herbs for medicinal purposes. Most of the drugs in the arsenal of traditional medicine have a diuretic effect.

Green tea drives out water. Frequent urge to urinate is characteristic of those who are on a diet - when losing weight, you need to drink a lot of fluids.

It is normal for an adult to visit a common place in order to “relieve yourself” 6-7 times a day. If, within a few days, going to the toilet for a small one occurs more often, you need to see a doctor.

They talk about the dangers of alcohol, coffee and packaged juices without stopping. What about green tea? This drink is considered completely healthy. However, doctors advise to be careful, because for some, green tea can cause health problems.

Why should you give up green tea?

Causes gastritis

Photo: pixabay.com

Japanese physician Hiromi Shinya, who wrote a book about the dangers of green tea, believes that this drink causes exacerbation of gastritis and ulcers. Under the influence of air and hot water, the tannin in the tea is oxidized and converted into tannic acid.

This acid, entering the body, destroys the stomach lining. Therefore, drinking green tea on an empty stomach is not advised.

Slows down digestion

Photo: pixabay.com

Research has shown that green tea inhibits digestion. As a result, food that has entered the stomach is not processed with a sufficient amount of digestive juice, fermentation processes take place. Therefore, green tea drinkers often suffer from bloating, heaviness and abdominal cramps.

Experts advise drinking green tea no earlier than 40-60 minutes after a meal.

Poorly affects the health of pregnant women

Photo: pixabay.com

Today, every second inhabitant of the globe is struggling with coffee addiction. Some people change their favorite invigorating drink for green or black tea. Bad alternative.

Tea also contains caffeine. It was discovered there back in 1827, but to this day, many are convinced that tea (especially green) has no effect on the nervous system.

How it works! For example, 3-4 cups of green tea a day can increase your anxiety, lead to chronic irritability, etc.

Pregnant women are especially vulnerable in this case, because large doses of caffeine negatively affect the development of the fetus in the womb.

Provokes gout

Photo: pixabay.com

Green tea is prized for its ability to remove toxins from the body. This is due to a substance called purine. In excess, purine is able to accumulate in the human body, turning into salts. These salts provoke gout.

To prove this, the researchers cite the result of an experiment involving patients suffering from rheumatism. As soon as they gave up coffee and tea for a while, the pain subsided, and the general condition improved.

Leads to blood clots

Photo: pixabay.com

In addition to caffeine, green tea contains theophylline. In reasonable doses, it invigorates and improves performance. But an excess of theophylline leads to disruption of the nervous system.

Large doses of caffeine and theophylline provoke blood clots. Therefore, with hypertension and atherosclerosis, the green hour should be used with caution.

Aggravates at elevated temperatures

Photo: pixabay.com

The insidiousness of this substance is not limited to this. Theophylline has a diuretic effect. Therefore, antipyretic will be useless if combined with green tea.

"Not friendly" with alcohol

Photo: pixabay.com

Many centuries ago, wise Chinese healers established that tea, drunk after alcohol, poisons the body. When mixing an alcohol-containing drink and tea, poisonous substances are formed that negatively affect the liver and kidneys.

Katya, I didn't ask about age in vain. If you do not have some kind of chronic and serious pathology, then there are practically no dangers and threats to your pregnancy. Bleeding for such a period is mainly on the conscience of Mother Nature and little depends on you, you are not going to work as a loader. As for driving ... Cross-country, of course, not very good. But if it’s related to your work, you’ll still be driving. About food. Everything is best eaten raw, that is, vegetables and ...


"... If you do not have some kind of chronic and serious pathology, then there are practically no dangers and threats to your pregnancy ..." There is ALWAYS a danger and threat to any pregnancy. And I say this to you not to scare, but simply so that you really look at things. What determines the tone of the uterus, bleeding and, even worse, termination of pregnancy, only in 10 percent of cases can be explained by purely physiological reasons, such as: weak infantile uterus, non-closing cervix, severe physical overload, nervous stress, by the way, acclimatization is also included here. In 90 percent of cases, women hear the diagnosis: "The cause has not been identified." But you, Katya, as I understand it, the girl is not one of the shy ones, so there can only be very simple recommendations.
1. Medicines: no-shpa, candles with papaverine, motherwort. It is advisable to take no-shpa before and after the flight, even if you feel good.
2. If there is medical insurance in any large company, inquire about their representatives in the country you are traveling to (or nearby) and about the conditions of their work there. Take your policy with you. (By the way, you can still have time to insure yourself about this).
3. Eat only in very good, proven places, zheleno, with our, familiar to the body, European cuisine.
4. Drink only bottled water. A lot or a little - depends only on your specific organism. No need to rape yourself in anything. Listen more to yourself and the body itself will let you know if you drink a lot or not enough.
5. After each trip to the wild African delights, try to lie down in an air-conditioned room with your legs up, especially if you feel that your stomach is sipping or suddenly, for no reason, for no reason, a wild, irresistible fatigue rushes over - DO NOT TRY TO OVERCOME IT!
6. Well, if toxicosis begins, then any recommendations will not help. Look for your remedy for it: for whom sour helps, for whom salty, for whom sleep, and for whom nothing at all ... So, success :))
Yes, one more thing: it will not be superfluous to buy some decent book on pregnancy, such as "10,000 tips for those who are expecting a baby," and still read it on the road or at your leisure. Many questions will disappear by themselves and, at least, you will learn what the uterus is and its tone (by the age of 28 :))

08/29/2000 10:44:29, Natalia

Buy something from this list at the pharmacy and brew as directed on the package. Drinking plenty of fluids will keep bacteria from adhering to the bladder wall and flush out the urinary tract. If you want to get better as soon as possible, go to the toilet more often. (Doctors call this a mode of increased urination.) To reduce pain and burning, drink one and a half glasses of alkaline mineral water or soda solution (a quarter teaspoon per 250 ml of water) 2-3 times a day. Lay on blueberries, cranberries and lingonberries (berries can be fresh, frozen or dried) - they reduce inflammation of the ...

By 18:30, after another check of the uterus for readiness, the doctor said: "Everything is ready." Disabled anesthesia. The doctor and the anesthesiologist went to the next room to drink tea, warning that she would soon begin to grieve, and so that I would call her. And I was left alone. The sensitivity returned, and the contractions immediately manifested themselves, but it was not very painful. Thirty minutes later I felt that I wanted to go to the toilet and very decently. Deciding that this was attempts, I trudged to the doctor. I went into their study and found the Aesculapians eating cake. They ask: "What have you come for?" I say that I'm grieving, I guess. Then my doctor replies: "If you were grieving strongly, you would not speak calmly, but crawl into the office and in a whining voice would stretch out -" tuuzhiit !! "And, pok ...
... For some reason, these handrails were located very close to my feet, and my hands slipped all the time. And I constantly grabbed at them, like a drowning man in a circle - with the last bit of strength. All this happened very quietly, I was giving birth alone at that time. After tea, my doctor and anesthetist come in, both have wide eyes. They did not expect such a picture - they thought I was sitting alone and waiting for an attempt. Two more nurses came and another male anesthesiologist came in. All day no one gave birth, and everyone was bored. Moreover, a man (he looked about 30 years old) stood at the door - he commented on everything and advised me how to push correctly. This is where it started. For some reason, my strength left me ...


Girls, do not judge! Well done, no doubt, those mothers who did everything themselves have endured! I myself gave birth, too, with anesthesia, you can brand me with shame, your right. But when I was giving birth, behind the wall in the next box, as the doctor said, one mother "performed a feat." She could not stand the pain, screamed and gasped - painful shock - loss of consciousness - hypoxia - emergency cesarean, although there were no indications for it !!! And at that time I was lying and at each contraction I was able to breathe in as much air as possible so that the child had enough of it, and, perhaps, for this reason, the baby's heartbeat practically did not change even during the fight. Born pink) Not everyone has enough self-control to pull themselves together, how many stories are there in which mothers during childbirth forgot about the baby from pain, not everyone has the same pain threshold ... You could endure, but if you could not (anything can ) ... how would you hear that because of your actions the baby was only hurt more! Although we have freedom of speech ..

I completely agree with Elena! After all, your pain in childbirth is just a vague reflection of the feelings of your baby going through the birth! I gave birth without any pain reliever and I loved it! The same holiday! And no problems in childbirth. The main thing is the appropriate attitude, I experienced both labor and pain, and experienced it as the biggest and most important adventure in my life. And to sleep and watch TV at a time when the baby needs you, your support, that you mentally be with him ... Somehow this is not good ...

12/30/2008 00:47:08, Nastya

We move closer to the child, ice on the stomach, lie down for a couple of hours. Then to the ward. "Will the baby be with you or separately?" Of course with me. "That's right". Everyone leaves. The three of us stay, the baby warms up under the lamp, I cool down under the ice floe, my husband sits next to me. I want hot tea with sugar. But there is no tea, only water. Last time, I remember, I was brutally thirsty, but not given. And now there is a liter of water, but I just want sweet tea. Silence. Call your relatives? Come on, let them sleep well, we'll call you in the morning. Enjoy watching the baby. After a while, a bustle begins in the corridor, different people come running to our room for some objects, it becomes clear that in the next block there is a woman with a detachment ...
... Everything, a new life has begun. If the first birth were as easy, I might not have thought for 13 years before deciding on the second. Then the usual maternity hospital began - feeding, swaddling, medical rounds, procedures, analyzes, appointments. Living conditions are very good: blocks of two rooms with a common hallway, toilet and bathroom. The neighbor on the block is very cute, we take turns watching the children if someone is sent for procedures. Children's nurses are sincere women, their neighbor constantly asks and asks them for something, they always help. It's easier for me, I have a second child. Midwives are different, but on average, too, quite nothing. Food is brought directly to the room, it is quite normal ...


Strange, I also gave birth in this hospital, but I dressed in my ward and put on the child there (all the same, I was lying for money :)). We left through the front door (we were offered either the front door or the back door :)). I really liked the hospital.

Rabbit! Congratulations to your family on the addition! Great report!

Indeed, hypothermia causes a decrease in the body's resistance to disease, especially the local immune response, as a result of which the infection actively multiplies and enters the bladder, causing an inflammatory reaction. Hypothermia can be facilitated by the use of an ice pack in the postpartum period. However, I would like to note that the use of an ice bladder, which stimulates the contraction of the uterus after childbirth, as well as catheterization of the bladder, are necessary measures to prevent such a formidable complication as postpartum hemorrhage due to insufficient contraction of the uterus. Subject to all the preventive measures, which will be discussed below, these necessary medical measures will not lead to the occurrence of cystitis. Immediately after childbirth in the body of a young ...
... Even a safely proceeding pregnancy can be considered a factor leading to changes in this balance - vaginal dysbiosis (bacterial vaginosis). How cystitis manifests itself Inflammation of the bladder is manifested primarily by increased urination. At the same time, the woman constantly has strong urges to visit the toilet, which do not correspond to the amount of urine released during this. Often a woman notes pain at the end of urination, sometimes blood appears in the urine. Quite often, pain (burning sensation, cramps) can accompany the entire act of urination. In this case, they talk about the occurrence of urethritis - inflammation of the urethra. In acute cystitis, pain in the lower abdomen appears. Due to the emergence of unbearable ...


In general, there are many ways to prevent cystitis. From folk - cranberries, lingonberries or juice from them, horsetail decoctions. If the child reacts normally, I’m katstsa, you can have a drink, quietly. If not on the guards, you can take Uroprofit. I don’t know why it should not be drunk by nursing people. it is completely natural. There were simply no clinical studies.

I suspect it's not just about talking. Young girls are seduced by fancy diets. A 20-year-old girl with a height of 160 centimeters weighs only 40 kilograms! She doesn't feel like eating at all, she's been losing weight for three whole years! Now he fears that if he does not limit himself in food, then in a month he will gain the same weight again. Every woman wants to become slimmer in order to look more attractive. Of course, there is nothing wrong with taking care of your appearance. However, the desire to be slim can cost you your life. Why? Starving Yourself There is a Dangerous Eating Disorder ...


You need to lose weight wisely! and not abruptly! this can lead to metabolic disorders or even more serious outcome! from the moment you start losing weight, you need to think reasonably what you are capable of doing, what to refuse. Because I will throw off 10 kg in a month - this method will not work. (+ after 2 weeks everything will return and meet another extra 5 kg!) I realized that I had recovered from fatty and junk food, here, of course, everything is individual ... at first I did not understand what was the matter. Then my doctor recommended drinking orsoten, observing a low-fat diet) and now the long-awaited 12.4 kg. since the beginning of the year! now I continue in the same spirit!

I want to lose weight, and I don't care how it ends, I decided that I would lose 15 kg in 2 weeks! I’ll just eat nothing! I hate being Tolstoy!
I used to have bulimia, anorexia and have already recovered .... and now I have to lose weight again ... I hope everything goes well! since after losing weight, I will go on a tourist trip!

06/20/2008 11:58:00, alexandra

In the morning - a long-awaited breakfast. - You have a raw egg and unsweetened tea! -?! - At lunch there will be broth: Raw egg: I can’t stand it: I’ll probably vomit: I’ve not eaten for so many hours and now I’m choking on such nasty stuff, and even without salt. I'm making a hole. With disgust, I stick to the hole with my lips. Sucking out the protein: High! So tasty! I wash it down with tea. Life goes on! - Mom, bring something to eat. Unsweetened, homemade cherry compote looks like flower nectar. I shuffle to the buffet for dinner. My stomach growls, angry at me. Several spoons of wet buckwheat stuck. No salt and sugar. What a diet !!! At night - with a trembling hand in the refrigerator. Just think - I'm going to drink kefir: The last time I drank it almost in kindergarten. Sip ... froze, thought ...
..... And every time the gauze surface touches the cut belly - the heart hits the heels ... I waited for discharge home every minute - Masha and Sevka, cleanliness and comfort, care and hot homemade food, peace and the onset of happiness. Extract Today is an extract. But the morning starts with emptying two bottles of mineral water. An ultrasound scan for a full bladder. Another test. I really want to go to the toilet. It hurts to take a step. Hands in a ring under the belly. Hold on, hold on The sister hesitates at the post. Waiting for someone, filling out cards, talking on the phone. Will this be over soon ?! I made a phone call to Ilyich, I almost cry into the receiver and again everything is decided - both a separate queue, in which I am alone, and a separate entrance and a separate ...


She gave birth to the first herself at the age of 16. An incision was made in the perineum. I read the comments. And I want to say that after natural childbirth, the pain is not a little less than after cesarean. And you walk in a siu pose. And it hurts to get up for the first couple of days. And you can't go to the toilet ... and you also think the kashmare was better. Now she will have a cesarean with an epidural. Honestly, I'm only FOR !!! When I remember a fight ... you can't live with an enemy. And the seams on the inside from tears and cuts..not sweeter than one on the outside.

10/30/2008 09:27:24 AM, olga

As a person who has gone through 2 planned cesareans with epidural anesthesia and after two months goes to 3 cesareans, I AFFIRM: it is not scary at all, it is tolerably painful (and even then, you can give an anesthetic injection), but I generally keep quiet about an enema - it is very useful after 9 months of unsportsmanlike lifestyle. Some people pay money for hydrocolonotherapy!
By the way, after 3 hours we were forced to get up so that there would be no "stagnation" and blood clots.
In general, I noticed that if you do not treat the maternity hospital as a five-star hotel, then everything is tip-top.

08/13/2008 09:09:01 PM, Anna

I could not do anything at home. The second time I was not up to myself, or, on the contrary, I had to recover quickly, and with your prayers I recovered very quickly. Here are my recommendations i.e. these are the recommendations of the hospital and my personal observations. If you have a planned cesarean, you should not eat or drink during the day. After the operation, get up after 6 hours, immediately go to the toilet on a small one and wash yourself. Cleaned up - put on a bandage right away, tight-tight. It helps a lot to go to bed and get out of bed. It hurts a lot without it. In the bandage, I was awake and asleep. Drink a lot, not hunting, but you have to. Drink and write almost 2-3 liters of liquid a lot and often. Being with your child as quickly as possible is difficult, but necessary. You drink a lot of liquids ...


You have to pray, dear.
Here is Sorokoust about health [link-1]
When the magpie is read for health, it means not only the physical health of the listed people. Any prayer is aimed, first of all, at the salvation of the human soul, therefore, all petitions to the Lord must be weighed against their spiritual benefit.

We tried to give birth ourselves, suffered 1.5 days as a result of the cop. After the cop was transferred to the intensive care unit immediately with the child, after 2 hours they put it to the chest, after 2 hours they raised him to his feet and told him to drink a lot, walk and try to walk on the little one. After another 5 hours, they were transferred to the postpartum ward, the child was with me all this time, no one took him away (they used to take him at night so that mommy would leave the operation). There was no question of lying down for a day and not getting up, because the baby and he needed proper care. Plus injections, endless rounds, ultrasounds, examinations, etc., etc.

Maybe someone will come in handy) I bought a special petticoat for such a case, I put on under the dress and walk in it all the time, the dress fits into it like a cocoon and tightens around the neck, there are special slots for the hands)) So of course I cannot describe in words) Very convenient , directly helped out at the wedding) What is the name I don’t remember something like wedding helper

Imagine this situation: ... you went for an ultrasound scan after drinking one and a half liters of water at home, standing in all possible traffic jams, finally arriving at the clinic with an abnormal desire to relieve yourself and standing in line for 40 minutes holding your stomach. Finally, your turn comes, you have a successful procedure. After that, you run to look for a toilet with a mad look, it turns out that on this floor it is closed ... while the cause of your suffering is already threatening to break out. While the gasket saves. Kind people...


I found myself in a similar situation. Before an ultrasound scan, you always need to strongly fill the bladder, once I filled it so much that I was afraid not to write myself directly to the doctor, because it pressed very, very hard. After the procedure, I finally rushed to the toilet, and it was closed for repairs. I had to endure home. In the minibus, I felt that I had involuntarily squeaked a little into my panties, since there was a padding. I quickly unbuttoned my coat and squeezed my pussy with my fingers through my pants with my straight hand, thus squeezing the urethra and preventing urine from flowing out. In front, it was covered from people by a bag that was in the other hand. It was winter, I really didn't want to describe myself in front of people, and even in the cold in winter clothes. So I endured home, I thought I would burst, my stomach was torn from pain. I brought everything to the house, in the toilet at home I really wet my panties a little already over the toilet when I was taking them off. But a strong "accident" like that of the author of this topic was still managed to be avoided due to the fact that she squeezed her hand very tightly. True, the lower abdomen then hurt for a week and often wanted to go to the toilet. Apparently, I stretched my bladder a lot then.

Situevina is like that. On Thursday, I complained to my gynecologist that I often (by my standards) run to the toilet (once somewhere in 1.5-2 hours) and at the end of the process I am alarmed by this slight feeling ... not pain, but so ... well, how would it feel ... She says - cystitis and prescribes phytolysin for me. 1 teaspoon three times a day. The disgusting thing is terrible, but I manage to drink 4 servings, when in the middle of the day on Friday I realize that I’m not that better, not that prevention, but I’m just getting a full hambets !!! I'm already not...


I already saw this topic a little late. Here they have already given advice. I want to say only about Fitolizin. Your doctor is absolutely right to prescribe him. During pregnancy, there is no better remedy for cystitis than phytolysin. In general, there are cases when only antibiotics help, even during pregnancy, sometimes you have to drink. So if you have not gone yet, do not delay your visit to the doctor.

09/12/2002 07:42:47, Masha and the Bear

my advice - seem to be a good doctor, not a gynecologist, but a urologist or nephrologist, because the kidneys are quite serious, and almost all drugs used to treat them during pregnancy (and especially in the early stages) are, to put it mildly, undesirable (I say this as kidney with 30 years of experience), only a doctor, on the basis of tests, can choose what will bring you maximum benefit and minimum harm to your baby! Do not self-medicate, rose hips and Brusniver, of course, will not harm (if you do not overdo it too much :)), but I would not drink any medications without a doctor's prescription.

Having roared until noon, I called my husband and asked him to come and grab a fruit cake with cream (something suddenly came into my head - I want a cake, and a biscuit with cream is obligatory). The husband immediately jumped off and an hour later arrived with a cake. It got a little easier. And from the husband, and from the cake. :) After drinking tea, I went to work. In the evening, the child kicked with terrible force, turning, as it were, and I had no peace until late at night. Apparently, my little girl was also hard at the full moon in her own way. I went to bed late, finally making sure that the full moon did not help me either. On March 20, I had a scheduled visit to the doctor. My husband and I set ourselves up decisively - we went to ask for stimulation, we even took a bag of things just in case. The doctor looked at me, said ...

Do you constantly want to use the toilet? How much liquid do you drink per day? Are you male or female? What is your age? As a rule, only the answers to these and similar questions can give the doctor a detailed conclusion - what happens to the patient. There are a lot of reasons why you may constantly want to go to the toilet. These are infections of the urethra, cystitis, in women, the uterus can be lowered, in men, certain problems with the prostate can be diagnosed. Do not exclude from this list pelvic pain syndrome, irritable bladder syndrome, increased alcohol consumption, excess of the daily intake of fluids, drinking coffee and tea in large quantities, as well as treatment with drugs that have a pronounced diuretic effect.

Women very often turn to a gynecologist or a therapist with complaints that they constantly want to use the toilet. Moreover, even after perfect urination, there is a feeling that there is still fluid in the bladder. And during the day, the uterus and lower abdomen are constantly pulling.

What do we have to do?

If you constantly want to use the toilet, then a woman needs to see a gynecologist, and a man - a urologist. This is necessary in order to confirm or exclude a bacterial infection, infectious (chlamydia, ureaplasmosis, herpes).

In women, infectious and inflammatory diseases are most often the reason for the constant desire to visit the toilet. A concomitant factor in the disease is a weakened immune system. The problem of frequent urination is easily eliminated with the help of drugs that stimulate the immune system, antiviral, as well as anti-inflammatory drugs. The only thing is that at home you will not be able to self-examine yourself, and even more so - to prescribe adequate treatment that will help eliminate the problem.

Below are the main symptoms that are recommended to pay attention to if you constantly want to go to the toilet, as well as a list of the main diseases that provoke this phenomenon.

Urination rate

How often a person goes to the toilet is a subjective norm. For some, going to the toilet after every glass of water will not be frequent urination, for others - the urge to go to the toilet every few hours - this is already often.

If we talk about any rate of urination, then it is believed that if a person goes to the toilet 10 to 12 times a day, this is normal and not a disease. If the amount of urination exceeds this figure, then in this case you need to think - are you healthy?

When should I see a doctor?

You need to seek medical help in such cases as:

  • You use the toilet very often at night, almost every time or even more often;
  • During the day, go to the toilet every 1.5 or 2 hours;
  • Even from a few sips of water or tea, you want to go to the toilet;
  • You notice that you cannot always contain the urge to urinate;
  • When you cough, sneeze, or make sudden movements, you pass a small amount of urine;
  • If you have just visited the toilet, the feeling of a full bladder does not leave;
  • When you urinate, it hurts or is unpleasant;
  • Constant thoughts about "where is the toilet" or "how to restrain yourself from involuntary urination" prevent you from leading a normal social life.

Remember that only a specialist (urologist or gynecologist) can answer the question: "Why do I constantly want to go to the toilet, what is the reason?" In no case do not self-medicate and self-formulate any diagnoses. It can only hurt.

You have cystitis if ...

You often go to the toilet and at the same time feel constant pain in the lower abdomen, in the uterus, or in the penis (for both men and women). Cystitis is an inflammatory process that reflects damage to the mucous membrane of the bladder. If the bladder, both in a man and a woman, is inflamed, then this leads to a constant sensation of the urge to use the toilet.

Cystitis is a rather complex, severe chronic disease that cannot always be completely cured. To eliminate the symptoms of the inflammatory process, it is necessary, first of all, to consult a doctor and start taking antibiotics and anti-inflammatory drugs.

It is treated with antibiotics of the series: fosfomycin and fluoroquinolones, as well as anti-inflammatory drugs - nitroxoline, furagin and furadonin.

Kidney disease

The second common reason why you may constantly want to go to the toilet is inflammatory or infectious kidney diseases, that is, renal failure. If, during cystitis, a patient releases a small amount of urine and at the same time feels unpleasant pains in the lower abdomen, then in case of renal failure, a sufficiently large amount of fluid is released during each urination process.

A distinctive feature of renal failure is that patients are constantly thirsty and constantly thirsty. To determine if a patient really has renal failure, he is referred for urinalysis and an ultrasound of the kidneys.


The symptoms of kidney failure and diabetes are very similar. The patient is constantly thirsty, suffers from dry mouth, thirst, and during each urination a sufficiently large amount of fluid is released. Concomitant symptoms of diabetes mellitus are: weakness, frequent fatigue, a constant desire to sleep, an increase in appetite for no apparent reason. If you are experiencing the above symptoms, then do not delay - be sure to consult a doctor - a gynecologist, urologist and endocrinologist.

What to do with? Of course - see a doctor and moreover - immediately. If you experience pain when urinating, then a No-Shpy pill or Analgin will help. In no case should you limit your fluid intake (I mean pure water), but you need to forget about alcohol, tea, coffee for a while.

Even in ancient China, they knew about the miraculous benefits of green tea and were often used for medical reasons. This type of tea was the first to treat headaches and depression, for example. Green tea has an important place in Chinese history.

It is made from the leaves of the Camellia Sinensis plant. Unlike black, green contains a minimal amount of caffeine, which, if overdose, leads to insomnia, nausea, and frequent urination. Green tea is useful because it contains a significant amount of vitamins C and P. Vitamin C is an antioxidant and is needed for the normal functioning of bone tissue. Vitamin P strengthens the walls of the capillaries, reduces their fragility and prevents destruction, especially in the bodies of the elderly.

In order to prevent diseases, it is enough to drink 2-3 cups of green tea daily. The usual daily intake is 250-300 mg.

Green tea supplements available from pharmacies and specialty stores also have therapeutic benefits.

If you prefer to drink green tea with milk, then this deprives your body of incredible benefits. Milk proteins combine with polyphenol and suppress its healing properties.

Green tea contains beneficial catechins. These are potential antioxidants - 100 times more powerful than vitamin C.

Scientifically proven that catechin protects cellular DNA from changes, prevents the development of cancer.

Black tea also contains catechins, but in much lower amounts.

Benefits of green tea: reasons to drink it every day

1/ Provides the body with antioxidants.

Experts believe that antioxidants slow down the aging process and protect against heart disease, stroke and cancer cell proliferation. Green tea is an excellent source of antioxidants and catechins in particular.

In fact, some fruits, such as pomegranate, for example, contain the same or even more antioxidants. But when you compare prices and consumer tastes, green tea is by far the best choice.

2 / Burns fat.

With green tea, we get two benefits in one.

  • First, it promotes natural fat burning.
  • Secondly, it helps to generate energy.

In Taiwan, scientists conducted a study in which more than 10,000 people consumed green tea for 10 years. The results showed that green tea and its variety, oolong tea, help burn fat. And the longer you drink tea, the greater the result will be.

Green tea increases endurance during exercise thanks to catechin, which burns fat and limits immediate absorption of carbohydrates, and instead uses stored fat for energy.

3/ Prolongs life.

One of the largest testing (over 40,000 participants) with green tea was conducted in Japan. Its results were collected and processed over 11 years.

The researchers found that people who drank about 5 cups of green tea a day had an average of 16% longer lifespan than participants who drank less than one cup.

4/ Protects against cancer.

The unusual anti-cancer properties of green tea are not limited to antioxidants. It is known that the drink limits the nutrition of cancer cells, and gradually they may die altogether. This action does not apply to healthy cells.

According to scientific theory, green tea blocks the production of harmful enzymes that act as catalysts for the development of cancer cells. Brain tumor and leukemia, lung and stomach cancer, diseases of the colon and esophagus, cancer of the bladder and breast, ovaries and prostate - all studies on the effect of green tea on the development of these diseases show positive results.

5/ Relieves stress and stimulates the brain.

All teas contain a specific ingredient, theanine, which is known for its calming effects and stimulating alpha brain waves.

In 2007, it became known that 4 cups of tea a day increase the performance of the brain and the body as a whole. Therefore, people who regularly drink green tea are more difficult to respond to stress, and they are 44% less likely to show symptoms of depression.

The list of health benefits of theanine grows longer every day. It is known to have a healing effect, both on the psyche and on human physiology. Two studies in 2007 made a real breakthrough in proving that green tea repairs damaged brain cells and is a successful alternative in the treatment of multiple sclerosis.

6/ Rejuvenates and protects the heart.

Drinking this type of tea helps patients recover from a heart attack. Doctors suggest that one of the active ingredients, epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG), speeds up the recovery process. It also reduces the risk of developing heart failure, although experts still cannot explain the mechanism of action.

7/ Strengthens blood vessels.

With age, arteries tend to harden and their elasticity decreases. The process intensifies with the accumulation of lime deposits on their walls. When the inner layer of the artery has become denser, the distance between the vessels narrows, and blood circulation deteriorates. This is the cause of heart failure and stroke.

A 2009 study indicates that green tea prevents atherosclerosis, the hardening and clogging of blood vessels. The dose, which is recommended for prophylactic purposes, is 3-4 cups of tea a day. In this case, the risk of atherosclerosis is reduced by 26-46%.

This drink helps in keeping the arterial ducts clean by lowering cholesterol and platelet counts in the blood.

8/ Reduces blood pressure.

Scientists have proven that this tea lowers blood pressure. In one test conducted in 2004, it was found that people who regularly consume green tea had 65% fewer signs of hypertension. The recommended dose is 2 glasses a day.

9/ Protects against the onset of diabetes.

The ingredient epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG) regulates blood sugar levels, increases insulin activity and glucose metabolism. In 2007, it became known that tea increased insulin activity by more than 15 times, but the addition of milk reduced the activity by 90%.

It is important to know that 6 cups of tea a day for 8 weeks lowers blood sugar levels from 15% to 20%. This effect is enhanced by following the Japanese diet.

10/ Heals diseases.

You will be surprised to know that green tea's anti-inflammatory properties make it an ideal alternative for health conditions.

For example, rheumatoid arthritis is a common disease that occurs in three out of 100 women (in men, this disease is 3 times less common). There are currently no treatment options for this disease. But among the effective means for reducing pain and overcoming rheumatoid inflammation, it is green tea that takes the first place.

If you have skin problems like acne, green tea cream will help. It also helps with dry skin, itching and allergic reactions. This type of tea also reduces inflammation of the lining of the intestines.

11/ Reduces lung damage from smoking.

Green tea reduces the risk of lung cancer by limiting cell damage from cigarette smoke. It doesn't matter if it is active or secondhand smoke. Even with the ingress of toxins from the air, poisoning with harmful substances does not occur.

With regular consumption of tea, the risk of disease is reduced by up to 25%.

12/ Protects the liver from alcohol.

Two studies over the past five years show that green tea protects the liver from damage from alcohol abuse or toxic chemicals.

The results of the experiments were so categorical that scientists plan to create a drug based on green tea for the treatment of liver diseases.

13/ Protects tooth enamel from the development of caries

Protects tooth enamel from the development of tooth decay and helps in the treatment of bad breath. Unlike carbonated drinks (which always contain sugar), green tea contains no sweetness.

In addition, it fights viruses in the mouth and prevents unpleasant odors.

14/ Provides bone density.

Drinking as little as two or more cups of green tea a day helps maintain bone density and this reduces the risk of osteoporosis. The longer you drink tea, the stronger the integrity of the bone tissue.

15/ Strengthens the immune system and repels cold and flu viruses.

Tea contains antigens that are found in some beneficial bacteria. With these antibodies, the body builds immune defenses and neutralizes harmful bacteria and viruses. 4-5 cups of green tea a day is enough.

16/ Moisturizes the cells of the body.

Experts in the UK have found that green tea is even more beneficial than pure water. They refute the claim that tea dehydrates the human body.

Experiments by scientists show that this amazing tea has a moisturizing effect.

You begin to understand that something bad is happening to your body when you notice that you often go to the toilet in a small way. If this process is not painful, then at first they try to brush aside the problem - a temporary phenomenon, a lot of liquid can be drunk. In the case when or the loss of water is significant, it is unlikely that it will be possible to do without drug therapy.

Is it possible to treat diseases associated with emptying the bladder on their own?

Unfortunately, many have experienced the fact that urine comes out drop by drop with severe pain. This is mainly a female problem based on the structure and urethra. It is easy to ascend into the bladder along the short wide urerta of the infection.

Cause cystitis:

  • streptococci;
  • staphylococci;
  • colibacillus;
  • chlamydia;
  • mycoplasma;
  • banal hypothermia.

Cystitis can develop after surgery or examination.

For some reason, most believe that cystitis can be cured on their own. Drink strong antibiotics - sometimes one-time and symptomatically, and everything will pass. Thus, one can only achieve that the disease becomes chronic, and with each hypothermia it will make itself felt.

For most men, unfortunately, there comes a time when you have to ask yourself the question: "Why do I often go to the toilet, especially at night?"

Prostatitis is not only a problem of age. It can appear after hypothermia, as a complication from a viral or infectious disease, after contracting an STD. Cystitis may occur as a concomitant infection.

If you try to heal yourself, based on the "experience of others," then the disease will lurk and then cause a lot of trouble. One of which is a decrease in sperm viability.

What other diseases are associated with frequent urination?

In case of complaints of back pain, especially in the lumbar region, the doctor will always ask: "Do you often go to the toilet in a small way?" Frequent trips to the toilet to urinate may indicate kidney problems. Secondary symptoms, in the form

changes in the composition of urine, the appearance of small stones in it, an increase in body temperature, in most cases occurs later.

With the release of a large amount of fluid, it can be a sign of the development of diabetes mellitus and insipidus. If you often go to the toilet in a small way, and at the same time you do not drink much liquid, you should definitely consult a doctor. A disease noticed at an early stage can be easily corrected.

The frequency of urination can tell a woman about the presence of an early pregnancy or ... about an STD infection. If the doctor, after listening to the complaints, referred to the gynecologist, you should not take offense at him.

When should you not sound the alarm with frequent urination?

If often

if you go to the toilet on a small scale and take drugs that lower blood pressure, then you should not go to the doctor with the problem of frequent urination. The principle of operation of such a profile is based on the discharge of liquid.

You should not worry if you drink any herbs for medicinal purposes. Most of the drugs in the arsenal of traditional medicine have a diuretic effect.

Green tea drives out water. Frequent urge to urinate is characteristic of those who are on a diet - when losing weight, you need to drink a lot of fluids.

It is normal for an adult to visit a common place in order to “relieve yourself” 6-7 times a day. If, within a few days, going to the toilet for a small one occurs more often, you need to see a doctor.