Tahini sesame paste. Tashini pasta: why it is worth adding to the diet

What is Tyn and how to cook it, I learned only after I moved to live in Israel. In Russia and in Ukraine, this is a simple and useful vegan dish so far disverseable. And in vain!

Thin is a paste from a ground sesame seed, very satisfying and useful. In the countries of the Mediterranean, it is eaten as an independent dish (smeared on ordinary bread, to roasted toasts, on rice or), laying in peits with vegetables, adding to salads as a sauce, and also prepare on its basis a variety of dishes (falaph, cottry cookies, Eggplant in Tyn, etc.).

Vegetarians and Vegans love Thin for the fact that due to its composition, it not only gives the body a set of valuables (a large amount of calcium, potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, vitamins), vegetable fats and proteins, but also serves as a kind of "energy", gives a tide Forces and resistance to cold.

So, for beginnings, the sesame need as much as possible to grind in a coffee grinder. First, the process goes cheerfully, and then you notice that the coffee grinder begins to work with visible effort. Sesame flour turns into a more dense fatty mass, sesame oil begins to stand out. This moment we are trying to achieve.

Be careful - do not burn the coffee grinder!

We shift sesame weight into a deep plate. Squeeze juice from lemon. We recruit into a glass.

We mix sesame sesame weight, pinch salt, adding a gram of water. The number of components is at your discretion. There is no single recipe.

The ratio of components will depend on the taste. It is possible to make Thin more salted or less salty, noticeably acidic or without pronounced lemon sourness. You can leave the natural taste of sesame, and you can notice, for example, garlic or greens.

Some people add olive oil - but, in my opinion, it is too unclear. Thin and without that very calorie.

The main rule: By preparing Thin from the ground sesame mass, do not pour a lot of water at once and all lemon juice, do not spare a lot of salt. Added a little - try. Decided that it would be not enough - add more. Gradually.

At the exit you should It turn out the tender creamy paste of the light beige shade. The density is the matter of your taste. You can make a walk, you can easier.

It is not necessary to do too liquid, because then it will drip off your sandwiches. 😀

By the way, I don't use bread for several years, therefore I eat Thhine, smearing on the salad leaves, on a piece of cucumber either on buckwheat breads. And most often, just add a spoonful of Tynzy to a salad of cucumbers and tomatoes.

Try! Delicious!

That's all. I hope you realized that the wild and unknown beast "Tyn" is just mixed with water, lemon juice and a small-fine-fine squeeze salt. 😀

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Today we will prepare Tahini sauce for and. This sauce is a mixture of Tahini paste (which we prepare pre-), lemon juice, garlic and water. Preparing this traditional Middle East seasoning Do not forget that lemon juice and water should be added gradually, and you should closely monitor the final taste and consistency of the dish during the entire cooking process.

This sauce can be stored in the refrigerator up to 2 weeks. Just break it into a seal container or a jar.

See also:

Recipe - How to cook Tahoney Sauce at home


  1. Sesame seed - 150gram.
  2. Black ground pepper - in your taste.
  3. Olive oil - two tablespoons.
  4. 1 paste from sesame sesame tahini (made of bright seeds)
  5. 3/4 glasses of boiled water, or more for the sequence
  6. Three cloves of raw garlic.
  7. Quarter cup of fresh lemon juice (or more to taste)
  8. Salt to taste.
  9. Two teaspoons of fresh chopped parsley (optional).

Optional equipment:

  1. Citrus juicer.
  2. Food processor or blender.

Cooking method

Tahoney Cooking recipe

  • Put the seed seed seeds in the kitchen processor, put three cleaned cloves of garlic, add two tablespoons of olive oil. If necessary, add black ground pepper. All this grind in the combine. It turns out a tight pasta mass. Add a quarter of a cup of lemon juice to the paste, and start a few minutes in the kitchen processor. Periodically remove the spatula from the walls of the combine bowl. There should be a smooth creamy ivory color.
  • If Tahini sauce is obtained too thick slowly add ice, pre-cooled in the freezer, boiled water. Try and, if necessary, add salt and lemon juice. It is now you are regulating the consistency and taste of a future dish. If you use Tachyni as seasoning to meat, leave it more thick and creamy, if you will use how to make a booster to cook more liquid sauce.
  • When you are completely satisfied with the taste and consistency of seasoning, recover it into small portion sockets and add fresh parsley.

Tahini pasta is one of the gastronomic treasures of oriental cuisine. In the old days, this product was considered the food rich. In some countries, it was even used as a currency. Tahini, sesame or sesame paste, Tyn is popular with Vegan and Vegetarians. But today the delicacy with extraordinarily useful properties willingly use both healthy. The storehouse of vitamins and minerals with a rather bright nut aroma is an excellent supplement to meat, vegetable dishes, desserts, bread and not only.

What is a tachy paste, the composition of the food product

Seeds of sesame possess numerous advantages. They are rich in vitamins of the group in, copper, manganese, calcium, phosphorus and not only. Tahini is made of sesame. Nourishing paste is popular not only in Eastern, but also Mediterranean cuisine. It contains only sesame seed and small vegetable oil, with which a certain consistency of the food product is obtained.

Sesame sauce, as they also call Tachini, is known since ancient times. The first mentions of him appeared 4 thousand years ago. By the way, it is from sesame mass that makes the same humus or halva.

To obtain the desired consistency, the sesame seed seeds are thoroughly grinding. But pre-grains of oilseeds are fried. Tahini has a special sweet-tart taste, an oily texture. To taste, the sauce is similar to peanut butter, and its color can vary - usually it is a light beige, light yellow or greenish tint. The mixture in the form of a grinding mass not only retains all sesame properties, but also enhances them. After all, the cream obtained after grinding cream is easier to absorb.

In the meal, turn on the sesaming paste is recommended even despite the high fatty mass. The fatty acids presented in its composition are most of them are polyunsaturated. There is no sugar in Takhney, which is the advantage of delicacy. However, to use sesame weight in ordinary or vegetarian nutrition is moderate, which is explained by the high calorie product.

In many points of the globe, a sesame paste is considered the perfect food that gives health, strength and energy. It is recommended for the prevention of a number of diseases, improving the condition of the skin and bones, joints, the operation of the digestive, nervous system. The paste is famous for the large content of the omega-3 cardiovascular system of omega-3, omega-6 fatty acids. It is because of the special composition of Tahini, they include in the category of products with super competitions.

Experts argue that daily use of 2-3 spoons of sesaming sauce will eliminate the problems with the chair. The paste is recommended to eat to help the digestive system to digest heavy food for absorption. It is also important for women's health due to the content of phytoestrogen. And for men cream is valuable, because it helps to improve the erectile function due to the presence of zinc in the composition.

It is believed that one spoon of Tachini per day contributes to the elimination of acne. Therefore, the paste is advised to enter adolescents. After all, in its composition a lot of zinc, which fights acne, other rashes. Also, a small portion of the sesame cream has a positive effect on the condition of the hair. Sesame sauce returns shine curls and volume, stops the breakdown of the chapels. You can use it both inside and externally using therapeutic masks.

Couples from sesame has some contraindications. It is impossible to introduce tachy in the diet in the individual intolerance to sesame seeds. It is better not to combine cream and food with the content of oxalic acid - cucumbers, spinach, parsley, etc. Also undesirable to use delicacy in varicose veins, liver and obesity diseases. When receiving any drugs, it is worth consulted with a doctor if they can be combined with the use of sesame paste.

In different countries, the paste includes in the diet in various ways. For example, in Greece, seafaneous delicacy is mixed with honey, and in Turkey - with fruit syrup. In Iran, for independent use with bread, tachini is combined with syrup from the dates, make halva from it. Showing fantasy, it is easy to diversify the recipes of familiar dishes. It can be the same sauces. In the dressing with Tahini makes meat pieces, bread, pita, vegetables.

The spicy taste of a sesamy sauce gives the addition of oil, spices, sauce, garlic in its composition. Tachyni is well harmonized with sweet ingredients, and with the same meat, fish. It can be seen in the recipes of such dishes as a falafel or roasted fryer from sesame and legumes, baking sauces, some types of cookies, salads.

Tahini paste can be prepared independently. At the same time, sesame grains can be dried in the oven or fry, sometimes they are pre-soaked. There are various manufacturers of delicacy, but the most convenient to use the following option at home:

  • Processed sesame grains Fry on a dry pan within 5 minutes - it will take 1 cup of seeds.
  • After cooling the sesame, pour seeds into a blender and grind them - first on small, then on medium and high speed until the homogeneous mass is obtained.
  • During seed grinding, it is necessary to add 2 tablespoons of olive or sesame oils in them.

The cream should be dense and lush. You can add spices to taste - ginger, dry lemon zest. A ready-made paste must be placed in a tightly closed container, a jar. It can be stored about a month, so it is better to change the sesame to nutrition in small quantities. On the surface of the product during this time, oil can come, but it is completely normal. After stirring, it will disappear.

If you choose tachy in the store, it is advisable to buy the most recent product. The paste is kept long enough, but with improper storage it begins to be pattering. Homemade manufacture of sesamous sauce will help save money, because the product is quite expensive.

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Tahini, Tyn, Cesameov or sesame paste. Many have heard about this traditional oriental product. Tachina can be the main dish or enter the culinary recipes of the first dishes, desserts or sauces. It has a peculiar taste and contains a large number of useful trace elements. The basis of pasta is sesame seeds, extractable with oil or water to a pasty state.

History Tahini

The story of Thines began more than 4,000 years ago, it was mentioned in Wednocks. In the ancient Mesopotamia, people brought their gods to the gift of wine from sesame. The plant was grown on huge interfluid fields, and made a paste and oil from the crop.

There are Herodotus records - Father history confirming these facts. The hummus recipe, which includes sesamis paste, dated to the 13th century. The ancient Chinese and the Japanese also used this sauce in cooking. In the 40s of the last century, Tahini became popular in America, together with the distribution of healthy nutrition principles.

What is sesame paste

According to taste, Tahini is akin to peanuts oil. This thick mass is 2 species - light and dark. White or light beige trini produce from purified white sesame. Dark or green yellow - from crude black raw materials. It has a bitter taste, but contains a greater number of vitamins. Often, the product includes both types of sesame.

Sauce is high-calorie and nutritious - in 100 g of product about 700 kcal. The content of proteins, fats and carbohydrates is 24 g, 62 g and 10 g. Respectively. It is not necessary to abuse the product, especially those who adhere to diet food.

The advantage of eastern seasonings is the presence of a large amount of beneficial substances in it. They have a positive effect on the organism processes, including digestion leading to normal.

The product is not deficient. In a large assortment, Thin can be found on the shelves of supermarkets and in the shops of eastern goods.

Tahoney benefits and harm

The wide distribution of sesame paste received due to the variety of trace elements and vitamins in its composition. This product is popular among vegetarians.

  1. In the tablespoon of mass contains more than 60 mg of omega -3 fatty acids and about 4 mg of omega-6. These substances are responsible for the work of the heart and brain.
  2. Calcium. In 100 g of sesame, its amount is about 800 mg. For comparison, in the same portion of calcium cow milk - about 150 mg.
  3. Vitamins C, E.
  4. B. Vitamins B. Pasta Paste contains 15% of the daily rate of thiamine, an important trace element for the digestive and nervous system.
  5. Phosphorus, magnesium, iron, zinc are also present in the composition of Tyn. These minerals are needed for uninterrupted liver work, gastrointestinal tract.
  6. Cellulose. Helps cope with the problems of the gastrointestinal tract.
  7. Mitonin. The substance displays poisons and toxins from the liver.

The useful properties of the product are not limited to this list.

  1. With the help of sesame paste, you can establish digestion. The consistency of the product is homogeneous, puree, which allows the body easily to digest heavy food. Several tea spoons paste per day will help prevent the gastrointestinal disorders or normalize the operation of the system.
  2. Angry, acne and minor ulcers on the face can be eliminated if we take only 1 tablespoon of sesame mass per day. This contributes to zinc, which in large quantities is contained in Takhin. Scientific honey declared about the positive effect of zinc on the problems of the skin. Center of Meriland.
  3. Unbalanced nutrition leads to a deterioration in the state of the hairproof head. With the help of sesame product, you can restore hair health. For those who suffer from dry, brittle and weak hair there are several recipes. You can do on the basis of sesame oil masks, or take 3 dessert spoons of Thines per day. After a few weeks, the condition of the hair will noticeably improve.

Tachina is a product from a fermented seed seed, so both products have the same beneficial properties. Also concerns contraindications.

Harm sesame paste

  1. It is necessary to refuse to dry in varicose veins. Substances that are part of sesame products may cause thrombus formation.
  2. It is not recommended to take at the same time sesamy paste and aspirin.
  3. With caution, you need to use sesame paste with products containing oxalic acid. This list includes tomatoes, sorrel, cucumbers, parsley, spinach and other vegetables and fruits.
  4. In obesity, it is not recommended to use this high-calorie product.
  5. In case of gastrointestinal diseases, it is not recommended to eat Thin.
  6. Allergic reactions to the sesame and its derivatives require complete abandonment of tachy.

There is no certain rate of sesame pasta. But there is it in large quantities, it is impossible to even a healthy person. The abrasion of the body can lead to various disorders of the gastrointestinal tract.

Application of sesame paste

Tachina is an integral part of the kitchen of Israel, Japan, Cyprus, Greece, India, China and some Arab countries. Sesame paste can be eaten separately as a sandwich, just smeared on bread. The product can be used for baking bakery and confectionery, choose as a basis for sauces, as an ingredient for desserts.

To make the taste of pasta special and pronounced in Tahini, you can add a spice Sumy. Pickens of the paste will add lemon juice, garlic, salt, paprika, olive oil. Such a sauce can be served to meat and fish dishes, to make bread or fresh vegetables in it.

Recipes Thines

Feature of sesame paste in its versatility. It is combined with meat, bird and fish, suitable for vegetables, gives the original taste desserts and baking. This is an indispensable component of the hummus. Sesame paste is based in the original composition of Halva, instead of sunflower seeds.

Many traditional recipes in the classic formulation based on sesame paste:

  • Falafel. Eastern dish. Balls from crushed beans (more often than chickpea) with the addition of beans and spices roasted in deep fryer;
  • Hummus. Maste puree with sesame paste, paprika, lemon juice, garlic and olive oil.

  • Takhina-pit. Pies with Thina are common in Crete and in Greece. Especially often they are prepared in the post.
  • Halva. Eastern sweetness, which includes sesamov paste, sugar and nuts.

Oriental delicacy can be cooked at home. The paste is preparing easily, it will become an excellent addition to the daily meal and decoration of the festive table, allowing familiar dishes to "wake" with a new taste.

How to prepare sesame paste tachy


  • 400 g of sesame grains
  • 2 tbsp. Spoons of olive oil

Cooking algorithm:

  • 400 g of unjeited peeled sesame grains pour clean warm water (25-30 degrees) and leave for 4 hours for swelling; -
  • straighten the sesame and put it in the refrigerator for the same period of time;
  • share sesame seeds on the baking sheet and put in the oven at the lowest temperature;
  • exceeded sesame pour into the bowl of the blender;
  • grind the grains, starting with the smallest speed to bring to the highest;
  • in the process of grinding add to weight 2 tbsp. Olive oils.

Beat the sesame is needed to a homogeneous pasty consistency. After, decompose the mass in the glass container and send to the refrigerator. Pasta can be stored for a long time.

Optionally, in the process of grinding grains, you can add salt, paprika, lemon juice or other spices.

Recipes with sesame paste

There are many recipes for cooking meat and fish dishes with sesame paste. Good combined with sesame fish. The tandem of these products gives an exquisite taste of the dish and increases its useful properties. Microelements and vitamins are better absorbed.

Fish under sesame paste

You can prepare a dish of Far Eastern cuisine from any sea fish - heak, salmon. The delicacy is suitable as the main independent dish for lunch or dinner. Fish is well combined with a garnish of potato mashed potatoes. Cook Samak Bill Tachney is recommended in the oven.

One portion contains 220 kcal. For 6 servings you will need:

  • 500 g of sea fish steaks;
  • 100 g. Tahini;
  • 1 medium carrot;
  • owka head;
  • 1 sweet pepper;
  • 2 garlic teeth;
  • squeezed juice from one lemon;
  • parsley greens;
  • salt, carmadone and pepper black freshly ground - taste;
  • carnation, zira, coriander, paprika, nutmeg - according to preferences;
  • vegetable odorless oil for roasting vegetables.

Cooking algorithm:

  1. Prepare fish fillet - wash and dry the towel.
  2. Missing nutmeg, paprika, coriander, carnation and zira.
  3. Heat the oven up to 200 degrees, wipe each piece of fish with a mixture of spices and put into shape, pre-lubricated with oil. Find the contents in the oven for 15-20 minutes.
  4. Vegetables clean, wash and cut into small slices and fry in a frying pan to the golden shade.
  5. Greens are finely chopping, attach to vegetables.
  6. For sauce: Tin dilute with a small amount of water. Mass should be medium density. Add outdated garlic, carmadone, lemon juice, pinch salt.
  7. Remove fish out of the oven. Top layer laying vegetables mixed with parsley. Top pour all sesame sauce.
  8. Put in the oven for 15 minutes.
  9. The finished dish can be sprinkled with small-chopped greens, nuts, lettuce leaves or vegetable circles.

Chocolate cake with tachy

The cake rightfully occupies a leading position in baking recipes. Delicious delicacy can be made more and useful if you cook in the prescription of Perevos Parliaaros. Greek dessert consists of 3 korhs from creamous unsolved oil, meringue and chocolate.

For the first version of the cream, you need tachy and sour cream, yogurt classic or cream, for the second - milk condensed, sugar and sesamis paste. The cake is obtained by the calorie - 300 kcal per serving. For 8 portions, dessert is needed:

  • 100 g of creamless oil;
  • 5 chicken eggs;
  • 200 g Sand Sahara;
  • 2 cups of flour;
  • 200 g of classic yogurt without additives, sour cream or cream;
  • 1.5 glasses of Tyn;
  • 200 g - black bitter chocolate;
  • chinful salt.

Production sequence:

  1. Separate proteins from yolks, beat them to a steady state (meringue) and a half sugar;
  2. Melt 100 g of chocolate on a water bath, add creamy oil to a mixture. Constantly stirring, bring the mass to a homogeneous consistency, remove from the stove and gently enter 5 yolks and salt;
  3. Add a bit of flour and whipped egg whites. By consistency, the dough should be like on pancakes.
  4. Mass divided into 3 equal parts. Bake in a round form every crude.
  5. The remaining 100 g of chocolate and paste heat in the water bath;
  6. Yogurt or sour cream beat with sugar. Mix ingredients.
  7. Finished cakes wock with cream. Cake to remove in the refrigerator for 2 hours.
  8. Desert dessert can be fruit, chocolate or nuts.

Eastern paste with a peculiar taste will help to diversify the menu. This product will make a unique any dish - from a simple vegetable salad to complex culinary masterpieces.

Tahini (Tyn, Tachina) is a paste prepared from sesame seeds with the addition of vegetable oil, spices, seasonings. Motherland pasta - the countries of the Middle East. We can not meet a ready-made pasta. Perhaps only in large cities. In our city, such a paste is not exactly. Therefore, we prepare Tahini pasta themselves. The benefit of cooking recipes is much and cooking it no more difficult to any other sauce.

How to cook Tachyni

The main ingredient, as you already understood, are seed seeds. You can buy them in almost every store. Prepare pasta mainly with sesame oil. But it is only at the Motherland Tahine. In general, you can take any odor vegetable oil: olive, nut.

Tahini pasta. Classic recipe


Seed seeds - 100 grams

Sesame oil - about 2 tablespoons


As I said, oil can be taken and olive. Before cooking, try sesame seeds, sometimes they are bitter. It happens when the seeds are not fresh and long stored.

Finger seeds in the oven, periodically stirring, until golden color. But not pronounced, but only slightly.

Now you need to grind sesame seeds with oil. It is better to use a blender with a glass.

Pour roasted seeds into a blender and, gradually pouring oil, grind to obtain a homogeneous pasty mass. Pasta must have a consistency as a thick sour cream. If 2 spoons of oil are not enough, please also, but small portions.

Store ready-made paste in a fridge in a tightly closed jar for about two months.

This is a classic tachy recipe, without seasonings and spices. You can use for cooking sauces, sweets. By adding spices and seasonings - get a new taste of Tachini.

Takhini pasta with garlic


Tachy's finished paste - 100 grams

Garlic - 2 teeth

Lemon juice - 1 h. Spoon

Ground red pepper - to taste

Zira Hammer (Qumin) - to taste


Pasp can be prepared on the previous recipe. All other ingredients can add to your taste: if two garlic cloves are many, add one. Love on sharper - add more.

Put all the ingredients in the blender, turn it on and resolute to the pasty mass. So that the paste of Tachyni does not get too dry, add some water. If you wish in the paste, you can add a very finely chopped green parsley.

I think you have become clear the principle of cooking pasta tachy. Changing and adding its ingredients to taste, you will receive your unique taste and fragrance of this eastern seasoning.