Surium apples at home - a proven recipe how to cook uroin apples for the winter.

Washed apples - what can be easier. Fold apples, pour them with brine and wait ... But, not everything is so simple as it seems. Therefore, I propose this proven recipe for home apple blanks. He got a legacy from my grandmother.

Apple prepared on it are very tasty and solid. Crunch as fresh. It is not difficult to make such a workpiece for the winter, but they usually eat very quickly. Although, in a good cellar can be stored until spring. And the most important thing is that most of the vitamins in the uroin apples are preserved, and therefore the benefit of them the body is undoubted.

For home billets of ureage apples we need:

- Strong, without flaws of the fruits of apples of any sour variety (soft, threatened or sweet fruits ruthlessly rejected).

For brine:

- 10 liters water

- Sugar sand - 300 grams (or honey)

- Craw salt - 150 grams

- Malt Sousl

Some scares the unfamiliar ingredient wort, in fact the recipe for its preparation is very simple.

- 100 grams of malt stiring in 1 liter of water and the resulting mixture boil, withstand the day, and then add to the brine.

If you could not find malt, do not be upset. In this home recipe it is quite possible to replace with rye flour or dry kvass. It will be enough 100 grams.

Whatever the apples had a pleasant honey aroma and the aftertaste, I recommend sugar to partially replace honey, calculating 120 grams of honey instead of 100 grams of sugar.

And, of course, for the workpiece of ureage apples for the winter we will need a container in which we will wet them. You can, of course, harvest apples just in glassware - banks. But it is best for the urine to use small wooden barrels that need to disappear in advance and to be caught off the scraped fine straw. If you didn't find the straw, then the barrel can be poured with black-currodein and cherry leaves, which will give an additional fragrance of our winter billet.

More told about the preparation for the urine of apples. But now, when everything you need is at hand, it is not difficult to cook uroin apples.

Cooking begins with the fact that the prepared containers fill with nozzles, each layer, shifting straw or leaves of fruit trees, the top layer must be necessarily made of leaves.

Fill our billets ahead of the cooked brine.

For the start of fermentation - withstand apples from 8 to 10 days at room temperature.

Do not be afraid of the foam that will ride over the cans with salting during this period. After the foam ceases to ride, glass jars or barrels can be addressed with brine and: banks - roll, and barrels - cover. Wooden barrels I usually close a dense cellophone moistened in alcohol (for dense fit to the edges of the barrel) and taking the twine.

Now, the urine apples can be put in a cold place with a temperature of from 6 to 15 degrees.

Solo-urinate our apples in the cellar need another month. Usually my households cannot wait, when the beloved all the ureaged apples will be ready. Thank you granny for such a tasty and useful home recipe.