Raspberry jam without cooking

The benefits of raspberries are well known and is due to its unique composition. There are in this berry and vitamins (especially valuable A, groups B, C), and minerals (iron, potassium, magnesium and others), and valuable acids (folic, wine, formic, salicyl). Kumarin, part of the raspberry, contributes to improving blood clotting, iodine helps with bronchitis, and glucose and fructose are the most important components for the brain and heart. Well, raspberry at a cold is the first means to reduce the temperature and general facilitation of the state.

All good berry! But what to cook from the raspberry so that all its useful properties are preserved as much as possible? Vitamin C is the most effective for colds - collapses during heat treatment. In part or completely, other useful substances included in the raspberry are also destroyed during cooking. So, most useful components will be preserved in cheese jam. And besides, raspberry jam without cooking is also the easiest way to keep raspberries for the winter.

This simple dish must necessarily have in your cellar. This billet for children will be especially useful.

For the preparation of raspberry jam without cooking for the winter by moving the berries, sort the low-quality, frozen cold water.

Raw jam from raspberry make in such proportions: for one part of the berries, we take 2 pieces of sugar. Sugar will perform a preservative, and our jam will continue well.

Throughout sugar with raspberry wooden brush.

Banks and covers in advance steriline.

Immediately decompose our jam into banks, not reaching 1.5-2 centimeters to the edge.

The space left to the edge of the jar is filled with sugar sand.

We can only close the cans with sterile covers. Our raspberry jam without cooking for the winter is ready.