Products containing cellulose. What is dangerous lack of fiber? Fiberglass

The composition of any organic mass of vegetable origin includes hollow fibers. It is their plexuses that are without which our body simply cannot exist, that is, fiber. Being the most coarse part of the plants, it cannot digest, and in order to assimilate it, you need a lot of time. But for our digestive system, the presence of this complex carbohydrate is vital. Read more about this scope of its application, read a separate material.

Fiber, passing through the body, as a "transit", brushes it from the residues of food garbage, excess fat, removes toxins and poisons, performing the role of this sanitation of the intestine.

What is the fiber: beneficial properties, influence on the body

The way you eat directly affects your health, as well as well-being and appearance. Together with food products, a certain amount of minerals, vitamins, other beneficial substances are falling into the human body, which pass the complex splitting processes, conversion and suction to blood. But with a fiber the situation is different. And let it not digest in the stomach, it does not fall into other useful elements and comes out of the body in the same initial form, its importance is simply invaluable for a person.

Than useful fiber:

  • due to the use of fiber normalizes the operation of your intestines, the metabolism is established;
  • a diet in which many foods with a high content of fiber contributes to rapid and non-hazardous slimming (plus a feeling of satiety is added, which helps you eat less);
  • reduced or normalizes blood sugar levels;
  • there is an active incentive peristaltics;
  • the body is exempt from slags, toxins, unnecessary fats, gastric and intestinal mucus;
  • the lymphatic system is cleared;
  • cholesterol levels reduced, which prophylactically affects the risk prevention heart disease;
  • muscle fibers are strengthened;
  • promotes cancer prevention (according to some specialists).
The fiber itself is represented by several species, and they differ in their functionality. For example, the "soluble group", which includes resins, alginates, pectin and other substances, have the ability to absorb large amounts of water, turning into jelly. And the insoluble fiber is not subjected to decay, just swelling, like a sponge, absorbing water into itself. It helps to facilitate the activity of the colon. This group includes cellulose, lignin, hemicellulose.

Also distinguished natural and synthetic fiber. Of course, an artificially created substance is inferior to the utility of natural (dietary, that is, originally contained in one or another product).

Products with high fiber content

We suggest you familiarize yourself with the list from which you will learn what a sufficient amount of fiber contains. Since this is a substance of purely plant origin, then it is necessary to search for it in the relevant sources. They can be divided into several conditional groups.

Vegetable and animal oil

Of course, they have much more value than animal fats (dietary fibers in them are not at all), carrying the body a large stock of vitamins and nutrients. But in the case of a fiber, everything happens a little differently. It is contained only in various cakes, that is, in what remains at the exit after the pressed press of some vegetable oils and flour. Sunflower and other plants (sesame, pumpkin, flax seeds) are also very rich in fiber. Choosing, note that it is made of coarse flour either with a grain. You can also have bread from various croup and cereals.

Unfortunately, the fiber is contained only in raw fruits and in thermally untreated vegetablestherefore, when cooking, it is simply not saved.

Fiber: day norm, causes and consequences of deficiency and overtaking

The average daily fiber rate that adult should receive, consider 25-30 g. When pregnancy, the fiber becomes a particularly important element of nutrition, since it helps the future mother to cope with constipation and normalizes the intestinal operation.

But never self-medication, assigning any additional medicines. An independent addition of fiber to the diet may not only benefit, but also damage the body. For proper diet planning It is better to turn to the doctor.

For lack of fiber may occur:

  • frequent constipation;
  • cholelithiasis;
  • possible manifestations of hemorrhoids;
  • various intestinal diseases and problems with the gastrointestinal tract;
  • risk or progression of diabetes, atherosclerosis.

Nevertheless, the abuse of fiber is also fraught with unpleasant symptoms. Often this leads to the bloating of the abdomen, increased gas formation and fermentation in the intestine, as well as some deterioration in the learning process of vitamins and other beneficial substances.

Contraindications for fiber intake These may arise if you suffer acute infectious diseases or inflammatory diseases of the stomach and intestines.

Fiberglass, referred to as fiber, perform a very important mission for our body. But approaching the planning of its diet must be carefully and responsible.

The dietary food of a modern person cannot be imagined without dietary fibers, which in the 70s of the last century were considered an absolutely useless substance for the body. Let's figure out on the portal "Lose weight without problems," is really useful as advertising some network companies shouts about it. What products are rich in fiber? And in what cases can coarse vegetable food can harm the body?

What is a fiber?

The fiber is called food fibers of plant origin, which are practically unchanged through the gastrointestinal tract, i.e. Not digested by the body and do not disintegrate parts. Various plants contain a different amount of nutritional fiber, but their main concentration is stems, seeds and peel.

Food fibers are divided into soluble and insoluble. The first is called pectins or alginates: they can be detected in oat bran, some fruits and berries, as well as in leafy.

Sources of soluble fiber have a gentle flesh and thin skin, so the organism as it can split them to the jelly-like state.

Rough insoluble food fibers The gastrointestinal tract is not able to proceed due to the lack of necessary enzymes, so they leave the human body unchanged.

But they are able to absorb a huge amount of fluid in a bundle with slags and swell. Mushrooms, cereals, vegetables and seeds contain such varieties of coarse fibers like cellulose and lignin.

The most useful for the body is symbiosis of pectins and coarse nutritional fibers in proportion 3: 1, therefore, the diet should be as diverse as possible.

Useful properties of fiber

  • For chewing coarse food, we have to make a lot of effort. This process is accompanied by the release of a large volume of saliva, which has antimicrobial effects, which is positively affected by the overall state of the oral cavity.
  • , Stimulate the work of the gastrointestinal tract and eliminate constipation.
  • Vegetable fibers, falling into the intestines, purify the body from toxic compounds, slags and allergens, and also prevent the formation of rotary masses.
  • There is a cleansing of the body from harmful cholesterol, the blood sugar level is reduced.
  • Food with a large amount of fiber, after which a person feels full for a long time, effectively helps the process of weight loss.

So, the use of fiber for the body is difficult to overestimate, especially during the loss period. Therefore, food fibers are now created in artificial conditions in the form of dietary supplements, but they are naturally inferior to natural origin.

An adult person to ensure normal intestinal operation is required from 25 to 35 gr. fiber per day. So that you can easily determine the amount necessary for yourself, in this article, the products rich in fiber are combined into the list. When nutrition, scarce on dietary fiber, nutritionists are advised daily to take about 1 tbsp. l. .

What threatens the deficit and oversupply of fiber in the diet?

For a long time, fibers of plant origin were considered scientists with a useless ballast for the body and their role to maintain human health was underestimated. But it turned out that their deficiency in food could threaten such serious health problems as:

  • Pathology of the tract, which may be accompanied by constipation, decrease in peristaltics, dysbacteriosis.
  • Hemorrhoids.
  • Cardiovascular diseases, threat of stroke and heart attack.
  • Diabetes.
  • Obesity.
  • Cholelithiasis.
  • Malignant tumors of the rectum.

It is not surprising that most girls who want to quickly throw off extra kilograms, sharply pass on the products rich in the plant fiber. This approach is rooted incorrect, because Its oversupply can cause such phenomena as:

  • Constipation, diarrhea, increased gas formation, abdominal pain.
  • Nausea, vomiting.
  • Dysbacteriosis, disorder of intestinal peristals.

We are looking for products with high tissue content

The list of such products is quite long, so do not hurry to buy special biodulates in the pharmacy. With the right organization of the diet, even dietary nutrition can be diverse and tasty, the main thing is to introduce such products in stages, determining the reaction of the body.

The undoubted leader among food fiber content is bran. Many of them in legumes, mushrooms, croups, seed products, nuts, fruits, dried fruits, vegetables and berries. Below is a list reflecting the amount of fiber in 100 grams. Product.

So, the food rich in fiber - Table 1.

For your convenience, the tissue content in vegetables, fruits and berries is reflected in Table 2.

In flour, animal fat, vegetable oil, fruit and vegetable juices, meat and fish, nutritional fibers are practically no. And this is not a reason to completely abandon their use in favor of coarse vegetation food, but you can replace wheat bread with wholegrain, and instead of sweet juices, it is done with the addition of fruits and berries.

Fiber and protein - direct path to dream figure

Sometimes a rigid diet or the desire to become a relief body holder forcing people to limit or completely eliminate the consumption of carbohydrates by increasing the share of proteins. This may cause constipation, meteorism and lack of nutrients in the body. To continue to lose weight and work out the muscles on a high-supply diet and at the same time feel good to feel, you need to diversify your menu with high food fiber content.

Below we give a list of products in which the protein and fiber is also contained. They have one obvious advantage for losing weight: they slow down the process of transformation of carbohydrates in glucose. The person remains longer, and glucose is not postponed on the sides in the form of fatty deposits.

So, food rich in fiber and protein, product list:

  1. Bean and cereals: beans, soy, brown rice, nut.
  2. Seeds and nuts: pumpkin seeds, walnuts, almonds, hazelnuts, cashew.
  3. Vegetables and fruits: avocado, bananas, spinach.

The list can also be supplemented with tofu cheese, soy asparagus and whole grain products.

Modernization of the protein diet with the help of inclusion in the diet products with fiber not only speeds up weight loss, but also makes this process comfortable for the body. In addition, the fiber is an excellent tool for cleaning the body from harmful cholesterol and excess sugar.

The fiber, or soluble and non-soluble fibers, or soluble and insoluble in water, are not subject to the enzymes of the gastrointestinal tract. They bind waste, help them withdraw from the body. Products rich in fiber cleans the intestinal walls are necessary for the digestive system, the processes of exchange, the prevention of hemorrhoids, the tumors of the large intestine, myocardial infarction ,.

What is fiber

Cellular shells of plants are made of fiber, with the exception of algae. It is a sufficiently strong and rigid substance.

With a strong increase looks like a bunch of connected long fibers. They are elastic and durable, resistant to the action of digestive enzymes.

The fiber gives little energy, poorly absorbed. But food fibers are necessary for the vital activity of the body, preventing various diseases.

There are six types of nutritional fibers: cellulose, hemicellulose, pectins, lignin, mucus, gum.

From cellulose consist of walls of vegetable cells. Gemicellulose, pectins and lignin are intercelled. The mucus is isolated from marine algae and seeds of some plants. Comedy - from stalks and seeds of tropical flora.

The dietary fibers absorb moisture well, increase the volume by twice. Shells of grains (bran) are able to absorb water five times more than their mass.

Flour products almost do not contain fiber. In animal products, it is completely absent.

Insoluble fiber

Fiber-insoluble fibers - cellulose, lignin - part of cabbage, green peas, apples, carrots, cucumbers peel.

Cellulose refers to carbohydrates, well absorbs water, gives waste volume and necessary humidity, accelerates their passage and evacuation from the intestine.

Lignin is not a carbohydrate, well binds bile acids, helps reduce blood levels. Reduces the risk of rock formation in the bustling bubble. When stored, its amount in vegetables increases.

Insoluble fiber normalizes. It is needed to prevent chronic constipation that suffers until half of the adult population.

Every day the body gets rid of the mass of waste, which are formed after the splitting of food. Increased waste, the volume of waste stimulates the peristaltics - a wave-like cutting of the intestinal walls, makes the necessary regular defecation, prevents constipation.

The use of products containing insoluble fiber cleans the intestinal walls. "Urban" from the fibers effectively captures and evacuates waste.

Maintaining the use of fiber of natural physiological processes in the intestine increases the protective forces of the body, strengthens.

Timely not evacuated waste rot, roam, the intestine develops pathogenic microflora.

In turn, it produces a mass of waste, which destroy the mucous membrane, is absorbed into the blood, contribute to the development of diseases of the digestive system, the formation of a tumor.

Water soluble fibers

Water-soluble fibers - pectins, resins (legumes), alginase (algae), hemicellulose (, barley) - when the water is absorbed, they do not swell as cellulose, and turn into bulk jelly with astringent properties. They slow down the suction of carbohydrates and fats, give a rapid sense of saturation, contain few calories.

After their consumption, the level of blood sugar increases slowly. The amount of insulin is reduced, which contributes to the deposition of fats, is not accumulated overweight.

The plant pectin substances are necessary for the elasticity and elasticity of tissues, to counteract drought. Pectins and resins contribute to long-term storage of the product.

In the thick intestine of pectin, microflora breaks, maintaining the acid balance. In turn, the acidic environment contributes to the destruction of pathogenic microorganisms.

Products rich in water-soluble fiber normalize the activity of internal microflora, help to cope with meteorism, reduce the content of rotten bacteria in the intestine.

Products are used with fiber

It is believed that during the day it is necessary to use products containing a total of up to 30g fiber.

Some researchers believe that the rate of consumption of dietary fiber depends on age and recommend taking fiber:

  • up to 50 years: women - 25 g, men - 38 g;
  • after 50 years: women - 21 g, men - 30 g.

The useful effect of dietary fibers is enhanced if the products of vitamins C and E, beta-carotene.

How to take fiber

Power should remain diverse, consist of various types of greenery, fruits, vegetables, cereals. It is preferable to use a vegetable or a whole fruit in a fresh form, not to prepare puree or juice from them.

Nutritionists propose to adhere to the following tissue taking rules (in fraud from day diet):

  • vegetable salads, greens - 1/4;
  • fresh fruit - 1/4;
  • corneflands subjected to heat treatment - 1/4;

The remaining 1/4 part of the day diet form:

  • carbohydrates: cereals, bread, sugar - 1/10;
  • : nuts, milk and fermented milk products - 1/10;
  • fats: animals and vegetable fats - 1/20.

Include in the diet fiber stands gradually and exit the recommended level for a month or two. Otherwise, it can be frightened, a chair will break.

The benefits of fiber

The inclusion in the diet of foods from food fibers is especially necessary to feminine organism. The fiber replicates the withdrawal of excess sex hormones of estrogen - a common cause of sexual sphere tumors in women.

Estrogens are in the intestine with biliary. The use of food rich in food fibers, removes hormones from the intestine, their level in the blood drops.

With the delay in estrogen in the intestine for a day or they are re-absorbed into the blood.

Thus, the more in the food of plant fibers, the lower the risk of developing tumors, as well as heart disease.

Raw products that are not subjected to heat and machining (puree) contain more useful fiber. Its a lot in porridge.

  • Oatmeal contains a mass of fiber that envelops and removes inflammation of the stomach mucosa.
  • Wheat porridge promotes brain, heart, vessels, digestive system organs.
  • The porridge improves the intestinal peristalsis, normalizes the fat exchange, blood glucose level.
  • The bunch porridge is especially useful in violations of metabolism, the sense of satiety has been creating for a long time, has a slight laxative effect.

In porridge you can add berries, nuts, fruits, raisins.

It is worth abandoning cakes and buns. Use bread with bran or from coarse flour.

Products with fiber useful to use throughout the day, and not just for breakfast.

Low-fat diet and high fiber content is useful in treating diabetes.

Fiber and constipation

The cause of the conservation is the latency of the chair for more than two days, the difficulties of the intestinal emptying - may become a lack of fiber products, the reception of some drugs.

Upon delayed in the chair, the mucosa of the colon is in a long time in contact with the feces, gradually collapses under the action of carcinogens.

With a tendency to constipate, it is worth excluding or limiting easily digestible products - soups from fish and meat, white bread, potato mashed potatoes, etc.

At the same time include products rich in vegetable fiber. For example, nuts. They are high-calories, but contain a lot of food fibers. A table showing in which products is contained by fiber, presented below in this article.

On the other hand, the inclusion of dietary fiber in the dietary fiber menu can cause constipation if you do not use a sufficient amount of fluid - up to 2 liters per day.

A certain indicator of sufficient admission to the body of the liquid is the color of urine. If she is light, water is enough. A saturated yellow shade signals a lack of moisture.

It is not necessary to take fluid immediately after the use of fruits (for example, apples), so as not to cause increased gas formation.

Popular Recipes with Magnifier from constipation

When confirmed, it is worth trying the following recipes with products that contain fiber.

  1. Loose in 100g of carrots and 100g cucumbers, add 5g, 5g seeds. Eat overnight.
  2. In grate 200g fresh pumpkins with the skin, add 100g grated boiled. Complete for three receptions.
  3. Large 300g boiled beets, add 50g walnuts without shell, 150g prunes. Consume 100g mixtures three times a day. Take two days.

List and table of products containing fiber

Often, the composition of the vegetable, fruit at the same time consists of soluble and insoluble fibers. For example, apples peel contains insoluble, and pulp - soluble fibers.

On the other hand, the peel of purchased vegetables and fruits may contain harmful substances. For example, cucumbers purify the whole organism, a diuretic action is rendered. But their peel accumulates nitrates, so before using the purchase cucumber it is better to clean.

Below is a list of various foods containing food fibers:

Table of products containing the most fiber
Product (100g)Fiber content (in grams)
Green peas6,00
Beans (beans)3,70
Green onion2,10
Dense leaf salad2,10
Petrushka (greens)1,80
Celery (leaves)1,40
Salad green0,50
Wheat bran12,00
Rice is criticized9,00
Corn air3,90
Corn boiled3,10
Oatmeal "Hercules"3,10
Bread with bran2,20
Rye bread1,10
Wheat bread0,20
Oatmeal cereals2,80
Pearl cereals2,00
Rice croups1,40
Groats bang1,40
Cabbage Brusselskaya3,00
Bulb onions3,00
Horseradish (root)2,80
White cabbage2,00
Sweet pepper1,10
Frynaya walnut6,10
Unclean apples4,10
Apricot Dried3,50
Dried apricots3,20
Apricot fresh0,80
Figure dried5,30
Sea buckthorn4,70
Black currant3,00
Rowan blackfold2,70
Red currants2,50

Correct consumption of bran

Bran - the product that is the most rich in fiber. Their reception facilitates the defecation, normalizes the metabolism.

Ground bran. Before using boiling water, the recommended daily dose. After half an hour, the water merge, bran a little squeeze. In this form add to kefir, porridge, salads.

Acquired in the Granubi store to fry on the oven at a temperature of 200 ° C for 10 minutes. Store in the plated bag on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator.

Granulated bran. Immediately before use add to kefir, milk, soup. Often, their composition includes, sea cabbage, vitamins that make the product more useful.

Brasubi is sold in pharmacies or supermarkets.

Starting to take bran stands gradually, brewing 1h.l three times a day. Within two weeks, increase the daily dose to 3c.l. After two months, stop receiving, use other products rich in fiber.

The most soft vegetable fibers in wheat bran. Rye bran are easily absorbed. The most rough structure in oat bran.

For recovery and losing weight, the reception is better to start with wheat or rye variety.

Harm and contraindications

Some for the treatment of diseases of the gastric tract include in the diet products rich in fiber. Despite the strengthening of complaints, the vegetable fibers continue to take, which are so useful to the body.

In this case, it is worth using less useful products that have passed mechanical and thermal treatment than to be treated with a rough insoluble tissue, to injure her a weakened mucosa of the digestive system.

Prolonged use of fiber in large quantities, and, as a result, a long-lasting violation of the principles of rational nutrition can lead to an alimentary disease - related to incorrect or insufficient nutrition.

The intake of products containing fiber should be limited in inflammatory diseases of the intestine, accelerated peristaltic.

Vegetable fibers should not be included in the diet of children up to 5-6 months, since it can cause diarrhea, intestinal colic (parodious pains). Little better give lightweight juices without pulp.

The use of products rich in fiber can cause.

In the elderly, the reception of a large number of plant fibers during constipation can lead to incontinence of feces.

Do not take products with vegetable fibers when aggravating and duodenum. During periods of remission (attenuation or complete disappearance of symptoms), the reception is possible.

In diarrhea, plant fibers are contraindicated until a complete restoration of the contestation of the chair.

Insoluble tissue Grob for the digestive tract, irritates the walls of the intestine. The body receives an incentive as soon as possible to completely get rid of its contents.

With long-term reception, the body thickens the mucous membrane, its sensitivity is reduced. At the same time, its ability to suck nutrients will deteriorate.

At a certain point, it is necessary to increase the dose, otherwise the proven way to get rid of the constipation ceases to work.

Reducing the digestibility of food, spasms, as well as ulcerative colitis, sticking of the intestinal walls, other diseases of the digestive system may result from the use of excessively coarse insoluble fiber. Or, on the contrary, the insufficient intake of dietary fiber.

Changed: 11.02.2019

Fiber - food fibers consisting of complex carbohydrates. These are components of food, which are not digested by digestive enzymes in the human stomach, but are processed by a useful intestinal microflora.

The fiber cleans the intestine from the residues, food products and toxins, it is considered an indispensable element in a healthy diet and has a mass of useful properties.

If the body is not periodically cleaned, then there is a stabbing, which threatens the development of various problems with the gastrointestinal tract, a sharp decrease in immunity, manifestation of allergies and irritations on the skin. By the way, many skin problems - acne, acne, solidity, Seborrhea is the result of a crude intestine. In this article you will learn what products contains fiber.

Beneficial features

So, what benefit is the food rich in fiber? The main useful property is to improve digestion and prevent constipation. This is especially important for women in position and nursing breasts.

During pregnancy, it is very important to establish the right job of the garter, so that the fruit does not experience pressure from the intestine. And during the breastfeeding period in the female organism, a hormonal failure occurs, the level of glucose in the blood increases somewhat.

A sufficient amount of fiber allows you to keep the level of sugar normally and get rid of harmful cholesterol.

The fiber is simply necessary for people who want to lose weight. There is an interesting nuance here: food rich in fiber, you need to chew longer, and this means that the brain is much earlier receiving a saturation signal, just do not want to eat.

What are views?

Food fibers are divided into 2 types:

  1. Soluble.
  2. Insoluble.

Soluble fibers are a fiber capable of dissolving in a liquid. This kind of dietary fiber contains the following products: fruits (apples, pears, peaches, citrus fruits), legumes (lentils, peas), grain (oats, barley, rye). The most famous component of such fiber is pectin. What is this substance? Pectin is in apples, red and black currant, citrus fruits, that is, in those fruits and berries, which are good to prepare a variety of glands (for example, natural apple grazing - useful food).

Insoluble fibers are necessary for full intestinal peristals.

They do not dissolve in the liquid and perfectly and quickly purify the intestines. This type of fiber contains all kinds of cabbage, greens, beans, nuts, bran.

What products contain these components of food?

So, you made sure that the fiber is very important for our body. Let's learn more about what products contain fiber.

Many fiber is contained in vegetables, fruits, legumes, grain. Products containing vegetable tissue:

  • Of course, vegetables: tomatoes, cucumbers, cabbage, carrots, swakes.
  • Fruits: pear, grapes, apple, peach, fig.
  • Dried fruits: raisins, prunes, kuraga.
  • Very greater than dietary fiber is contained in buckwheat, oatmeal, bran.

Please note that the products containing fiber must be used in a fresh form. In thermal processing, the fibers are modified and losing their valuable properties.

List of products in the amount of content of these beneficial fibers:

  • beans - 13%;
  • white rice and wheat - 9%;
  • ovens and barley - 8-10%;
  • almonds, hazelnuts, walnuts - 12-16%;
  • fresh vegetables - 3-7%;
  • berries (fiber is contained in large quantities in raspberries and blackberry) - 2-6%;
  • fruits and citrus fruits (record holders - bananas and peaches) - 6-11%.

Consumption rate

Improve the children's menu

Well, when the child eats absolutely everything, but it is rare. But the fiber is also very important for the children's body, as dietary fibers prevent the appearance of dysbiosis and help cope with constipation.

When should I start to include in the children's diet products containing fiber? Answer: From 9 months. Children aged from 9 months to 3 years each day should be eaten about 19 grams of fiber, and after 8 years - 26 grams. Remember that the food must be natural, without any additives. Try to adhere to the following recommendations:

  • We gradually add vegetables and fruits in different dishes for breakfast, lunch or dinner.
  • From 9 months, start the adrch with a variety of porridge, which are rich in fiber: corn, oatmeal, buckwheat.
  • From sweet, it is best to refuse. Take a rule in the intervals between foods to put a plate with a variety of fruit in a prominent place. Believe me, the result will not wait long for a long time. Instead of cookies, bull, the baby's sandwiches will be cut off with delicious slices of fruit.

Side Effects and Contraindications

The fiber is very useful for proper intestinal operation. But everything is good in moderation. It is not recommended to immediately use many products containing food fibers. Such food can lead to such troubles like meteorism, bloating or intestinal spasm.

The fiber must be introduced into the diet gradually. It is very important to establish drinking mode so that there is enough liquid in the intestines. If you do not follow this rule, then the abundance of nutritional fibers can provoke an indignant of the stomach or breaking of the gut. The optimal amount of water per day is 2-3 liters.

Right choice

Shops year-round offer us a wide selection of a wide variety of vegetables and fruits.

But it is worth remembering that not all of them are equally useful. Avocado, Mango, Pineapple, Bananas are grown too far from our place of residence. It takes a lot of time on their transportation, they are harvested immature and treated with chemicals to preserve the commodity type.

The best choice is seasonal vegetables and fruits that caused in the strip where you live. They are much more useful and nutritious overseas wonder. Try to buy products from proven suppliers, ask certificates of quality, and even better - grow a crop on your own site. So you will definitely confident in freshness and quality.

Fiberglass in food really plays a very important role in the body.

If it is not enough, problems with the stomach and intestines begin, the person gains weight and can not get rid of it for a long time, various rashes arise on the skin, allergic and torments depressed.

Fit the right thing themselves, teach children to healthy food from the small years. Remember that many illnesses will not appear at all if they take care of the most simple rules.