Dandelion salad: benefits, harm, recipes.

Sunny flower - dandelion. With the first rays of the spring sun, these bright flowers appear on city lawns. It turns out that they can not only be used to make beautiful bouquets and weave wreaths. Behind the fluffy inflorescences lies a huge benefit for the body. Do you want to improve your health or lose weight? Try the dandelion salad.

All about dandelions: benefits and harm

First of all, you need to mention a few words about the components, vitamins, micro- and macroelements that are part of the inflorescences, leaves and rhizomes of dandelion.

Dandelion contains the following elements in large quantities:

  • retinol;
  • B vitamins;
  • ascorbic and nicotinic acid.

If you study carefully chemical composition dandelion, then you will count at least a third of the elements from the periodic table. It is thanks to this unique component composition that plants, dandelion salads, decoctions and infusions are used to treat ailments:

  • renal and hepatic pathologies;
  • obesity;
  • diabetes;
  • anemia;
  • cholecystitis;
  • vascular pathologies;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • arthritis;
  • osteochondrosis.

Attention! During the period of exacerbation of cholecystitis symptoms, treatment with dandelion-based products is strictly prohibited.

Dandelion salad brings great benefits to mothers during lactation. Eating such a light salad will have a beneficial effect on the production of breast milk. People suffering from hay fever often introduce dandelion salads into their diet.

In addition, to beneficial properties dandelion inflorescences, roots and leaves, the following must be included:

  • strengthening immunity;
  • blood purification;
  • normalization of metabolic processes;
  • reduction of bad cholesterol levels;
  • prevention of the development of cancer.

Attention! People who are allergic to this product should avoid eating dandelion salads.

Dandelion treats should be introduced into the diet with caution or should be abandoned altogether if the following ailments develop:

  • gastritis;
  • ulcerative processes.

As soon as dandelions appear in the clearings, hurry to collect young leaves as soon as possible. You can make a delicious and low-calorie salad from them. Many chefs who have already tasted this dish claim that dandelion leaves taste like salad leaves.


  • 30 g dandelion leaves;
  • 50 g feathered green onions;
  • 15 g sorrel;
  • several tangerine slices;
  • parsley;
  • 1 boiled egg;
  • a mixture of peppers and salt to taste;
  • mayonnaise for dressing.


Advice! If the leaves are a little bitter, then they need to be soaked in saline solution and then rinse thoroughly.

Dandelion paradise: taste the flower

Many housewives prepare Dandelion salad. The recipe with the photo that you are about to read has nothing in common with the spring flower, except for the name. This salad is so called because it can be arranged in the shape of a dandelion. If you're ready for a culinary experiment, add dandelion leaves. Try how the dish tastes. By analogy, you can make a Dandelion salad with corn.


  • 7 pcs. boiled chicken eggs;
  • 150 ml table mayonnaise;
  • 150 g hard cheese;
  • a bunch of feather onions.


Advice! Two eggs can be left to decorate the salad.

On a note! You can add some dandelion leaves. It’s just better to collect young leaves.

Subtleties of the East

Oriental dishes are always famous for their spicy and unforgettable taste. Let's make Chinese dandelion salad. We will need fresh roots of this flower.

On a note! The salad is prepared by roasting vegetables and dandelion roots. It tastes like mushrooms, so it is best served warm.


  • 1 carrot;
  • 2-3 pcs. dandelion roots;
  • 2 tbsp. l. soy sauce;
  • 2 tbsp. l. refined vegetable oil.


  1. Peel the carrots, wash and chop into cubes. You can grate carrots.
  2. Wash and clean the dandelion roots thoroughly, removing soil particles.
  3. Cut the dandelion roots into cubes.
  4. Pour refined vegetable oil into a frying pan and add carrots.
  5. Saute the carrots over moderate heat.
  6. Once it is lightly fried, add the chopped dandelion roots and continue to fry.
  7. After 5-7 minutes we will add soy sauce. In general, preparing this salad takes 15 minutes.

Dandelion is also used for weight loss. You can cook various dietary dishes with dandelion leaves and roots. Many girls who watch their weight love salads with the addition of celery, tomatoes, cucumbers, and cabbage. Show your imagination and create your own culinary masterpiece.

Today we are preparing a dandelion salad. Vitamin recipes this unusual dish simple and accessible. The benefits and harms of the plant will be fully revealed in our study of its properties. We will also tell you about the best time to collect dandelion leaves so that you can eat them without fear.

You remember a salad made from dandelion leaves, when the warm rays of the sun soften the first young greens, and apricots begin to bloom in the gardens. These last days of May, warmed by the warmth of spring, are filled with a certain expectation of happiness. Happiness from the fact that winter has finally given up and yellow suns - gentle dandelions - have begun to bloom in all kinds of clearings and lawns. These first May flowers are amazing not only for their beauty. Their benefits for the human body are enormous, and the harm is minimal.

What do dandelion leaves taste like? When to collect them?

Dandelion leaves have a slightly bitter taste. This is what makes them original. It's easy to remove bitterness. You just need to fill the leaves cold water for half an hour. Some compare the taste of dandelions to young green onions.

You need to collect leaves for dandelion salad before they bloom, away from roads and industries. This is understandable: the minimum content of harmful chemicals will be in those plants that are collected in environmentally friendly places.

Dandelion salad with nuts. Vitamin recipe

A bunch of dandelion leaves, two slices of lemon, two cloves of garlic, one carrot, a spoonful of lemon juice, a bunch of sorrel, a handful of any nuts, olive oil for dressing.

Wash the dandelion leaves well and chop them. Mix garlic with lemon juice and zest. Grate the carrots on a fine grater. Wash the sorrel and chop it. Roast the nuts. Mix all ingredients, season olive oil, salt and pepper if desired. Decorate as your imagination dictates.

Dandelion leaf salad. Benefits and harms

The benefits of dandelion dishes

  • A storehouse of vitamins and minerals fights vitamin deficiency.
  • Dandelion salad improves metabolism and is good for diet.
  • Fights atherosclerosis and high cholesterol.
  • Helps with liver cirrhosis and kidney diseases: removes stones, cleanses bile.
  • Used to prevent edema.
  • Dandelion leaf salad increases appetite.
  • Strengthens bones, teeth, hair, nails.
  • Increases lactation.
  • Helps with insomnia, fights depression and blues.
  • Removes poisons and toxins.

The dangers of dandelion salad

  • may cause allergies;
  • harmful with high acidity;
  • It is not recommended to eat dandelion salad if you have gastritis or ulcers;
  • Eating too many dandelions can cause nausea and diarrhea.

Please yourself and your guests with freshness and novelty, pamper your loved ones with healthy and delicious dish you can by preparing a delicious salad from dandelion leaves “Rhapsody”. Proven recipe with step by step photos will reveal the cooking process in detail.

The soul sings, the heart rejoices: spring has come, there is more and more sun, its rays warm more and more. And how pleasant it is to look at the pure azure of the clear sky, the tender first greenery and the bright sunny flowers on it. I just want to eat it. Here we smile broadly, take scissors and go to harvest dandelion leaves for salad.

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The usefulness of a plant known to everyone, with the simple name dandelion, is greatly underestimated. Not every person can name at least one of its medical properties.

However, dandelion is recommended as a medicinal plant with a large number of vitamin supplements, and also as a faithful assistant in the fight against daily work stress. You can take this “medicine” with pleasure and with your whole family.

Healthy and tasty food is the goal of all housewives, but can dandelion compete with the regulars? home menu? Some simple recipes, will bring not only gastronomic variety, but also make up for the lack of vitamins.

Chinese version of the dish

Chinese cuisine has made good use of all kinds of vegetation for centuries. It is not surprising that dandelion dishes are also known there and are actively used as a healthy vegetable snack.

To make Chinese dandelion salad, you will need:

  • handful of dandelion leaves
  • peanuts a handful of roasted, peeled nuts
  • carrots, 1/2 pcs.
  • fresh ginger, to taste
  • sesame, 1 teaspoon
  • ground coriander and chili pepper
  • sugar to taste
  • garlic, 1 clove

To dress the dandelion salad:

  • oyster sauce 1 tbsp. spoon
  • lemon juice or natural Apple vinegar 2 tbsp. spoons
  • soy sauce 2 tbsp. spoons.

Rinse well and rid the leaves of moisture.

Wash the carrots too and pass through a fine grater.

Mix thinly sliced ​​plant leaves, chopped garlic and carrots, add finely grated ginger and spices.

For the dressing, mix all the ingredients and season the salad, let the salad soak and absorb the juice.

Despite the apparent simplicity of the recipe, Chinese salad is popular not only in home cooking, but also in restaurant cuisine.

Classic recipe

The classic salad with dandelion leaves is the simplest and most accessible to any housewife. The availability of all ingredients certainly made the recipe popular.

Dandelion dish ingredients:

  • Cucumber;
  • Dandelion leaves - one medium bunch;
  • Sunflower seeds - 1 tbsp. l. (can be replaced with almonds);
  • Crackers (preferably rye).

Salad dressing ingredients:

Let's move on to preparing the Dandelion salad recipe with visual photos.

Rinse salad greens in running water and dry.

Cut the cucumber into small slices without removing the peel (as a source of additional vitamins).

Stir the contents and add dressing sauce.

Generously decorate the resulting dish with seeds and crackers (nuts to taste are also suitable).

Despite its apparent simplicity, this salad is nutritious, healthy and always pleases the eye with its “spring mood”.

You can complicate your task by preparing the salad according to the video recipe below, but its taste will be even richer:

Spring salad “Sunny Dandelion”

For adults and children's bodies to recover from winter vitamin deficiency folk recipes offer many dandelion infusions. Their only drawback is that the bitter mixture is not to the taste of either the child or his parents.

A good and bright equivalent would be “folk” cooking with its abundance of tasty and beautiful dishes.

So, for a light and tasty salad “Sunny Dandelion” you need:

  • Dandelion leaves - a bunch of 100-150 g;
  • Dandelion flowers - several pieces;
  • Cucumbers - 3 pcs.;
  • Mayonnaise - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • Green onions - a bunch;
  • Boiled egg;
  • Pepper and salt.

You can start preparing with a family gathering healthy ingredients somewhere outside the gas-polluted city. Children can feel like real food providers by picking colorful flowers for a salad.

Please note that it is better to choose leaves for this dandelion salad recipe that are young and small in size.

Clean leaves are washed and cut as finely as possible, and cucumbers and onions are also cut finely. Add mayonnaise, egg, salt and pepper to the mixture.

Thanks to bright colors and grated egg, you can create a real homemade masterpiece.

And in this video we will show you a very simple salad that you can make every day in the spring, replenishing your body with valuable vitamins:

Recipe for vegetable salad with dandelion leaves

An obnoxious weed called dandelion may become king festive table and will greatly surprise even a sophisticated gourmet.

Meanwhile, there is nothing complicated in preparing a dandelion salad, and there is no need to spend money on purchasing it. In addition to this, when serving our salad, we recommend that you surprise your guests with the fact that dandelion is one of the components of the “elixir of eternal life.”

To prepare a vegetable “sunny” salad you will need:

  • Dandelion leaves - a small bunch;
  • Several slices of lemon - 1-2 slices;
  • A small clove of garlic;
  • Grated carrots - 1 tbsp;
  • Lemon juice - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • Sorrel - several leaves;
  • Chopped nuts;
  • Vegetable oil or low-fat mayonnaise.

Let's start cooking vegetable salad from soaking the leaves of the plant. Then dry the greens and chop them into small pieces.

Next, take a small clove of garlic and crush it together with salt, add chopped lemon slices (save the skin for a piquant taste and smell). Combine all the ingredients in a deep salad bowl, adding carrots and sorrel there.

Vitamin lovers can decorate the dish with a portion of nuts. The dressing consists of lemon juice and vegetable oil; you can replace it with low-fat mayonnaise to taste.

The bright yellow doctor, which many gardeners are guilty of, actually has magical healing powers. By the way, in France, dandelions are grown on plantations.

They are lovingly added to wine, marinades, jam and even coffee. This happens because the French love not only healthy, but also delicious food.

The benefits and harms of dandelion salad

Dandelion leaf salad is considered healthy food for people who suffer from the following diseases:

  1. Vascular diseases. Dandelion juice effectively cleanses blood vessels of atherosclerotic plaques and improves blood properties.
  2. Pathologies of the liver or kidneys. This product removes toxins, eliminates swelling and has a restorative effect.
  3. Osteochondrosis, radiculitis, arthritis. Natural antibiotic and antioxidants ensure the restoration of damaged joint tissue.
  4. Anemia and vitamin deficiency. Useful substances included in the composition medicinal plant, increase the defenses of the immune system.
  5. Diabetes mellitus and other endocrine diseases. With frequent consumption of dandelion salad, the carbohydrate content is regulated.
  6. Skin lesions. The product helps eliminate rashes as a result of an allergic reaction, boils and warts.

In addition, when taking this medicine daily, the reproduction and growth of pathogenic microorganisms is reduced. It is also recommended to eat this salad with helminthiasis.

Due to its composition, dandelion increases the production of mother's milk, so it is recommended to use it during breastfeeding.

Dandelion salad is an effective remedy for the prevention of cancer and diabetes. In addition, it is recommended for people who want to lose weight.

Contraindications to the use of the plant are individual intolerance and gastritis, stomach or duodenal ulcers. In addition, the plant is not allowed to be consumed by patients with gallstone disease.

How to make dandelion salad

There are a large number of recipes made from the roots, leaves and flowers of the plant. The salad can be prepared with the addition of other medicinal herbs(parsley, dill, nettle), with fruits and vegetables, cheese and cottage cheese, as well as boiled meat. In any case, such a dish will not only be healthy, but also very tasty.

It is advisable to season the salad with sour cream, honey, lemon juice or unrefined oil. The combination of dandelions with these ingredients promotes better absorption of nutrients.

Dandelion salad recipe “Vitamin”

This diet salad improves metabolic processes and strengthens the immune system. It is made from the leaves of the plant. Calorie content is no more than 50 calories per 100 grams of dish.

The following products are used for preparation:

  • 100 g dandelions (leaves);
  • a bunch of onions;
  • 1-2 ;
  • celery (to taste);
  • spices (optional).

Step-by-step preparation:

When the leaves of the plant are young, soaking is not required, since there is no bitterness in them.

Can be added to this dish For better taste wine vinegar, mustard or honey. Delicious salad It will work if you grind sunflower seeds, crackers or almonds into it.

Salad with nettles and dandelions

Dandelion and nettle salad is considered a healthy snack for people who suffer from various diseases. For it you need to prepare the following products:

  • 0.5 kg of nettle;
  • 200 g sorrel;
  • 20 g dandelion (flowers and leaves);
  • 30 g plantain leaves;
  • 20 g green onions;
  • half an egg;
  • 10 g radishes;
  • 1 tablespoon vegetable oil;
  • spices.

To prepare this salad you need:

  1. Grind all the greens using a meat grinder.
  2. Add chopped egg to the resulting mixture.
  3. Season the salad with vegetable oil and place in a heap in a dish.
  4. It is recommended to decorate the dish with radish slices.

This salad is considered tasty and nutritious. It is recommended to be used for any disease associated with a weakened immune system.

The best time to prepare this salad is spring. At this time, the ingredients are juicier and more nutritious.

To prepare a salad in French, you need to add a little sugar, chopped slices of loaf and other medicinal herbs infused in vinegar.

Chinese salad

Chinese dandelion salad is a nutritious snack for people who lead a healthy lifestyle.

To prepare it, you need the following products:

  • 0.5 kg dandelion (leaves);
  • 1 clove of garlic;
  • 1 carrot;
  • 2 tablespoons soy sauce;
  • any vegetable oil.

Step-by-step instructions for preparation:

You should use a plant that grew away from the road and industrial plants. It is recommended to collect leaves in sunny and dry weather.

Dandelion is a medicinal plant that is used to make wine, jam and other dishes. The most useful salad is considered to be one that can be prepared different ways. In any case, such a snack is healthy and widely used in folk medicine for the treatment and prevention of many diseases.

Dishes from fresh vegetables very helpful. Not less benefit in salads prepared from young dandelions and their roots with the addition of wild herbs. This is a storehouse of vitamins for humans.

Dandelion salad with plantain and burdock

This is delicious fresh salad, to which plantain, burdock, wheatgrass and nettle are added. The calorie content of a dish made from dandelion roots is 222 kcal.


  • spices to taste;
  • 100 g dandelion with roots;
  • nettle with upper stems and leaves – 100 g;
  • burdock with roots and leaves – 100 g;
  • 50 g each of wheatgrass with roots, dill, parsley;
  • plantain leaves – 100 g;
  • green onion – 50 g;
  • 500 ml. water;
  • 80 ml. grows oils.


  1. Rinse all herbs, especially the roots, in water.
  2. Place all herbs and plants in salted water for two hours to prevent the salad from becoming bitter.
  3. Boil half portions of nettle, dandelion, burdock, wheatgrass and plantain in water for 10 minutes and leave to steep for two hours.
  4. Scald the remaining half of these plants with boiling water and chop finely, setting aside the roots.
  5. Cool the infused herbs and chop them too, setting aside the roots.
  6. Finely chop the dill with parsley and onion and add to the salad.
  7. Mix everything, add spices and oil.
  8. Boil the roots, chop finely. You can add them to a salad or to vegetable or meat dishes.

Cooking takes 4 hours 30 minutes. Makes six servings.

Useful decoction, which remains from plants and their roots, you can drink 30 ml daily. 15 minutes before meals. Store the decoction in a cool place.

Dandelion salad with egg

If you want to cook hearty salad from young dandelions with nettles, add boiled eggs. The dish takes 20 minutes to prepare.

Required ingredients:

  • two eggs;
  • cucumber;
  • spices to taste;
  • growing oil;
  • 200 g each of dandelion and nettle leaves;
  • a bunch of parsley.

Cooking steps:

  1. Boil the eggs, wash all the greens and trim the roots.
  2. Cut the eggs and cucumbers into cubes, chop all the greens.
  3. Combine ingredients and season with oil and spices.


  • two cucumbers;
  • 100 g of dandelion leaves and dandelion leaves.


  1. Soak dandelion leaves and honey leaves for half an hour in salted water.
  2. Wash the leaves and chop.
  3. Cut the cucumbers into circles, combine all the ingredients and add some spices and vegetable oil.

Only 132 kcal. Preparing a salad of dandelions and honeydew takes 35 minutes.

Required ingredients:

  • 50 g dandelion root
  • dandelion leaves – 100 g;
  • parsley – 25 g;
  • egg;
  • spices to taste;
  • two cloves of garlic;
  • one tbsp. l. vegetable oils;
  • lemon juice – 1 tsp.

Preparation step by step:

  1. Cut into circles boiled egg, chop the parsley.
  2. Wash the roots and leaves of dandelions and soak in salted water for half an hour.
  3. Grind the roots, chop the leaves, crush the garlic.
  4. Mix the ingredients, add oil, lemon juice and spices.

Makes 2 servings of dandelion root salad. The dish contains 624 kcal.